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Education System of Pakistan: Is it delivering?

No nation can claim to be sovereign and independent in the true sense unless its
population is educated and literate. An uneducated populace can neither understand
national interest nor can play an active role in nation building. The only way to gain
success and glory is to get education both at individual and national level.

Pakistan came into being on 14 August, 1947 and since that day, our successive
governments focused on defence needs of the country as their first priority because our
eastern border was quite vulnerable to Indian aggression. So, it was the need of the
hour to raise a strong defence force to counter the nefarious designs of the enemy
against dear motherland. For this, every government allocated huge funds from the
budget to meet the defence requirements of the country. As a result, from day one, the
government was compelled to shift its focus on the defence of the country neglecting
the foremost need of the country to adequately educate the people of the country.

Article 25-A of Constitution of Pakistan requires the state to provide free and
compulsory quality education to children from 5 to 16 years of age. “The State shall
provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years
in such a manner as may be determined by law”.

In Pakistan, there are three education systems that run parallel to one another. First is
government-run education system where children from middle or lower middle class are
educated. Second is private education system also known as English medium
institutions where children from elite class are educated. Third one is madressa
education system where children from marginalized or poor classes are educated.
These three disparate education systems are producing students with different thinking
and ideologies which are to a great extent in clash with one another. For example, those
who are educated from elite or English medium institutions are labelled as liberal and
agents of the west while those who are educated from madressas are dubbed as
fundamentalists and extremists. A country which has not a uniformed education polices
and system will take the consequences in shape of rising tides of anarchy, chaos,
fanaticism, sectarianism and extremism as is witnessed in Pakistan on daily basis.

The government of Pakistan has failed to implement uniformed education system all
through the country and as a result, we see mushrooming growth of educational
institutions beyond the purview of the state policies. It is sad and tragic to note that our
education system is creating divides, injustice and inequality in the society instead of
acting as a catalyst for unification of the society.

Our successive governments have failed to realize the importance and power of an
educated society which will automatically reach the pinnacle of glory and success. One
the one hand, our state education is very miserable and pathetic and on the other hand,
the state could not enforce a uniform education system which has resulted in the
feelings of ethnicity, provincialism and racism. Our education system could not cultivate
the feelings of unity and harmony in the society. Today, we are at each others’ throats
at the drop of a hat. We have subordinated national interest to racial, ethnic, provincial
or individual interest. Our federating units are at dagger’s drawn over small and petty
maters. Sadly speaking, our nation stands directionless and aimless. We are victimised
by vested interests. Our precious national resources are plundered by foreign powers
and we have turned a blind eye towards them. All this happens only because our
masses are largely illiterate and ignorant.

Unless and until we reform our education system and policies, Pakistan will keep
lagging behind in the comity of advanced and developed nations. We will have to
enforce uniformed education system for the whole country. We will have to promote our
national language as a tool for change. The government should declare education
emergency and allocate maximum resources for educating the nation. Once we achieve
100 percent literacy rate, our economy and defence will automatically be strengthened.

Pakistan’s Justice System, Success or Failure

Since our school-going years, we have been familiar with maxims like these, “Justice
delayed is justice denied”. “Do justice even if heaven falls”. Justice keeps balance and
order in a society and gears it towards prosperity and progress. While an unjust society
cannot even imagine to prosper and progress because it collapses sooner or later due
primarily to its unjust order and practices.

Pakistan inherited its legal justice system from the British after partition of the sub-
continent into two independent states namely Pakistan and India. The British kept their
rule on the premise of divide and rule and most of their policies revolved round this
premise as a cornerstone.

In Pakistan, the supreme court of Pakistan constitutionally is the highest body of justice
system and is responsible for regulating the legal justice system of the country. It is the
final authority to which appeals can be filed and its judgment is considered
constitutionally and legally absolute and final. No appeal can be filed against its decision
and its verdict cannot be challenged. There are other lower courts namely provincial
courts and then session courts which dispense justice at the lower level.

In Pakistan, people seem, to a large extent, dissatisfied with the legal justice system of
the country. They have to buy justice at high cost and ,that too, after a long patient wait
and delay.

The litigants are mostly illiterate people and our justice system affords no opportunity for
these poor souls to get cheap justice and as a result, they are fleeced by lawyers who
capatalize on any opportunity to mint money. Through continuous and nagging
adjournment motions, the cases are drawn to such an extent that the original petitioners
generally pass away and their descendants follow these cases endlessly.
In any justice system the role of police is both crucial and vital. In our country, the very
sight of a policeman draws hatred and derision from the public. Pakistani police is hevily
politicized and generally geared to serve the political bosses.

Our police department is notorious for inefficiency, corruption and toadyism. If you have
first-hand experience of going to a police station, you would know the hassels involved
in the process of getting an FIR registered. First, you would enter the premises of a
police station fearing the guards appointed at the entrance. The very look of these
officials arouses sense of fear and a feeling that you yourself may be locked in jail at
any moment. You would beg them to inform you whether the saab (SHO) is present in
the station or not and in many cases you would have to grease the palm of these dutiful
officials to get access to the SHO. After meeting the saab (SHO), you would narrate
your hard-luck-story and would want an FIR registered. If your opposing party is an
influential one, you would cry in the wilderness for getting the FIR filed. The saab (SHO)
will pressurize you to shun the case and force you to compromise on some give and
take. It happens in murder and other serious cases where the accused is likely to get
hanged or serve life imprisonment.

In civil courts, the situation is worse. A maxim goes in our courts that, to get justice,
litigants should hire a good judge instead of a good lawyer. The poor and uneducated
strata of our society is the most hit and marginalized class. They have to spend life-time
savings as fees for lawyers to buy justice. In a county where people have to buy justice
and litigants have to wait for generations for the final settlement of their cases, such a
society sooner or later noosedives into abyss of decadence and degeneration. The
above mentioned situation paints a very gloomy picture of our justice system which has
been unsuccessful to deliver as per needs and aspirations of the public.

Here are some suggestions to reform and streamline our justice system.

Firstly, our police department should be depoliticised and purged of corrupt elements.
The police should be modernized and equipped with latest technology to detect
criminals successfully.

Secondly, our police should be brought up with moral training. They should consider
themselves as public servants and not masters.

Thirdly, our court system needs judicial reforms. Cases should be heard on merit and
there should be a specific time frame for the settlement of cases. Cases should not
linger on for generations.

Fourthly, the government should set up a free judicial assistance service which will
ensure to provide legal help to those poor litigants who cannot afford exorbitant fees of

Fifthly, the government should set up more courts at district and Tehsil level to provide
cheap and speedy justice at grassroots level.
The Curse of dowry
Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her husband. It is a custom
prevalent in almost all societies of the world. This custom which has turned into a curse
has spread its tentacles alarmingly to the detriment of the marginalized classes of the

Many young girls belonging to poor classes either remain unmarried or even if they get
married, are ill-treated by their in-laws for not bringing enough dowries with them.

We hear and read many cases of young brides getting burnt alive, forced to commit
suicide or getting divorced only because they could not afford to bring big dowry with
them. In the present age, this menace has assumed alarming proportions and the
situation calls for urgent steps to its solution.

In the following paragraphs we shall try to trace the origin and spread of dowry in
different parts of the world and present proposals and suggestions to its effective
redressal at the end.

It is a misconception that the custom of dowry originated in upper caste Hindu families.
This custom is found to a large extent in many parts of the world. It has spread more
abominably in the countries of the subcontinent like India, Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh, Pakistan,etc. Although, in India dowry has been declared unlawful in 1961,
yet there is no let-up in this curse to date. According to National Crime Records Bureau
in India, a bride is burnt for dowry every 58 minutes. In Pakistan, the situation is also
very dismal and appalling. Pakistan also has a law regarding dowry like The West
Pakistan Dowry Act which was enforced in 1967. But, this law was replaced by the
Dowry and Bridal Gift Restriction Act 1976.This act has jurisdiction over all the citizens
of Pakistan. It stipulates that the value of dowry should not go beyond 5000 rupees.
Moreover, clause seven of the Act provides that the list of dowry items should be
exhibited and communicated to the marriage registrar. The sad part of the story is that
Pakistan being a Muslim-dominant country is not immune to this menace. There is no
concept of dowry in Islam. Some people, out of ignorance, may point out that the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) also gave dowry to his daughter, Hazrat Fatima(R.A) when she was
married to Hazrat Ali(R.A). The fact of the matter is that this dowry included very simple
household items of daily use and not very costly things. And there is no record or
evidence that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave dowry to his other daughters at the time of
their marriage.

In Pakistani Muslim society, this evil is so deeply rooted that nowadays it has taken the
shape of a lucrative business. People are often found desirous of marrying their sons
from those families that can afford to give sizeable amount of dowry.

How tragic it is that most often a girl’s personal qualities and qualifications are simply
eclipsed and ignored when it is discovered that she belongs to a poor family and would
not bring huge dowry. Hence, her prospects of marriage are diminished and she stands
rejected most often.

This menace leaves deep psychological scars on the victims especially young girls
belonging to poor strata of society.

The question automatically and naturally arises as to how long this cruelty and diseased
mentality will continue to take its toll on poor souls. How long will we seal our lips to bow
to this monster? Now is the time to stand up against this menace.

Here are a few steps to reverse this monstrous trend.

First of all, our educated lot should come forward and take the initiative to bring an end
to this custom. Boys belonging to elite families should lead the way by refusing to
accept dowry from their would-be wives. This courageous step will set the trend to be
followed by others.

Secondly, the government can act as a catalyst to ensure that anti-dowry laws are
strictly followed by all and sundry.

Our moneyed class should play a pro-active role by encouraging simplicity and austerity
in the society. The masses may take lesson and may emulate this trend.

The above mentioned steps, if implemented in true letter and spirit, will pave the way for
the removal of this curse and will bring revolution in the society and countless daughters
of the poor will be saved from suffering mental trauma and agony. Their lives will be
transformed into oasis of happiness and conjugal bliss.

Are Modern Wars not Holy?

Thesis Statement: The politico-economic interests of states – behind the contemporary
combats – to topple unfavorable governments abroad, to seek easy trade deals, to
utilize natural resources across the world and to establish a desired world order make
the modern wars not the holy wars.

Body Paragraphs

1. Political Interests behind the Modern Wars prevent them from being the Holy Wars.
(A) U.S led war in the Middle East is meant for establishing a favorable political scenario
in the region.
(B) Russia, Turkey and Iran are fighting modern war in Syria to achieve regional political
(C) Saudi Arabia is fighting modern war in Yemen because of securing its political
influence in that country.

2. Economic Interests make Modern Wars different from the Holy Wars
(A) States are fighting modern wars to seek control over natural resources.
– U.S. is still fighting its war in Iraq to exploit the latter’s oil.
– China and U.S. are engaging themselves in hostility in Africa for the sake of holding
this region’s natural resources.
(B) Modern Wars are for trade and commercial interests rather than any holy agenda.
– U.S. and China are engaging in an undeclared war of ideas in South East Asia to
maintain exclusive commercial hegemony.

3. Modern Wars are the combats against an ideology of terror not against any religion
thus remaining apart from the Holy Wars.
(A) Modern wars hit the terrorism.
(B) Modern Wars are not against any religion including Islam.
(C) Modern Wars are against the idea of spreading terror.

Modern Wars are different from Holy Wars. Unlike the latter, the former is much more
derived by politico-economic interests of the states rather than any religious or divine

The Essay:
Existence of wars can be traced back to the point when competition and conflict
emerged as social concepts running parallel with cooperation. Human societies and
nations have fought wars on various grounds i.e. religious, political and economic. The
wars fought on religious basis were termed as Holy Wars which are quite different from
the Modern Wars being witnessed today. Unlike the Holy Wars, Modern Wars remain
considerably political and economic in nature. These are not derived by any pure
religious rivalry or agenda. Nation states are indulged in fighting these wars to secure
their politico-strategic interests, to protect their investments, to seek maximum benefits
out of other countries’ governments and the trade opportunities available. Besides that,
the combat against terrorism is another idea that overwhelms the Modern Wars thus
making them apart from the Holy Wars.

Starting with the politico-strategic interests lying behind the modern wars, it can be
clearly noted that the holy wars are totally a different thing. This is the world of nation-
states. Each of these states maintain specific political interests attached with the
developments across the globe. There are strategic interests nourished by the modern
nations to have a conducive political environment in different regions. Amid these
complexities, these nations cooperate when required but also fight wars when desired.
Examples of such modern wars driven by politico-strategic interests are apparent. Take
U.S-led wars being fought in the Middle Eastern nations of Syria and Iraq. These wars
are not against the religion prevailing in the said region but to secure strategic leverage
and political hold there. U.S. desires a pro-American Middle Eastern regime. That’s why
it topples and install governments in the name of democracy. All this makes its modern
wars different from the traditional concept of Holy Wars which used to be purely
religious like Crusades. In another example, consider the presence of Russia, Turkey
and Iran in the Syrian civil war. These states are present and actively engaged in Syrian
war to secure their political interest of regional influence, hold and dominance against
the United States of America. Thirdly, take into consideration Saudi Arabia fighting its
modern war against the Houti rebels in Yemen. The reason behind this engagement of
Saudi Kingdom in Yemen is rarely motivated by a religion or holy spirit but that of pure
strategic interest. This helps understand the modern wars as not holy wars.

