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04/04/2020 Blossom Manor - School for Gurls | BigCloset TopShelf

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Alys Prince

Blossom Manor - School for Gurls

Submitted by alys9 on Sun, 2014/03/02 - 7:16am

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Author: Alys Prince Audience Rating: Mature Subjects (pg15) Publication: Fiction Character Age: Teenage or High School TG

Elements: Dominance & Submission / Bondage TG Themes: Hypnosis / Mind-Control / Brainwashed Tricked / Outsmarted Other

Keywords: SisterDom Permission: Posted by author(s)

Mother, sister and Aunty convert Andrew into a simpering schoolgirl. They denied him 'everything
essential to being a boy'.

I could add this into the SisterDom stories but it would need a rewrite or a large extra chunk. Maybe.
Alys P

Mother called to Andrew as he opened the door to his bedroom upon returning home from school,
“Andrew, I would like to speak to you". He entered her room and was surprised to see his Aunt Alice
sitting on the edge of his mother's bed. He had not seen his Aunt Alice for over five years.

Mother, his older sister Deborah, and he had visited Aunty when he was eight years old. Andrew has
never liked her and he knew she did not like Andrew as she had made it quite clear she did not like boys.
She had a beautiful two-story home located on a large estate.

His sister Deborah had spent every summer since their initial visit, at Aunty’s. Andrew had been just
that once.

Aunt Alice was a woman of 40, a bit overweight, tall, and very attractive. She had never been married
and had at one time been the executive of a fashion advertising firm and had been very successful, this
had followed a career of modeling. She had always bestowed many gifts upon Deborah, and Deborah
would tease Andrew at times, saying, "If you were a girl you could go to Aunty’s for the summer and
you would get lots of presents." When Deborah would leave for Aunty’s there were times when Andrew 1/19
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would feel jealous, but he knew that if he had gone with her, Aunty would have made him miserable
with constant corrections.

Deborah was two years older than Andrew--tall, attractive, and possessed a very pretty figure. At 15, she
was in her third year in high school. She was always on the honor roll in school, although she worked
after school at a women's clothes store as a salesgirl and also modeled, Mother was very proud of her.
Aunty had been instrumental in Deborah obtaining her job as Aunty was one of the owners of the
women's apparel store.

Andrew was just 13 and quite the opposite of his sister. They were physically similar, as he was tall and
quite slender for a boy, but the similarity ended there. Andrew's record in school had always been
wanting for improvement. He did not like to study and was constantly getting into trouble with his
teachers for teasing the girls and just plain unruly behavior. This pattern of behavior was also evident at

Andrew's father had passed away when he was four years old and Mother had raised Deborah and
Andrew from that day to the present. Mother was in her late 30s and similar to Aunty in looks and
physical make-up.

Andrew had a good idea why mother had called him to her room, as he had been severely reprimanded
by both the principal of the school and his teacher. They had made it quite clear that since there were
only six weeks to the end of the school year he would not be expelled but Mother would be called and
told of his disrespectful attitude and continued bad behavior.

Mother confirmed his suspicions. As she scolded him, she was interrupted by Aunty. Aunt Alice said,
"What are we going to do with you? You apparently have no respect for women nor do you have any
respect for yourself.

"Your mother and I have discussed several avenues of punishment and have arrived at one that we feel
will teach you respect for women, teach you discipline and crush your boyish arrogance," she said.
"Tomorrow is Friday and we are going to keep you home from school. When you awaken in the
morning you will begin your punishment period. It will last through Saturday, Sunday, and thru to
Monday morning. I will also warn you that should you not cooperate during this period and should your
mother receive any more reports of disagreeable activities from school, this punishment will be repeated
each weekend and if necessary you will be invited to spend the summer at my estate with your sister.
"Your punishment will deny to you everything essential to being a boy," she concluded.

As Andrew left the room and went to his own, Aunt Alice's words were repeating in his mind. "Your
punishment will deny to you everything essential to being a boy."

Once Andrew had left, Mother turned to Aunt Alice. "You're certain the program your friend Wanda has
given us will work?"

