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The Guru Code

Quick Start

Paul Mascetta

Copyright Influence Mastery Inc. !1

Step 1: Find Your Sweet Spot 4
Step 2: Create Your Avatar 7
Step 3: Develop Your Story 10
Step 4: Build An Online Presence 12
Step 5: Build Your Alliance 16

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Dear Reader,

Welcome to The Guru Code - Quick Start Steps.

In this training we're going to find the particular niche or space

where you want to cultivate your expertise and guru status.

After all, in order to become a trusted authority on something

you have to actually figure out what that something is going to

Now even if you already know what subject or topic you want to
become an expert in, this training will still help you.


Because it will give you a better perspective on how to position


It will also give you some insight on how to “rise above the noise”
and separate yourself from the competition.

If you’d like to see my full training on creating Guru status so

people trust, listen and buy from you then click the link below:


Paul Mascetta

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Let’s get started.

Step 1: Find Your Sweet Spot

Traditional marketing 101 tells us that you never create a product
first and then try to find a market. Instead, you find a market and
then you create a product to fill a need for that market. And the
reason why it's a big mistake most of the time to create a product
and then go find a market is not because the market doesn't exist.
It's because the market probably does exist and is oversaturated.

I've seen this far too many times, especially with people that are
in specialties like fitness. I'll have somebody come to me with the
greatest weight-loss product in the world and then realize they
went into the biggest market in the world. They can't rise above
the noise. The people that are rising above the noise have been
around for a long time, are already generating a lot of much
money, and can afford to invest that money in large amounts of
advertising to beat them. What we're going to do is solve this
problem using a simple strategy.

Now, as I said, traditional marketing 101 tells us that you find a

market and then create a product. That's usually true when you're
creating products that are not tied directly to you. This training is
all about you becoming a guru or an expert. And as I told you in
an earlier module, when you pick an area, it's best to pick
something that you're absolutely passionate about.

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I don't want you to relinquish something you want because you
think there isn't a market for it. I want you to first pick something
that you're absolutely passionate about or that you're passionate
about learning more about. As I told you before, it's that passion
that's going to carry you through and give you the perseverance
you need to do the things you don't want to do on the days that
you don't want to do them. So, you have to pick something that
you're passionate about. At the same time, you want to pick a
topic that is a subtopic of something else, and I'll get to that in a

The first thing I want you to do is follow these five rules:

1. Pick something that you are truly fascinated about and love
learning about.

2. Pick something that you already do or are already familiar


3. Pick something that you want to learn more about.

4. Think about something that you've already been through.
Something in this particular space that we're talking about that
you've been through where you've overcome a challenge of some

5. Think about something that you are willing to live, speak, and
breathe for at least the next five years. The reason I say that is
because a true expert or a true guru is really dedicated to their
craft and they're known for being an expert in that one particular
field. So, you've got to be ready to dedicate your time and your
effort to this.

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This is why I say it is smart to identify a market before you create
a product. At the same time, you don't want to go into a market
just because you think it's a good market and start to put yourself
in a position where you're creating products and services that you
really don't care about.

Your ability to be successful and sell products, services, and

information, and be perceived as a guru, is only as good as your
desire to want to do those things. Eventually you're going to get
tired of talking about things you're really not interested in, so
you've got to pick something that fits within the five criteria that
I just mentioned to you.

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Step 2: Create Your Avatar
The next thing you want to do is start thinking about your
audience. You want to create a customer avatar. This is basically
like a walking, talking version of what your ideal customer looks
like, thinks like, dresses like, and feels like. And as you begin to
research your market and research yourself, it will be easier for
you to identify this person.

It's important that once you identify what area or niche you want
to target (and think it's too general) that you target a sub niche
within that group. I gave you the example before about weight
loss or fitness and how it's the most saturated market in the
world. Rather than going out and creating a product that shows
anyone and everyone how to lose weight, maybe it's a product for
baby boomers. Maybe it's a product for moms. Maybe it's a
product for business people. Maybe it's a product for students.
Maybe it's a product for people that are short on time.

You identify a subgroup within the main group of people that you
want to influence. That enables you to stick with the topic that
you really care about without going into a market that's
oversaturated. Once you establish your credibility, your expertise,
and your guruism in that particular space; then you can move on
to other things. But you've first got to solidify your position in
that particular space.

For example, I tell people all the time that the stuff that I talk
about in my training programs and in the information that I pass
on to other people is not rocket science. This is not information
that you can't necessarily find anywhere. It's information that's
actually easy to find if you sit and read through psychology
journals all day long.
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What I do is take all the legwork out of it and, more importantly, I
deliver information for people that is practical. Rather than
taking a bunch of jargon out of a psychology journal and rattling
off some case study, or talking about a bunch of stuff you can't
apply in real life, I take the stuff that I find to be the most
effective and package it in a way that you can use.

