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SCHOOL: “Elena Cuza” National College

TEACHER: Ana- Maria Ṣtefănescu
FORM: 10 th D
LEVEL: Upper-intermediate
TIME: 50 minutes
LESSON: History- Amelia Earhart
SKILLS: Writing, Speaking, Reading

Teaching aims To provide reading comprehension

Learning aims To use new vocabulary and to speak

Assumptions Ss are already used to reading comprehension tasks

Anticipated problems Some students may not feel comfortable working in

groups and accepting different opinions

Classroom interaction Teacher-Student


Classroom management Classroom equipped with movable desks according to

the lesson activities which provide the necessary
physical environment for working in groups. Light and
pictures displayed on the walls create the comfortable
atmosphere which is a very important thing.

Attending strategies Teacher’s role: conductor that is to establish contexts,

give instructions and monitor.
Teacher’s attitude: moves round the class, keeps
eye-contact, but she also encourages Ss to speak and
listen to each other using gestures and facial expression.
If a student is speaking too quietly, T walks further
away forcing, in this way, the quiet speaker to speak
louder and makes positive remarks. T does not interrupt
a student while speaking to correct mistakes

Evaluation Initial: warm-up

Continual evaluation
Final: oral, homework

Curriculum competence: 2.1
Procedure: discussion
Class management: whole-class activity
Teaching aids: none
Timing: 5 minutes
Description of the activity: T asks Ss to discuss a picture they see represented in the text book

Activity one
Curriculum competence: 1.2
Procedure: reading
Class management: whole-class
Teaching aids: text book
Timing: 15 minutes
Description of the activity: 1) T asks Ss to watch the picture, read the title and the quotation
and a list of words and asks the question: What do you think the text is about?

Activity two
Curriculum competence: 1.3
Procedure: reading a gapped- text
Class management: pair- work
Teaching aids: hands-out
Timing: 20 minutes
Description of the activity: T asks Ss to figure out together with their desk mate what the
suitable title for each paragraph is, also by looking at the 1st phrase of each paragraph

Activity three
Curriculum competence: 3.3
Procedure: finding synonyms for certain word in the text
Class management: pair- work
Teaching aids: text book
Timing: 5 minutes
Description of the activity: T asks Ss to match the some words given to their synonyms in the

Curriculum competence: 3.3
Timing:5 minutes
Task: T asks Ss to write a 70- word paragraph on Amelia Earhart

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