"Absolutely," Aunty replied. "It's well tested by the staff at Blossom Manor - and the pupils." she
smirked. "They send it out as part of their student recruitment system. While the same kind of hypnotic
suggestion could be used to simply control the boy, they've found more lasting success in a series of
subtle shifts in his personality, all tied to the clothing he wears and the way he looks. Believe me, after 2/19
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just one night with these special tapes and one day in the right girl’s clothes, Andrew will be
experiencing strange new feelings...and enjoying them."

Mother called Andrew again and again he entered her room. Aunty directed him to strip down to his
underwear. Being afraid of her, Andrew did as he was told.

Mother and Aunty both began taking measurements. When they were through, they told Andrew to
dress. As he left the room, Mother said that she and Aunty were going shopping and would be home
later. When they returned later, they had Deborah with them, as they had picked her up from work.

Deborah said, "We really have a surprise for you, but you have to wait till tomorrow morning."

As he climbed into bed the things Aunty and Deborah said really bothered Andrew. 'Oh, well, I can
handle anything, I'm a big boy,' is what he thought.

Before Mother tucked Andrew into bed he was handed his two pills. Told they were vitamins, he took
them. In reality, the pills were a mild sedative with hypnotic properties, guaranteed to put him to sleep
quickly and in the proper frame of mind for tonight's "instructions".

Mother dropped a CD into his stereo. "What's that?" Andrew asked.

"I can tell you're all upset about not knowing what's going to happen tomorrow...and you'll never get to
sleep, you're so wound up," she answered. "This is special 'new age' music like we have at the salon. It
helps to soothe your mind and help you sleep."

Mother pressed the play button and soft, quiet, strings and chimes floated from the speakers. She
stepped out of the room. Within a few minutes, Andrew felt himself drifting off to sleep, but despite the
sensation that something more than just music was coming from the tape he could not really hear
anything else. Part of the success of the technique was that the need to hear the murmurs hidden on the
tape actually made the listener concentrate harder on the message.

The subliminal sleep suggestions gradually switched over to more hypnotic suggestions and then came
to dominate the sound--and Andrew's subconscious mind took in every word.

“You are changing. You are beginning to realize how very unattractive it is to be dirty, to smell of sweat.
You love to shower every morning. You love to use soft, perfumed soap. You love to wash your hair. You
want your hair to be long, to be beautiful. ……

You long to be praised instead of criticised. You see how much your mother and your aunt love Deborah.

You are jealous of Deborah. You wonder why she is so much more popular. Why other people like her.
You want to have gifts and presents like she does ……..

You need to realize that she has lovely soft skin, that the dust of eyeshadow makes her eyes even lovelier.
You are jealous and you want to be more like her. You are eager to try lipstick. You want to be taught
how to have gorgeous eyes. ………………….

You want to learn about soft, swishy, sensuous materials. You love to touch the satin and silk that your
sister wears. You love the sound of the taffeta …… 3/19
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The CD went on for hours – looping, repetitively on and on and on – filling Andrew’s brain with new
ideas about the delights of being less masculine, the compensating pleasures of being effeminate.

"When you see your nails painted red, you will feel a stirring in your cock," the tape told him. "You will
not recognize what is making you excited, but you will want more of it. Wearing high heels, especially
sexy sandals, will have a similar effect. You will also enjoy the sight of your wrists with feminine
bracelets on them...and you will think of the bracelets not only as adornments but as slave ornaments,
enslaving you to a feminine future.

"You will think of these experiences as 'strange and unusual new feelings but you won’t think they are
wrong – they’re just unusual,' and they will be stronger every time you see yourself in these feminine
things. These feelings will excite you, entice you, make you realize the joy of being soft, gentle, girly,
effeminate. You are so sorry that you are unkind to Deborah, and you know that you are unkind because
you want to wear lovely slinky dresses like she does, you love the smell of her perfume. You want long
hair fluffing around your ears and shoulders, brushing your skin like delicate feathers. You want to be
like your sister – soft, feminine and pretty."

The CD repeated eight or nine times through the night and then shifted back to the "new age" music to
let Andrew drift into a normal sleep until morning.

Andrew was awakened by his Aunt's voice, saying, "Wake up young lady, your bubble bath awaits you."

He sat up with a start and stared at the three figures standing around his bed--Aunty, Mother, and
Deborah were all smiling down at him.

Had he heard Aunt Alice right; had she said, "Wake up young lady"?

