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Engineering Geology 91 (2007) 16 – 24

Stability of man-made slopes

J. Rupke a,⁎, M. Huisman b , H.M.G. Kruse c
International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Department of Earth Systems Analysis (ESA),
Hengelosestraat 99 P.O. Box 67500 AA Enschede The Netherlands
Bluewater Energy Services, P.O. Box 3102, 2130KC Hoofddorp, The Netherlands
Geodelft, P.O. Box 69, 2600 AB Delft, The Netherlands
Accepted 11 December 2006
Available online 20 January 2007


The paper discusses three examples of man-made slopes that are affected by the specific geotechnical conditions of their
respective settings. Recognizing and respecting the imposed geotechnical boundary conditions in the design and construction
stages is shown to be vital for the long-term stability of these slopes. These conditions imposed by nature are often only marginally
investigated during the pre-investment stages of projects that include the excavation or construction of slopes. As a result, the
safety and economical viability of man-made slopes may not be guaranteed for their entire expected engineering lifetime.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Man-made slopes; Long-term stability; Site investigation; Road construction; Dykes

1. Introduction a) Engineering Geology map inventory;

b) Field investigation emphasised on mapping of
Man-made slopes exist all over the world. In processes and phenomena having impact on stability
mountainous areas natural slopes are adapted for c) Developing and testing models resulting from the first
construction of roads and other infrastructure. In two topics. These models can be quite helpful in the
deltaic regions man-made slopes are created by efficiency of e.g. drilling operations, shallow geo-
construction of embankments and dykes. The qualities physical surveys and laboratory testing of samples as
posed by nature often are not well studied during the it enables selecting locations to be tested already on
pre-investment phase in a project in which stability the basis of understanding the previous and expected
problems may threaten the safety and economy of future behaviour of stability and materials of the
exploitation of the product during its engineering constructing site.
lifetime. Design of man-made slopes should be based d) The study of natural hazards based on the above
on evaluation of the natural physical, hydrological and mentioned topics may lead to adjustments in the design
rock and soil mechanical conditions. The proper phase. Due to consideration of natural hazards, the
evaluation of these conditions should consider the design phase is better and faster integrated with the field
following topics: criteria and maintenance alternatives can be weighted;

The present article will deal with three case examples

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 182 394102. of man-made slopes in various conditions and the
E-mail address: (J. Rupke). problems imposed by those conditions.
0013-7952/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Rupke et al. / Engineering Geology 91 (2007) 16–24 17

2. Case 1: slope stability in weathered phyllites, at various levels downslope are not fluvial terraces but
Bhutan Himalaya instead top surfaces of huge rotational slump masses.
In conclusion, the advice was to reroute the road to a
The first case study illustrates an example in the higher path outside the slide scar, to stabilise the
Himalayan environment of South Western Bhutan. This underlying area by dewatering, and to refrain from
area is typical for a situation of slope development with filling the subsiding tract with heavy materials. In
active mass movement processes; more information may resumption we state that proper use of an engineering
be found in Gyaltsen (2000, see literature list). The road geological approach entails a pre-investment study that
connection between the Bhutan/India border at Phuent- allows a proper further research. In this way the natural
sholing and the capital Thimpu rises from approximately constraints and the engineering conditions as posed by
300 A.S.L. to 2200 m A.S.L. in the first stretch crossing the client can be brought together in a safe design. The
the water divide of the Wang Chu River. costs of such a study are minimal in relation to making
The present road, commonly referred to as “western improvements in a false design and construction. In
highway”, follows an old trekking route. It crosses a other words: a man-made embankment is good when its
wide expanse of low-grade metamorphic phyllites design takes all restrictions posed by its natural
which is almost devoid of more competent materials foundation of the existing slope into account.
up to elevations of 1500 m, where overlying thrusted
orthoquartzites underlie the higher slopes. Previous 3. Case 2: stability of river dykes in the downstream
slope collapse of these quartzites near the catchment part of the Dutch delta
border has resulted in spreading quartzite blocks over
the entire lower and higher areas; the conclusion is that 3.1. Introduction
the encountered blocks do not stem from intercalated
competent units in the phyllite sequence. The downstream part of the Dutch river delta
We also know that rapid tectonic uplift coupled with landscape has developed in response to river develop-
a high concentration of tropical storms are responsible ment and human influence. The human occupation
for the extreme scale of mass movement recurring in the modified drainage, which induced subsidence of the soft
area. Before 60 years the tropical forest cover formed soil areas. Nowadays, most of the surface lies below the
a retarding factor, but since then many slopes have mean sea level in the western part of the Netherlands.
been deforested leading to a further deterioration of The low elevation of the larger part of the marshlands
the situation. due to drainage necessitated the placement of retaining
In the above context a study of routing alternatives structures to prevent the water to flow onto the
by means of aerial photo-interpretation, study of docu- cultivated land. The construction of small retaining
ments and three weeks of field check was carried out. structures was the starting point of the history of river
Problem areas were given more detailed attention. A dykes in the Netherlands.
particular problem area near the village Ale at The construction of dykes fixed the position of the
approximately 1400 m elevation was further studied. river, protected the hinterland, and decreased the storage
Questions asked here were: capacity for water flow during periods of high
discharge, which in turn increased the probability of
• What is the cause of the continuous need for repair of flooding. Therefore, accumulation of impermeable soil
the western highway? material in order to make the dyke sufficiently high and
• Do we have reliable flat terrain in this vicinity stable was required. The trend towards higher dykes
suitable for housing development? with steeper slopes resulted in problems of mechanical
stability, especially in periods of high river flood level.
We now refer to extracts from the engineering Failure of dyke sections frequently resulted in dyke
geomorphological maps and terrestrial photographs of collapse and consequently flooding of large areas.
this site (see Fig. 1). It became clear that a major sliding
plane is cutting back and upslope from Ale (meaning 3.2. Soil materials
“flat area” in the local language) and crossing the road
above. The situation is further aggravated by spring The geological map of this area presented by the
water, which enters into fissures associated with the Geological Survey of the Netherlands (1994) shows that
slide plane, and reappears as spring water a few hundred most of the Holocene's top layer of the Dutch delta
metres downslope. Furthermore, the flat surfaces visible consists of peat and clayey deposits that cover the sand-
18 J. Rupke et al. / Engineering Geology 91 (2007) 16–24

