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Be a part of solution not pollution.

> Plastic pollution is a major threat to our planet and

> Find out its causes and effects, innovative solutions and
>how we can contribute to stop it?
>Every day approximately 8 million pieces of plastic
pollution find their way into our oceans.
> In 1950, the world’s population of 2.5 billion produced
1.5 million tons of plastic; in 2016, a global population of
more than 7 billion people produced over 320 million
tons of plastic. This is set to double by 2034.
> Plastics consistently make up 60 to 90% of all marine
debris studied

Target Audience:

 Youth
 Children's
 Ladies
>Despite effective communication with the public plastic bag
use is still high
>A major factor hindering the success of informing the public is
the human tendency to take the easiest option.
>So the focus should be on making people responsible rather
than just making aware.

Milton Thermosteel
Anti-plastic multi-purpose Thermosteel Flask to Store Hot
or Cold Beverages: The Milton Thermosteel flip lid flask
has a stainless steel body with copper coating for better
heat retention. The vacuum insulation helps in keeping
liquids hot or cold for up to 24 hours. This design is
extremely sturdy and useful for storing hot and cold
beverages like water, coffee, tea, juice and much more.
Additionally, it comes with a unique flip lid that makes it
easier to drink directly from the flask or to pour into cups
and glasses without spilling. Whether you are at work,
home or travelling, the Milton Thermosteel flask will come
in handy.
Sturdy Design Made of 100% Stainless Steel: The body of
the flask is fabricated both inside and outside in 18/8
quality stainless steel. This makes it hundred percent rust-
free. It is advisable to pre-condition the flask depending on
what you want to store in it. So you can pour hot water if
you use it for hot beverages and cold water for cold drinks.
However, it is not suitable for carbonated drinks as they
may wear out the inner body of the flask.
Easy to Clean and Maintain: The Milton Thermosteel flask
is easy to clean. Use a mild detergent or dish wash liquid
and clean on the inside with a bottle brush.


Q) How?
 Creating awareness through innovative posters.
 Posters allow you to spread your message to a
wide audience far cheaper than radio, print or
television advertising in a simple, easy and
affordable way.

> Advertising on Youtube and Social media.
 You reach large audiences
 You have a direct connection with your audience
 You can evaluate your performance
> TVC’s


During Rainy season

> Urban floods are entirely manmade with poorly
maintained drains, plastic bags, shrinking open
spaces and climate change.
>During rainy season people will be more
connected to the plastic and environmental
During Vacations

> Beach
>Public place

Media Planning & Strategy

Market Analysis:


 Milton
 Cello Lifestyle Stainless Steel Flask
 Fitster5 Premium Stainless Steel Sipper Flask
 Nirlon Stainless Steel Flask and Freezer Bottle Set
 Borosil Hydra Thermo Stainless Steel Flask

Keeping yourself hydrated is the best way to ensure a healthy

living. While most of us are on the run or heading to various
places, it is necessary and also vital to carry a bottle of water in
our bag so that we don’t get dehydrated, especially during the
harsh summer months. Having a stylish water bottle or sipper in
your bag will keep you hydrated and fresh through the day.
When it comes to picking a water bottle for daily use,
portability, insulating properties, and durability are all
important considerations.

Target Audience:

 Youth
 Children's
 Ladies

Grographical Region:
 Mumbai
 Banglore
 Kolkata
 Gujarat
 The reason to choose these four states is because most
of them are metro cities and all of this states have issues
related to plastic pollution.
 People needs to be aware about the advantages of
thermosteel bottles over normal plastic bottles.

Media Objectives:
Targeted Reach
>Creating Awareness.
>Making people aware about the environmental
issues with respect to plastic and plastic bottles.
>Educating people about the advantages of
thermosteel bottles over normal plastic bottles.
> Reach should be more in comparision to
frequency since our major objective is to making
people aware
Targeted Frequency
>Increase the recall moment.
>Increasing the sales of Milton thermosteel flask.

Selecting multiple media
> Print
> TVC’s
> Social media

Product positioning:

> Passing the diffrentiation to customers,.

> Creating a market plan that position the product in
such a way it creates a diffrentiation with respect
to the competitors .

Media Strategy:

Media Mix

Platform such as
1) Newspaper
2) TV
3) Posters
4) Billboards
5) Online: Youtube & Facebook
Reach vs Frequency
Reach should be more in comparision to
frequency since our major objective is to making
people aware about environmental issues.

Media Scheduling:

Timing of advertising and consumer

1) During Prime Time
2) During Day Time


>Using micro-scheduling to allocate advertising

expenditure and frequency within a short period to
obtain the maximum response or impact.
>In other words, to distributing advertising
expenditure within the given time of rainy season
and vacation period.

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