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90 CHAPTER FOUR From Equation (4-4) and noting that the shear flow is constant, V2 can be calculated as Va= WM eam Substituting Equation (4-10) into (4-9) and rear- ranging, the ratio of the area of the torsional stirrup to the spacing of the stirrup is A Tr 7 tag, we aan) Horizontal Equilibrium of Forces Considering a free body diagram of the horizontal forces acting on the front wall of the space truss model (Figure 4-17), as shown in Figure 4-23, the equilibrium of the horizontal forces yields Aye = LVeot# = Tlqy)eoto = qeoto Sy, 4-12) ‘Substituting Equation (4-4) into Equation (4-12) yields Abe =(Z) cove Bu =(F) ato wt newt) Therefore, Adhe = (&) cot8 [21x + y)] 13) Substituting for the torque, T, in Equation (4-13) using Equation (£11) gives Abu =[(4)fa coe] cota (205 + u) a-()f cot?@ [2(x, +) G14) Longitudinal reinlorcement Diagonal cracks /(somorin sas It should be recalled that x, and y, are the width and height measured to the centerlines of the tube wall in the thin-walled tube model, while x and yy are the width and height measured to the centerlines of the outermost closed stirrup. After cracking, the shear flow path is defined more by the center-to-center dimensions between the outer most closed stirrup. ‘Therefore, in subsequent equations, assuming that x) = x\and y, = yields the equation for the longitu- dinal torsion reinforcement as A= (2) feeoeo a+n))] 415) Thats, a(# se cof’ (P») Transverse Reinforcement Required for Torsion (Stirrups) Using Equation (4-11) and the limit states design requirement that the design torsional strength #7, be greater than or equal to the factored torsional moment, TT, yields the required torsional stirrup area, A q 1 Af Coto Cs where ‘Ay = area of one leg, of the torsional or outermost ‘closed stirrups, in.? 5 = stirrup spacing 30° to 60"; use @ = 45° for non-prestressed ‘members (ACI Code, Sections “fr = yield strength of stirrups = 60,000 psi T, = factored torque at the critical section ‘The critical section for torsion is permitted tobe ata distance d from the face of the beam support provided fpoune 423 Free boty diagram for horizontal equilibrium of forces in the space truss model Shear and Torsion 1 no concentrated torque occurs within a distance of d from the face of the support. Ifa concentrated torque ‘occurs within a distance d from the face of support, the critical section will be at the face of the support (ACI Code, Sections 9.44.2 and 9.4.43). d = effective depth of the beam Ay = 085 Any = 0.85 x94 ‘Ay = area enclosed by the centerline of outermost closed stirrup ‘The nominal torsional strength, Tis obtained from Equation (4-11) as, nya te cot [ACI Eg. (] T, should be = adc ME ano (NCLER. 22763009) ‘The total equivalent transverse reinforcement or stir- rups required for combined shear plus torsion is obtained from the ACI Code, Section, as Ba fe, 2A. Bie Sse fy > 0rsvi be aay where ‘Ay = area of favo legs of closed stirrups required for combined shear plus torsion Ay = area of one leg of closed stirrups required for torsion Ay = area of tio legs of closed stirrups required for shear fy: = yield strength of stirrups = 60,000 psi by = width of beam stem 5 = spacing of stirrups = p,/8 and 12 in, (ACI Code, Section Note that Ay/s is a slightly modified form for the stir- rup requirement for shear from Section 4-2. Additional Longitudinal Reinforcement Required for Torsion ‘The additional longitudinal reinforcement required to resist torsion, and to be added to the reinforcement required for bending, is obtained from Equation 4-11 and ACI Equations ( and ( as A tc A= (4) eot%s ty ‘Ac should have a minimum value ofthe leser of ACL Equations ( and ( reproduced below. (418) [ACI Eq. (] [ACT Eq, (] width of beam stem fy: = stirrup yield strength, psi ‘fyc = longitudinal steel yield strength, psi The following should be noted with regard to the required torsional reinforcement: + The additional longitudinal reinforcement must be distributed