Deborah answered his question, as she said, "Get up, Andrea, you're so lucky--you're going to get to
wear my sandals, dresses, wigs, and everything necessary to transform you into a girl for the next three
days. As you were told ‘we are going to deny you everything essential to being a boy. So, since you
have to wear clothes when we go out later, you won’t be able to wear boy’s clothes. You tell me what the
alternative is, hey.”

Andrew moved quickly from the bed and toward his pants and shirt hanging on the chair. They were
gone. Clad only in his pyjamas, he attempted to run towards the hall door. He felt Aunty's hand grip
around his wrist. He tried to break free, but immediately Mother grasped his other arm. The three of
them moved Andrew into the bathroom and to the waiting bubble bath.

Andrew's pyjamas were removed. He stood before the three emasculators. Aunty motioned for him to
step into the hot bubbly bath water. It was also heavily perfumed. Deborah giggled as she handed him a
razor and said, "Get busy, Andrea!

He was horrified.

Aunty said, "Yes, Andrea, you are to shave your legs, even though they’re only covered with fuzz. We
want you to enjoy the thrill of silky smooth legs. Now start shaving, young lady, before I invite you to
stay with me for the summer." 4/19
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With that threat, Andrew lathered his legs and began shaving, after Aunty had shown him how. Soon
both of his legs were satin smooth. It was a strange feeling – but somehow his brain said ‘not strange,
just unusual, you might even like it’ . After he had scrubbed all over, Aunty washed and rinsed his hair.
Mother stood with a towel as Andrew emerged from the bath tub. He was thoroughly dried off. Next he
was told to put out his wrists as Deborah sprayed a sweet smelling perfume on them, then behind his
knees and ears, and on his neck.

He was covered with bath powder by Mother. Aunty reappeared from Deborah's bedroom carrying some
feminine items of apparel.

Mother took one and motioned Andrew to step into the openings. She said it was a padded girdle and
would give him the feminine lines he lacked. As it was tugged into place, his penis and testicles were
pressed up into his body by Aunty. Once the girdle was on, all traces of Andrew's boyishness were

By now Andrew was red with embarrassment and he again tried to beg Aunty not to continue to make
him into a girl. He told her he would mind out and wouldn't get into trouble in school again. “And as if
we would, you’re not being made into a girl. You’re just being shown what MIGHT happen if you keep
on being such a complete twonk of a boy. Behave better and you’ll get no trouble from us.”

Aunty smiled and said, "The damage had been done." It wasn’t a kind smile.

They were soon standing in Deborah's bedroom. Aunty told Andrew to sit down on the bed. Deborah
approached carrying a bottle of nail polish. As she knelt down at his feet she giggled, "I can hardly wait
to tell my girlfriends that I got to enamel my pretty girlish brother’s toenails and fingernails."

Aunty corrected Deborah. "She is not your girlish brother—for the next few days she is your younger
sister, Andrea. And don’t be so ugly as to gloat or tell tales. You can get your own version of this
punishment too, little girl.”

The polish was bright red and as she painted Andrew's toenails, he knew he could not escape this
horrible punishment. While Deborah painted his toenails, Mother manicured Andrew's fingernails. He
had not trimmed them for awhile and they were quite long. She filed them into slender claws.

Aunty then shocked Andrew as she told him to lay back on the bed, while she plucked his eyebrows. As
she plucked them, tears came to his eyes.

After a little over an hour, Andrew was told to sit up. He looked down at his feet and hands and felt
crushed. His nails glistened with femininity. Andrew couldn't help staring at the shiny red shapes on the
ends of his fingers and toes. The sight both troubled and excited him--it seemed that he should hate
seeing his nails so scarlet and feminine, but instead he felt an odd sense of completion, as though this
was what he needed to make himself "real."

The polish was now dry and Andrew was handed a pair of nylons. Mother said that they were sandal-
foot, and would allow his enameled toenails to be completely exposed. As Andrew slid the nylons up his
legs an unfamiliar, but exciting, feeling came over him. The last garter was attached, and he was handed
a shoe box. Aunty indicated that she had selected them especially for Andrew, for she knew how much
he would enjoy wearing them. 5/19
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Opening the box, Andrew cried out, "High-heeled girl's shoes!"