Second thing that renders modern wars separate from the holy wars is economic and
commercial arenas of interests. States are engaged in trade within and outside its
borders. Powerful nations tend to secure their economic interests abroad through the
pacific tools of concessions and aid. But they also revert to combative measures
sometimes for this purpose. For instance, U.S. is still ensuring its military presence in
Iraq not because of fighting any holy combat but to hold the country’s natural resources
and exploit the maximum economic benefit from them. Similarly, China and the United
States of America are contesting in an undeclared and informal combat in Africa to
control the region’s natural resources for the future use and excessive economic value.
This clearly makes these modern wars differentiated from the holy wars which are
fought for a religious purpose. In another aspect, modern wars are being fought to have
access to the free trade deals and to establish economic hegemony. That is what has
been witnessed in the South-East Asia in the recent months. US and China have come
at daggers drawn to maintain an economic hegemony in the said region. Southeast
Asia, being the home of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is hub of
economic activity. This brings U.S. and China – the two top world powers – in a
contention of modern nature which is not holy in any way.

Lastly, the modern war against terrorism makes the contemporary combats different
from the holy wars. The latter were fought for propagation or suppression of a religion.
This is not the case with the modern fight on terrorism that is not against any religion or
religious ideology. In fact, these are against the thinking of terror-spreading through
excessive use of violence. Modern wars on terrorism being fought in Afghanistan,
Middle East and to some extent in Europe and Africa are completely different from what
is called as holy war. In such wars the enemy is murdering humanity. Thus, it makes no
sense whether he is a Muslim or a Christian. Further, it gives him a new identity of a
terrorist. This justifies a modern war against him which works not on religious basis but
in the grounds of saving humanity from terror.

In conclusion, wars are a reality. But they vary in their very nature defined by the
agenda being pursued behind them. When the agenda is religious, they are termed as
holy wars and when the agenda became economic, political and strategic; they are
called Modern Wars. Today, the world is experiencing the modern wars which rarely
have anything to do with the religious mindset. Nation states are devising and fighting
these wars to ensure the maximum economic benefits for them in the form of favorable
trade deals and free trade regimes. Further, the political interests of maintain strategic
leverages in various regions enable them to shape their wars with modern mission
which would not reflect spirit of any religious or holy cause in them but purely material.
All this obvious material approaches of fighting wars today make them modern without
becoming holy.

More and More Military Engagements by the United


Thesis Statement: Amid the increasing military engagements by the UN in the form of
its peacekeeping missions in several African and some Middle Eastern countries; the
world seems gradually moving away from peace as the crisis remains unsolved in the
said regions.

Body Paragraphs

1. Understanding the U.N Military Engagements

(A) Peacekeeping Missions
(B) Military Observer Groups
(C) Supervisions of a combative situation through representatives for peace.

2. Analyzing U.N military engagements in Africa and how it failed to lead the world
towards peace
(A) Unsettled crisis in Congo, Sudan and Somalia
(B) Still surviving crisis of Aouzou Strip in Chad and Libya

3. How the UN military engagements in the Middle East are preventing the world from
attaining ultimate peace
(A) UN observation group’s presence in Lebanon and its failure to end the Lebanese
conflict with Israel
(B) UN observation group in Syria and its failure to end the Syrian crisis.

4. UN military engagement in Asia has failed to lead the world towards peace
(A) UN Military Observer Group between Pakistan and India has not been able to end
the boundary crisis in the region
(B) UN Military Observer Group has failed to solve the border dispute between
Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Despite the repeated military engagements led by the U.N. in South Asia, Africa and
Middle East; the body has failed to lead the world towards peace. The crisis remains
unresolved or mostly resurface in African and Middle Eastern regions thus undermining
the global peace.

The Essay:
U.N was established following the 2nd World War to establish the world security regime
and to ensure long lasting peace in the new global order. To achieve this rhetoric, the
U.N devised different ways to combat the elements threatening the world security or
peace. One method is its military engagement. That comes in the form of Peacekeeping
mission and Military Observer groups deployed across the world states facing some sort
of security or peace crisis. The performance of such military engagements led by the
U.N are however not seen as a greater success. There are factors that reveal that as
the military engagements of the U.N are increasing, the world keeps on drifting from the
path of peace and peaceful coexistence. The apparent manifestations supporting this
assertion lie in the failure of U.N led peacekeeping missions and military observer
groups to ensure peace in African countries of Congo, Sudan and Somalia. Further, the
failure of U.N military engagement in ending the Middle Eastern crisis has clearly
depicted the situation of deteriorating world peace amid the futile efforts.

Beginning with the effort to understand the military engagements of the UN, it can be
assessed that in what possible ways the international body is making a futile effort to
keep peace in the world. First manifestation of military engagement of the UN is named
as UN Peacekeeping Missions. These are the military missions carrying soldiers from
the armies across the world. The missions are deployed by the UN for the sake of
securing peace in a region or country of crisis. UN military engagement in the form of
Peacekeeping Missions have been mostly deployed in the African continent. Besides
that, these missions have served in the chaotic Middle Eastern situations. But the
question remains about their performance and role in securing the global peace and
security. These military engagements of the UN are often criticized because the troops
in Blue Helmets remains unable to ensure peace in chaotic situation. Further, they have
been found indulged in certain war crimes along with showing indifference to the
genocide of any group in the area under their supervision. Their work thus remains a
military engagement of the UN that is failing to lead the world towards peace.
Second manifestation of UN military engagements is the Military Observer Groups
deployed in the regions where disputes can erupt any time owing to the unsettled
territorial or political problems. These groups lack authority in the areas of their
observation. States often override the suggestion and recommendations of the Military
Observer Groups thus undermining the world peace. Third manifestation of UN military
engagement comes in the shape of sending special representatives to the combative
areas of the world. The representatives endeavor to bring the opposing factions to some
terms for the sake of the world peace.

UN military engagements in Africa speak clearly that how this endeavor is proving a
failure in keeping the world on the right track of peace. UN has deployed UN
Peacekeeping Missions in the African countries of Sudan, Somalia, Chad, Libya, Congo
and Angola. Many missions have been completed but the situation in Africa remains
miserable. Peace is still a far cry in that underdeveloped continent. Sudan remains in
conflict and Libya presents a bleak picture of collapse. Further, the problem over the
Aouzou Strip between Chad and Libya remains unresolved despite the years of UN
military engagement there. All these factors bring Africa as an obstruction in the way of
ultimate peace and the world remains in chaos.

Speaking of the UN military engagements in the Middle East further elaborates how the
world peace is at stake amid the increasing peacekeeping efforts. Middle East, which is
home of the contemporary world crisis, is under military observation of the UN. The
military role of the body in this region can be currently seen in Syria. UN has special
rapporteur on Syria situation. But it seems that the regional powers like Russia, Iran and
Turkey are more powerful there than the UN itself. This keeps the military engagement
of the UN in Middle East undermined thus hampering the global peace. Similarly, UN
Military Observer Group in Lebanon shows its weakness to end the hostility of
Lebanese groups with Israel and its regional supporters. This situation prevents the
world from attaining ultimate peace thus making the UN military engagements

As far as the military engagements of the UN in South Asia are concerned, they also
represent a bleak picture. The traditional boundary disputes between Pakistan and
Afghanistan are unsettled. UN appointed its military observer group over the issue but
still Afghanistan does not recognize the Durand Line with Pakistan. Similarly, the border
rift between India and Pakistan was also brought into consideration of the UN Military
Observer Group. But even in this case, the body remains a failure to settle the problem.
War loom in South Asia owing to these disputed borders thus leading the whole world
towards chaos rather than peace.

In brief, UN military engagements in the form of Peacekeeping Missions and Military

Observer Groups in Africa, South Asia and Middle East have marked little success in
leading the world towards peace. In fact, the failure of UN military engagements has
undermined the global peace and security by giving the states more leverage to settle
their own issues through non-pacific and combative means which has resulted in more
was and more conflict across the borders and within the countries.

Pakistan Affairs CSS 2017

Pakistan’s national culture reflects unity in diversity.

National Culture of Pakistan is a blend of Punjabi, Pashtun, Baloch and Sindhi outlooks.
All these are diverse in their material and non-material approaches. Despite this
diversity, the culture of Pakistan is marked with the unity cemented by our shared goals
and common beliefs. Amid the minor rifts ignited by provincialism and ethnicity,
Pakistan’s national culture remains one marking the united people of varying origins and
of different social strata.
Defining Pakistan’s National Culture:
National Culture of Pakistan can be defined as an amalgam of all the material and non-
material thoughts, ideas, perceptions and practices common in the diverse ethnic
groups residing in Pakistan and shaping its outlook. National culture of Pakistan does
not have a point-source rather it seeks strength and content from multiple sources.

How Pakistan’s National Culture is Diverse?

The co-existence of four major provincial and ethnic groups known as Punjabi, Baloch,
Pashtun and Sindhi; with their varying ideas about social customs, with different
approaches towards development and with separate thought about the politico-
economic setups – makes Pakistan’s national culture diverse.

How Pakistan’s Diverse National Culture Marks Unity?

Pakistan’s national culture reflects unity in diversity by:

 Bringing into consideration the varying social customs of all the ethnic groups
 Maintaining a sense of harmony among the differing socio-economic approaches among
different people living in Pakistan
 Establishing the environment for co-existence for all the cultural patterns no matter how
different they are from one another
 Mainstreaming the people of all origins for common goals of nation’s defense, prosperity
and development
 Introducing the trait of tolerance and acceptance for each other’s cultural values and
tribal histories
 Providing the people of different backgrounds shared beliefs, one ideology and common
religious sentiments
 Ensuring the opportunity of social mobility for everyone irrespective of his or her ethnic

With all these manifestations, the national culture of Pakistan stands out to be eminently
united amid the diverse social, political and economic approaches of people from
different origins, backgrounds and histories.

National Culture of any country is what its people thing and practice along with what
they hold dear and what they defend. As far as Pakistan is concerned, it is no exception
in this regard. It has a national culture united and cemented in the diversity of socio-
political thoughts and cultural variations. People from all the four major ethnic groups
and provinces remain united amid the minor rifts over their rights and sharing the
national wealth.

CPEC is a flagship project of One Belt One Road

China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – a billions of dollars mega economic project
– is actually the leading manifestation of the Chinese One Belt One Road (OBOR)
vision. Being the first of its form and now almost in practice, CPEC not only brings the
dream of OBOR into reality but also changes the economic, strategic and pollical status
quo of regional relations.

Understanding CPEC and OBOR:

China Pakistan Economic Corridor is a mutual economic venture between China and
Pakistan on the formula of give and take. China is investing over $50 billion in
Pakistan’s infrastructure and energy sectors in return for access to the country’s routes
leading to Gwadar port. The port will ultimately enable the Chinese goods to reach the
African and Middle Eastern markets using the shortest possible way from the Western

One Belt One Road, on the other hand, is a mega vision of China to connect the whole
region and beyond into a single network of transit routes using which China can carry its
products to most of the Asian and European countries. OBOR remains to be the most
important step of China to be a superior economic power replacing the United States.

CPEC as Flagship of OBOR:

Flagship means to be in leading position in a venture. As far as CPEC is concerned, it is
truly the flagship of OBOR owing to the following reasons:

 CPEC turns out to be one of the most important links in the OBOR network that
will allow China to reach the markets of Africa, Middle East and Europe
 CPEC stands out to be the first such project that has been materialized in no
time and it is almost in the starting phase of its practice
 Providing the shortest link between three continents, allowing massive trade
transit and connecting the Chinese dots of OBOR; CPEC remains a flagship of the
One Belt One Road vision.

How CPEC is Game Changer?

CPEC is game changer in the region owing to following reasons:

 It is ensuring unprecedented ties between China and Pakistan on the economic

 It has brought Russia, U.K, Iran and Central Asian Republics to revive their
attention towards Pakistan and the South Asian region
 It is building the economic connectivity between Africa, Middle East and Asia
along with seeking access to the European markets
 It is altering the regional strategic balance by marking a shift in alliances
 New political and economic blocs are surfacing with new visions owing to the
 It is altering the regional approach from protectionism towards liberalism of trade
and shared prosperity.

OBOR is the long term economic and strategic vision of the Chinese people while
CPEC is the leading practical manifestation in this regard. With its apparent benefits to
China, Pakistan and other regional countries; CPEC stands out to be a game changer
as well altering the regional alliances and shifting the balance of power.

Significance of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

for Pakistan
Amid the shifting balance of power in the region, Shanghai Cooperation Organization is
emerging out to be an important security bloc thus bringing vital significance of strategic
and security nature for Pakistan. SCO can be significant for Pakistan in helping the
latter to strengthen its security against the non-conventional threats along with seeking
new opportunities of economic cooperation with the regional economic and security

Briefly Understanding Shanghai Cooperation Organization

SCO is fundamentally a cooperation bloc of reginal nations like Central Asian Republics
and South Asia. The bloc is led by China and Russia. Though, it has been established
for cooperation in economic realm and against the common threats like terrorism yet it
is often seen as a security bloc. Analysts have also termed it as ‘NATO of the East’
rendering it as a tool to counter balance the Western NATO.

