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1. ________ is a person who leads groups of people around a town, museum, or other tourist venue.

2. ________ have something to say to a visitor…interpretation provide the intimate connection.

3. ________ are often described as another form of communication used to provide information to
visitors and clients.

4. ________ refers to the management of duties and chores involved in the running of a household.

5. ________ is a person employed to manage a household.


1.Lower the surface tension of water, allowing it to flow into smaller tiny cracks and crevices in soils.

a) Soap scum
b) Surfactants
c) Alkaline
d) Disinfectants

2.Chemicals break down known soils such as grease and mud.

a) Solvent
b) Soap scum
c) Alkaline
d) Surfactants

3.Points out and comments on the highlights of a city, usually from a motor coach, minibus, or van, but
sometimes as a part of a walking tour.

a) Professional tour guide

b) On site guide
c) Amateur tour guide
d) City guide

4.Tour guide who is not connected with travel agency and paid per trip.

a) Freelance guide
b) Private personal
c) Staff guide
d) Driver guide
5.Speaks two or more languages.

a) Private or personal
b) Step on guide
c) Linguist
d) Staff guide


1.Expalin the difference between Freelance guide and staff guide.

2.What is the meaning of (DOT).

3.What is the difference between tour guide and tour guiding?

4.What is the concept og tour guiding?

5.Describe the types of Housekeeping.

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