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186 CHAPTER SEVEN eam Cross Section FIGURE 7-6 Doubly reinforced beam. “Transformed Cros Section ‘Tho moment of inertia of the cracked section may now be found (all units are inches} of 3 (6.78 for + Aga ~ 9)? + 18(17 - 6.78)? = 831.1 + 1880 =aritind Ifthe beam cross section contains compression steel, this steel may also be transformed and the neutral-axis location and cracked moment-of-inertia calculations can be carried out as before. Because the compression steel displaces conerete that isin compression, itshould theoretically be transformed using (1 ~ 1)’, rather than A’, For deflection calculations, which are only approximate, however, the use of nA’, will not detract from the accuracy expected. The resulting transformed section will appear as shown in Figure 7-6. ‘The neutral axis location y may be determined from the solution of bp + Whi nad ad + HAZ = and the moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis from l= ke + nd ~ 9 + ALG dP 7-4 IMMEDIATE DEFLECTION Immediate deflection is the deflection that occurs as soon as load is applied on the member. For all prac- tical purposes, the member is elastic. The ACI Code, Section, states that this deflection may be cal- culated using a concrete modulus of elasticity E, as specified in Section 19.2.2 and an effective moment of inertia J, computed as follows: wo {Giyerl- Ga eh = [ACT Eg, (] where I, = effective moment of inertia I, = moment of inertia of the cracked section transformed to concrete ‘moment of inertia of the gross (uncracked) concrete cross section about the centroidal axis, neglecting all steel reinforcement ‘maximum moment in the member at the stage for which the deflection is being, computed ‘M,, = moment that would initially crack the cross section computed from fle u M Ma IACI Eg, (242.3.56)] where fr = modulus of rupture for the concrete = 754Vh. [ACI Code Eq, (19.23.1)) A= 10 for normal-weight concrete 85 for sand-lightweight concrete 175 for all-lightweight concrete Values for the modulus of rupture for normal- ‘weight concrete are tabulated in Table A-6. 1 = distance from the neutral axis of the uncracked. ‘ross section (neglecting steel) to the extreme tension fiber Inspection of the formula for the effective moment of inertia will show that if the maximum moment is low with respect to the cracking moment Mz, the moment of inertia ofthe gross section [, will be the dominant factor. If the maximum moment is large with respect to the ‘racking moment, however, the moment of inertia of the cracked section I, will be dominant. In any case, [will lie somewhere between I, and l,. For continuous beams, the use of the average value of the effective moments of inertia existing at sections of critical positive and negative ‘moments is recommended. The use of midspan sectional properties for simple and continuous spans, and at the support for cantilevers, will also give satisfactory results ‘The actual calculation of deflections will be made using the standard deflection methods for elastic members. Deflection formulas of the type found in standard handbooks may be suitable, or we may use ‘more rigorous techniques when necessary. 7-5 LONG-TERM DEFLECTION In addition to deflections that occur immediately, reinforced concrete members are subject to added deflections that occur gradually over long, periods. These additional deflections are due mainly to creep and shrinkage and may eventually become excessive.

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