around the surface of the beam. with a maximum spacing of 12 in,, and there should be at least one longitudinal bar in each corner of the closed stirrups to help transfer the compression strut forces into the stirrups. + The additional longitudinal reinforcement di: ameter should be at least 0.042 times the stirrup spacing (ie, 0.042s), but not less than a j in. diam- eter bar (ACI Code, Sections,, and 25,7.1.2) to prevent buckling of the longitudinal reinforcement due to the horizontal component of the diagonal compression strut force. + The additional longitudinal rebar area should be added to the longitudinal rebar area required for bending. + Theclosed torsional stirrups should be enclosed with 135° hooks (ACI Code, Sections 97.63.1, 257.16, and 2572.5) and there should be at least one lon- sgitudinal bar enclosed by and at each comer of the stirrup. Note that 90° hooks are ineffective after the comers of the beam spall off due to torsion failure. Torsion Design Procedure ‘The design procedure for torsion is as follows: 1. Determine the maximum factored concentrated or uniformly distributed torsional load and the corresponding factored gravity load that occurs simultaneously. Note that pattern o checkered live loading may need to be considered to maximize the torsional load and moment. 2. Determine the factored torsional moment, Ty, the factored shear, V,, and the factored bending ‘moment, My 92 __ CHAPTER FOUR 3. Determine the reinforcement required to resist the factored bending moment M,. 4. Calculate the concrete shear strength, V7. 5. Determine the cracking torque, T,, and if torsion can be neglected (check if T, = 0.25 T,) 6. Determine if the torsion in the member is caused by compatibility torsion or by equilibrium torsion: a. For compatibility torsion, redistribution of internal forces is possible because the torsional ‘moment is not required to maintain equilibri- ‘um; therefore, design the member for a reduced torque of dT, . Forequilibrium torsion, redistribution of internal forces is not possible because the torsional mo- ‘ment is required to maintain equilibrium; there- fore, the member must be designed for the full torsional moment, T, calculated in step 1. Check the limits of the member cross section using ‘ACI Code Equation (22.7,7.1(a)) to prevent crush- ing of the diagonal concrete compression struts. 8. Determine the required torsional stirrup area, A,/, the stirrup area required for shear, A,/s, and the {otal stirrup area required for combined shear and. torsion, Ay/s. Check that maximum stirrup spac- ing is not exceeded, and check minimum stirrup area. Using the torsional moment diagram and. shear force diagram, the required stirrup spacing can be laid out to match the variation in shear and, torsional moment. 9. Determine the additional longitudinal reinforce ‘ment required for torsion. 10. Draw the detail ofthe torsional reinforcement. 7, Example 4-5 Design of Bleams for Torsion ‘The floor framing inthe operating rooms in a hospital building consists of reinforced concrete beams 18” x 24" deep that ‘support precast concrete planks, as shown in Figure 4-24 ‘The clear span of the beam is 27 ft between columns, The planks are 10 in. deep with 2-in. topping and supports stud ‘wall partitions that weigh 10 psf and mechanicaVelectrical ‘equipment that weigh 5 psf. The weight of the precast planks is 70 psf. The centeriine to centerline span of the planks is 20 ft on the left-hand side of the beam and 24 ft on the right-hand side of the beam. Design the beam for torsion land shear assuming normal weight concrete (Le., A= 1.0) and f = 4000 psi. Assume the beam has already been designed for bending. The live load for hospital operating rooms is 60 pst. Solution: 1. Determine the maximum factored concentrated or uni- formly distributed torsional load and the corresponding factored gravity load that occurs simultaneously. se 30-0" bt aoe 2 topoine i plank op) i es yp) wang, [2° econtriiye Gem FIGURE 4.24 Beam section for