Fig. 1. Geomorphological map and terrestrial photographs. Map length scale in km. Area covered by photographs indicated in map.

dominated Pleistocene subsoil. The average unit weight The majority of the older dykes in the Dutch delta
of the clay and peat layers ranges from 10.1 kN/m3 to consist of clay. In the early stages of dyke-building
about 15.0 kN/m3. local clay was used to construct impermeable
J. Rupke et al. / Engineering Geology 91 (2007) 16–24 19

embankments. An example of a cross section of a river dyke and the centre of the dyke can be calculated by
dyke along the river Lek in the Krimpenerwaard the following equation:
region is shown in Fig. 2. The peat layer is obviously
compressed by the weight of the dyke (Fig. 2). On the PW 2
Dh ¼ ð2Þ
landward side of the dyke the Holland peat achieves a 2kd
thickness of nearly 8 m. On the average, the vertical
compression of the emplaced material of the dyke Δh Difference hydraulic head [m]
causes a reduction from the initial thickness of 8 m to P Precipitation flux [m/d]
2 m. k Permeability [m/d]
d Thickness of soil layer [m]
3.3. Hydrological processes W Half the width of the dyke [m]

Pore pressure measurements in the different soil The variation in the geometry parameters of the dyke
materials presented in Fig. 2 show fairly constant pore sections in the downstream part of the Dutch delta is
pressures in the Holocene toplayer on the landward side relatively small. The value for the flux of stationary
of the dyke. The pore pressures in the Pleistocene sand precipitation is limited to a relatively narrow range of 0.8
aquifer however, increase rapidly during a rising river to 1.0 m/year. Therefore, the elevation of the phreatic level
level. The equation for the water pressure distribution in in the dyke is mainly determined by the permeability of
the sand aquifer is based on reduction of pressure due to the clay body artificially emplaced in the dyke-body.
leakage through a confining toplayer (Kruseman and de The shape and elevation of the phreatic line in the
Ridder, 1989): emplaced clay of the dyke may partly be influenced by
−x infiltration of water from river floods, in contact with
Ux ¼ U0 :e k ð1Þ the exposed slope of the dyke during a period of high
discharges (Shaw, 1988). However, due to the low
x Distance from the pressure generation [m] permeability of the emplaced clay of the dyke and the
ϕx Hydraulic head at distance x [m] relatively short period of high river flood levels, the
ϕ0 Hydraulic head at distance x = 0 [m] contribution of infiltration of water from the river to
λ Leakage factor of the confining top layer [m] the elevation of the phreatic level may be ignored. The
emplaced clay of the dyke illustrated in the cross
The pore pressure within the emplaced clay of the section of Fig. 2 is characterised by a very low
dyke is controlled by the infiltration of rainfall or permeability. In case of higher permeability of the soil
flood water from the river. Precipitation infiltrates material the influence of infiltration of water from the
along the entire surface of the dyke and induces a rise river increases, whereas the influence of the precipi-
of the phreatic level leading to the highest hydraulic tation flux decreases.
head in the centre of the dyke. For stationary
conditions with a constant precipitation flux the 3.4. Stability
elevation of the phreatic line can be calculated
analytically (Domenico and Schwartz, 1990). The The development of high pore pressures in the
difference between the hydraulic head at the toe of the Pleistocene sand provides an uplift force on the Holocene

