Sensitivity As The Ability To Perceive and Interpret Children's

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An overview of all American studies with non-clinical samples (21
samples with a total of 1,584 infants, conducted between 1977 and
1990) shows that about 67% of the infants were classified as secure,
21% as insecure-avoidant and 12% as insecure-ambivalent.5 A
central issue in attachment theory and research is what causes
some infants to develop an insecure attachment relationship while
other infants feel secure.
Attachment and It’s Agents
One factor that can contribute to Attachment is Parental
sensitivity as the ability to perceive and interpret children’s
attachment signals correctly and respond to these signals promptly
and adequately. Lack of responsiveness or inconsistent sensitivity
has indeed been found to be associated with insecurity in children,
and consistent sensitive responsiveness with secure bonds.However
according to Harris (1998) who believes that parents do not shape
their child's personality or character. A child's Peers have more
influence on them than their parents. For example, take children
whose parents were immigrants. ... Children learn these things from
their peers because they want to fit in (Harris, 1998). Demographic
risk factors, is also found to be associated with building the
attachment, especially if accumulated may effect the development of
attachment, presumably through their proximal or distal influence on
parenting . Income and family size, parental age and education, major
stressful events, such as loss of a parent, birth of a sibling,
severe illness, marital relationships and breakdown affect the
quality of attachment relationships. (Gervai 2009)

The following shows the impact of Attachment to an infant:

Cultural differences

Parents and relatives are expected to help foster a person’s aspirations to help them
reach their full potential. However, Germans are also generally encouraged to be self-
reliant throughout childhood so that they are prepared to be independent as adults.
Most children move out of their parents’ home when they go to university or as soon
as they are in a financial position to do so. (Nina Evason, 2017)

.Harris, for example, claims that there is an urgent need to

radically rethink and de-emphasize the role of parents in child
development. Plomin9 more recently argued that parents matter but do
not make a difference in shaping their children’s developmental
trajectories –except at conception.
(Van 2019)

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