Significance of SCO for Pakistan

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) can be termed as vital and significant for
Pakistan owing to the following facts:

 It is an important cooperation bloc for Pakistan where it can seek the economic
help from major regional powers to prosper through trade and proper investment.
 SCO, being an emerging security bloc, can prove greatly helpful for Pakistan in
helping it from traditional and non-traditional threats.
 SCO is providing Pakistan an important strategic position against its regional and
global enemies.
 The organization is giving Pakistan better options in terms of choices for regional
partners. It is bringing it closer to Russia as well as the Central Asian Republics.
 Pakistan can have the significance of getting on good terms with India using the
platform of SCO. Their hostility is often seen as a threat to the working of SCO but
in an optimist view; the platform provides good opportunity for both of them to sort
out the problem.
 Through SCO Pakistan can end its diplomatic isolation in the region.
 Pakistan can seek help to counter the threats of terrorism in the region along with
sharing its experience with the other member countries facing such challenge.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization is doubtlessly a thing of future to which Pakistan
can attach vital expectations of significance in the areas of economy and security. SCO
can also provide better choices in friends, strategic leverage and diplomatic inclusion. It
can further ensure help for Pakistan in countering the years long threat of terrorism
along with providing mechanism to cope the non-traditional challenges.

How general elections in 2002, 2008 and 2013 strengthened

democracy in Pakistan.
Being the essential part of a healthy democratic process, elections have always
remained an important yet controversial topic in Pakistan. Not all the elections in
Pakistan have contributed to the strength of democracy. Some have hampered its
growth. However, the previous three general elections held in 2002, 2008 and 2013 can
be considerably marked as elements of democratic strength in Pakistan.

General Elections of 2002 and their Role in Strengthening Democracy

The elections held in 2002 least contributed to the strength of democracy but it laid the
foundations of a democratic and free-elections process in the country. These elections
were held during the dictatorial regime of military president Musharraf. This fact
undermines the role of these elections in strengthening democracy. Critics point out that
how could this election strengthen democracy when country was then being ruled by an
autocrat. Still, this election founded the very terms for a process that continues even

General Elections of 2008 and their Role in Strengthening Democracy

As far as the general elections of 2008 are concerned, they can be marked as middle
ground in Pakistan’s voyage towards free and fair electoral process. This election,
which brought Pakistan People’s Party into power, actually strengthened democracy by
ending years of autocratic military rule. Further, allowing a healthy election campaign in
the traditional mainstream political parties added to the spirit of democracy in Pakistan.
Lastly, it was the result of this election the PPP-led government completed its
constitutional tenure of 5 years thus establishing a well-cherished democratic norm in
the country.

General Elections of 2013 and their Role in Strengthening Democracy

Elections held in 2013 can be regarded as the high point of democracy in Pakistan. It
was the result of peaceful and unprecedented transfer of power from one democratic
party to another through these elections. It was the election when three major
mainstream political parties contested to emerge out. The election strengthened
democracy by introducing the norms of effecting campaign amid the more learned
public opinion.

Despite some of the controversies attached, the general elections of 2008, 2013 and to
some extent that of 2002; added to the strength of democracy in Pakistan by introducing
good electoral norms and providing the masses with better political environment. These
elections brought the practice of peaceful transition of power from one government to
another in constitutional way thus discarding all the unconstitutional practices of the
past years.

Current Affairs 2017

Role of National Action Plan in stabilization of internal

security of Pakistan
National Action Plan – a counter terrorism formula enacted following the Army Public
School attack – has proved vital, in crushing the terrorist activities within the country, to
a greater extent. The Plan, however, has remained behind achieving the expected goals
as with the beginning of 2017, another wave of terrorist attacks has overwhelmed the
scenario. The outcomes of the Plan have remained mixed: with some stories of success
and other tales of failure.

Understanding National Action Plan (NAP)

National Action Plan is the name of several points anti-terrorism agenda that the civil
and military leaderships of Pakistan, along with all the political parties in opposition,
agreed on following the deadly Army Public School terrorist attack. The Plan was meant
for crushing the terrorism and rooting out their very existence for the internal security of

The Role of NAP in Stabilizing the Internal Security of Pakistan

National Action Plan’s role in stabilizing the internal security of Pakistan can be
assessed under following points:

 The Plan, with its clear cut outline of action against the terrorists, has enabled the
security forces of Pakistan to avoid feeding any second doubts and act promptly
against the evil masterminds all across the country.
 The plan played its positive role in enabling the military establishment to boost
the Operation Zarb-e-Azb along with starting the strategic operations in major cities
like Karachi.
 The Plan has enabled the civil military leadership to be on the same page in
terms of action against terrorism thus making the counter-terrorism measures more
 The Plan has brought the major terrorists groups like TTP to knees even though
the latter’s existence still cannot be undermined
 The Plan, however, failed to ignite proper and effective re-invigoration in the non-
military security forces. It remained dependent on the military troops for its
enactment on the ground. Hardly, civilian forces have played any commendable
role in upholding this plan except by supporting it in words.
 Owing to the political controversies attached with the Plan, its role has been
undermined. Not all the political parties are in good terms with certain provisions of
the Plan including the operation in Karachi and action against Madrassahs.

Outcomes of the National Action Plan

They can be enumerated as following:

 NAP resulted in a boosted and successful operation against terrorists hiding in

the tribal belt of Pakistan
 NAP brought the outcome of successful operation against the Urban militia in
Karachi along with igniting action against sectarian groups in the Southern region
of the Punjab
 NAP ensured the outcome of civil military cooperation over counter-terrorism
 NAP, to a greater extent, lowered the number of terrorist attacks thus
strengthening the internal security of Pakistan.

National Action Plan has proved relatively a good and effective agenda against the
terrorists hiding out and spreading violence in Pakistan. It has helped the internal
security to improve with better outcomes. Beyond that, the Plan remains victim of its
own success. It has been facing political controversies along with limited attention of
civilian government thus undermining the effort to improve internal security.

CPEC and security conditions in Baluchistan

Baluchistan is turning out to be the most important link and first destination of the China
Pakistan Economic Corridor. Besides home of the Gwadar Port, it is of vital importance
for success of CPEC. Amid this scenario, the security situation of the province is
becoming an important concern for the Pakistani government and the Chinese
stakeholders. With proper action against the militants and effective dialogue with the
separatists along with giving due share from CPEC to Baloch people; things can be

Present Security Situation of Baluchistan in Respect of CPEC

Currently, Baluchistan is facing following kinds of threats to its security thus hampering
the successful operation of CPEC:
 Hideouts and activities of militants being supported by external powers to
sabotage CPEC.
 Separatists opposing CPEC through their violent actions against the government
 Influx of terrorist from the Afghan border to create chaos in Baluchistan and rest
of the Pakistan.

Security Measures that can be taken in Baluchistan in respect of CPEC

It goes clear that the security measures in Baluchistan are inevitable to secure the
investment coming in the form of CPEC. The project is as vital as is the security of the
province. Amid efforts of external powers like India to sabotage CPEC, following
security measures can be taken:

 Military action against the foreign militants using the land of Baluchistan for their
activities against CPEC by damaging the peace in the province.
 Dialogue with the separatists of Baluchistan should be started instead of dealing
them with the military actions. This will enable them to find a proper vent for their
grievances. Besides dialogue, they must be given proper chance to surrender and
must be rehabilitated later through mainstreaming.
 Strict diplomatic actions should be taken, against the countries interfering in
Baluchistan to hamper CPEC.
 There is need to make the Baluch people aware of their share in the CPEC along
with giving them that share.
 If provided education, given jobs and facilities to the coming generations;
Baluchistan’s security can be improved thus making CPEC successful.

CPEC is the important project which is not possible without improved security condition
in Baluchistan. Proper action against militants and dialogue with the separatists can
help in improving the security situation of the province thus making CPEC to come into
successful practice. Further, effective formulization to bring the Baluch people into
mainstream can greatly help in this regard. If ensured about their share in prosperity
and development, they will truly revert towards nationalism rather than provincialism.

US-Russia relations in context of ISIS and its impact on the

security situation of Middle East
In context of ISIS, the US-Russia relations can be seen as in their random oscillation
between cooperation and conflict. Initially, when Russia started airstrikes in Syria –
following the U.S. entry – the cooperation was sought in fight against ISIS. Later, both
the power began their separate efforts against ISIS in the Middle East thus finally
parting their ways. Currently, U.S. has almost been knocked out by the Russian
presence in the Middle East under the pretext of fight against ISIS.

US-Russian Presence in the Middle East

Following the rise of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the major powers like U.S sought
another pretext to mark its military presence in the Middle East. This began from Syria
and ended in Iraq. Fearing the rising control of ISIS in Syria, United States led a
coalition of European states to start airstrikes. But that was not only the aim behind this
intervention. Another goal was to topple Syrian government led by President Assad.
Seeing this scenario, Russia jumped into Syria at the request of Assad to cope the
challenge to its favorite government. Russia also came under the pretext of fighting
against the ISIS. This entire development made the fight against ISIS as the center
point of U.S-Russia relations.

U.S-Russia Relations in Context of ISIS

The relations can be understood in three different phases:

 Cooperation: Following the entry of Russia into the Middle Eastern chaotic

situation, there emerged its chances of cooperation with the United States. It
happened to some extent. Both the countries shared information about ISIS
hideouts and dealt them with combined airstrikes.
 Conflict: In the second phase, both U.S. and Russia began to contend over the
control of the Syrian areas conquered from the ISIS. Both established their
separate zones of influence thus leading the operation to their own separate
 Parting of Ways: Finally, both the powers parted their ways in the fight against
ISIS. This led to an apparent rise in Russian influence in Syria. It ultimately
knocked out the U.S or at least marginalized it.

Impact of Relations on the Middle Eastern Security

The U.S-Russia relations adversely affected the security situation in the Middle East.
The rift of interests between them did not help the Middle Eastern governments to act
jointly rather it polarized their action. It further, hampered fight against ISIS except when
the relations were in the first phase of cooperation.

US-Russia relations in context of the ISIS can be understood in three phases of
cooperation, conflict and part of ways. This entire scheme was followed by an adverse
impact on the Middle Eastern security situation.

US-India strategic partnership

Following the recent developments like ‘Logistic Exchange Memorandum of
Association’ (LEMOA) between India and the U.S; the regional balance of power and
status quo seem to be facing some serious impact. This new strategic partnership in not
only altering the alliances in the region but also leading to the militarization of the Indian

Understanding US-India Strategic Partnership

United States and India have marked an unprecedented proximity in their bilateral
relations. These relations are of strategic nature. First the civil nuclear deal between
both the nations and now the LEMOA; both mark the rise of a new era for them.
Currently, U.S. has helped India to sign Civil Nuclear Deal with Japan thus further
strengthening their strategic partnership. The reasons behind the rise of this partnership
are following:

 Mutual effort of India and U.S to contain the Chinese rise in Asia
 Urge of United States to use India as a political partner against the Chinese effort
to oust U.S. from Asia
 Aim to build a new alliance in Asia in order to counter the non-traditional strategic

Impacts of U.S-India Strategic Partnership in the Region and in the Indian Ocean
Following impacts can be seen in this regard:

 The partnership has led to nearness of India with the Southeast Asian States like
 The partnership has made China, Russia and other regional powers to review
their policies and interests attached with the scenario
 It has brought China closer to Pakistan with the former’s interest to hold the latter
as a tool to counter balance the Indian presence
 Russia is also reviewing its alliance with India after the latter is getting closer to
the United States
 Indian Ocean is being militarized amid the Indo-US strategic partnership
 Indian ocean is once again being monopolized amid silent yet apparent efforts of
new blocs
 A shift in alliance is being marked i.e. Russia, China and Pakistan are getting
close to counter US-India strategic partnership
 There has been marked an increase in Chinese effort to bring Southeast Asian
nations closer along with showing a strict stance on the disputed South China sea

US-India relations resulting in strategic partnership are not vague or empty for the
region. They are strongly impacting the balance of power here along with increasing the
conflict over Indian ocean’s control. This unprecedented scenario is for sure the obvious
yet indirect result of the strategic partnership between U.S and India who see
themselves as one against the Chinese rise.

ESSAY 2016

Essay: Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan: Need for Reform and

Institution Building
Essay Pages: 1 | 2 | 3

1. Introduction

Pakistan is not a failed state but a badly governed one. Good governance is the
inevitable element of a state the absence of which deteriorates the public welfare. With
measured reforms and institutionalization, governance can be made better in the

2. Attributes of Good Governance

– General Public Welfare and State’s Health
– Health, Education, Standard of Living
– Provision of fundamental rights
– Provision of Basic Necessities

3. Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan

– Sectors badly governed in Pakistan
– Institutions badly governed in Pakistan

4. Causes of Good-Governance Crisis

– Personalization rather than institutionalization
– Corruption and nepotism
– Ineffective short-term policies
– Wrongly set priorities
– Weak accountability
– Weak state governing institutions
– Political instability

5. Reforms and Institution Building

– Strengthening the state institutions
– Making the state institutions independent of undue influence
– Effective implementation of laws
– Empowering accountability and law-enforcing agencies
– Ensuring political stability and nurturing the healthy growth of democratic system
6. Contemporary Governance in Pakistan
7. Conclusion

Pakistan is a state rich in resources and talent but badly governed. A brief history of
country since 1947 reveals how different modes of governance have been brought into
experiment under various civil and military regimes in Pakistan.