Fig. 2. Cross-section of the river dyke along the river Lek.

20 J. Rupke et al. / Engineering Geology 91 (2007) 16–24

toplayer on the landward side of the dyke, which may lead of the Holocene overburden, a small shear force Fs
to complete failure of the dyke. This kind of uplift- can be introduced.
mechanism was first described by Cooling and Marsland 3. The area without uplift on the landward side of the
(1953). They described a failure that occurred along flood dyke, provides the passive resistance force developed
banks in Essex and Kent in the United Kingdom during by the entire Holocene stratum. The magnitude of
high river flood levels. The failure mechanism has been this passive force depends upon prevalence of either
investigated further in detail using geotechnical centrifuge drained or undrained conditions during the uplift
models (Hird et al., 1978). period.
Uplift forces occur when the pore pressure in the
Pleistocene sand exceeds normal hydrostatic conditions. The safety factor Ff is derived from the active
The effective vertical stress due to the overburden is horizontal force Fa, divided by the sum of the passive
reduced by the enhanced water pressure. This condition force Fp and the additional friction Fs in the uplift zone:
results in a drop of potential shear resistance in the FaðmaxÞ
contact region of the Holocene top layer and the Ff ¼ ð3Þ
ðFpðminÞ þ FsðminÞ Þ
Pleistocene sand. In the case of further increasing pore
pressures, the Holocene strata may be lifted, causing a
complete loss of the shear resistance along the Ff Safety factor of forces [–]
geological layer boundary. The required balance of Fa Active force [N]
forces in the soil mass can be maintained by the higher Fp Passive force [N]
shear resistance on the landward side of the dyke, where Fs Shear force in uplift zone [N]
the effective stresses at the Holocene–Pleistocene
transition are less affected thus preventing sliding The magnitude of the active force is determined by
failure directed towards the landward side. the strength characteristics of the clay in the dyke and
Gravitational forces on the dyke impose a horizontal the elevation of the phreatic line. The strength
stress component in the landward direction. The active characteristics of the clay can be considered constant,
part of the failure slip circle is connected to a horizontal whereas the elevation of the phreatic line depends on the
slip plane in the uplift zone (Fig. 3). Stability can be precipitation flux.
calculated by considering the forces along this com- The cross section along the river Lek shown in Fig 2,
bined slip surface and the passive resistance force of the yields a safety factor of 0.92 for a river flood level of
Holocene stratum on the landward side of the dyke. The 3 m above mean sea level and an average yearly rainfall
dyke and its adjacent landward area can be subdivided intensity of 0.8 m/year (Kruse, 1998). The calculated
into three sections (Fig. 3), each representing a resultant instability was confirmed during field inspections when
force (Bauduin et al., 1987). The sections and their large cracks on the road on top of the dyke were found.
corresponding forces are:
3.5. Hazard mitigation
1. The dyke itself, which exerts an active horizontal
force in landward direction. The history of dyke building in the Dutch delta started
2. The adjacent uplift area at the landward toe of the about 1000 years ago. The subsidence of the soft soil
dyke, represents an area unable to develop resistance areas and increasing sea level required the construction of
forces. In case of a residual shear strength at the base ever increasingly higher dykes resulting in steep slopes.

Fig. 3. Forces in the cross-section of the dyke.

