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By Crystal Lecea
Los Angeles Pacific
Why do we use Quotation Marks?
● In the American English language quotation
marks are most commonly used to represent
the exact words that someone has said.
● In a story, words in quotation marks represent
the dialogue in between people/characters.
● Quotation marks can also be used for the title
of short works like articles, songs, or poems.
● Words in a text can be highlighted using
quotation marks to show emphasis on specific
words or to show an alternate meaning to the
Quotation Marks: Representing Exact Words & Dialogue
● Use quotation marks when you want to quote
exact words that someone said.
● This is especially important when citing ideas
that belong to others when writing papers.
● There should be quotation marks at the
beginning at the end of the sentence or phrase
that you want to quote.
Ex: “It’s a lovely day today!” she said.
● In a story, words that characters say are also
represented by quotation marks.
Ex: “Come, Boy,” she whispered, “come and play.”
“I am too old and sad to play,” said the boy.
-from The Giving Tree
Quotation Marks: Using Proper Punctuation
● Proper punctuation and capitalization are important
when using quotation marks.
● Periods and commas must go inside the quotation
● When using question marks or exclamation marks, place
them outside the quotation marks unless they are part
of the actual quote.
● If there are colons, semicolons or dashes
in the quote, place them outside of the
quotation marks.
● If quoting a complete sentence,
use a capital letter, if the quote is just
a portion of the sentence it does not
need to be capitalized.
Quotation Marks: Used For Titles
● Quotations are used for titles of short works like articles,
magazines, newspapers, chapters of books, poems, and
names of songs.
Ex: “Make Me Like You” by Gwen Stefani (song)
“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost (poem)
“Dolphins on Duty” by Tricia Culligan (article)
● Quotation marks are not to be used for titles of long
works like books, movies, TV Shows. Quotation marks
cannot be used for works that have smaller sections or
Quotation Marks: Highlighted Words
& Single Quotations
● Words in a text are highlighted, or show an alternate meaning,
with quotation marks.
Ex: This “exclusive” handbag is available on multiple websites.
I like the way you “cleaned” your room by stuffing
everything in the closet.

● Single quotations are used when quoting a quote within a

Ex: “ I loved reading the article, ‘Dolphins on Duty’ to the class,”
Kim said.
● Single quotations can also be used for translations.
Ex: He told her “Buenos dias” ‘good morning’ when he saw her.
Common Errors When Using Quotation Marks
● Using quotation marks to try to emphasize a word does not
work, it confuses the reader.
● Long quotations, known as block quotations, with multiple
sentences should not be placed within quotation marks.
Instead, they should be placed with a space above and
below the group of sentences that are being quoted.
● Commas and periods are placed outside the quotation
marks when they should be placed inside.
● Other punctuation marks are not on the correct side of the
quotation marks.
Ways to Teach this Concept
● Quotation marks can be tricky. There are a lot of rules
that must be followed.
● Teaching with many examples on the board along with
dedicated sessions with individual groups will help
students learn this concept.
● Worksheet practice pages will help students remember
when and how to use quotation marks.
● A small booklet or chart that the students can create
can serve as a helpful cheat sheet when incorporating
quotation marks into their writing.
● Dry erase sheets where students can add in quotation
marks to their sentences to see if they are correct are
also helpful ways to teach the concept.
Reflecting Upon this Developmental Aspect
Grammar is such an important part of a students academic
career. In order for students to progress successfully from
elementary to middle school and from middle school to high school
there needs to be a strong foundation on English Language Arts. By
the time a student leaves high school and enters college they are
expected to have this strong foundation in grammar. Teachers can
make the process of learning grammar fun by incorporating
enjoyable activities and games that will help students retain this
valuable information. It is also important for students to be able to
revisit these concepts at every grade level. Quotation marks become
exceedingly important as students get older and begin research
assignments. As long as teachers begin teaching this concept along
with other important grammatical rules at an early age and
continue to reinforce it, students should be able to be success in
English Language Arts.

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Quotati on Marks. (2019
.c o m/b lo g/q uotation-mark
tation Mark s: Examples a
c tober 29). Quo
Writer. (2018, O

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