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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 80 (2002) 109– 113


Hypoglycaemic effect of the lyophilised aqueous extract of Ajuga

i6a in normal and streptozotocin diabetic rats
Jaouad El Hilaly, Badiâa Lyoussi *
Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mehraz, UFR Physiology – Pharmacology, Laboratory of Animal Physiology, Department of Biology, USMBA,
BP 1976, Atlas, Fez, Morocco
Received 11 September 2001; received in revised form 28 September 2001; accepted 23 November 2001


The purpose of this study was to examine the hypoglycaemic effect of the lyophilised aqueous extract of the whole plant of
Ajuga i6a (L.) Schreber (Labiatae) in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Single and repeated oral administration of
the extract of Ajuga i6a L (AI) at a dose of 10 mg/kg produced a slight and significant decrease in plasma glucose levels in normal
rats 6 h after administration and after 3 weeks of treatment. AI reduced plasma glucose levels of streptozotocin diabetic rats from
33799.3 to 102.2 917.7 mg/dl after 6 h of oral administration (PB 0.001). Repeated oral administration of AI to streptozotocin
diabetic rats significantly decreased the plasma glucose levels after 1 week of treatment (112 9 14.4 mg/dl at 1 week vs 337 99.3
mg/dl at the baseline values, (P B0.001). It continuously decreased thereafter and showed a rapid normalisation after 1 week of
AI treatment. It is concluded that these results demonstrated that the water extract of the whole plant of AI possess a strong
hypoglycaemic effect in diabetic rats, and support therefore, its traditional use in diabetes mellitus control. © 2002 Published by
Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.

Keywords: Ajuga i6a; Lyophilised aqueous extract; Streptozotocin rats; Oral administration; Plasma glucose levels; Hypoglycaemic effect

1. Introduction Several scientific studies have been conducted on

many species of the genus Ajuga, which are ecologically
Hypoglycaemic plants are still prevalent in develop- related and some of their active compounds have been
ing countries, where they have been used to treat identified (e.g. Cantrell et al., 1999; Chen et al., 1997;
Kuria and Muriuki, 1984; Takasaki et al., 1999; Breschi
diabetes for many centuries (Lewis and Elvinlewis,
et al., 1992). Nevertheless, to our knowledge, no phar-
1977; Akhtar, 1985; Bailey and Day, 1989; Lin, 1992;
macological investigation has been conducted in Ajuga
Jahodar, 1993). More than 1200 species of plants have
i6a (L.) Schreber (Labiatae) (AI), although numerous
been used empirically for their alleged hypoglycaemic beneficial effects are claimed by folk medicine. It is used
activity (Marles and Farnsworth, 1995). This fact is as an anthelmintic, against intestinal disorders (Bel-
attributed to the high cost and the lack of availability lakhdar et al., 1991), and as a diuretic agent (Alliotta
of current therapies for the majority of patients in and Pollio, 1994). According to ethnobotanical data
developing countries. It is worth stating that phytother- collected in oriental Morocco by Ziyyat et al. (1997),
apy is widely adopted by the Moroccan population AI, locally known as ‘Chendgora’, is also alleged to
(Bellakhdar, 1997; Ziyyat et al., 1997; Hassar, 1999; possess hypoglycaemic activity and it is believed by
Hmamouchi, 1999). Nevertheless, many medicinal many Moroccan diabetics that the decoction of AI
plants claimed effective by folk medicine require scien- consumed over a long time removes the cause of dia-
tific investigation to ascertain their effectiveness, toxic- betes. The anti-diabetic effect of this plant has never
ity and then provide alternative drugs and therapeutic been experimentally demonstrated. The purpose of this
strategies (Xavier, 1997). investigation was to determine the acute toxicity of this
plant and to ascertain evidence of a scientific basis for
* Corresponding author. this claim using normal and STZ-induced diabetic rats.

0378-8741/02/$ - see front matter © 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 8 7 4 1 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 4 0 7 - X
110 J.E. Hilaly, B. Lyoussi / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 80 (2002) 109–113