Example 45. Dead Load 10 in. plank + 2 in. topping = 95 pst Mechanical and electrical = § pst Stud wall pattions = 10 pst Total dead load, D = 110 pst Floor ive load (operating room), L = 60 pst Tributary Widths (TW) of Beam TW (due to the 30-ft-span hollow-core plank) = TW (due to the 24-ft-span hollow-core plank) ‘A review of Figure 4-24 shows that the torsion in this ‘beam is equilibrium torsion caused by the eccentricity of the plank loads. Eccentricity of the Hollow-Core Plank Load 18in. | 3in 2 7 2 The maximum uniform torsional loading will occur {due to checkerboard or partial loading on the hollow- core slabs in which the full design live load is assumed fon the 30-ft-span hollow-core slab and one-half of the design live load is assumed on the 24-ft-span hollow-core slab. Ths is common practice among some designers and will generally esuit in a slightly more con- ‘servative design. This partial loading is similar to what is prescribed in Section 7.5 of the ASCE 7 Load Standard. ‘The maximum torsion will be considered together with the corresponding maximum uniform vertical load that ‘occurs at the same time. ‘The maximum factored uniform torsional load is Wy = {[1.2(110 psf) + 1.6(60 ps ](15 f) ~ [1.2(110 psf) + 1.6(5)(60 psf) ](12 ft)} X 0.88 ft = 1109 ftbitt = 1.11 ft-kipartt The corresponding maximum factored uniform vertical load is wy, = [1.2(110 psf) + 1.6(60 psf) ](15 ft) + [1.2(110 pst) + 1.6(3) (60 psf)](12 ft) 5580 Ib/ft = 5.58 kip/tt Eccentricity, = 105 in. = 0.88 ft Shear and Torsion 93 2. Determine the factored torsional moment, T,, the fac- tored shear, V,, and the factored bending moment, M,: ‘Assuming 2 layers of reinforcement, d = 24 in. — 88 in, = 20.5 in, For torsion and shear, use a reduced. ‘span commencing at d from the face of the beam sup- ports. This reduced span is 2(205 in.) 72 ‘Maximum design torsional moment, Wyk _ 1.11 ferkipit (23.6 ft) 2 2 ‘Maximum design shear that occurs at the same time as the maximum torsion is wise _ 5.58 kip/t (23.6 ft) 2 2 3 The reinforcement required to resist the bending mo- ‘ment is assumed to have previously been designed and is not calculated here. 4, The concrete shear strength is $V, = 0.75(2) V4000(18 in.)(20.5 in.) = 95,000 Ib = 35 kip art 236 ft 18.1 ft-kip 658 kip 5, Torsion can be neglected if the factored torsional mo- ment is less than or equal to the concrete torsional strength, that is, i T, = 0.2567, where the concrete torsional strength is ~ nave tot 0.266 — n6VE = (1.0)(075)(VA0eB) (188-24 nF 2(18 in, + 24 in.) = 105.4 in.-kips = 88 ft-kip Because, = 13.1 ft-kip > 8.8 ft-kip, therefore, must be designed for torsion. 6. This is equilrium torsion as redistribution of internal forces is not possible because the torsional moment is required to maintain equilibrium. The member thus must bbe designed for the ful torsional moment, T,, calculated instep 1 7. Check the limits of the member cross section using ACI Code Equation (22.7,7.1(a) to prevent crushing of the ciagonal concrete compression struts: this beam 1Bin. n= 24in Effective depth, d = 24 — 3.5 in. (assuming 2 layers of rebar) = 20.5 in, S-in. stu (2 sidesi1.:in. cover + 95. 1455 in.)(20.5 in.) = 297.3 in? 85Acy = O.85xy; = 0.85(14.5 in.) (20.5 in.) 52.7 in? (x; + 4) = 2(14.5 + 20.5) = 70 in, Acy = bh = (18 in.)(24 in.) = 432 in? ‘The limits on the beam cross-sectional dimensions will ‘now be checked using ACI Equation (; NG) * Gatti) = ala 2) (Femszazm) *( (13.1 kip) (12,000)(70 in.) y -7(297.3 in? 35 kp(1000) a GB in.)(205in) * seam 1928 ps < 474.3 psi ox ‘Thus, the diagonal concrete compression struts are not crushed and the size of the beam is adequate to resist the torsional moments. 