Deborah teasingly said, "High-heeled barefoot platform sandals, silly!" Knowing the additional
punishment for disobeying, Andrew meekly removed these red patent-leather barefoot emasculators
from the white tissue that had hidden them.

His foot slid down the smooth patent leather into the waiting straps. Andrew pulled the straps through
the buckles, Aunty directing him to strap them as tightly as possible. Both sandals were presently
strapped tightly to his feet. When he stood up, Andrew almost fell on his face--the 3-inch heels thrust
him up higher than he had ever been.

When he regained his balance, Andrew again felt an involuntary wave of pleasure as he felt the change
in posture the skyscraper heels forced upon him. He looked down at his legs, smoothly bound by the
nylon stockings, and further down to his feet, with the red nails matching the red patent leather of his
sandals, both shining and reflecting the light of his room. He felt his cock twitch--and a further sense of
having another piece of himself completed. The CD was working its electronic magic.

Mother handed Andrew another box. This was a very small one. When he opened it, his eyes fastened
on a very feminine bracelet wristwatch in gold. Mother removed it from the box and before Andrew
could say anything she had clasped the band of gold about his wrist. With his enamelled nails and his
slender wrist femininely enslaved with a girl's bracelet wristwatch, Aunty led Andrew to the wall mirror.
As he walked to the mirror, Andrew felt the light metallic touch of the bracelet watch on his wrist--and
suddenly realized that obeying his mother and aunt seemed right and proper, making him, again, more
complete than ever before.

"Look at yourself, my pretty niece." Even without long hair, make-up, breasts, and a dress, Andrew
already looked very much like a young slightly frightened girl.

Mother smiled and said, "My dear Andrea, with long beautiful legs like those, you should wear nylons
and skyscraper-heeled strap sandals all the time."

He was hypnotized by the reflection in the mirror (and by the secret instructions he'd received through
the long hours of the night). The look of his legs in the spindly sandals, with his toenails flashing red,
made his cock grow even larger. Deborah broke the spell by saying, "Come now, Andrea, we have lots
more surprises for my pretty sister. You've done very well." And, as it was planned, the praise reinforced
Andrew's confusion and desire to please.

Andrew was numb with shock as they led him over to the bed. Aunty told him to lay down on his back.
He did as he was told and Deborah said, "The most exciting surprise of all is coming".

Aunty had left the room, but quickly returned carrying a package. “Remember that all girls have
breasts," she explained. “Now, you will too – because special boys are allowed to have breasts as well.
It’s part of making them get in touch with and then releasing their feminine side.”

Aunty bent over Andrew and with a swab applied a sticky substance to his chest area. Next, to Andrew's
horror, she produced a perfectly-shaped set of latex rubber sissy breasts. They were just the size a girl
Andrew's age would possess. Mother said, "Now you have small pink-nippled breasts – just like any girl
your age." 6/19
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The soft masses were pressed onto his chest, Aunty smoothing the feathered edges. They were small, but
definitely gave Andrew's body a feminine shape. A powder make-up was applied, erasing all lines. They
blended smoothly into his chest.

Andrew stood up and as he did, his new-girl sissy breasts jiggled. Mother said, "Now, Andrea, you will
need this," as she handed Andrew a teen form bra. Being very slender, he did not need a corset, but
Aunty stated that, in the near future, he would be trained to wear a wasp-waist corset at all times, to
ensure that he developed and maintained a tiny waist.

Next Andrew slid a nylon tricot petticoat on. It really tickled as he slid it into place. Three crinolines

Deborah came forth with a gingham full-skirted party dress with puff sleeves. They slid it over Andrew's
head and arms and soon he was enveloped in satin. Mother buttoned it up the back.

As he sat down at the dressing table, it was apparent that everything masculine was to be removed.
Andrew's lips were painted with a deep red shade of sweet lipstick. Then the attention was turned to his
eyes. His eyebrows had been plucked into very thin feminine lines and were penciled to bring them out.
False eyelashes were applied, liner, light shadow, and mascara. His nose was powdered as the finishing

Deborah brought forth a shoulder-length pageboy blond wig. His hair, being quite long for a boy, was
curled with hair pins to keep it up. The wig was adjusted to fit and was placed on Andrew's head. Before
he stood up, Mother clasped a charm bracelet on his other wrist and draped a locket about his neck.