Good governance, in general, refers to the measures of a government which bring

welfare to the public lives and state as a whole. Contrary to that, crisis of good
governance is the continuous failure of a government to govern the state and its
subjects effectively. Scales to measure good governance varies just as vary its levels in
different government sectors.

If Pakistan is considered under the said definition, it gets obvious that the governments
of the country failed most of the time in governing it well. The reasons behind this failure
are mostly found in the factors of corruption, immoral politics, authoritarianism and
dearth of leadership.

Crisis of good governance in Pakistan is not a new concept. It has been contested for a
long time. Even today, when the neighboring country like China has evolved from its
roots into a well governed state, Pakistan still lags behind in devising a clear
mechanism of governance reforms and institution building.

Crisis of good governance can be understood only when one gets to know about the
attributes and features of good governance. Among these attributes ‘General Public
Welfare and State’s Health’ come the first. Good governance is attributed with the
welfare of the masses. If the people of a state are living a good life with all the
fundamental rights and the basic necessitates secured, it can be said that the state is
well governed. Another part of this is health of state. It can be measured in economic,
defense and political strength of a country. A state when healthy in its defense and
politico-economic outlooks is usually well governed. Further, good governance brings
an overall better standard of life. It can be said in a way that the attributes of good
governance vary in the eyes of a common man, a ruler and a state as a political entity.

Crisis of good governance is the name of a situation when all the attributes mentioned
above are missing or replaced by the social and political abnormalities. These
abnormalities can be in the form of agents which deteriorates the levels of good
governance. Pakistan is in state of governance crisis. Its apparent manifestations can
be seen in the declined public health, illiteracy and poverty. Another important way to
judge the crisis of governance in Pakistan comes in shape of the weak state institutions
and mismanaged state-controlled enterprises. For instance, the decline of Pakistan
Steel Mills and Pakistan International Airlines speak how crisis of good governance
swallowed these mighty revenue-producing sectors. Similarly, take example of judiciary
as state institution. It has been suppressed by the executive throughout the history of
the country. There has always been a rift at some level in civil and military leadership of
country. This accounts for a major factor behind the crisis of good governance in
Pakistan which comes in shape of clash between the state institutions thus adversely
affecting their performance.

Among the primary causes of the crisis of good governance in Pakistan comes first the
personalization of things rather that institutionalization. Institutions are important to
every state. When these institutions become hostage to persons they begin to deviate
from the principles of good governance. In Pakistan, during the military rules, the
institutions of executive, legislature and even judiciary have brought into personalization
of the ruling dictator. This helped in rendering the will of the dictator superior over the
law of an institute.

Secondly, the factors of corruption and nepotism in a state like Pakistan puts it into
governance crisis. These two things annihilate the state’s governance structure as merit
gets to be replaced by favor.

Thirdly, the lack of long term and well-read state policies becomes another important
cause in bringing crisis of good governance. States are governed well through
integrated long term planning and policies which are implemented in several episodes.
In Pakistan, governments have plans to govern the country well but they collapse
because of their short-term nature and politically motivated objectives.

Fourthly, the priorities of a government also determine the level of state governance. If a
state brings the development of infrastructure as a priority over health, education and
welfare of the masses when these all are required then the system collapses. In
Pakistan, more is being spent on building infrastructure and little on provision of basic
facilities like health, education and employment.

Fifthly, lack of accountability further volatiles the crisis of good governance. Even if the
state officials are corrupt, the bad governance can be averted by holding them
accountable. But when the institutions of accountability become subject to the will of the
officials then the crisis becomes inevitable. In Pakistan the institution of accountability
i.e. NAB is often subject of political controversies. Even the incumbent Prime Minister of
Pakistan has discouraged NAB for its independent investigations.

Lastly, political instability in a state puts it into crisis of good governance. When a
system of governance is not let to evolve and grow normally and political instability is
created in the form of overthrowing a legitimate government, it becomes impossible for
a state to ensure good governance.

In order to bring Pakistan out of the governance-crisis, reforms are essential. Among
them comes first the institution building. This refers to de-personalization of state
institutions. All the state institutions shall be let to work independently without any undue
influence and blackmailing. Bringing judiciary and accountability institutions out of the
influence of executive can help the country out of the crisis. Secondly, ensuring the
smooth relations between the civil and military leadership can also help if not in
ensuring good governance then at least in averting many causes of bad governance.
The Parliament of Pakistan has enacted laws nearly on all the major issues that a state
and its masses may face. The problem lies in implementation of these laws. This is
because of the weak law enforcing agencies. Empowering police as primary measure
can help in improving the law and order situation of Pakistan which will ultimately help it
in good governance.

Lastly, if the reforms and institution building are to be successfully brought in Pakistan, it
is essential to ensure political stability and democratic evolution in here. Governance
becomes good in democratic system for most of the times. Though it is not a general
rule as many dictators have brought welfare to their people but that is an exception. In
Pakistan strengthening the democratic system its forefathers chose will help in bringing
it out of the crisis.

In the contemporary run, country might be facing the governance crisis but the evolving
custom of political stability is a ray of hope. Unlike in the past, political government is
being let to complete its constitutional tenure and then go for elections. That is a healthy
development which is bringing Pakistan on the track of good governance. This along
with strengthening the democratic practices will also help in minimizing the causes of
the crisis. In compact, Pakistan has for long been facing the crisis of good governance
but the contemporary political phase can ensure a positive change.

Creation of New Provinces in Pakistan

Essay: The Creation of New Provinces in Pakistan: Implications for
an Integrated Country
Essay Pages: 1 | 2 | 3

1. Issue
Creation of new provinces in Pakistan is necessity as well as a popular demand. The
issue, at the same time, brings political controversies and raises questions about its
impacts on the national unity thus blurring the entire scheme.

2. Voices and Movements for the Creation of New Provinces in Pakistan

– Voice for Creating Saraiki Province in Punjab
– Demand of Creating Mohajir Province in Sindh
– Demand for Creating Pashtun Province in Baluchistan
– Hazara Province Demand in Khyber Pakhtunhawa

3. How Creation of New Provinces can Integrate Pakistan?

– Smaller provinces – Better Administration
– Better administration – National Cohesion
– Giving the People their Territorial Recognition

4. How Creation of New Provinces can Disintegrate Pakistan?

– Politicizing the Issue for Politically motivated objectives
– Creating new provinces on the base of ethnicities
– Resurgence of provincialism
– Divergent provincial priorities

5. The Middle Way

Creation of new provinces should be on administrative grounds not ethnic basis

7. Conclusion

Creation of new provinces remains an important subject of politics in a developing

country which has limited available resources. Pakistan is no exception in this regard.
The country has federal structure of government in which there is a central government
and several provincial government depending upon the number of provices. Pakistan is
home of four major provinces, one sub-autonomous state of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
and an administrative unit of Gilgit Baltistan which is not a full province yet.

Amid the said scenario, there are demands for the creation of new provinces in
Pakistan. These demands are based more of ethnic outlooks rather than political and
administrative grounds. The demand of new provinces in Pakistan become apparent in
the form of several movements destines to attain provincial autonomy.

Creation of new provinces brings several positive as well as negative impacts on the
state’s health. In Pakistan the creation is however more politicized matter thus blurring
the distinct pros and cons of creating new provinces. This further brings questions over
the integration of Pakistan with the creation of new provinces as the political parties
here lack a unanimous verdict.

Before knowing about the implications of creating new provinces on Pakistan’s

integration, it’s wise to learn about the major movements demanding new provinces in
the country. First comes the demand for creation of a new province in the Southern part
of the Punjab. This part of the Punjab is dominated by Saraiki speaking people who
recognize themselves as a distinct ethnic group. But the demand of this Saraiki
Province is not mere on the ethnic grounds. Backwardness and low-development levels
in the Southern Punjab leads to the demand of this province. Further, people of
Southern Punjab find it difficult to reach the Provincial capital city of Lahore for an
administrative task. This demand finds its grip strengthened arguing that most of the
budget of the Punjab province is spent on central areas of the province thus depriving
them of their due right.

Second important demand comes from the Muhajir Community of Karachi. The
community asks for the upgradation of Karachi into a separate province. Karachi is the
provincial capital of the Sindh Province. Making it a new province as demanded would
be purely ethnic step.
Third is the demand of creating Pashtun Province in Baluchistan. Being the largest area
of Pakistan, Baluchistan is the house of Balochs mostly. Some Northern part of this
province is dominated by the Pashtuns who want a separate province there.

Fourth demand of creating a new province sought a vociferous voice recently after the
name of NWFP was changed into KPK Province. It is the Hazara community of the KPK
province that demands for creation of a new Hazara Province in KPK. This demand is
also on ethnic basis as the Hazara community distinguishes itself from the Pashtuns of
the KPK.

Under the light of the said demands, the implications of creating new provinces on
Pakistan’s integration can be evaluated in shape of pros and cons of taking such a step.
Creating new provinces in Pakistan can integrate the country by infusing a sense of
confidence in the minds of Siraiki, Pashtun, Muhajir and Hazarans communities of the
country. This can prevent them from taking any drastic steps. Secondly, to demand
autonomous administrative provinces is not an unconstitutional thing. They can forward
their reservations over the unjust distribution of provincial budgets within various areas
of a province. Thus giving them the autonomous provinces can bring them into
mainstream national politics.

Another important implication of creating new provinces on the national integration will
come in shape of self-rule. When the people of these areas will be allowed to exercise
provincial autonomy thus ruling themselves, they can better decide their lives keeping in
view their resources and needs. This thing will keep them busy in healthy local politics
and prevent sedition.

Thirdly, creating new provinces can ensure better administration. It is mostly difficult to
administer a large province. Thus dividing it into two or more smaller provinces can help
in administering it well. This also brings fortune to the people of that area without
transmission of resources and revenue to the other autonomous parts of the province.

Fourthly, creation of new provinces strengthens national integration by bringing welfare

to the state as a whole. When a province of country is welfare, it will surely add to the
strength of the state.

Contrary to the positive implications of creating new provinces on Pakistan, there are
certain abnormalities that are attributed with taking such a step. In general creation of
new provinces is a constitutional step which in no way can disintegrate a country. A
nation’s integration begins to deteriorate when the issue about the creation of new
provinces is politicized. When the political parties begin to measure the creation of new
provinces according to their peculiar interests, several controversies emerge. Take
example of the behavior of Pakistan’s political parties on the issue of new provinces.
Pakistan People’s Party supports the voice for Siraiki province to curb the influence of
Pakistan Muslim League (N) in Punjab. To counter this move, the latter political party
supports the Muhajir community in making Karachi a province to contain the influence of
Pakistan People’s Party in Sindh. Thus, this sort of politics keeps on rendering the
issues controversial.

Pakistan’s integration will be adversely impacted by the creation of new provinces in

case the provinces are created on ethnic lines. A new province is meant to be created
on administrative basis. It is when done in order to favor an ethnic group, the national
integration faces a blow.

New provinces if created in Pakistan can weaken country’s integration if provincialism

overwhelms the political scene. If the people of a province pledge to vote only the
political party of that province, it will annihilate national cohesion. In the past, the people
of Bengal voted for Awami Muslim League and the Peoples Party won in the West
Pakistan. This later proved to be of fatal consequence when the politico-lingual gaps
between the two became so wide that the East Pakistan seceded from the West
Pakistan. This sort of provincialism has caused considerable damage to the national
unity in the past.

To cope all such circumstances in Pakistan, a middle way can be adopted. New
provinces shall not be created as a first resort but this is conditioned with the pledge to
administer the already existing provinces with just policies for all areas. In case it
becomes inevitable to create a new province, it should be in no way on the ethnic lines.
This can lead to dire consequences and sever implications on national integration.

In compact, creation of new provinces can be fruitful if not based on ethnic lines and not
subject to abnormal politicization of the issues. Pakistan integration shall be kept prior
before devising any such plan.

Essay: World as Global Village: Learning to Live Together

Essay Pages: 1 | 2 | 3

1. Introduction
Globalization has led to the economic, political and socio-cultural integration making the
world a global village. The prospects of learning to live together are, however, still
evolving amid the hurdles persisting to check its course.