2. Material and methods 2.5. Blood samples

2.1. Experimental animals Blood was obtained from the retro-orbital puncture
of all Wistar rats using capillary tubes. Blood samples
Healthy male and female adult Wistar rats, weighing were centrifuged at 4000 rev/min for 10 min at 4 °C,
200–260 g were used in this study. Animals were then the plasma was conserved until analysis.
housed in an air-conditioned animal room at 239
2 °C, with 12 h/12 h light/dark photoperiod, and main- 2.6. Parameters determination
tained with free access to water and ad libitum feeding.
Plasma glucose levels were measured by the glucose
2.2. Plant material oxidase method (Biosystem, Spain). Plasma insulin con-
centrations were determined by radioimmunoassay kits
The whole plant of AI was harvested in the septentri- using Beta Matic Comptor.
onal Moroccan province named Taounate in April–
May (1998), and authenticated by Prof. M. Fennane 2.7. Acute toxicity
from the Scientific National Institute (Rabat), where a
voucher specimen was deposited (H 63). The lyophilised aqueous extracts lethality in mice was
tested orally using graded doses (0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 14 g/kg).
2.3. Preparation of the extract Furthermore, the general behaviour of mice was
recorded continuously for 12 h, and daily for a further
The whole plant was ground and 50 g of powder 2 weeks for any eventual mortality.
mixed with 500 ml of distilled water (10%). The mixture
was heated and boiled under reflux for 30 min. The 2.8. Statistical analysis
decoction obtained was centrifuged, filtered, frozen at
− 20 °C, and then lyophilised (FreeZone®Dry 4.5, All data are presented as mean9 SEM. Student’s
USA). t-test was used to assess statistically significant differ-
ences. Comparisons between group means were carried
2.4. Experimental design out using analysis of variance. Mean values were con-
sidered significantly different if P B0.05.
2.4.1. Normal rats
The hypoglycaemic effect was evaluated orally by
force-feeding in 18 normal rats, previously fasted for 16 3. Results
h and randomly divided into three groups: (n =6 per
group). 3.1. Acute toxicity
Group 1: received distilled water and served as a
control group. The lyophilised aqueous extract of AI did not show
Group 2: treated with extract of AI at a dose of 10 mortality, nor any remarkable symptoms of toxicity
mg/kg. and/or any significant changes in general behaviour in
Group 3: treated with Glibenclamide (GLB) mice, at the doses used. However, administration of
(BENCLAMID® PROPHARM) at a dose of 2.5 doses over 14 g/kg was not possible as the aqueous
mg/kg, and served as a reference standard drug. suspensions of the lyophilised plant were too thick to
be administered orally by feeding needle.
2.4.2. Induction of experimental diabetes
Adult rats were artificially made diabetic by intra- 3.2. Acute hypoglycaemic effect
venous injection of STZ (Sigma, St. Louis, MO)
through the tail vein (60 mg/kg dissolved in citrate Fig. 1 summarises the data of plasma glucose levels
buffer, 0.1 M, pH 4.5). in normal rats (Fig. 1a) and diabetic rats (Fig. 1b),
After 3 days, hyperglycaemia was confirmed spec- following single oral administration of test materials.
trophotometrically using the glucose oxidase method The lyophilised aqueous extract of AI (10 mg/kg)
and Glucometer (GlucoMenGlyco, A. Menari Diagnostic significantly lowered the plasma glucose levels in nor-
MTB, Germany). Only rats with fasting blood glucose mal rats as compared to the untreated groups and to
levels greater than 250 mg/dl were selected and used in the pre-treatment levels (0 h) (799 3.96 mg/dl at 6 h vs
this study. Then, animals were classified into three 100.79 3.34 mg/dl at 0 h, PB0.01). While, oral admin-
groups treated as described for groups 1–3, normal istration of GLB did not cause any significant reduction
rats, (n=6 per group). of plasma glucose levels within the 6 h of treatment.
J.E. Hilaly, B. Lyoussi / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 80 (2002) 109–113 111

Fig. 2. Plasma glucose changes after sub-chronic oral administration

of lyophilised aqueous extract of AI within 21 days in (a) normal rats
and (b) diabetic rats. Data are expressed as mean 9SEM; n= 6 per
group; (*) PB 0.05; (**) P B0.01; (***) P B0.001; ( ) control;
Fig. 1. Plasma glucose changes after single oral administration of A. I6a; (a) GLB.
lyophilised aqueous extract of AI within 6 h in (a) normal rats and
(b) diabetic rats. Data are expressed as mean 9 SEM; n= 6 per
group; (*) P B 0.05; (**) P B0.01; (***) P B0.001; ( ) control;
A. i6a; (a) GLB.
cantly reduced compared to AI administration (PB
0.05) throughout the 6 h sampling period (Fig. 1b).
The aqueous extract of AI did not produce any
significant changes in plasma insulin concentrations
In STZ rats, oral administration of the lyophilised between the levels before and after 6 h of treatment
aqueous extract reduced mostly the mean plasma glu- in normal rats (37.391.05 vs 39.190.67 mU/ml at
cose levels as compared to the baseline value (1839 the baseline value) (Table 1).
34.03 mg/dl at 2 h vs 337 99.34 mg/dl at 0 h, Similarly, no remarkable changes were noticed be-
PB 0.01). It was found to be more effective than tween the untreated and treated diabetic rats, before
GLB (3039 15.23 mg/dl at 2 h vs 3789 20.16 mg/dl and after treatment, for the plasma insulin concentra-
at 0 h, PB 0.05), which also gradually and signifi- tions (7.49 0.46 mU/ml at 6 h vs 7.49 0.27 mU/ml at
cantly decreased hyperglycaemia without reaching the the baseline level (0 h) in treated diabetic rats, and
same normal value obtained with AI at 6 h. Plasma 7.190.39 mU/ml at 6 h vs 7.0 90.41 mU/ml at the
glucose level of animals treated with GLB was signifi- pre-treatment level) (Table 1).

