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Hygiene Tips for Remote Workers

Cybersecurity is always a priority. When teleworking or working remotely, follow the tips to reduce

Teleworking spaces can include your home, to be ensured to follow the same processes and procedures as if
you were in your typical physical work location. These includes:

 Keep your workspace clean and is clear from dust, fluids, heat etc and protect IT assets.
 Keep devices locked when unattended. Set your computers and phones to lock when not in use for more
than a few minutes. If your locked screen previews new messages or emails, contact IT help desk to learn
how you can hide them.
 When participating in phone conversations or digital meetings, make sure confidential conversations
cannot be heard.
 Do not leave documents unattended or in view of unauthorized people. This includes family members,
roommates, friends, other people, etc.
 Keep your work and personal business separate. Become familiar with our organization's acceptable use
policy to ensure you are not violating laws or policies by conducting personal business on a work device.
 Do not download sensitive or confidential work documents to your home computer.
 At the end of the workday, log off all work devices and remote work platforms.

Internet Access
Generally, best practice is to access the Internet only through a trusted network such as your password-
protected home Wi-Fi or traditional network cable. Because of the security risks, if possible, avoid connecting
to public Wi-Fi in shared locations.

 Consider using work-issued mobile hotspots, smart phone tethering, or private networks that are
password-protected. All other connection points should be treated as insecure.
 To avoid automatic WiFi connections, turn off automatic WiFi connections until you're ready to connect to
a secure connection.
 Always connect through our organization's Virtual Private Network (VPN) while on unsecured or public Wi-
Fi access points.
 In a security event, disconnect from WiFi immediately and contact IT help desk.
 Only go to websites that you know are trusted.
 Limit high bandwidth activities such as streaming non work-related videos or music.
 Don't click on suspicious emails, links, or attachments.
 Forward any suspicious emails you receive to your appropriate IT contact.
 Only use your work devices for work-related tasks except the VDI users.
 Do not share your device or password with anyone.
 Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is enabled to identify the person and result in keeping organization’s
data safe.
 As per the Do and Don’t discussed and submitted on payments, ensure the transactions on done with
utmost care.

If you have issues, make sure to call IT help desk for assistance.

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