2. Aspects of Global Village

– Globalization of economy
– Global integration of politics
– Global village of socio-cultural integration

3. Contemporary Manifestations of ‘Learning to Live Together in Global Village’

– Internet and its global use
– International Political Community
– Global Economic Organizations
4. World Learning To Live Together
– The case study of Iran and P5+1 Nuclear Deal
– The Melting of Ice between Cuba and the US
– The traditional rivals of South Asia and the efforts to live together

5. Hurdles in the Learning of Global Village to Live Together

– Criticism on globalization as a threat to national interests
– Gap between the Global North and the Global South
– Economic, literary, cultural and technological backwardness
– Clash of Interests
– Clash of Civilizations
– Weak international institutions

6. Ways to Learn to Live Together

– Strengthening the global institutions
– Minimizing the ideological difference between civilizations
– Pursuing mutual interests and fighting common threats
– Liberalism of trade
– Dialogue to be the first choice of conflict resolution

7. Conclusion

World is called a global village by the virtue of globalization which is a multi-faceted

process. Globalization is integration of everything. It can be integration of political,
cultural and technological prospects. The most apparent manifestation of globalization
is economic and political integration. Similarly, the globalization which plays major role
in making the world a global village comes in shape of technological integration.

Global village is attributed with sharing information, products, investments and profits. In
political terms global village is featured by presence of an evolved international
community at the platform of the UN. The growth of an integrated village brings several
benefits to the masses as well as states along with causing trouble for the national

Considering the dimensions of global village, the economic integration has brought the
world closer and dependable on each other. Multinational companies, global economic
forums and cross-border investments; all play vital role in making the world a global

Political integration of the world states which helps to unite global village becomes
obvious at the platform of the United Nations. This institution has 193 member states
which discuss and decide upon all the important political events of international
prospects. International political security, regional and global alliances against terrorism,
international treaties on nuclear non-proliferation; all reveal the political integration of
the global village.
Another important aspect of global village is socio-cultural integration. It is the mixing of
cultural values and customs to evolve the new ones. Apparent manifestation of socio-
cultural integration in the global village comes in the shape of fashion, traditions and
practices one adopts after getting inspired by another culture through books and movies
most of the times.

These all aspects of globalization render the global village to learn to live together. This
becomes possible when the world states interact and find mutual interests. Those
interests might be political, economic or social.

Multinational organizations and global institutions represent another manifestation of

how the world is learning to live together. European Union, for example, represents
togetherness of the European nations. Similarly, ASEAN is the association of South
East Asian nations for attaining definite economic goals. In South Asia SAARC emerges
to be an organization for regional cooperation. IMF and the World Bank bring the world
closer in monetary aspects. Muslim states of the world form OIC as their distinct body.
NATO is a military alliance of European and American nations. Thus, in all ways, world
states practice the art of living together for the obvious reasons.

Recently two important developments in the global political context occurred that reflect
how the nations are learning to live together. First came the nuclear deal between Iran
and P5+1. Iran and the US had been at daggers drawn since the Iranian Revolution of
1979. The country also went to develop nuclear weapons secretly unless came to the
knowledge of international community. This led to the beginning of talks between Iran
and the Permanent Five members of the UN Security Council along with Germany.

The deals bore positive results after years of negotiations. This proves how the global
states are learning to live together in the global village. Today, Iran is back in the
mainstream international transactions. The danger to the global village has been

Second case comes from the continents of America. The United States and the Latin
American state of Cuba remained in rift since 1959 when Cuba was revolutionized by
the forces of Fidel Castro. The Castro government was unfavorable to the US
throughout the years of the Cold War. The US has for long imposed embargo on the
island state of Cuba. The ice however melted previous year when the Pope visited both
the countries helping them to normalize relations. This visit was followed by initiating
diplomatic relations between both the countries after more than 70 years. This case also
reveals the willingness and practice of the world to live together in the global village.

Third case study can be made on the South Asian states of India and Pakistan. Both the
countries have several territorial disputes along with ideological and historical
differences. They have fought two full-scale wars and a number of other skirmishes. But
both find no solution in offensive methods. Comprehensive dialogue between both the
states has been revived recently which reflects that they are learning to live together as
peaceful neighbors though it’s tough.
Living together in the global village brings fruits of harmony, peace, trade and unity. But
at the same time smaller states becomes victim of the evils of globalization. For
example, World Trade Organization aims at lowering the trade tariffs across the globe.
This brings free trade for the global village but not the fair trade. Developing states find
it difficult to lower the tariffs on the limited products they export to earn revenue.

Along with this major hurdle there are several other obstacles in the learning of global
village to live together. One major hurdle is clash of interests and priorities. Not all the
world states prioritize the same things on their respective national agendas. Some times
in the wake of global village’s mantra the national interests of the states are at stake.
This declines confidence of those states on the virtues of global village.

Clash of civilizations is another theory which undermines the art of learning to live
together. The theory given by Huntington speaks for the grounds of clash between the
world states in the future would be cultural. This puts stones in the way of global

Further the structural flaws in the international institutions which help in strengthening
the hegemony of a few powerful states also impede the process of learning to live
together. In order to ensure better working of global village international institutions are
to be strengthened ending all the undue influence upon them.

People need to find the common goals and mutual interests in order to learn the art of
living together in the global village. States need to collectively fight the common threats
at the same time. Preference of liberalism over realism can be more beneficial in
achieving this goal.

In compact, nations depend on each other. This level of dependence when reaches its
peak, the world begins to become a global village. Hurdles in the way of globalization
persists amid the efforts of international community to unite on the points of mutual

Pakistan Affairs 2016

Shah Waliullah
At the dawn of 18th century the socio-political conditions of the Muslims were miserable
and pathetic. With the demise of Alamgir in 1707, the enviable fabric of the Mughal
Empire started crumbling. The imminent political downfall was a matter of serious
concern for the scholars of the time who could understand the glory of Muslim rule in
Sub-Continent. In this time Shah Waliullah took the responsibility to save the Muslims
from the political annihilation and religious degeneration.


Alien Practices Corrupting Islamic Culture
Shah was a reformer possessing a balanced and fair minded approach towards religion.
He made an exhaustive endeavor in order to eradicate the menace of un-Islamic rituals
that were corrupting the culture of Muslim society. The absurd practices of Hindu
community were being merged in the sound and simple lives of the Muslims. Perhaps, it
was the legacy of Akbar’s notorious Deen-e-Elahi and his deep rooted affection with the
Hindus. In order to cope this misadventure, Wali took the path of preaching with the
power of his writings. He wrote 51 important books for the general guidance of the
Muslims and infusing the spirit of true religion again in them. ‘Taffhimat-e-Elahi’ and
‘Hujjyulla-al-Baligha’ are the books worth mentioning in this regard.

Derailed Religious Scholars Indulged in Sharpening Sects

Second, the strange innovations being made in the religion by the mullahs divided in
various sects and interested in polishing their own workshops were annoying for Wali.
The debate of ‘Sufi and Wali’ derailed the Muslims from the original path. Even in here,
Shah preferred to teach the Muslims what their religion is actually about. In order to
assuage the differences among them he wrote a renowned book, ‘Al Bayan Fi Sabab al

Not only was this but the idea of ‘Wahdat-ul-Wajood’, nothing less than an attack to root
out Islamic principles from India. The propagation of amounting the creator and the
creation as one was in fact favorably advocating the Hindu practice of worshiping idols.
Wali stood against this idea and presented the factual idea of ‘Wahdat ul Shuhood’. He
solemnly rejected the assumption of equalizing the creation and the creator. He
asserted in the oneness of Allah Almighty as the creator of the whole universe.

Translation of Holy Quran in Lingua Franca of the Muslims

Persian, the lingua franca of the Muslims of Sub-Continent was utilized by Wali in order
to translate the Holy Quran. This was his effort to bring the Muslims to learn what
actually Quran has told and what they were doing. Learning Quran in their own

In nutshell, his religious preaching was a magnificent step to secure the coming
posterities from being prey to the Hindu culture, to make the Muslims stick to what
Quran reveals upon them and to prohibit the religious scholars from bringing the laymen
to plunge into the architectured sects.


Dream of a Separate Homeland Solely for Muslims

Though, Wali is known for his role in religious filed but it cannot fog his active
participation in securing the political future of the Muslims amid the anticipated fall of
Muslim rule in India. After having assessed the priorities of rulers of the time, Shah
could see the clashes of civilizations in India in the coming years. And it happened;
Hindus and the Muslims fought in every field of life in the years which later colored the
pages of future history.

Smelling these fears, Shah proposed the idea of a separate homeland for the Muslims
irrespective of its size but what mattered him the most was its need in order to provide
an Islamic environment to the Muslims free from Hindu interference. Thus, it can be
safely assumed that Shah was one of the early founders of two nation theory, the
rationale which led to the creation of Pakistan.

Shah’s Formula for Dashing Down the Anticipated Threats to Muslim Rule in India
Shah was the reformer who dared to point out the three major threats to the Muslims of
Sub-Continent and his prediction proved to be right in the years to come. According to
him; ‘Jatts of Delhi and Agra, Marhattas of the Southern India and Sikhs of the Punjab’
were one to have unsheathed their swords against the Muslims. In order to avert this
imminent attack on the fragile politics of the Muslims, he wrote to the Muslim big shots
of time like Ahmad Shah Abdali and Nawab Sujjah-ud-Daulah inciting them to wage
holy wars against the enemies of Muslim rule in India. His letters worked and the power
of Marhattas prepared to root out Muslim rule was dashed to the ground of Pani Patt in
the history’s third ferocious combat there in 1761. Thus, Shah being circumspect played
a wise political move to protect the Muslim political rule for India. Even after this
success, the custom of waging holy wars against the enemies of Muslims was kept alive
by Syed Ahmad Shaheed and his comrades.

2, Quaid-e-Azam and Two Nation Theory

Jinnah was a visionary who rightly exploited the situation at Lahore Resolution to give
the Two Nation Theory a concrete outlook. He brought the Indian problem out of the
shackles of communalism into its internationalized character seeing a situation when
during the world war two years, India was seeking attention of the US President
Roosevelt as well.

“The problem in India is not of inter-communal nature, but manifestly of an international

one, and it must be treated as such.” Jinnah’s presidential address to the annual
session of All India Muslim League in March 1940.

Two Nation Theory & Lahore Resolution

Two Nation Theory was an evolutionary theory in the history of the Sub-Continent. It
clearly stated that the Hindus and the Muslims are two different nations who cannot be
merged into one another in political, religious or even socio-cultural way.

Two Nation Theory sought a formal recognition in the address of Jinnah in 1940. Before
calling the Indian issue as an international one, he took time to explain the material and
spiritual differences between the two nations. This was a signal by the Muslim League
that from now on only Two Nation Theory would be the guiding principle of the struggle
of the Muslims. Lahore Resolution of 1940 is important also because it was a platform
where the practical manifestation of the Two Nation Theory was presented by Fazal ul
Haq who described the geographical division feasible under this theory.

Indian Problem as an International One

Jinnah repudiated that Indian problem was mere a communal one. He called it
international problem because;

 Both Hindus and the Muslims fulfilled all the criteria to be called as two nations
 Indian problem was not communal because it was now gaining attention of the
world community
 It was impossible to take this matter a communal one and let it unsolved without
interference of any foreign hand

Two Nation Theory was a concrete reality. Jinnah inculcated this theory effectively on
the eve of All India Muslim League session of 1940. Internationalization of the Indian
problem was in real meaning the manifestation of the Two Nation Theory.

3. Foreign policy of Pakistan

9/11 altered the global order considerably. Many of the word states modified their
foreign policies. Pakistan was no exception in this regard. Being on the crossroads of
the territories where War on Terror was ignited, Pakistan needed to reform its foreign
policy particularly in context of the US and Afghanistan.

Post 9/11 Foreign Policy of Pakistan

According to the United States, 9/11 was the catastrophic event engineered by
Afghanistan based Al-Qaeda. This militant wing was led by Osama Bin Laden who was
the host of Afghan Taliban government in 2001. At the refusal of Afghan Taliban to hand
over Bin Laden to the US, the then President Bush launched a US-led international
alliance against terrorism and invaded Afghanistan.

Pakistan being neighbor and an important strategic location in terms of the War on
Terror brought up following major changes in its foreign policy;

 Pakistan’s post 9/11 foreign policy no more remained India-centric. Now the
events in the US and Afghanistan carried much of influence on its foreign policy
 Pakistan’s post 9/11 foreign policy made the country a front line ally of the US in
war on terror. In this wake though Pakistan did not send its troop to fight in
Afghanistan but it had to provide its land routes, some air and military bases in
order to assist the NATO forces.
 Pakistan’s foreign policy had to bring a change in dealing with the Afghan
government of Taliban. Previously, Pakistan was a favorable country to the Afghan
Taliban government that came into power in 1996. But at the turn of the events the
Taliban government lacked support from Pakistan.
 Post 9/11 foreign policy of Pakistan brought the country into the bloc of the US,
keeping it disengaged with Russia and other Eastern powers. The relations with
China, however, remained warm.

Pakistan in Regional and Global Politics

Amid the scenario when the War on Terror is in its last phases in Afghanistan, Pakistan
is once again reforming its foreign policy to exploit the regional and global politics into
its national interest. In future, Pakistan has following prospects in regional and global

 Pakistan being the host of China Pakistan Economic Corridor is going to gain
economic and trade importance in the region.
 Pakistan has long experience of combating terrorism. This makes the country an
experienced and steadfast state in the region. Pakistan can share its experience
with other Asian countries to help them make peace.
 Pakistan is of great importance in the region for helping the Middle Eastern
countries to be out of the chaos. In this wake, Pakistan made a diplomatic
comeback while trying to calm the tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
 Pakistan is still important in global politics as it will help the US troops to seek a
safe exit from Afghanistan.
 Globally Pakistan has sought appreciation for its fight against militancy. This will
keep it engaged with the global powers which can help to develop the country by
sharing modern technology and education.