What I give you is what I call a street-smart approach to the

traditional psychology of compliance gaining. I give you stuff I've
tested and found works in a real-life situation. That's how I target
my micro niche of people. That's how I stay out of the huge
market of self-development, self- improvement, personal
development, and influence and persuasion, and narrow it down
a little bit more into a subgroup.

Your two main responsibilities are to relate and create. In terms of

relationships, you really want to start thinking about other
people's problems. What are the problems of the people in your
group or in your space? What are the problems that they can't
solve or that they don't have the time to solve? Those are the two
biggest things.

In my space, I don't really solve problems that people can't solve.

I solve problems that people either don't have the time to solve or
don't want to invest the time to solve. Again, the stuff that I teach
people they could find if they sat and researched and read
journals all day long, but nobody really wants to do that, so I have
a research team that helps me do that.

I solve the problems that people don't have the time to solve, so I
want you to start thinking about what problems you have run
into in this space or in this niche. What challenges have you run
into and how did you overcome them? Have you stumbled upon
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any blueprints, any systems, or any shortcuts that will save
people time in solving their problems and in overcoming their

Now, the truth is you may have already done this subconsciously.
In your life, you probably have been in a situation where you were
forced to become good at something and you probably aren't
even aware of all the different challenges and hurdles you may or
may not have overcome.

The easiest way to identify them is to think about this. Ask

yourself these questions. What is the biggest goal that you want
to achieve this year? What would double your success this year?
Now success can mean anything. It's however you define it. It
could be money. It could be relationships. It could be perfect
health. Whatever success might be, what would it take to double
your success this year?

The next thing I want you to ask is what frustrates you the most
in terms of achieving these goals? What is it that really frustrates
you to the point that you almost break down when you ask
yourself that question? What have you tried in the past? What
has worked and what hasn't worked?

I want you to apply all those questions to the specific actions that
you've taken as they relate to the niche you're going into. They're
going to enable you to identify the steps that you've taken along
the way and the codes you've cracked towards achieving success
and overcoming problems that other people are probably going
through right now — the people that are willing to pay you to
help solve those problems for them.
Once you start to figure out what you want your expertise to be,
the next piece of the puzzle is to develop your story.

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Step 3: Develop Your Story
People think that the average person relates more to success than
they do struggle. In reality, the opposite is true. People relate
more to struggle than they do to success. That's what makes
movies so great. When you see a movie about an underdog that
rises to the occasion and eventually is victorious, it always makes
for a better movie.

I want you to start thinking about a story — a story about who

you are, what you've been through, and how it relates to the
success you've achieved in this specific area of your life. I want
you to think about what you've overcome in your life. And this is
especially true if you're this far into the module and you still
haven't decided what you want to become an expert in. Think
about what you've been through in your life that you've overcome
— even if it's the littlest thing like how to change your child's
eating habits, which might seem insignificant to you.

I also want you think about what you've learned in the process of
overcoming these things. What processes have you used? What
shortcuts have you figured out? Then I want you to start creating
a solution to these problems — a systematic way to create a
solution that you'll then tie into your story.

Your story should begin with some level of struggle. You needed
to solve a problem. You figured out the solution to that problem.
Now you're assembling a solution in a systematic way that you can
claim as your own. That's what's going to be your unique selling
proposition. It's going to be your own proprietary you've designed
that makes you different than everyone else and separates you
from your competition.

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Once you have your solution, there are five main ways that
people may want to consume your solution.

1. They'll want to read about your solution. You can share that
through blogs, articles, and e-books.

2. They'll want to listen to your solution and they'll do that

through CDs or MP3s.

3. They'll want to watch you, just like in this video format.

4. They'll want to listen to you in person through seminars

or workshops.

5. They'll want personalized training through coaching or

mentorship, one-on-one.

Each one of these ways will produce income for you. People will
pay you a certain amount to read your solution. They'll pay you
more to listen to your solution. They'll pay you even more money
to watch you in a video. They'll pay more than that to do it live in
a seminar. And you can charge the most money when working in
person, one-on- one.

I don't want you to jump into a method you're not comfortable

with in the beginning. If you're more comfortable with writing,
then write. If you're more comfortable with speaking, then speak.
If you're more comfortable with getting in front of a camera, then
that's what you should do. But I want you to start familiarizing
yourself with the five main ways that people will pay you to
consume your information.

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Step 4: Build An Online

The next step is to put up a website. You must have a website in
this day and age. Websites do a lot of things, but the most
important thing they do is they create instant credibility. If you're
an online marketer or guru trying to solidify an expert position,
the very first thing a person is going to do when they hear your
name is Google it. They want to know who you are. They want to
know you're legitimate. You should have a website that tells them
everything about you and what you have to offer. The three main
objectives of a website are:

1. To provide value

2. To capture leads

3. To ultimately generate revenue.

Now, I don't want you to get scared about having to create a

website. It's easier than ever, nowadays. You can get a really nice
website created for probably less than $100. That includes coding
and working one-on-one with a developer.

