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isomorphism = bijection between two sets which has continous inverse

This establishes the notion of equivalence between two set in some context
like congruence of triangles is isomorphism, where triangles are considered as same, as far as
geometry is concerned!

homeomorphism = bijection between two topological space which has continous inverse
Topological Space isomorphism is homeomorphism

diffeomorphism = bijection between two manifolds which has continous inverse

Isomorphism at manifold level is diffeomorphism

How spacetime is curved

since we can't truly visualize the curvature in time, it'd be better if i can show how the geodesics in
space is really changed by the presence of mass and then color code it all to show how curvature in
time affects everything.

Why do we use Fourier transform to go from position space to momentum space?

What does d^4p mean d^3pdt or d^3pdE?

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