Pakistan altered its foreign policy to cope with the post 9/11 foreign policy and it is
altering it now to manage well in the regional and global politics.

4. Kashmir Issue
Pakistan and India share several territorial disputes and the Kashmir valley stands
prominent among them. Occupied by the Indian troops in 1948, Kashmir has remained
a bone of contention between both the South Asian Nuclear rivals who have fought
even three full scale wars as well.

Kashmir Problem – Background

Kashmir was a princely state being ruled by Hari Singh at the time of the partition. It was
originally sold to the Dogra family by the British Raj. Kashmir being a Muslim majority
was believed to be a part of Pakistan after people were to decide their fate.

But the people were oppressed by the ruler. At this the Phatan tribes from Pakistan’s
frontier province went to liberate Kashmiri people. They conquered a considerable area
which is now named as ‘Azad Jammu and Kashmir’. The remaining major part of
Kashmir was occupied by the Indian troops. Before a war could escalate between India
and Pakistan over this issue, the UNSC passed resolution declaring ceasefire and
drawing a Line of Control between both the parts of Kashmir. The resolution also
suggested to hold plebiscite in Kashmir which has never been implemented.

Kashmir Problem in the Contemporary Scenario

Pakistan never gave up the idea to free Kashmir from Indian occupation. In the
contemporary run, Pakistan supported the Kashmiris at the UN General Assembly’s
70th session last year. Kashmiri ‘Huriyat Conference’ remains active in inculcating the
idea of freedom and unity with Pakistan. India however tries to prevent possible
interactions between any Pakistani diplomat and Huriyat leaders. India shows immature
behavior to discuss the Kashmir problem.

Possible Solutions
The possible solutions to settle the Kashmir problem amicably between India and
Pakistan can be following;

A. Plebiscite
If India agrees on holding plebiscite in Kashmir under the UNSC resolution then it can
be an ideal solution to end the confrontation.

B. Bilateral Diplomacy
Wars can no longer decide the Kashmir problem. Active and sincere diplomacy between
both the countries can help them seek a solution.

C. Third Party’s Assistance

In case bilateral diplomacy fails, both the countries can seek the mediation and
assistance of a third neutral country.

D. Independent State of Kashmir

In case the deadlock remains, Kashmir can be declared an independent state if not the
part of Pakistan. This will not be in national interest of Pakistan but at least good for the
peace and security of the South Asia.

Kashmir issue until resolves properly and once for all, will remain a point of friction in
Indo-Pak relations. There is need to settle this matter for the sake of South Asian peace
and progress.
5. Afghan War and Pakistan
It has been over three decades that Afghanistan comes out of a war to enter into
another. Being the neighbor of war-wrecked country, Pakistan where has played its
strategic role in Afghanistan during these wars there it also brought some threats into its
own land.

Afghan War (Since 1979)

Afghan War since 1979 has been fought in phases. In each phase the belligerents kept
on changing in their outlooks and ideologies.

1st Afghan War (1979-1989)

This first phase of war commenced after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Red
Army troops installed a government favorable to the USSR. In this phase, with the
mutual cooperation of CIA and Pakistan, Afghan Mujahideen were provided with training
and weaponry in order to fight and oust the Soviets. It was a period of Cold War
between the US and USSR. Thus, US played vital role by supporting the Afghan

2nd Afghan War (1989-1996)

With the fluid peace in the initial years after ousting the Soviets from Afghanistan, the
country became victim of civil war. Afghan ethnic groups led by several war-lords began
to fight each other to grab political power. Coalition governments failed as one of them
was created with the help of Pakistan under ‘Peshawar Accord’ of 1992. The situation
got more worse when a Pashtun-dominated religious group of ‘Talibans’ came into the
seen. The war became deadly but ended with the victory of Taliban who captured the
political power in the country.

3rd Afghan War (2001 – Continues)

Taliban government in Afghanistan was the host of Osama Bin Laden whose militant
organization named Al-Qaeda attacked the New York’s twin towers on September 11,
2001. When the Taliban government refused to hand over Bin Laden to the US, the
latter invaded Afghanistan after forming an international alliance to fight the ‘War on
Terrorism’. This war of Afghan Taliban and the foreign and Afghan forces continues
since then.

Emergence of Threats to Pakistan in the Wake of Afghan War

Pakistan faces non-traditional security threats and is fighting the activism of the non-
sate actors. The emergence of these threats can surely be attributed to the Afghan war.
But this attribution is not mere based on the fact that there has been a war being fought
in Afghanistan. It is rather based on the reality that Pakistan willingly and unwillingly got
involved in Afghan matters during the war times.

This led to the emergence of non-traditional security threats in Pakistan in following

 Emergence of ‘Kalashnikov Culture’ in Pakistani society
 Rise of non-state actors defying the writ of the state
 Suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks on civilians and military
 Political instability in country
 Heavy spending on military operations in the FATA of Pakistan

Afghan war and its consequences proved fatal for Pakistan. Inter alia other reasons,
Pakistan wrongly assessed strategies and drastic change in the global order after 9/11
brought rough challenges for the country.

Current Affairs 2016

CPEC a game changer

Pakistan has great geopolitical importance in the region. The most vociferous depiction
of this reality came in shape of China Pakistan Economic Corridor. The corridor is a $46
billion project which will provide the shortest trade routes for the Chinese goods to the
markets of Gulf and African regions via Gwadar port of Pakistan. The project is being
seen as game changer of the region amid the challenges faced by it.

Prospects of CPEC
China Pakistan Economic Corridor is a scheme of great potential not only for China and
Pakistan but also for the region. The prospects of this mega project can be studied in
following points;

 CPEC brings immense economic opportunities for Pakistan. The country has for
long faced economic crisis. In the wake of this project Pakistan will seek revenue
from port rents, trade tariffs and chance to establish its own trade links with the
Gulf States.
 CPEC will bring fortune to the people of the regions who will host its trade routes.
This will also lead to establishment of industry thus creating more jobs.
 An important prospect of CPEC is seen in the power-projects it is bringing for
Pakistan. Under the deal signed, China will install over 15 power plants in
Pakistan. They will double the energy production by 2020 which is going to end the
energy crisis in country.
 CPEC brings the prospect of uniting the region economically. China can lead an
economic bloc of Asia. Iran will also find this project favorable once this project
gets completion.
Challenges to Construction of CPEC
The challenges it faces are enumerated following;

 Militancy in Baluchistan – the province with destination of CPEC route.

 Indian Interference – India interferes in the construction and development of
project by raising concerns on the passing of routes via Gilgit Baltistan – an
unsettled territory linked to Kashmir.
 Militancy in Xinjiang region of China is itself threat to the construction of Chinese
part of the project in its Western part of the country.
 The global strategic competition between US and China can prove to be another
challenge as stopping this project will be in benefit of US to check Chinese access
to the Middle Eastern and African Markets.

CPEC – A Game Changer

CPEC is seen a Game Changer in the region in following ways;

 It will bring economic unity in Asia particularly among the countries of South Asia,
Middle East and adjacent states of Africa.
 It can bring stability in the region if countries are positively engaged in trade.
 CPEC can turn Gwadar port into an international trading point bringing fortune to
 China will seek control on the markets of region expanding its ‘One Road, One
Belt’ initiative.
 Regional balance, which for long has been US-dominated, will gradually begin to
show a shift in alliances.

Dealing with the challenged ahead, CPEC can be constructed to exploit the maximum
of potential it carries. CPEC is a Game Changer economically as well as strategically.

2. Counter Terrorism by Pakistan

National Action Plan – a comprehensive counter terrorism 20 point agenda – marked
the beginning of a new and most effective effort to combat the militancy in Pakistan. The
Plan came in view following the APS Peshawar attack in December 2014. The
multidimensional plan proposed counter terrorism measures that were civil, intelligence-
related and combative in nature. In the contemporary state of affairs, terrorism has been
contained in Pakistan with the mutual efforts of civil-military leadership but the efficacy
of counter terrorism measures adopted in the previous two years is worth evaluating.
In a televised address to the nation on 25 December 2014, Prime Minister announced
20-point National Action Plan and said, “A line has been drawn. On one side are coward
terrorists and on the other side stands the whole nation”.

Counter Terrorism Measures under National Action Plan

The 20-points Plan carries several counter terrorism measures. Some of them include;

 Establishment of Military Courts for the trial of terrorists

 Reviving the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA)
 Cutting the financial resources of terrorists
 Regularizing Madrassahs
 Bringing Karachi Operation to a logical conclusion

Among the other points, pledges to root out all type of violence and extremism were

Efficacy of Counter Terrorism Measures Adopted in the wake of NAP

The efficacy of each of the important counter terrorism measures adopted can be
discussed as following;

A. Military Operations
The military operations conducted in the FATA region of Pakistan have proved to be
effective in combating terrorists. The evidence to this fact lies in declined number of
terrorists’ attacks in Pakistan. Cities and civilians are more secure than they were a year
ago. Military operations have sought international admiration as well. But the problem is
that, military operation cannot be a long term solution.

B. Establishment of Military Courts

After bringing 21st amendment in the Constitution, Government established military
courts to try terrorists. The courts have dealt with several terrorists by bringing them to
gallows. This measure is not being seen as an effective one. Rarely any deterrence is
apparent in terrorists as a result of this step.

C. Karachi Operation
Karachi operation led by Rangers is reaching a positive conclusion. Target killing has
been contained. The operation proves successful amid the minor rifts between the
provincial government of Sindh and the Rangers over misuse of power on the part of
the latter.

D. Terror Financing
Government rightly pledged to cut terror financing coming from every side. An apparent
picture of this was seen when government regularized even the collection of animal-skin
on Eid, in order to prevent this money to wrong hands.
E. Reviving NACTA
National Counter Terrorism Authority – aimed at curbing terrorism – has not been
revived despite making this task a goal in National Action Plan.

F. Madrassah Regulations
Madrassahs previously have remained breeding grounds of terrorists. Government is
registering these religious seminaries across the country. Loopholes exist in shape of
not regularizing them in rural areas of Sindh and Baluchistan.

In a compact analysis, most of the counter terrorism measures taken under the NAP
have produced mixed results. The success of military operations is however speaking
loud. More efforts on the part of civilian government to take the charge at the end of
military operations is required.

3. India-Pakistan Relations
Pakistan and India agreed to revive the originally known as Composite Dialogue but this
time under the new title of ‘India-Pakistan Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue’. The
development came after months of active confrontation between both the countries on
the issue of cross-border terrorism and border skirmishes. Both the South Asian rivals
face unresolved complexities in their relationships amid the efforts to make peace.

The Rubric of Comprehensive Dialogue

Indian Foreign Minister Ms. Sushma Sawaraj visited Pakistan for attending the ‘Heart of
Asia Conference’ previous year. On the sidelines of the conference he announced the
Indian willingness to start dialogue with Pakistan.

She said in her address, “I have a good news for you. India will start Comprehensive
Dialogue with Pakistan.” Tone of her words was a bit authoritative but Pakistan
welcomed this development for the sake of regional peace.

The dialogue includes following important issues to be brought under discussion;

 Terrorism
 Kashmir Problem
 Siachen and Sir Creek Disputes
 Border Skirmishes
 Trade Constraints

Possibilities of Progress
The dialogue can be led to progress if both the countries show sincerity in seeking
bilateral solution of their problems. For this purpose India needs to give up its BJP-
framed anti-Pakistan rhetoric. At the same time Pakistan needs to clear itself form the
Indian blames of supporting cross-border terrorism.

Constraints at Present
In the contemporary run, the constraints present in the progress of dialogue and
betterment of relationships include;

A. Lack of Confidence & Trust

None of the two countries have any sort of trust and confidence over the efforts of each
other. The reason lies in their long history full of suspicion and rivalry.

B. Cross Border Terrorism

A major constraint is cross-border terrorism that checks any positive development in
relations of both the countries. India accuses Pakistan of sponsoring the groups like
Jamat u Dawa and its militant wing Lashkar-e-Taiba. Pakistan repudiates these blames
and has been itself fighting terrorism effectively.

C. Indian Violent Nationalist Groups

The nationalist factions like Shiv Sena of India brings its extremist ideology ahead in
order to prevent any positive development between the relations of both the countries.
The Indian Government is often made hostage to this non-state ideology.

D. Hawks against Peace

Peace and dialogue making this peace between both the countries often remain
vulnerable to the hawks on both the side of the border. The hawks are present in every
in the shapes of groups which exploit the situation of rift between India and Pakistan to
their personal benefits.

Other Constraints include;

E. Modi Government’s Stubbornness

F. Absence of Free Trade between both the countries
G. Arms Race
H. Nuclear Stockpiles
I. Deadlock on Territorial Disputes
J. Kashmir Issue

India Pakistan relations have been hostage to divergent ideologies, bitter histories and a
number of modern day restraints. Betterment is however seen in the wake of the recent
surprise visit to Pakistan by the Indian Prime Minister. Both the countries need to settle
their frictions if not for themselves then at least for regional peace and security.