8 Determine the required torsional stirup area, Avs, the stirup area required for shear, A,/s, and the total stir- rup area required for combined shear and torsion, A/S. Check that maximum stirup spacing is not exceeded, ‘and check minimum stierup area. From Equation (4-16), the torsional stirrup required is i 19.1 t-Kip( 12,000) 26Agf,CoR0 — 2(0:75)(252.7)(60,000) cot 45° 0.0069 o> “The stinup area required to resist the maximum factored shear acting with the maximum torsion is Ay _ Vi d¥e _ (68.8 kip ~ 99 kip)(1000) _ 5 4a Sd (0.75)(60,000)(205 in.) ) ‘The total stitup area required @2-1eg stirups) is calcu- lated from Aa 2A Ae. Ae 4 2 — 038 + 2(0,0068) = 0.047 50(18i0.) — Gay 60,000 = avete 18in OT8VEE gt = O.75V/4000 song = 0014 (OK.) Using No. 4 stirups, A,(2 legs) = 2(0.2in?)=0.4in?, the spacing of the stirups requred to resist 94 _ CHAPTER FOUR the maximum combined shear and torsion is calculated as = 5 in. (controls) 70 in./8 75 in (0K) (0K) ‘Therefore, use No. 4 closed stirrups at 8-in. on center. ‘The shear and torsion are at their maximum values at the face of the beam support and decrease linearly to zero at the micspan of the beam; the stirup spacing thus can be varied accordingly, as done previously in the shear design examples. 9. Additional Longitudinal Reinforcement by = width of beam stern = 18 in ‘y= stimup yield strength = 60,000 psi {= longtutinal steel yield strength = 60,000 ps 4. ~ 0.0069 (as previously calculated) = SP he 25(18 2) _ a o975 60,000 ‘Therefore, use 0.0075. From Equation (4-18) the additional longitudinal re- Inforcement is calculated as A) 29= 60,000 245° (Cefteat = (0.0075 n.)70 m re cota = 0.53 in? 4 = the lesser of SVR“ (“oy onc Ms Pes, Aa _(25de), be Bvey ( te + = the lesser of 432 in? 60,000 54000 20,000 ~ (0.0075 in.) (70 ‘n.§0,000 27 . 492 in? _ scam) 60,000 808 00 ~ (eonia eno = the lesser of 1.75 in.2 and 1.75 in? Therefore, the required additional longitudinal steel is Ac = 1.15 in? This additional longitudinal reinforcement should be distributed at the corners of the beam but the spac- ing between these bars should be no greater than 12 in. Where the spacing exceeds 12 in., provide additional longitudinal bars at the midwidth or middepth of the beam as required. This longitudinal reinforcement is in addition to the reinforcement required to resist the bending moments on the beam. If the additional reinforcement is concentrated on the top and bottom layers, therefore, the total areas of the top and bottom longitudinal reinforcement in the beam are calculated as, Provide adlitional torsional longitudinal ‘rebar, in addition to bending reinforcement No. 4@ 8" os. sirrups toresist combined torsion and shear FIGURE 4-25 Beam torsional reinforcement detail. Atop = Aasop(due to bending) + 0.5(1.75 in) = Actop(due to bending) + 0.88 in? Ansoton = Assotor(due to bending) + 0.5(1.75 in?) = Assonor(due to bending) + 0.88 in? However, for the beam in this example, the spacing of the longitudinal reinforcement will exceed the maximum 412 in, because the center-to-center distance between the top and bottom rebars is approximately 18 in. The adaitional longitudinal reinforcement should thus be distributed as follows: ‘Aven = Auseg(du0t bonding) + ()(1.75 in) Acsgp(du to bending) + 0.58 in? Aenawos= (2). m2) = 088 n? Ann = Ares tg + (2.5) = Azpostom(due to bending) + 0.58 in? Tne minimum ameter of the longitudinal reinforcement isthe largest ofthe following: 0.042 s = 0.042(8 in.) o- Bin. controls) 410, Torsional reinforcement details shown in Figure 4-26. 0.34 in, 4-6 CORBELS AND BRACKETS Corbels and brackets are short cantilever deep beams that are supported off the face of columns where the distance from the face of the supporting column to the line of action of the concentrated load that is being supported (i.e., shear span, a.) is no greater than the effective depth, d, of the corbel. Corbels and brackets, are used to support loads at expansion joints, in pre- cast construction to support precast beams, at slightly offset columns, and in retrofit situations where the corbel is cast against an existing column to support ‘a new beam [2] (see Figures 426, 4-27 and 4-28) Corbels are also used where structural steel floor fram- ing members connect to concrete core walls.

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