You might not know what you're looking for, so here's the advice
that I always give people. All of my websites are built on
WordPress. WordPress is basically a free platform that you can
download. It enables you to access your websites on the backend
using a username and password, meaning you can update it. It's
very user-friendly. It allows you to post articles, videos, pictures,

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copy and paste, and add plug and play tools to it.

You can hire somebody to do this for you by going to

or You can set the budget for the project and find a
freelancer who will build out your website. The good thing about
Fiverr is that every person on there is willing to do something for
five dollars. You could pay more than that, if you want, but if
you're really looking for somebody and you just want to test them
out without spending a lot of money, Fiverr's the place to go. You
will find more experienced, but also more expensive developers,
on Elance.

One of the biggest problems you'll have when creating a website

is getting the designer to match the vision that you have in mind.
This is what I do. Google "free WordPress themes." You'll get back
some of the best WordPress designs. All you need to do is pick a
theme similar to what you have in mind and then give that to a
developer along with any edits you'd like to see. Then send them
a link and they'll be able to customize that theme to what you're
looking for.

Now, unless you're a person who's really into technical stuff, you
may want to leave this to somebody else. You don't want to sit
there and start messing around with graphic design and coding
when you can get the job done for less than $100 and that's on
the more expensive side.

Again, the website has to serve three purposes. It's got to provide
value. It has to capture leads. And then ultimately, it has to
generate revenue. At the end of this video module, I'm going to
take you through a live screencast of my website. I'll show you
how it provides value, captures leads, and ultimately generates

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revenue, and how you can copy the same tactics and strategies I

How do you do that once you've got your website up? Where does
all that come from? Ultimately, it comes from you promoting
your products and services through a very simple, step-by-step
process. And the step-by-step process works like this. You
provide lots of free, valuable information to people and then
ultimately you ask them to buy something that you're selling. It's
a simple strategy. I've been using it years and it works like magic.

When somebody opts into my email list (as you probably opted
into my email list) one of the biggest lead magnets that I use as a
way to capture leads is one of two reports called “The Influence
Blueprint." It talks about a simple 5 step process for influencing
others. Now who wouldn't want that? Most people that are
interested in influence and persuasion are going to opt in
because they want to influence others. I have it in the title of the
report — I'm solving that problem for them.

The second thing is I'm giving you a unique strategy that no one
has ever shown or take about before and I'm making it sound
super easy and uncomplicated. That's something people want.
Once they opt into my email list and they get the report, I know
that one of two things is going to happen. They're either going to
read the report or they're not going to read the report. I want
them to read the report because I know they're going to find
value by getting access to techniques and strategies to help them
solve their problems, just like we talked about before. You
ultimately want to solve people's problems.
But you can't solve their problems if they won't use the
information you're willing to share. So, knowing that people like
to consume information in different ways — some people like to
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read it, some people like to listen it, and other people like to
watch it — while I give them a free report, when they get to the
download page, I actually give them an audio version, too, just in
case that might engage them a little bit more.

After that, I start sending them emails with tips and strategies, but
I also ask them if they want me to start breaking down the stuff
that I showed them in the report in a video format. Then they can
click on a link letting me know that is something they want to
watch in a video.

I'm trying to make it as easy as possible to get that information

into their hands, because I know once I get them to apply it,
they're going to see results and they they're going to find value in
what I'm offering. When it comes time to actually ask for money,
they're going to be inclined to do so more because of all the good
content I've shared with them so far.

Now, there will come a point in my email sequence where I will

ask people if they want to take things to the next level. I'll put a
link in the email. If they click on the link, they basically have
raised their hand and said that they do want to take things to the
next level. Then I will put them into a sequence where I'm
offering them paid products. That's the simple process you use.
You provide value first and then you ask for money later.

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Step 5: Build Your Alliance
The next step is to start building an alliance. You want to start
creating a network with like- minded individuals and other power
players in your niche that are in a similar space as you and that
can help you gain opportunities to resources and finances. You
want to engage these people to help support you.

Where do you find these people? Well, one of the easiest ways to
create a product when you first start is to open up a ClickBank
account. I think nowadays it costs like fifty bucks. What you do is
take an information product that you have, put it into the
ClickBank marketplace, and sell it without having to open up a
merchant account. Without having to worry about a credit card
portal. ClickBank takes care of all of that for you.

But the beauty of ClickBank is that other people that are looking
to sell things will find your product and ultimately want to sell it.
You can find other people that are in a similar niche as you and
reach out to them — and I'll tell you exactly how to do that in a
my complete training The Guru Code.

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Would You Like To Learn How You Can
Create Instant Authority, Credibility And
Guru Status So People Trust, Listen And
Buy From You?
If so, then you absolutely need my full video training course, The Guru

It consists on ten HD training videos outlining the same exact strategy that
I used to create Guru status for myself as well as my private clients.

Click Here To Learn More

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