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English 1302

Professor Burleson
Peer Review Worksheet: Essay 3
Proposal Argument

Editor’s Name: Tiffanee Comeaux

Writer’s Name: Madyson Bennett

First Impression:
 After reading the essay for the first time, what is your overall impression?
Nurse shortages in hospitals are a huge problem. This essay
is an informative paper but is it about better scheduling or
shortage of staffing?
1. Introduction
 Is there a good title? Does it draw you, the reader, into the paper?
Title is short and simple of what the essay is about
 What is the essay’s thesis? Is it clearly worded? Does it provide a focus for the rest
of the essay? Does the thesis state a causal argument? Does the claim identify
clearly what causes and effects are being examined?
“Not only can hospitals offer flexible schedules, but they
can also utilize their current nurses for recruitment.” I
believe in the introduction paragraph, the thesis was
spread out. I believe the thesis should be all in one
2. Content
 How clearly are the body paragraphs related to the essay’s thesis?
Body paragraphs are clearly written. Though, should reread
for grammar due to words missing to complete phases.
 Which topic sentences could be more focused?
Topic sentences were clearly written
 Does the writer use examples from their source material to support his/her points?
What about other examples?
Writer does use examples from sources to support claim
 Is enough evidence furnished to get the audience to support the proposal? If not,
what additional evidence is needed? Does any of the evidence provided seem
inappropriate or otherwise ineffective? Why?
There is enough evidence to support proposal
 What kinds of sources are cited? How credible and persuasive will they be to
readers? What other kinds of sources might work better?
Sources are cited from library database
 Where could the writer use more detail?
Writer was going back and forth about flexible schedules and
short staffing. I feel like the focus could’ve been more on
short staffing and needing more staff to equate to the
patients in the units.
 Is the essay organized – that is, can you follow the writer’s ideas? Does the essay
need transitions?
The essay is organized and can follow the ideas of the
3. Conclusion
 Is there a conclusion?
There is a conclusion summarizing arguments
4. Assignment Requirements
 Does the essay meet the minimum requirements for length?
Essay does meet minimum length requirements
 Does the essay meet MLA guidelines for spacing, heading, and a works cited page?
Essay does meet MLA guidelines and has a works cited page
 Which parts of the essay are especially clear or stand out for you, the reader?
 What questions do you have that are not answered in the essay?

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