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Sometimes we get angry with our

Yes, I’m 110% agree (solo)
Why? (solo)
It is because she’s always
babbling all the time
Why don’t you study? (group)
Where did you go just now?
Its midnight already, why don’t
you sleep? (group)
Your room is like a zoo (group)
 And bla~bla~bla~bla~
I wish she will be silent for a day!
I’m sick of it.
I wonder how she gets the ideas
to babble everyday (solo)
Try asking her and I’m sure you’ll
get a slap.(solo)
But, one day, you will realize she
do that for your own good
She wants you to be a good
person and get a better life
So, you should love your mom
more than anything
I love you mom

Our mother is not only our mom

Huh?? What do you mean? (solo)
She’s also our true friend, our big
sister, our teacher and even our
When we get hurt from falling
down (group)
When we happy as we get a great
things (group)
When our friends desert us
When troubles thicken around us
When we get upset on something
When we can’t sleep at night
When we need a shoulder to cry
on (group)
Our mom will always there beside
us to comfort us, to wipe our
tears, to celebrate our success, to
give spirits to us and to tell
bedtime stories for us.
So you should love your mom
more than anything
I love you mom!

 A mother’s love is patient and

forgiving when all others are
It never fails or falters,
Even though the heart is breaking
Imagine how’s your life without
your mom
Who will clean up the house?
Who will cook for our meal? (solo)
Who will buy shirts for us? (solo)
Who will babble to us? (solo)
Who will praise us? (solo)
That’s all our mom did
Appreciate your mom (group)
Thank your mom (group)
Respect your mom (group)
Begging for her forgiveness
Most importantly, tell your mom
that you love her
Because there’s no one who will
take good care and loves us like
our mom
Thank you.

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