4. Middle East, Saudi-Iran rift and Pakistan

Middle East is facing one of the toughest crises of the time. Most of the Middle Eastern
states where appear to have plunged in civil war and overwhelmed by terrorism, there
Iran and Saudi Arabia being the regional powers fail to lead them out of the chaos. Amid
the situation when both the countries are also victim of mutual rivalry, Pakistan can play
significant role being an important Muslim Country.

Recent Developments in the Middle East

The recent developments in the Middle East can be seen as following;

A. Syria
A truce has been reached between the Asad government and Syrian rebels who have
been fighting a civil war for the previous four years. World powers like US and Russia
have also showed their military presence there to combat the ISIS militant group.

B. Libya
Post-Ghaddafi Libya is facing a civil war. UN backed efforts are however working to
install a nationally united government there.

C. Saudi-Iran
Both the countries have broken diplomatic relations following the attack on Saudi
embassy in Iran. The development came soon after Saudi government hanged a shia
cleric Sheikh Al-Nimr for provoking hate against the state.

What Role Pakistan Could Play?

Following the breaking of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia at the
beginning of this year, Pakistan’s civil and military leadership paid a visit to both the
countries. In the said visit, Pakistan offered both the countries to be a mediator in
solving their conflicts.

Both Iran and Saudi Arabia praised Pakistan’s concerns without showing any clear
stance to seek Pakistan’s mediation in the near future.

Pakistan, however, made a positive move in this scenario. It was a diplomatic

comeback for the country which remained diplomatically dormant for long time. Pakistan
is an important Muslim country of the region which has good ties with both Iran and
Saudi Arabia. It has efficiently taken a neutral stance despite its clear incline towards
Saudi Arabia in the past.

Pakistan has positively yet ineffectively played its role in Saudi-Iran rift. The result of its
interference into the matter didn’t bring any results. What more it could do is however
debatable as country is itself at decisive point in the war against terrorism. What
Pakistan just did was enough and appreciable in this situation.

5. US-China Competition
World is marking a gradual shift from uni-polarity into multi-polarity. The US being the
sole hegemon of the contemporary world order is facing ‘Rising China’s Dilemma’. In
this wake, the country has devised a ‘containment strategy’ for China just as it had one
for the USSR during Cold War. China might not be equal to the US in all terms but is
gradually reaching it. This whole scenario leads both the countries into unannounced
strategic competition which lays clear impact on the global order.

Manifestations of Strategic Competition between the US and China

These manifestations are obvious in the following ways;

 China has built an artificial island in the South China Sea. It is believed that in
future China will use it as its naval base. The US Naval vessels while patrolling in
the Pacific Ocean entered into territorial zone of the Chinese artificial island.
Chinese government has warned the US of severe consequences for violating its
territorial sea. The US however says that the law of territorial sea doesn’t apply in
artificial lands. The issue remains the latest manifestation of strategic competition
between both the countries.
 China is in dispute with several South East Asian countries including Vietnam,
Philippines and Japan over the ownership of islands in the South China Sea. This
dispute is exploited by the US by supporting the South East Asian states for their
rightful claims on the islands. China stresses the US to stay away from their
internal matters. This brings another manifestation of US-China strategic
 Where US is in effort to contain China, there the latter is expanding its trade links
to the Middle East, Europe and Africa after South East Asia. Capturing the trade
route in Arabian Sea via Gwadar Port of Pakistan, China is playing the strategy to
seek a hold and expel the US interference in Asian and African matters.

Impact on Global Order

The impacts of this strategic competition include;

 Regional alliances in Asia are shifting. The US is taking India as its ally to
counter balance China. While China is allying Pakistan with it to equalize the US-
India entente.
 Russia, China and Pakistan are getting closer to each other in their relationships.
This can lead to the formation of an important and powerful alliance in Asia.
 US is trying to keep the South East Asian states allied to it against China. This
task however seems difficult in future as these countries need good economic ties
with China.
 Global order is transforming into multi-polarity from uni-polarity.
 US is finding it uneasy to keep itself engaged in Asia in the distant future without
a sufficient cause.
 Smaller Asian states are gaining importance depending on their peculiar
weightage in each of the undeclared new alliances.

China and US strategic competition is real but not fully apparent yet. Both the countries
cooperate where it is required. The strong competition will be seen once US gets its
attention deviated from the reviving Russia. The fear of China to overtake the US is
genuine but possible only in long term.

Précis 2017

Intense Activeness in World, not the passiveness, has

brought Unrest
The writer narrates that the world remains in unrest not because of laziness of people
but owing to their intense and misled activeness. If the active actions are restricted or
replaced with the urge of leisure and rest in life, the world would be calm. Politicians,
rulers, media-persons and army-men; if get to rest from their works, many problems will
remain from taking birth. If they had shown passive action instead of active approach in
the past, there would have been no World War at the first place and of course, there
would have been no humiliating Versailles conference after the said crisis. Same are
the members of religious groups who interfere in every matter of personal lives through
conferences they hold. It would be preferred for them to rest to rehabilitate themselves

Precis’ Title – Intense Activeness in World, not the passiveness, has brought

Precis 2016

A Trip to Cherokee
The writer found it hard to choose a destination for his vacations. His desire to spend
vacations in peaceful place came to be true when he set for an Oklahoma’s county of
Cherokee following the suggestion of John. They visited the 18th-century town named
Qualla Boundary. It was rich in tribal inheritance of the locality. They visited souvenir
shop carrying several articles and met the English-speaking shopkeeper. Previously a
wood-cutter, the shopkeeper told the writer how busy he remained during the tour-
season which is when off, leads people to find other means of livelihood. One of them is
Bingo Weekend which brings people to play and win money in a big hall. The writer
pledges to visit another place after enjoying Museum of Qualla Boundry as his trip’s last
Precis 2015

Evils and Eradication of War

The writer reiterates war as the possible cause of collapse of civilizations. War is
unbearable but not once its victims lack a way out. In past war could outnumber in
destruction as compared to benefits. At present states fight war keeping an option of
exemption for the loser. The evils of war remain hidden when the warring society seeks
political and economic benefits from it even though the powerful god of war takes lives
and happiness from society. The society, however, reaching at top of prosperity begins
to translate its resources into military power. But then it also begins to realize war as a
cancer that grows destroying healthy tissues. In such scenarios of history, efforts were
made to save society by abandoning war. This provided with two options. One is
individual-oriented and the other is state-oriented. In the former individuals refuse to
take part in any war against anyone for any purpose. In the second option, governments
of states join hands against aggression and its causes. And the second option until now
seems more fruitful for containing war.

Precis 2014

Social Morality and Empathy as a tool for social change

The writer in this passage has emphasized the need to sensitize human beings to
morality. They should inculcate basic principles of morality to promote peace and
stability in the society. Human intelligence should be channelized towards producing
human beings having a sense of morality and empathy. Traditionally social morality was
the monopoly of church and with the passage of time it ignored its function. Our
educators and educational institutes should rise to the occasion to promote social
morality and empathy. Only moral and empathetic human beings can promote love and

Suitable heading: Social Morality and Empathy as a tool for social change
CSS-2014 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition)

Precis 2013

Evolution of ancient and modern culture

The writer in this passage pinpoints cultural evolution from primitive societies to modern
and civilized societies. The culture of a society has two components namely internal and
external. It is mainly the internal factor which shapes, develops and strengthens the
culture of a society. Cultural problems cannot be separated from social problems which
have a direct bearing on a culture of a society. Colonial Powers stagnated the growth of
native cultures wherever they went. The culture of ancient feudal and aristocratic
societies was very limited in a sense that it rarely got mixed with common folk. The
imperialist powers helped widen this gap. This is the legacy which colonial powers left

Suitable heading: An insight into the evolution of ancient and modern culture
CSS-2013 ENGLISH (Précis and Composition)

Precis 2012

The Unsettled Question of Population

The need of fairness in contemporary sociology is due to skipping the population
question. If state wants to control the process of natural selection then quantitative and
qualitative rules of population are inevitable. In case the balance between population
and means of subsistence is not regulated, standard of life will be reduced. In such
case, the class of society which lost standard of life will itself reduce population but
without keep proportion between death and birth rate. This practice would not be
adopted by the under-classes. The recruitment of quality citizens will get affected in this
way. The subject however will not seek attention of politicians, military-men and even
revolutionaries for being unpopular. All of them will later use religious priests as a tool to
condemn such measures of birth-control.

Precis 2011

Grounds of Unhappiness
All the psychological causes of unhappiness share something in common. A
conventional unhappy person is one who sees life from the prism of that urge which he
failed to satisfy and set aside the other dimensions of life. Another case is when a
person fails to seek satisfaction from any side lives dormant life and finds temporary
happiness in negative means like drinking. He actually loses hope by choosing this way.
Such people are to be taught the true pursuit of happiness which is they learn will not
intentionally incline towards unhappiness. Another problem is pride on unhappiness.
Men who take as nothing left to live for are truly unhappy and consider it wise behavior.

Precis 2010

Curing Envy
Being the victim of a fatal character of nature, an envious person remains unhappy for
what others have and try to deprive them preventing any loss to himself. If this feeling of
getting envious from what others have becomes common it can cause misbalance in
social setup. Those who have skills and resources can be jeopardized with illogical
thinking of envious persons. Enhancing admiration can reduce envy. The solution to
envy is only happiness though for envious person being happy is really a problem. This
is because envy itself checks the way towards happiness. But even if one recognizes
one’s envious behavior, it will be a major move towards rooting this evil out.

Reading Comprehension 2017

1. Ignorance of art of the part of man and his failure to utilize the chance to be an
artist or at least to recognize it are the things lamented in the text.
2. An ordinary man fails to recognize art, takes beauty as an ornament and rarely
values the work of an artist. Contrarily, an artist understands the true meaning of
art and knows the value of work of beauty.
3. We can make our lives beautiful and charming by valuing art and introducing it in
our lives along with trying to understand the meaning behind the beauty depicted in
4. By saying ‘Beauty is not an Ornament of Life’ the writer means that people
should be taking beauty as a part of their lives and not as an accessory which is
used and discarded. Beauty should be a feeling rather than a thing.
5. Yes, I agree that art and beauty affect our practical life and moral by changing
our perceptions about the art and beauty.

Reading Comprehension 2016

Answer No.1
Most of us fail in efforts of self-improvement because the plans made are excessively
hard to bring into practice.

Answer No.2
The mistake in announcing the resolution to everybody is that one appears to be unwise
to others in case of failure to stick to the resolution.

Answer No.3
The writer didn’t carry out his resolution on the New Year’s Day because he attended an
overnight party and could not save time.

Answer No.4
Intimidating – Resisting
Peril – Pitfall
Dwindle – Waned
Repel – Fended off
Barb – Jibe

Reading Comprehension 2015

Answer No.2
The author justified the scientific method with the claim that it provides total truth and
firm grounds for beliefs.

Answer No.3
The conclusions reached by the scientific method should be considered final because
they are based on repeatedly tested facts through experimentation.

Answer No.4
It is necessary to abandon the scientific method in emergency situations of daily routine
which require prompt actions and conclusions.

Answer No.5
The basis of ‘intuitive judgement’ differ from the scientific decision as the former is
merely based on faith while the latter is finds its grounds on firm facts.

Reading Comprehension 2014

Answer No.1
The ‘Reign of Terror’ happened with the killings of political opponents in France as a
result of internal chaos and civil war during the French Revolution.

Answer No.2
The American Revolution was easier to complete as compared to the French Revolution
as the former was occurring in a different continent without intervention from European
states and free from the troubles of war. Contrary to that, the French revolution was
made difficult with the presence of all the said factors.

Answer No.3
The challenge of internal chaos and civil war had the greatest impact on the inability of
French Revolutionaries to complete a successful revolution. This challenge divided
them internally and instead of making the revolution successful they indulged in fighting
against each other.

Answer No.4
The strength of unity among the American revolutionaries had the greatest impact on
their ability to complete a successful revolution. Unity of the American people kept them
focused towards their goal and helped them to give up political differences.

Reading Comprehension 2013

Answer No.1
The author called Confucius belief about the progress of human society as a delusion
because he disagrees that the present society cannot achieve what the previous rulers
did. He believes human society to be progressive.
Answer No.2
Confucius thought affected China to become stable and prosper by giving its society a
complete system of ethical norms and rendering it to be a distinct civilization.

Answer No.3
Confucian system deserves respect and admiration because of centuries-long survival
from the eras of chaos due to the features it carry.

Answer No.4
The author called the Confucius system purely ethical and not religious because it is not
based on unearthly beliefs. In fact, it teaches practical aspects of practical social affairs.

Answer No.5
I agree with the Confucius ideal of ‘gentleman’ as it is a good social approach for
establishing a stable, peaceful and civilized society. Further, this ideal has helped China
into a civilized region.

Reading Comprehension 2012

Answer No.1
The difference is that the children’s fear of darkness comes from the horror stories they
hear while the human beings’ fear of death springs from the tales of pain of a dying

Answer No.2
Taking death as a punishment for one’s sins and as means of entering into another
world constitute religious view of death.