"Come, Andrea, let us look again at the beautiful girl that you have become," Mother said.

Again Andrew stood in front of the mirror. The image that appeared opposite him was a complete girl.
His toenails glistened, as did his sandals. Even walking in the skyscrapers was actually easy.
In this short time the three women had succeeded in instilling in him new strange feelings. He no longer
felt that the clothes, the sandals, the bracelets, the painted nails were "wrong"; rather, he was excited by
them sexually, and wanted to wear them constantly. Of course, he couldn't admit that to his mother and
aunt--at least not yet.

"Well," Aunty said, "I believe Andrea actually enjoys her new role in life. Don't you, Andrea?" Andrew
couldn't admit these new strange feelings that had come over him, and he immediately denied any such
feelings. "I don't want to be a girl and after Monday I won't wear any dresses!"

Aunty laughed, saying, "I know better. All boys that spend three days completely transformed into girls
develop strange new feelings."

"Well," Andrew said, "I won't, you can't make me."

Aunty again laughed, "I am not making you have strange feelings. The taste of lipstick, the feel of the
stockings on your shaved legs and the barefoot sandals, the swish of the petticoats and your skirt and, of
course, the knowledge that you have pretty pink-nippled sissy breasts cupped by your teen-form bra are
bringing about these changes in you .” And she knew that she was lying – because the CD was doing so
much of the work in the quiet hours of darkness. 7/19
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“Come... let us go downstairs and we can help you develop feminine graces, and remember, you must
act, talk, and think like a girl until Monday morning. Oh, and tomorrow all four of us are going to the
beauty salon. You will have your blond wig removed and undergo a permanent wave. Also your ears
will be pierced. Then we are going shopping. I know you will want some new dresses, panties, bras, and,
of course, lots of nude strappy play sandals."

Andrew spent the remainder of the day swishing about. He didn’t want to – but he did as he was told. He
didn’t want to enjoy any single moment – but his brain had been mesmerized by the CD. He was made
to model, turning this way and that. He found that the sandals, even with the skyscraper heels, were very
cool and comfortable because of their nudeness. Eventually, he sat down on the couch so that Aunty
could administer an additional coat of nail polish to his fingernails.

He tucked his legs up on the couch so that his sandaled feet were exposed. Strangely, this sight excited
him: the red patent-leather straps criss-crossing about his feet, the buckles winking at him, and his
toenails in matching red twinkling. The image, and the soft caress of his aunt's hands on his fingers, as
well as the quiet cadence of her voice, all reinforced the secret training from the hypnotic CD.

Aunty Alice enameled each nail very carefully, and talked as she did. "Do you know, Andrea, you
should have been born a girl. You are truly beautiful, and really, I am so glad we decided that
transforming you into a girl would be your punishment. In just this first day that you have entered into
the world of girls, I noticed a distinct and pleasing change coming over you. You seem more subdued,
actually nicer. With this success in crushing your masculine arrogance and replacing it with a kinder
feminine personality, I am going to suggest that your Mother continue to dress you as a girl every
weekend and that you come to spend the summer with me."

"Oh, no! Please don't tell Mother that," Andrew said. "I'll mind, but not that, don't make me live as a

That evening the three feminizers helped in preparing Andrew for bed. All the clothes were removed. He
was made to don a pair of nylon satin panties in bright red and an open-nippled night bra, a babydoll top,
and capri bottoms, both in bright red satin. He was handed another pair of sandals. These were black
patent-leather T-strap barefoot platform sandals.

His makeup was removed and Aunty applied a new coat of creamy red lipstick.

Now he was to sleep in the extra twin bed in Deborah's room. Again, before Mother tucked Andrew into
bed he was handed his two pills. He swallowed them easily – and he would never realize how they
would accumulate to destroy his masculinity.

Deborah's bed sheets were satin and the beds were four-poster French Provincial fairy princess beds. He
was made to sleep with his T-strap sandals on. Aunty said that was to make him feel thoroughly

Andrew slid down into the sheets--the feeling was wonderful. He did not try to remove his bracelet
wristwatch or charm bracelet. Was Aunty making him want to be a girl?.