J. Rupke et al. / Engineering Geology 91 (2007) 16–24 21

The trend to raise dyke-levels combined with social– The elevation of the phreatic levels in the dyke-
economic factors, such as the restricted space for dyke bodies , induced by infiltration of rainfall and the uplift
building and the high costs for improvement of large force on the Holocene toplayer at the landward side of
dyke sections, has led to a large number of unstable dyke the dyke, generated by river flood levels are the main
sections along the principal rivers in the Netherlands. causes for failure of the dyke. The high phreatic level
The method of ancient dyke building is the primary results in a reduction of the mobilised shear resistance
cause of the present stability problems of many dyke of the active part of the slip circle and induces a
sections. The failure conditions of these dyke sections considerable horizontal force. The uplift force during
are mainly determined by two types of hydrological periods of high river discharge leads to reduction or
processes, which are in turn dependent on long-term absence of shear resistance at the base of the Holocene
processes influenced by possible climate change. on the landward side of the dyke.
Predictions of increasing precipitation intensities and Prevention of hazards initiated by failure of dyke
higher river discharges in the near future are expected sections aims at reconstruction of particular dyke
to result in a growing number of dyke sections with sections by performance of stabilising measures. The
stability problems. objective is to reduce the impact of the two mentioned

Fig. 4. The slope setting in the local geology. Slope location: N45.57.935/E03.20.469. Indices: Ca, D, and Ggd pre-mesozoic, Tb Buntsandstein, Tm1
Lower Muschelkalk, Tm2 Middle Muschelkalk, Tm3 Upper Muschelkalk, Tk Keuper. Map length scale in km. The photo shows an oblique view of
the slope looking NNW, with interpreted cross-section. Road visible in lower right-hand corner of photo.
22 J. Rupke et al. / Engineering Geology 91 (2007) 16–24

types of hydrological processes. The following stabilis- elevation of the phreatic level by drainage of the
ing measures can be applied: historically emplaced clay of the dyke using horizontal
Stabilising measures aimed to decrease the horizontal sand-drains.
4. Case 3: Slope stability in Keuper marls and
• Lowering the elevation of the phreatic line by limestones, Spain
drainage of the emplaced clay using sand-drains or
synthetic drains; 4.1. Site description
• Lowering the elevation of the phreatic line, replacing
the earlier used clay by sand; The example described here is located along the
• Increasing the mobilised shear strength by replace- N420 road, near the town of Falset in the province of
ment of the present clay by a sand-body; Tarragona, Spain. The slope length and height are 225 m
• Catching the horizontal force by construction of and 40 m, respectively. The slope faces approximately
sheetpiles or grout piles in the slope on the landward east (110°) and was constructed using an average slope
side of the dyke; angle of 70°. The initial excavation for realignment of
• Reduction of the slope angle of the landward slope; the N420 was made in 1988; since then, the slope
• Increasing the stability of the dyke by applying geometry has changed somewhat because of erosion and
geotextiles; and mass movement of weak layers and rock fall.
• Increasing the stability of the dyke by grout injection. With regard to its geology, the site is set near the
boundary of Mesozoic and pre-Mesozoic formations,
Stabilising measures aimed at preventing uplift of the the latter of predominantly Carboniferous age (Fig. 4).
Holocene toplayer on the landward side of the dyke: The slope itself consists of marls, limestones and
dolomites of the Keuper formation. The Keuper
• Emplacement of “heavy” soil such as sand or sandy sequence in this area is typically developed as red and
clayey on the toplayer on the landward side of the greenish shales, with regular intercalations of dolomite
dyke: and limestone. These harder layers may have a
• Replacement of the Holocene light-weight toplayer considerable thickness, as in the study slope, where
by “heavy” soil; and the thickest dolomitic limestone bank measures about
• Construction of sheet piles in the dyke to increase the 7 m. Fig. 4 also shows an oblique view of the slope with
flow distance and to reduce the pore pressure on the a cross-section indicating the dolomite and limestone
landward side. layers and the shales.

The dyke section along the Lek in the Krimpener- 4.2. Degradation of the rock mass
waard region has recently been reconstructed. An
increase in the stability of this dyke section has been The climate in the area is Mediterranean, character-
achieved through a reduction of the slope angle of the ized by dry and hot summers (15 °C to 35 °C) and
landward slope of the dyke and the lowering of the moderate winters (10 °C to 15 °C). Rainfall may be

