Sex Trafficking

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Prince Reilon G.



Sex Trafficking

Nowadays people tend to do bad things for them to survive, poverty is the root of

problem because of poverty people undergo criminal act. Society, communities and families are

the worst sufferers of sex trafficking. As a result, it brings more problems in our society.

Sex trafficking is a global epidemic, it has become worldwide problem that even the

government can’t provide solution. It affects in many ways like health of women and children

trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation results into STDs and HIV. Of course, women

and children get easily affected with these dangerous diseases. Women are the slaves in this kind

of trafficking, females are forced into sex slavery and there is no escape for them. Those who

organize sex trafficking are despicable and should be locked behind bars. These girls are

subjected to inhumanity. They are lured into thinking that they will be rich, they don’t actually

know what they’re in for, until it’s too late. Some girls make it, and some are not.

Sex trafficking is slavery. Slavery is a human rights violation and a public health issue.

Slavery (and slave trading) are illegal. Unfortunately, both are very lucrative. Slave and slave

trading strengthen criminal activity and criminal global networks. Criminals and their networks

are parasitic and do not enhance the lives of people or promote healthy communities. Slavery in

fact destroys trust in communities, because families, due to poverty, are often involved in selling

their own relatives, especially children and young women. It also erodes trust because police and

other government officials are often involved in criminal activity as slave traders. Children who

became slaves are exploited by being used as “objects” by pornographers and pimps. This
damages the next generation physically and psychologically and perpetuates a cycle of violence.

Women who become slaves are frequently also forced to engage in prostitution and pornography

production. This violence against women damages them and their children, causing both

immediate and generational psychological and physical harm. Men who are sold into slavery

sometimes are force into prostitution. Such forced “free” labor, besides damaging men physically

and physiologically, undercuts the wages of crime. There are additional negative effects of sex

trafficking/slavery/slave trading, but the above cover much of the major adverse impacts of this

global criminal industry.

Every human being that is human trafficked, enslaved, is a human being who is not

being educated, not being employed, not being allowed to self-actualize of reach their potential.

Slavery steals from society the contributions of each human life it destroys. It also wastes the

lives and talents of those doing the slaving. Slavery is without doubt the most immoral thing ever

construed by humans, and the fact that still exists is beyond disgusting. Societies that allow or

depend on slavery suffer from moral rot and will inevitably collapses from it.

Sex trafficking affects our society in numerous ways. Like robs our future generations,

whereas victims are often killed, maimed or left with too many psychological scars to be of any

real benefit to society. It promotes crime, corruption, burdens our legal and health systems by

increasing the workload of workers, increasing the cost of treatments and other health needs

victims may have. It breaks families apart. There are actually countless ways in which human

trafficking and sex trafficking affects any society.

Many countries that are not doing enough to fight against this heinous crime are further

burdened to comply or face legal action. We can put an end to human trafficking by working
together and implementing practical solutions in a professional manner. We must be active and

responsible member of the society and help the needy people to get out of this.

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