Deborah soon came to bed and after she teased him a little, Andrew fell asleep in perfumed bliss. Once
again, the new age music played in the room, and then shifted over to the soft, soothing, entrancing 8/19
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voice: "Remember all the feelings you experienced today, remember how they made you excited. Now
think about how your breasts looked, small and rounded and pink-nippled. Those are not just rubber
glued to your chest; they are *your* breasts: When they are touched, especially when the nipples are
played with, you will feel a stirring in your cock, a stirring as strong as that you feel when you play with
your cock itself."

"Tomorrow, you will go to a beauty parlor for the first time," the feminizing voice continued. "The looks
and smells of the beauty parlor will fascinate you and excite you, just as the look and feel of your
breasts, your sandals, nails, and bracelets do. The feel of having your hair colored, cut, permed and
combed will entrance you: You will want it done at least once a week."

“Dream on about how much you have enjoyed today. You loved seeing yourself in the mirror. You loved
the feelings as your fingers and toes were transformed by the polish. You loved the feeling as those
slinky sheer stockings were rolled up your legs. You enjoyed the smooooth feeling as you sat down and
your satin panties stroked your bottom. The taste of lipstick was so lovely and, best of all, you enjoyed
being treated as a girl and realizing that, as a girl, you got compliments that you never deserved as a

With that the voice faded back into the music.

When Andrew awoke in the morning, the first thing he saw were his enameled nails and the bracelets on
his wrists. He reached down and touched his sandaled feet, then his hand moved to the little mounds on
his chest, and he wondered what it would be like to have full breasts like Deborah's.

Strangely, as he touched the nipples of his false breasts and tweaked them with his red-painted nails, he
ceased to think of the little mounds as plastic – they were his own breasts, soft and lovely-to-fondle. The
sensation stirred his cock and he realized that he needed desperately to come. Andrew was alone in the
bedroom. His sister was already up and had evidently gone downstairs. As he lay in bed different
thoughts went through his mind. The feeling of being a girl was really exciting. His hands moved to his
panties and Andrew lapsed into a world of effeminate ecstasy.

His sister had waited outside, listening hard. As Andrew spurted hot sperm into his panties, she came
back in to the room. She knew her cue. “Oh, Andrea, you naughty girl. You shouldn’t play with your
titties like that – and you really shouldn’t do squirties in your pretty panties.

Andrea writhed in agony as her sister tormented her – but the reaction was exactly what the CD had
been written to teach the gurl.

The early morning message was so delightfully complex –

It was lovely to squirt while fondling her nipples – and it was oh so wrong to squirt without permission –
and it was oh so wonderful to squirt into the sleek, shiny panties – and it was oh so revolting to make
them sticky with man-juice and bad …. and good …. and bad ……. and bad and good ……… and the
ecstasy of that squirt of semen into his own girly panties.

Exactly as the system forecast, Andrea’s mind was being washed of old, male attitudes into the soft
world of the gurl. 9/19
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The experience at the beauty salon was thrilling but embarrassing. Everyone was told that Andrew was a
girlish-boy who really loved wearing dresses and sandals. Wanda, the hair stylist, removed his wig and
began her feminizing activities.

She began by shampooing his hair, gently massaging his scalp as she did so. Andrew felt himself slowly
getting relaxed and even a little sleepy as the hairstylist worked on his head. She spoke quietly to him, in
an almost whispered drone: "You love this, Andrea. You love having your hair done, seeing the amazing
differences a hairstyle can make in your appearance. Soon you'll want it done as often as possible, at
least once a week. I'm going to change your haircolor, too," she said. "What color would you like it to
be? Black?" No reaction. "Blonde?" Again, no reaction. "Red?" Andrew squirmed in his chair and
Wanda noticed a stirring at his crotch. "Red it will be, then, Andrea. You'll be a beautiful redhead, I
know...especially after our Charlotte finishes with your makeup. You just love makeup, too, don't you,

Andrew, mildly entranced by Wanda's words and actions, could only smile dreamily. Wanda proceeded
to apply the dye to his hair, then to cut and perm it. While the perm set, a tall, well-built young woman
with waist-length chestnut hair came to Andrew's chair. "I'm Charlotte, Wanda's daughter," she
introduced herself. "I'll be doing your makeover." She set to work with her paints and brushes and
pencils, refusing to let the transformed boy see himself until the entire process was complete.