Answer No.3
The painful experiences described by the Monks in their books are related to the
tortures they impose upon themselves with the aim to purify their souls.

Answer No.4
Seneca is of the view that the conditions of death along with the rituals attached with it
make the death more horrible than it actually is.

Answer No.5
The moaning of a dying person, transformations in his body, paling of his face and the
mourning of his relatives are the facts which make death to appear more horrible than it
would have been otherwise.

Reading Comprehension 2011

Answer No.1
Knowledge is different from understanding in a sense that it comes when one brings a
new prospect in one’s old reservoir of experiences whereas understanding is name of
utterly abandoning the old view to adopt the new one.

Answer No.2
Understanding cannot be passed on because unlike knowledge it is not conceptual.

Answer No.3
Knowledge of understanding is possible and it can be passed on through the modes of
writing, speech and signs or symbols.

Answer No.4
The author explains the knowledge of understanding as difference from understanding
by comparing it with an example. He says that it is as different as the difference in a
doctor’s prescription of pencitin and penicillin.

Answer No.5
I completely agree with the author’s definitions of knowledge and understanding. He has
rightly distinguished both the things. His definitions remove the common misconception
of taking knowledge and understanding as same things.

Reading Comprehension 2010

Answer No.1
The sufferings of investigation made Galileo recant the truth he knew.

Answer No.2
The heritage being alluded is the discovered knowledge and the efforts of wise men of
the past to make life on earth better.

Answer No.3
‘The betrayal of our trust implies’ that we enjoy the heritage of knowledge and works of
our forefathers without doing anything new.

Answer No.4
We need to question the old truths and work for the new ones in order to make the
human life on earth even more better.

Answer No.5
Inquisition – interrogation
The Planet – Earth
Falter – waver, stumble
Cynicism – pessimism
Those who are yet to be – future generations

Actions speak louder than words

Write a comprehensive note (250 – 300 words) on “Actions speak louder than
Write an essay on “Actions speak louder than words”.

It is a well-known saying that amply depicts the character, thinking and personality of a
person. It is always an action that decides the intentions and motives of a person when
he or she tries to do something practical. It is pertinent to mention that however
rhetorical and scholarly people may be, they cannot prove their worth unless they match
their actions with whatever they profess or propagate. This saying reveals a true picture
of a society, nation and country. Socially and individually, a man of words and not of
deeds cannot prosper and progress in life simply because his words run counter to
whatever he does practically. It is always the actions of great leaders that make their
countries strong and prosperous. If we look back at history, it will be proved that leaders
like Quaid-e-Azam, Mao Tse Tung, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Napoleon,
Nelson Mandela etc. matched their rhetoric with actions and brought their nations to the
pinnacle of success and glory. So actions are louder than words. The Prophet of Islam
(PBUH) not only preached but also matched his preaching with his actions that
motivated and inspired his followers.

In modern age, many countries and nations of the world are categorized as
underdeveloped or third world countries. The reason is simple to find out. In these
countries national leadership is both insincere and corrupt. These leaders make tall
claims for public consumption during election campaigns but, when back into power, do
not translate their rhetoric and tall claims into practical actions to the detriment of the
nation and country. Hence, we can easily probe into the intentions and thinking of
others by applying this age-old saying that actions speak louder than words.

Girls are more intelligent than Boys

Write a comprehensive note (250 – 300 words) on “Girls are more intelligent than
Write an essay on “Girls are more intelligent than Boys”.

In modern times it is becoming increasingly evident that girls are more intelligent than
boys leading to the conclusion that the fair sex can also work at par with their male
counterparts. Girls have proved themselves to be equally efficient and creative in many
fields of life. Be it the field of medicine, law, nursing, teaching, industry, space, etc. girls
have made their mark in these fields and even surpassed boys.

While there is no accepted standard of measuring the intelligence of both the sexes,
however, it is generally observed that girls have time and again outshone boys in
various socio-economic fields. Today physical weakness for girls stands invalid as they
have stepped in those fields hitherto unknown to them. For example, a Pakistani
woman, Samina Baig, became the first Pakistani woman to scale the Mount Everest.
Mountaineering was considered the domain of men in the past but intelligent and brave
woman named Samina Baig broke this barrier which shows her unparalleled courage
and determination. Another promising Pakistani young girl who attracted the attention of
the world by her matchless contribution towards computer science has proved herself a
computer prodigy. The name of this talented and intelligent girl is Arifa Abdul Karim.
She is world’s youngest Microsoft Certified Professional and is recipient of Fatima
Jinnah Gold Medal and Salam Pakistan Youth Award. To become a Microsoft
professional at such a young age is really a feather in her cap. So it is also a fact that
neither girls nor boys can be singled out as being more intelligent than the other. If, in
history, there was a man renowned for his intelligence, certainly there was also a
woman of equally gifted intelligence around to match him.

In modern times, it has been observed that boys are playing a leading role in various
field of life. It does not mean that they have completely overshadowed girls; rather it is
the matter of opportunities. It is generally observed that girls often do not get enough
opportunities for progress and development. They have to face gender bias on every
step. If they are given equal opportunities, then they can also produce wonders like
boys as they have time and again proved themselves to be second to none in various

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched

Write a comprehensive note (250 – 300 words) on “Don’t count your chickens
before they are hatched”.
Write an essay on “Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched”.

It is said that nothing is certain unless it is achieved or accomplished. This quote can be
interpreted in another English proverb which says, “Don’t count your chickens before
they are hatched.” It is human nature to start jubilation and dancing a little before victory
or success but the real taste of victory or success is savoured only when it is achieved
completely. Sometimes it has been observed that success or victory is denied to us
when it is just inches away from us and the merciless hand of fate intervenes to play its
role making us stare at our fate wide-eyed. Therefore, a man should not expect success
at the very outset of any task or work, rather he should bring it to its logical end to taste
true success.

There goes an English saying that all is well that ends well. So it is the end which sums
up success or failure of a particular task. A man can’t rely on mere conjectures,
predictions and anticipations to measure the chances of success of his plans or
strategies unless he has actually gone through this task.

If we look towards history, it will be found out that the great movements and revolutions
that shaped the destinies of nations were full of ups and downs and uncertainties. In the
beginning, nobody was sure of their success but with the passage of time they attained
completion which brought about certainty and confidence among the masses. For
example, when the prophet of Islam started preaching the word of God Almighty, he
faced unfathomable hardships and difficulties. His detractors and opponents strained
every nerve to fail him. They jeered at him. So his way was full of uncertainties. But
when he successfully completed his mission, it was when his message stood certain
and strong.

The French Revolution (1789-1799) which changed and reshaped the polity of the
French was also a period of upheaval and disorder. It was also a period of uncertainty.
But when it reached its logical end, there was a wave of newfound patriotism and
certainty among the French.

The Chinese Revolution (1949) which marked the beginning of modern and prosperous
China was also a period of great trials and tribulations. The destinies of the Chinese
were totally uncertain and shaky at the start but after a long-drawn struggle the Chinese
were successful enough to reach the pinnacle of glory and success. They became sure
and certain about the glory and greatness of their country.

The Russian Revolution (1917) which put an end to Tzarist autocracy in Russia was
also an epoch of uncertainties and obscurities. But when the dust of this revolution
settled, it brought a wave of certainty and stability in the Russian polity.

Hence, it is proved that nothing is certain unless it is achieved. The way to glory and
success is full of uncertainties but it can be paved through strong determination and will-

First deserve then desire

Write a comprehensive note (250 – 300 words) on “First deserve then desire”.
Write an essay on “First deserve then desire”.

First deserve then desire is a well-known English saying which shows how the way to
glory and success can be paved by having certain abilities and capabilities.

It is a fact that a man can’t get what he wants just by day-dreaming and building castles
in the air. For his lofty ideals and goals, a man has to put his abilities into practice and
strive to go extra mile to realize his cherished dreams. A life spent mere by words and
not by productive deeds is worthless and such a person may have many desires,
wishes and ambitions but he can’t realize his dreams into reality simply because he
does not toil to realize his ambitions into reality and does not deserve the glory and
success attached to his ambitions.

History bears ample witness to the fact that all the great men who left a deep mark and
influence on the world were men of actions. They practically did what they said and
meant. In other words, they deserved the status they got through their untiring efforts
and struggles. It is said that genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent
perspiration. If we go through the pages of history, it will be found that all the great men
worked extremely hard to translate their ideals into reality. It would be pertinent to
mention here the examples of some great men who truly deserved the status and
honour the world accorded to them.

To begin with, Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), who was 16th President of the United
States, was born to a poor farmer. He toiled extremely hard to deserve this status. He
faced many ups and downs in his life. He played a key role in preserving the unity of
America during its bloody civil war and ended slavery. He modernized and developed

Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during
the second World War, could not pass the entrance examination to Harrow Public
School when he was barely ten or eleven years old. He disliked the exams as most of
the students tend to dislike exams. But, soon, he developed passion for education and
utilized his potential to become a great writer and politician. He was famous for his
inspiring speeches the world over and remained undaunted even in tense situations.
He, too, deserved this status because he burnt the midnight oil to get this position.

Another iconic figure of history is Nelson Mandela (1918-2013). He was the 1st
President of South Africa. He is known for Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa. He
remained incarcerated for 27 years but he did not budge even an inch from his goal to
liberate his nation and end racial segregation. He, too, deserved this status to be an
iconoclast in the annals of history against apartheid.

Hence, it is proved that a person aspiring to get high position in society and to make his
dreams come true must leave no stone unturned to work hard to deserve what he
desires to become.

Child is the Father of Man

Write a comprehensive note (250 – 300 words) on “Child is the Father of Man”.
Write an essay on “Child is the Father of Man”.

A child shows every indication what and how it will be when it grows up. What the child
is shows how it will be. In a child we find in germs all the qualities, physical, mental and
spiritual which it develops when it is grown up. A child has certain habits and traits
which, with the passage of time grow up to be the habits and traits of a man. Looking at
the child one develops an idea what kind of a man or woman the child is going to be.

The sense can be made clear otherwise “As the twig is bent, so the tree will grow”.
Assessing not only from the trees but also humans we can predict how they will be
when they are grown ups. If the young plant is straight and healthy, it is easy to foretell
that the tree growing out of the young plant will develop into a straight and healthy tree.
If the young tree is not straight and healthy it will grow but will not be healthy and
straight tree. Likewise the children taking birth in the families which have some strongly
marked diseases or moral weaknesses will surely have the diseases or moral
weaknesses when they grow up. On the contrary the children growing up in the families
with healthy influence will grow up into man or woman of strong character.

However, the saying stands true in most of the cases but it is not always true. History
gives us the instances which show that those having promising childhood experience
disappointing manhood. On the other hand the boys, who seemed to have unpromising
childhood, grew up to be the most successful men. Because of the economy of time and
space I am not going to give here the catalogue of instances from history.

At the end of the day we are left with the idea that the paradoxical saying, “The child is
the father of man” holds true to a larger extent.

Let us love children and take special care in their nourishment. Children are the ones
who are going to matter to the world in future. Considering their importance to that
extent we should bring them up under strong and healthy influence and develop in them
the habits which will make them and their community healthy and strong.

Love is Beautiful but Baleful god

Write a comprehensive note (250 – 300 words) on “Love is Beautiful but Baleful
Write an essay on “Love is Beautiful but Baleful god”.

Love is a passion which even animals are seen to have. I have said animals do have
this passion because it is conspicuous among animals for their newly born. This
beatitude of love is in excess among humans. Love has many forms and aspects. That
is, love of parents for their children, conjugal love and romantic love. Let us dispose of
the love of parents for their children first. Love of parents for their children is natural
phenomena but when it becomes cloyingly excessive then it becomes a baleful factor in
human life. Parents, in some cases pamper their children too much. They cater
everything to them and spoon feed them. The children even when they become adult
get everything readymade. Consequently they become dependent upon others and not
utilization their dispositions cease to be self made men.

Conjugal love, to an extent, is reasonable and natural but it has its downside too. If
married love is one sided, one is fated to be underestimated or underrated by the other.
In many cases it has been observed that too much conjugal love breeds jealousy and
over possession among married couples. Loving one person too much results in being
enamored with the one and ignoring the other important relations in family. Here love
becomes detrimental to a family too. Sometimes this type of love causes in attention to
ones parents who at the senile stage of their life need their children’s attention. The
story doesn’t end here. One who shows cloying love to his family loses his friends and
Romantic love affair need not be overemphasized. It’s a common sight among the youth
of every period. Though very desirable and natural such love affairs prove to be syrupy.
Shakespeare said “There is no more flatterer than the man’s self , a lover is even more
than that. At a very young age people become head over heels in love with each other.
Over possession and failing in love even with the idea of love become natural. A man is
divorced from reason in such situation. For such lunatics the worldly affairs merit no
importance. At a very young age when one has time and energy in store, having fallen
in love, one loses both. The fact remains that the young of today who are going to
matter to the world in future become useless by burning their candle at both ends.
Everything great has been done by the youth but if our youth keeps immersed in
platonic and syrupy love affairs most of the great things will remain undone and

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