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Serviceabi 193, 5. For an office building, the percentage of live load sus- tained can be assumed to be approximately 25%, Therefore, a = 0.25 For long-term deflections, use the creep factor after, 5 years, therefore, £ = 2.0. Since there is no compres sion steel, p’ = 0, the long-term deflection muttiplier 's é )- 20 = (Fm) = ang = 29 The total long-term deflection (which excludes the instantaneous dead load deflection) is calculated as Arr = Au + Sir ut Ag(Bou + edu) 16" + 2.0(0.43" + 0.25[0.16"]) = 1.1" This long-term deflection as well as the instantaneous live load deflection will now be compared to the ACI Code deflection limits (ACI 318-14, Table 24.2.2). fa. For root and floor flexural members not support- ing deflection sensitive olements, Ary = 1.1" e281) pee must be = 6 = 22) — 4.45") . For roof and floor flexural members support- Ing deflection sensitive elements, Arr = 1.1" 29(12) t ‘| must be = 355 = “gag” = 0.73" (Not Good) C. For roof and floor flexural members not support- ing deflection sensitive elements, Ay. = 0.16" must be = 5 = 7202) _ 193°) 480 ~ 180 . For roof and floor flexural members support- ing deflection sensitive elements, Ay = 0.16" must be = 5 = 2202) - 973° 0) 480” 480 ‘The deflection in the end span of this continuous beam satisfies all the ACI Code deflection limits except the second limit. To reduce the long-term deflections, we could add compression steel to the beam at the mid span and recalculate the long-term deflection. ‘Assume d#8 bars are added atthe top of the beam at ‘midspan, thereforethe compression reinforcement ratio, As _ 3.16 in? _ bad ~ Haryiesy ~ 2118 ‘The revised long-term multiplier is o r ( é ) 20 (4 sop") ~ 7+ 50(0.0176) There is a reduction of the long-term multiplier from 2.0 (without compression steel) to 1.27 with compres- sion steel. To prevent buckling ofthe reinforcement, the ‘compression steel will have to be confined with stierups in accordance with ACI Code, Section 25.7.2. With compression steel, the long-term deflection (excluding the instantaneous dead load deflection is, Arr = 0.16" + 1.27(0.49" + 0.25(0.16")) = 0.76" ‘The revised long-term deflection still slightly exceeds the ‘ACI Code limit if deflection sensitive elements are sup- ported by the beam, but tis only about 4% over the limit, and in practice this small excess deflection (0.03 in) can bbe ignored, 7-8 DEFLECTION CONTROL MEASURES IN REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES ‘There are several ways for controlling deflections in reinforced concrete flexural members, and some are feasible during the design phase and others are carried out during the construction phase. The control mea- sures include the following: ‘+ Add compression steel to the beam, but the com- pression steel has to be tied with closed stirrups to prevent buckling, and the tie spacing must con- form with ACI 318-14, Section 257.2. Note that compression steel cannot be used to control deflec- tions in slabs since the compression bars cannot be confined. The advantageous effect of compression steel in reducing long-term deflections is reflected by the compression rebar ratio, p’, being in the de- nominator of the equation for the long-term deflec- tion multiplier, As in Section 7-5. + Provide additional tension reinforcement which increases the cracked moment of inertia, lex which in tun leads to a higher effective moment of inertia, Ie ‘+ Increase the slab thickness and the beam depth, Increasing the width of a beam is not as effective as increasing the beam depth in achieving an in- crease in the effective moment of inertia. + To reduce the impact of incremental long-term deflections, the installation of the DSEs should be delayed to allow a significant proportion of the creep deflection of the member to occur prior to the installation. ‘+ Deflections can also be controlled through the fol- lowing construction practices ‘+ Donot load the concrete structure until it reach- ¢s its design strength. * Provide adequate shoring to the concrete ‘member during construction until it reaches its, design strength. ‘+ Ensure that the reinforcement in the concrete ‘member is not displaced or misplaced during, the concrete pour: 194 CHAPTER SEVEN 7-9 CRACK CONTROL With the advent of higher-strength reinforcing steels, where more strain is required to produce the higher stresses, cracking of reinforced concrete flexural members has become more troublesome. Some of the reasons why crack control is necessary include aes- thetics considerations and the need to avoid the per- ception in the public's mind that the structure is in imminent danger of collapse due to the presence of noticeable cracks, It seems logical that cracking would have an effect on corrosion of the reinforcing steel. However, there is no clear correlation between corrosion and surface crack widths in the usual range found in struc- tures with reinforcement stresses at service load lev- cls. Further, there is no clear experimental evidence available regarding the crack width beyond which 2 corrosion danger exists. Exposure tests indicate that concrete quality, adequate consolidation, and ample concrete cover may be more important in corrosion con- siderations than is crack width. Rather than a small number of large cracks, itis more desirable to have only hairline cracks and to accept more numerous cracks, if necessary. To achieve this, the current ACI Code (Section 24.3) directs that the flexural tension reinforcement be well distributed in the maximum tension zones of a member. ACI Code Section 24.3.2 contains a provision for maximum spacing s that is intended to control surface cracks to a width that is generally acceptable in practice. The maximum spacing (see ACI Code Table 24.32) is limited to os, = 2( $2) fe where 5 = center-to-center spacing of flexural tension reinforcement nearest to the tension face, in. {f= calculated stress, psi. This may be taken as 3 of the specified yield strength. ¢. = clear cover from the nearest surface in tension to the surface of the flexural tension reinforcement, in. ACI 318, Section 24.35, cautions that if a structure is designed to be watertight or if itis to be subjected to very aggressive exposure, the provisions of Section 243.2 are not sufficient and special investigations and precautions are required. Example 7-4 ‘Check the steel distribution for the beam shown in Figure 7-9 to establish whether reasonable control of flexural ‘cracking is accomplished in accordance with the ACI Code, Section 24,3, Use f, = 60,000 psi. Assume d = 30 it | —'5 stirrup clear (yp.) —-} reat ie a FIGURE 7-9 Sketch for Example 7-3. Solution: 49 1. Calculate the centro-conter spacing between the No.9 bars 1 18 ~ 2(18) ~ 2(0878) - o{ 8) ee ET sat, 2. Assume postive moment and calculate the eoncreta clear cover from the bottom (tension) face of the beam foi surface of the nearest onsionrlforcoment c= 18 + 0375 = 1.875in 2. Calulate fusing off: 4<3 8 4, Calculate maximum spacing allowed for deformed bars using ACI Code Table 24.3.2: 19(220) 25 = 1031 in, Check the upper limit of the equation for deformed bars from ACI Code Table 24.3. 1290) «1 1229) -sain.> oats (0X) = 2(¢0,000) = 40,000 pi ) = 2.611.875) 40,000, ‘And lastly: 887 in. <10.31in. (O.K.) When beams are relatively deep, there exists the possibility for surface cracking in the tension zone areas away from the main reinforcing. ACI 318-14, Section 9.7.23, requires, for beams having, depths ft in excess of 36 in, the placing of longitudinal skin reinforcing along bboth side faces for a distance h/2 from the tension face of the beam, The spacing s between these longitudinal bbars or wires shall not exceed the spacing as provided in ACI3I8-14, Table 24.3.2. Bar sizes ranging from No. 3 to No. 5 (or welded wire reinforcement with a minimum area of 0.1 in. per foot of depth) are typically used. Example 7-5 Select skin reinforcement for the cross section shown in Figure 7-10a. Flexural tension reinforcement is 5 No. 9 bars, and f, = 60,000 psi

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