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Histologic Variants of Ameloblastoma : A case series

Redy Pristanto Putra1, Okky Prasetio2, and David Buntoro Kamadjaja3

Resident of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Head of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Division, Dr. Moh. Soewandhie General Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
Head of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department,Faculty of Dental Medicine, UniversitasAirlangga,
Surabaya, Indonesia,,

Ameloblastoma is the second most common intraosseous benign odontogenic tumor usually affecting the posterior region of mandible, is slowly
growing, locally invasive, epithelial odontogenic of the jaw with a high rate to recurrence. This is a lesion whose clinical and radiographical
features are similar to all the variants, and a definitive diagnosis is achieved by histopathology only. Ameloblastoma has histologicall patterns,
these pattern are follicular, plexiform, acanthomatous and granular cell. other less common histological variants are clear cell and desmoplastic
cells. Variants with more than one histological pattern for the same ameloblastoma could show, depending on the direction and degree of
differentiation of tumor cells. Here we present a serial case with more than one type of histologic variants of conventional ameloblastoma seen.

Keyword :Ameloblastom,Variants,histological pattern


Ameloblastomas are neoplasms that have
inspired great controversy and clinical interest; their CASE 1
incidence, radiographic features, treatment and
behavior are still discussed quite often in the 45 year old, a female patient, with complaints
literature.1 The World Health Organization defined of a lump on the right cheek since 1 year ago,
ameloblastoma as a benign but locally aggressive initially the mass is small but gradually grows larger.
tumor with a high tendency to recure, consisting of The mass is settled, never deflated, no complaints of
proliferating odontogenic epithelium lying in a previous tooth pain, no discharge from the mass, no
fibrous stroma.2 history of trauma. The patient claimed there were no
Ameloblastomas constitute almost half other lumps in other part of the body, no significant
(48.9%) of the odontogenic tumors with female : weight loss in the past 3 months. Patients denied
male and maxilla : mandible ratios of 1:1.7 and 1:8 having other systemic diseases.
respectively. It‘s a neoplasm with variable clinical From the clinical examination it was found
expression and accounts for 1% of all cysts/tumors that the general condition of the patient was good,
of jaws and 18% of all odontogenic neoplasm.3 It is compost mentis, cooperative, and vital signs are
a true neoplasm of enamel organ type tissue which normal. On extra oral examination (Figure 1A) this
does not undergo differentiation to the point of patient presented with facial asymmetry, mass in the
enamel formation.4 right mandibular region, diffuse borders, color equal
Numerous cases presented have thrown light on to surrounding tissue, dense elasticity consistency,
the variety of histological variants and patterns seen no fistula, no tenderness in palpation, no enlarged
in ameloblastoma, that may create diagnostic lymph nodes, inferior border of the mandible was
challenges. Follicular and plexiform are the main still palpable.
histological variants. In this case series, we report
two patients of ameloblastoma with pattern of the
tumor histological picture are predominantly
follicular differentiation, along with plexiform and
acantomatous cell type showing.
2 Chapter Error! No text of specified style in document.

Incisional biopsy was carried out and tissue

samples were taken from 2 sites, HPA examination
was cystic degeneration tissue, ameloblastoma
(acanthomatous, follicular and plexiform type) was
obtained in the second tissue. Right
hemimandibulectomy was done with Costochondral
Graft and Stabilize with miniplate.

Figure 3. The resected mandible involved in tumor,

(A) hemimandibulectomy specimen (B) Tumor

Figure 1. (A) Preoperative clinical photographs Results showed various type of

showing enlargement of the right mandible. (B) Intra Ameloblastoma (Follicular, Plexiform, and
Acanthomatous) with the margin of the medial
oral photos. Swelling on the buccal side of the right
resection free of tumors.
mandibular region.
Intra-oral examination (Figure 1B) showed
mass from the distal of the second right premolar to 31 year old, a male patient, with complaints
the right mandibular ramus ascendens, clear borders, of swelling in right lower jaw since past 2 years ago.
6x7x6 cm in size, firm consistency, the same color Swelling was gradual in onset, slowly progressed
as the surrounding tissue, no lingual mass expansion, since this years to attain the present size and was not
no fistula, no ulcer, no tenderness in palpation. associated with pain, no discharge from the mass, no
OPG reviewed (Figure 2) show unilocular history of trauma. Had a FNAB examination at the
radiolucency in the posterior mandibular region with Soewandhie public hospital past year. The patient
inferior border of the mandible was still intact. On claimed there were no other lumps in other part of
FNAB of examination the nodule in the right the body, no significant weight loss in the past 3
mandibular region, indicated benign cystic lesion, months. Patients didn’t have profile of other
which can be found in Ameloblastoma. systemic disease.
From the clinical examination it was found
that the general condition of the patient was good,
compost mentis, cooperative, and vital sign normal.
On extraoral examination, facial asymmetry was
seen. A well defined swelling was present on the
right lower region of the mandible. The swelling was
extending anteriorly to the right corner of the mouth
and posteriorly to the right angle of mandible region,
superiorly 3 cm below the zygoma and inferiorly to
Figure 2. Preoperative panoramic x-ray showing. the inferior border of the mandible. Skin over the
Unilocular radiolucency in the posterior mandibular swelling appeared normal without any secondary
region until the mandibular ascending ramus, changes (figure 9). Normal skin color, ,no fistula, no
inferior border of the mandible was still intact ulcer.On palpation, the swelling was non tender,
clear borders, 7x5x2.5 cm in size , firm to hard in
consistency with with few soft spots in several parts.
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Same temperature as the surrounding tissue, no mass distal aspect of 48,displaced teeth 37 and 38. The
expansion, border of right mandible is not palpable. inferior alveolar nerve canal was displaced
No tenderness in palpation, no paresthesia in right downward, and mandibular bone destruction with
buccal, mentale, and labial region. Enlarged of inferior border of mandible in region 46 to 47 was
regional lymp nodes 1 cm in size, firm in ballooning out and not intact. CT scan review
consistence, mobile with no pain. revealed solid lesion 8,5 x 5 x 5 cm in mentale to
ramus mandible dextra with destruction that area.