Table 1
Effect of single and repeated oral administration of A. i6a lyophilisate on plasma insulin concentrations (mU/ml) in normal and diabetic rats

Experimental groups Single oral administration (h) Repeated oral administration (days)

0 6 0 6

Normal rats
Control 34.59 0.77 34.9 9 1.02a 34.5 9 0.77 34.5 90.93a
A. i6a 39.19 0.67 37.3 9 1.05a 39.1 9 0.67 37 9 1.04a
Diabetic rats
Control 79 0.41 7.1 9 0.39a 7 90.41 7 90.30a
A. i6a 7.49 0.27 7.4 90.46a 7.4 90.27 7.6 9 0.40a

Tabular values represent the mean 9 SEM; n = 6 per group.

Not significant when compared to the baseline values for the single and repeated oral administration.
112 J.E. Hilaly, B. Lyoussi / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 80 (2002) 109–113

3.3. Sub-chronic treatment atic recovery in STZ-diabetic rats. The plasma glucose
lowering effect in the absence of significant change in
As shown in Fig. 2a, normal rats treated by AI plasma insulin concentration (Table 1), suggests that AI
exhibited a slight and significant reduction of plasma treatment may involve an insulin independent mecha-
glucose levels until the 21st day (849 2.5 mg/dl vs nism (Dabis et al., 1984), like some species either in the
96 9 2.9 mg/dl, P B0.05). GLB (2.5 mg/dl) also pro- same family (Labiatae) (Jimenz et al., 1986), or in
duced a significant decrease in the plasma glucose levels others (Jouad et al., 2000; Benwahhoud et al., 2001).
at 15–21 days after the administration (889 2.32 mg/dl Also, it can act by enhancing glucose utilisation in the
at 15th day and 8392.95 mg/dl at 21st day vs 999 peripheral tissues (Naik et al., 1991; Obatomi et al.,
3.16 mg/dl at the baseline value, P B 0.05). 1994; Peungvicha et al., 1998).
In diabetic rats, the repeated oral administration of A preliminary phytochemical analysis of the aqueous
the lyophilised aqueous extract elicited a highly signifi- extract of AI was made according to the Paris and
cant decrease of plasma glucose levels which attained Nothis method (1969). It revealed that flavonoids are
normalisation at the 7th day (1129 14.4 mg/dl vs the major constituents of the aqueous extract. These
3379 9.3 mg/dl, PB 0.001), and continued to fall until natural compounds could be responsible for the hypo-
the peak effect at the 21st day (779 5.9 mg/dl, PB glycaemic effect of AI (Meiselman et al., 1976; Choi et
0.001). al., 1991). It has been reported that AI contains
The hypoglycaemic potency of GLB (at 2.5 mg/kg) ecdysones and ecdysterones (Khafagy et al., 1979; Ikan
appeared, in this study, less effective than the and Ravid, 1971; Fujimoto et al., 2000), which are
lyophilised aqueous extract of AI at the dose of 10 known for their anabolic action (Syrov, 1984). Further-
mg/kg (PB 0.01). GLB also reduced hyperglycaemia at more, other active compounds have been identified in
the 7th day (2259 13.5 vs 316918.76 mg/dl, P B 0.01), the genus Ajuga, like triterpenes, diterpenes (Chen et
and it reached its maximum reduction at the end of the al., 1996; Ben Jannet et al., 2000; Cantrell et al., 1999),
study (11899.97 mg/dl, P B0.001) (Fig. 2b). flavones, anthocyanins (Terahara et al., 1996), gly-
The normal rats treated with AI at a dose of 10 cosides (Takasaki et al., 1999) and Withanolides.
mg/kg showed no significant variation in the plasma Toxicological studies have shown that the aqueous
insulin concentrations after 3 weeks of treatment (379 extract of AI could be considered as free of toxic effects
1.04 vs 39.190.67 mU/ml at the pre-treatment level at hypoglycaemic doses since the extract did not pro-
(Table 1). Furthermore, in STZ-induced diabetic rats, duce any lethality or any changes in general behaviour
there is no remarkable changes in plasma insulin con- in mice at 2– 14 g/kg (Horn, 1956).
centrations after 3 weeks of treatment (7.69 0.4 vs In conclusion, the present study demonstrates experi-
7.4 90.3 mU/ml before AI treatment) (Table 1). mentally the hypoglycaemic activity of AI and corrobo-
rate the empirical use of AI to treat diabetes mellitus in
Moroccan folk medicine (Ziyyat et al., 1997). Further-
4. Discussion more, comprehensive chemical and pharmacological re-
search is required to reveal the mechanism of the
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