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DO NO Choosing Courses for Senior Year Directions: Read the questions below and record your responses. 1. How many credits do you need to graduate from your high school? 2. What are some exemples of advanced courses your school offers? 3. What career do you think you would most like to pursue? What classes do you think you could take during your senior year that would help you reach that career goal? {© 2013 Roads Secs, Fr nformainonr-e une ur CrectveCanmons Atibuton Non-Commercial Shore Alken it wneondsoneer ers WHAT'S A MAJOR? What will you major in? First, let's review some important information about majors. Take notes below as we discuss each question. 1. What is a major? 2. When do you choose a major? 3. Why do | have to think about this now? 4. How do you choose « major? What if | have no idea? 6. What if | change my mind? 7. What if | can't decide between two majors? Other questions about majors: (© 2013 Root to Sucoss For hformaion on rss under our Creative Common: Atibuion Ner-Carenercol Share Alle leans, vit wwasoodstomccenorg, 127 THINKING AHEAD Today we're going to talk about choosing classes and majors in college. Take a few minutes fo reflect on what classes and majors you might want to pursue. 1, What career are you most interested in? 2. What college major do you think would help you pursue that career? 3. What is one question you have about selecting a college major? (© 2013 Rood 1 Sczss. For iormation on reane er out Crete Commons Minion Non-Commercial Sore Able lame vist wwusoodsoncenorg, 124 Four-year Plan Warm Up: Please fill in the first three columns of the chart below to record your classes in ninth, 10%, and 11" grades. Your teacher will provide instructions for filling in the column for 12" grade. eee) Language Arts . Foreign Language (© 2013 Rood 0 Sue Fr information on ree wee ou CrstiveCanmans Aiton Non Commer hore Atte ane at weeodsoneconorn, VY

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