Figure 5. Preoperative panoramic photo of the

mandibular mass, shows multilocular radiolucency,
root resorption and mandibular bone destruction
with inferior border of mandible was not intact

Fine needle aspiration biopsy was carried out

and the puncture were taken from the nodul in the
ramus mandible dextra, benign cystic degeneration
tissue was found. Then an incisional biopsy was
Figure 4. (A) Preoperative clinical photographs carried out, and tissue samples were taken from 3
showing enlargement of the right mandible. (B) Intra sites. Ameloblastoma (follicular, acantomathous,
oral photos appear swelling on the buccal side of the and plexiform type) was obtained in the all tissue.
right mandibular region. Right hemimandibulectomy was done with
Costochondral Graft and Stabilize with
Intraorally, a diffused swelling was present in reconstruction plate.
the buccal aspect of teeth 33, 36, 37, 38, and
extending to lingual area. diffuse borders, hiperemi
to surrounding tissue, no fistula, no ulcer. On
palpation, swelling was non tender, clear borders,
7x5x2.5 cm in size , firm to hard in consistency
with few soft spots in mandible posterior region 44-
46.Uneven surface, same temperature as the
surrounding tissue. Clinically teeth 42, 43, 48 were
Incisional biopsy was carried out and the
HPA examination results were taken from 2 sites,
showed Cystic Degeneration tissue, Ameloblastoma
(Acanthomatous, Follicular and Plexiform Type) Figure 6. The resected mandible involved in tumor
was obtained in the second tissue. (A) hemimandibulectomy specimen (B) Tumor
OPG reviewed (October 25, 2019) showed dissected
well defined multilocular radiolucency with buccal
and lingual cortical expansion in relation to teeth 33 4 DISCUSSION
- 48. Edentoulos in region 43 – 47 Panoramic
radiograph revealed well defined multilocular The ameloblastoma is a histologically almost
radiolucency with coarse and curved internal always benign odontogenic tumour of the jaw bones.
septation, extending from distal aspect of teeth 33 to In 2017, the classification of these lesions underwent
4 Chapter Error! No text of specified style in document.

modifications in terminology with the introduction

of prospective views based on updates in current
genetic studies. WHO 2017 classification divided
ameloblastoma based on clinical and radiographic
characteristics, histopathology, behavioral and
subtypes or variants into four categories;
conventional, unicystic, extraosseous / peripheral,
and metastasizing ameloblastoma. The solid/
multicystic term was discarded, as it could be
confused withthe unicystic type. Desmoplastic
ameloblastoma was also reclassified as a histological
subtype and not as aclinical-pathological entity. 1
Conventional ameloblastoma is the most common,
representing 85% of all ameloblastomas, It can be
divided into follicular, plexiform, acanthomatous B
and granular cell morphological patterns. other less
common histological variants are clear cell and Figure 7 (A) (B). HPA result for case 1. The
desmoplastic cells.In general, one-third of the presence of more than one histological subtype
conventional type has a plexiform pattern, one-third conventional ameloblastoma. It presenting multiple
a follicular pattern, and the remaining third patterns :
corresponds to the other variants. Its biological (1)Follicular type of islands with Peripheral palisade
behavior is considered more aggressive due to its and central reticulum stellate pattern. Squamous
higher incidence of recurrence.11 metaplasia formation.
Ameloblastoma consists of a proliferation of (2) Central squamous metaplasia with fibrous stroma
solid strands, cords and islands of odontogenic surrounding suggestive of acanthomatous
epithelium supported by connective tissue stroma, transformation.
This proliferating epithelium can undergo cystic (3) Appear stranded basal cell image of Plexiform
changes. the histopathological features of type Ameloblastoma
ameloblastoma include hyperchromasia, palisading
and reverse polarization of the basal nuclei of the HPA examination result Histological picture
epithelial cells with vacuolization of the cytoplasm. with more than one histological subtype
Ameloblastoma shows a variety of histological conventional ameloblastoma . It presenting multiple
patterns depending on the direction and degree of patterns, follicular, acantomathous, and plexiform.
differentiation of tumor cells. The histological In the study conducted by Fulco GM et al. 14 75.5%
classification of these lesions was based on the most of the solid lesions ameloblastomas ( now it means
predominant subtype, considering that the presence conventional ameloblastoma) included were made
of more than one histological subtype was observed. up by more than one histological pattern. Similiarly,
The etiologic factors described relate to the onset of in the study carried out by Adeline et al. 15 68.6% of
the lesion after a local trauma, inflammation, the solid revealed more than one histological pattern.
nutritional deficiencies, mutations and/or molecular Nonetheless, only 16.1% and 19.7% of the solid
alterations, where different signaling pathways lesions evaluated by Reichart, et al. and Kim and
participate.1 Jang16, respectively, showed more than one
histological type. According to Adebiyi et al., and
Waldron and El-Mofty, ameloblastomas, especially
the large ones, are made up of numerous histological
patterns.9 Although there are various
histopathological types of Ameloblastoma, it is
known that they do not affect the biological
behavior of the neoplasm. It is currently accepted
that there is no relationship between histological
pattern and tumor prognosis. In addition, it is not
A uncommon for the same ameloblastoma to present
different histological patterns.19

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