A Trip Down The Rabbit Hole

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Alice, to whom or what have the officials in your State sworn

allegiance in order to enter office?

The Constitution is a Charitable Trust.

The 14th Amendment is Roman Ecclesiastical Law.
Old English Common Law contains the Law of Mortmain, otherwise
known as “The Dead Hand.” If a person died without a will, the
Church would take his property.

This is what happens here. The Government kills us on paper at

birth. We become civilly dead. Government then creates the straw
man via a birth certificate, a fiction to act for the straw man. Fictions
cannot move. Since we are considered to be dead, the state takes and
manages our property under the law of Mortmain.
Mortmain is in the Law Merchant and it is in the UCC. This is for
functioning in Commercial activity.
Since the bankruptcy of 1933, we are all considered to be Merchants
in Commerce and all crimes are Commercial. U.S. Law is Private
International Merchant Law of Contract, leaving the people as
Surety, bankrupt and Debtor. Freedom is not protected. MONEY IS

Now you know we are dead men walking. The “person,” as we are
defined in law, is just a ghost. Ghosts are not seen or heard.

The legal definition of a state today is “ An Unincorporated

Business Organization.” The people have been placed in the position
of being a “merchant in commerce,” falling under law of contract
and negotiable instruments .

The states now function as “Business Trusts/Massachusetts Trusts," not

organized under, or deriving any quality or benefit from, a statute. Eliot v.
Freeman, 220 U.S. 178. P. 151. ] (U. B. O.) is a powerful entity by which
individuals may combine their resources to operate a business for profit
without the inherent liabilities of a partnership or the double taxation of

What we produce is held in the business trust. All our assets are
placed under the state and used by the state as collateral. Our taxes
fund the operation of the state and are used as investment capitol
and restore all financial loses.

A U. B. O. is often called a “Common-law Trust/ Massachusetts

Trust " but this phrase is not descriptive of any of the peculiar
characteristics of such organizations. The basis for the terminology
"Common-law Trust" is that they are created under the common
law of contracts and do not depend upon any statute for its existence.
See the United States Constitution, Article 1 Sec. 10, Clause 1.

As indicated by its name, an Unorganized Business

Organization or Association/Trust, is an estate adapted to business
or commercial activities. Reduced to its bare essentials the U. B. O.
consists of some form of capital vested in trustees who manage the
entity for the benefit profit.
A U.B.O. is created when one or more persons, [us, without our
knowledge or consent] transfer the legal title in property to trustees,
with power vested in the latter to manage and control the property
and business and to pay the profits of the enterprise to the creators
of the Trust[the government] or their successors.

The U. B. O. which had its beginnings in England in the 18th

Century, adapts the ordinary trust to the new purpose of carrying on
a business.

Two of the most famous early business Trusts in England were

Lloyds of London (1811) and the London Stock Exchange (1802).

The Business Trust made its debut in Massachusetts in 1827. As a

result, a U.S. Business Trust today is often called a "Massachusetts
Trust" in legal circles.

The U.S. Supreme Court defined the Massachusetts Trust as a form

of business organization, common in Massachusetts consisting
essentially of an arrangement whereby property is conveyed to
trustees: in accordance with terms of the Trust. The business is to be
held and managed for the benefit of persons who hold transferable
certificates issued by the trustees showing the shares into which the
beneficial interest in the property is divided. [Hecht v. Malley, 265
U.S. 144 (1924)] [446 U.S. 458, 469]

This U. B. O. method of transacting business in commercial

enterprises originated in Massachusetts as a result of negative laws
prohibiting the development of real estate without a special act of the
legislature or in other words, without "permission" of the State .
So, the Business Trust was created under Common-law right to
contract to obtain legislatively constructed business organizations
advantages but without having to gain "permission" to enter into a
business activity and suffer under the burdens and restrictions that
are placed on "statutorily constructed organizations".
This author believes this has occurred in this nation as a result of the
Bankruptcy of 1933. The setting aside of our constitutions has
allowed rampant criminal activity in government.
Our states are no longer dejure constitutional states. The United
States government incorporated and became the Mother
corporation, and the states became the Incs.
The people were made salutatory 14th amendment “Persons.”
All the states are Unorganized Business Organizations. Check your
state CAFR. It will tell you how many millions/billions your state
earns in profit from your tax dollars.
It’s a great deal for somebody. We pay all the bills, someone else gets
all the profits. Someone else makes all the rules and regulations, we
volunteer to obey.
There’s no government. There’s just a bunch of uneducated
Americans volunteering to function in a system they don’t even know
exists or understand. Do some research. Don’t take my word for it.

Congress no longer has the requirement to have public official bonds

because they are not considered to be public officials representing
citizens in a dejure nation. They represent the corporation and its
investors and function for PROFIT.
We are merchants in commerce, with liberty by contract, with no
standing in any court. Our Republic is gone. We may as well be
citizens of Wall Mart.

I finally refused to live in the hole under the illusion of constitutional

government that’s slowly fading and turning into what could end up
being my worst nightmare. I volunteered out. I set my condition
precedent as one of the people of the republic. I reserved my
common law rights and stated I was without the federal territories.
Now is the time to organize.
You can change things! You can organize and form a new
government where you self govern.. You can create your own money
or barter system for exchange of labor. Start cottage industries in
your community. Start neighborhood farms.
You are volunteering into the federal system of commerce and
You can refuse to comply!
Silence is consent!

When a well-packaged web of lies has been gradually sold to the

masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous
and its speaker a raving lunatic.
Notice: Electronic mail transmitted by author's condition precedent political rights of united
States of America 1781 Compact and dejure 1849 California State unalienable rights
as authored by man from Jehovah's word.

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