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Gerry Gorbach - Visio Solutions Specialist

Phone: 908.342.1343

Common Short Cuts

Function Keys Notes
Zoom In To Selection CTRL+Shift+ Hold Left Mouse Hold all and move mouse to select area
Zoom In CTRL+Shift+ Tap Left Mouse Tap to zoom in
Zoom Out CTRL+Shift+ Tap Rt Mouse Tap Rt Mouse to zoom out
Pan CTRL+Shift+Hold Rt Mouse Allows you to grab and move document
Pan CTRL+Arrow key same as Pan in line above
Jump to Full Page View CTRL+W Brings you back to full-page view of diagram
Presentation Mode/Full Screen View F5 presentation view/full screen of diagram
Move Shape Arrow keys select shape and tap arrow keys to move shape in minor increments
Copy a Shape (Method 1) CTRL+C then CTRL+V Copy/Paste - will drop a "like" shape in the middle of the drawing page
Copy a Shape (Method 2) CTRL+D Will drop a "like" shape next to that shape selected from the drawing page
Copy a Shape (Method 3) CTRL+ALT+Left Mouse Allows you to drag out a "like" shape from the drawing page
Connector Tool CTRL+3 jump to Connector Tool mode
Pointer Tool CTRL+1 jump to Pointer Tool mode
Text Tool CTRL+2 jump to Text Tool mode
Format Fill on a shape F3 select shape and hit F3 to format fill for that shape
Format Text F11 Select shape or text and hit F11 to format
Use the Text Block Tool (drop down on Toolbar). Can be used for shapes or
Move Text or Rotate Text see notes connectors
Add text see notes if a shape or connector is select - just type! No need to double-click
Add a Connection Point to a shape see notes Select a shape>select Connection Point Tool>CTRL+Left Mouse at spot to add
Format Line Shift+F3 Select shape and hit Shift+F3 to format the line
Undo CTRL+Z undo previous action/input
Insert Hyperlink CTRL+K to insert a hyperlink in a shape
Double-click hyperlink see notes Rt click on shape>format>behavior> select 'Double-Click" tab…..
Add Comments see notes see toolbar. Insert>comment and start typing
see toolbar. Insert>Shape ScreenTip and start typing. When added, the Shape
Add a Shape Screen Tip see notes ScreenTip is displayed as you hover over a shape.

Drag copy of shape in drawing CRTL+ALT+hold Left Mouse Select shape. Hold CTRL+ALT+Left Mouse to drag out a copy of selected shape
Flip Horizontally CTRL+H Select shape first. Flip shape horizontally
Flip Vertically CTRL+J Select shape first. Flip shape vertically
Rotate Left CTRL+L Select shape first. Rotates shape to left
Rotate Right CTRL+R Select shape first. Rotates shape to right
Bring to Front CTRL+Shift+F Select shape first. Brings shape to forefront
Send to Back CTRL+Shift+B Select shape first. Sends shape to background.
Hover over vertical or horizontal ruler. CRTL+drag out a guide. You can then snap
Add Guidelines see notes shapes to the guide for proper alignment
Align Shapes F8 Group shapes (Shift + left mouse) and select F8 key
Find CTRL+F find shapes, data etc in a diagram
Favorite Visio Web Sites
Microsoft Sites Link
Visio Toolbox
Visio Team Blog
Visio Connectors
Visio 2007 Training
Visio 2003 Training
Visio Developer Portal
Maxime Bombardier Link
Visio IT Pro Whitepaper
Visio Contextual BI Whitepaper

Partner Sites Link

Visio Café
Visio Guy
Orlando Software Group
Gerry Gorbach - Visio Solutions Specialist
Phone: 908.342.1343

Content for IT Pros including free downloads, whitepapers etc.
Blog maintained by the Visio Product team with great tips and ideas
See the new Connectors for SCOM, SCCM, SQL, Project and more..!!
Brief Visio 2007 eLearning tutorials at Office Online
eLearning tutorials (applies to Visio 2007 as well)
not just for developers…it contains valuable articles, blog information and updates
Popular SharePoint stencils
Discusses contextual visualization for IT operations management
Discusses Contextual BI in LOB setting (Manufacturing example used here…)

free OEM hardward shapes and more…
Highly creative ideas that apply Visio in unique and valuable ways.
Visio Solution Partner link with great examples of data-connected diagrams
Partner providing Visio solutions and consulting
Excellent and innovation end-to-end BPM solution.
Partner site with free and for-fee shapes
Partner site with Visio solutions for ActiveDirectory, SharePoint and more…
Integrated Business Process Management platform leveraging Visio
Process Simulation solutions for BPM and Lean/SixSigma
K2 Blackpearl workflow/BPM solution
BPM and Lean/Sigma solution leveraging Visio and Microsoft Office

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