Fig. 5. Differential erosion and weathering: undercutting of competent layers by erosion of shales, followed by toppling failure.
J. Rupke et al. / Engineering Geology 91 (2007) 16–24 23

heavy and sometimes even torrential during the winter; tion, the subjective causes are thus the first to be
this may even occur during the spring season (Hack, appraised:
1998). In this climate, several degradation processes act
on the rock mass exposed in the slope, as outlined in • Slope location: one important objective cause for the
Table 1. problems is the simple fact that we find significant
With an eye on slope stability problems, the pro- shale layers in the slope — if all would have been
cesses listed in Table 1 result in sheet wash producing limestone or dolomite the slope could have been
shale material on the road and into a ditch, at the stable at a much steeper angle than is possible now.
foot of the slope, which in itself is not troublesome. Linked to this is the subjective cause of the slope
A hazardous effect of this erosion is, however, the location: by making the choice that the road would
undercutting of dolomitic limestone banks. In these cut into the hillside at this site, the whole problem of
layers a joint set is present running almost parallel to the differential erosion and weathering was introduced in
slope face (orientation 128°) with a dip of 80°. The the first place. The natural slopes and farmlands
undercutting results in toppling (Fig. 5); the large size nearby show the presence of the shales and a cross-
of the toppling blocks presents a potentially hazardous section made through the slope such as it existed
situation. before the realignment (now on the opposite side of
the N420 from the new cut) would have indicated
4.3. Hazard mitigation that the shales would be exposed in a future cut.
• Slope orientation: this more or less results from the
When looking at Table 1, we can differ between existing topography and the desired road alignment.
“objective” natural causes for the relative instability of The orientation has some influence on the degrada-
the slope (such as climate), and “subjective” man-made tion of the shales since it affects the amount of
causes. The subjective causes are of course the ones heating and cooling and to some extent wetting and
that can be influenced in a design or construction stage, drying; the differences between ultimate physical
whereas the objective causes more or less follow from conditions will be greater in sun-exposed slopes. The
given site conditions. When looking at hazard mitiga- orientation is not a completely free choice and can be
varied only over a limited interval; in this case
probably little could have been avoided by changing
Table 1 the orientation within the boundary conditions
Degradation processes recognized in the study slope resulting from the road alignment.
Unit Process Affected by: • Slope angle: this parameter is, within financial
restrictions, a free choice in the design and has a
Shales • Wetting and drying as well as • Rainfall
heating and cooling of shales lead • Temperature bearing on the degradation of both shales and
to disintegration into ever smaller differences limestones:
flaky particles. • Slope ○ Shales: adjacent to natural slopes belonging to this
orientation and unit all have an angle of approximately 35°, which
seems to be the highest angle at which slopes in
• Erosion of flaky particles leads to • Amount of
a decrease in slope angle of disintegration the shaly material are still stable. A man-made cut
layers in this unit; the ultimate • Surface runoff in the shales exceeding this slope angle leads to
slope angle is approximately 35° • Slope angle rapid erosion, sliding, and a receding slope,
(observations from nearby natural • Method of resulting in undercutting of the otherwise resistant
slopes). excavation
limestones and dolomites.
Dolomitic Undercutting of the otherwise • Spacing,
limestones competent dolomitic limestone orientation and ○ Limestones/dolomites: the toppling failure ob-
banks resulting from degradation dip of joint sets served in several layers could be avoided by
of underlying shale layers may • Degradation choosing a lower slope angle.
cause toppling (Fig. 5). and mass Considering this site geology, a differential slope
angle in the limestone/dolomite and the shale
of shales
• Slope layers should have been chosen. Although this
orientation would not have prevented all the problems, it
and angle would certainly have improved the situation.
• Method of • Method of excavation: the method of excavation has
an important influence on the initial degradation. The
24 J. Rupke et al. / Engineering Geology 91 (2007) 16–24

study slope was excavated by blasting, which has Brunsden, D., Doornkamp, J.C., Fookes, P.G., Jones, D.K.C., Kelly,
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5. Concluding remarks Geological Survey of the Netherlands, Haarlem.
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Few case histories are found in literature treating the geomorphological mapping system at scale 1:10000 for moun-
application of large scale geomorphological mapping. tainous area. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 31 (2), 229–242.
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We may mention: Brunsden et al. (1975), de Graaff et al. selected slopes in southern Bhutan. M.Sc. thesis, ITC, Delft, the
(1987), Rupke and de Jong (1983) and Seijmonsbergen Netherlands.
(1986). These are all examples of geotechnical solutions Hack, H.R.G.K, 1998. Slope Stability Probability Classification. ITC,
arrived at by large scale inventory and reconstruction of Delft, the Netherlands.
surface geological phenomena in high relief terrain. Hird, C.C., Marsland, A., Schofield, 1978. The development of
centrifugal models to study the influence of uplift pressures on the
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natural hazards, was not followed from the start. It is Elinkwijk, Utrecht.
clearly demonstrated that adjustments during the Kruseman, G.P., de Ridder, N.A., 1989. Analysis and Evaluation of
construction phase or much later were required because Pumping Test Data. ILRI, Wageningen.
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