In a short time, Andrew found himself sitting under a dryer, as more soothing "new age" music filled his
ears. Behind the soft tones, a voice spoke to him, "When you see yourself next, you will fall in love with
the girl you have become. Your cock will become harder than you can ever remember it being. Your
nipples will be hard, erect, and tingly. When you hear your name, 'Andrea,' you will come."

Wanda soon removed the dryer and walked Andrew back to the styling chair, carefully keeping him
from seeing his reflection in the mirror. She began to brush out his hair.

As she did this she complimented him. "You should have been born a girl. It's good that your mother and
aunt are correcting the mistake. I had a son with a similar problem, but I sent him to Blossom Manor, a
private school for girls. They make exceptions at times and boys are permitted to attend. My son
attended Blossom Manor for four years, and has undergone a complete transformation. Whenever boys
attend Blossom Manor, Miss Blossom specializes in transforming them into girls."

With that, she quickly whipped the styling chair around so that Andrew faced the mirror. He gasped. In
the mirror was an absolute angel, with softly waved coppery hair falling to just below her ears. Her
bright blue eyes were framed with long, dark lashes and soft shades of blue and purple on the lids. Her
cheeks were highlighted with what seemed a natural blush, her lips a soft coral red, waiting to be kissed.
It was him--it was Andrea! "There she is," Wanda announced. "There's Andrea!"

His nipples ached with their excitement, his cock swelled in its girdled and pantied confines and, not
caring who knew or saw, Andrea came! The CD and the additional instruction from Wanda made his
stupid male genitals do exactly what was required.

Wanda turned to his aunt and mother and smiled secretively. 10/19
04/04/2020 Blossom Manor - School for Gurls | BigCloset TopShelf

As they drove home, Aunty brought up the subject of Andrew attending a private school.

She explained that, a few years back, she had recommended to Wanda that she send her boy Charles to
Blossom Manor. "Charles was always in trouble and lacked respect for his mother and just about
everything," she said. "The boys at Blossom Manor are, of course, required to wear the same uniforms
as the girls. The boys are forced to live as girls for the four years they attend. During those years, all
masculinity is removed. Through the use of female hormones, being constantly dressed as a girl, treated
as a girl, and receiving a girlish education, the girlish-boys return emasculated. Some undergo a
complete sex change, others are slaves to femininity. After four years in the dominant hands of Miss
Charteris, Charles returned home a girl--Charlotte Elaine--yes, the same Charlotte who did your
makeup, Andrea. Her measurements are 38C-24-35."

Mother broke in. "Do you think Miss Charteris would accept Andrea as a student?"

Hearing all this, even though the thrill of wearing girl’s clothes had enveloped his mind, Andrew still did
not care for the idea of living as a girl. "I will not go to any private school, especially a private girl’s

A cruel look came over Aunty's face, as she said, "So you won't wear girl's clothes, huh, and you won't
attend a girls school." She turned to Mother and continued, "I believe Andrea needs to be continually
reminded that she is being punished by being denied everything boyish – for the moment she is a girl
and should be behaving as a girl. Since that outburst rather proves how she is failing at her task, I
suggest that Andrea be dressed in girl's clothes every weekend and when summer comes that she come
to my estate. She and Deborah will have lots of fun. I can erase this male rebellion and arrogance for
good and when the fall semester begins at Blossom Manor, both Deborah and Andrea can attend.

“I am sure by now Andrea is changing her mind about doing anything as rash as disobedience. I think
that our pretty Andrea will tell us she really wants to wear dresses and barefoot sandals all the time,
don't you my pretty transvestite?"

Andrew begged his mother not to do what Aunty had said.

Mother said that she was thrilled with the idea, and Deborah chimed in with approval. "Isn't it exciting,
Andrea, when summer comes you will be able to wear feminine clothes all the time!"

There was nothing more Andrew could say, they just ignored his protests.

Once home they all ate dinner. Andrew was again dressed in ultra-feminine night clothes, but these were
hot pink nylon satin with a pair of hot pink patent-leather ankle strap sandals. Mother tucked him into
bed. Again he took the pills and again a tape was played as he fell asleep.

The hypnotic voice began by reinforcing the lessons of the past two nights and days and then spoke of
tomorrow's events. "When your ears are pierced and the tiny gold balls are attached to your ears, they
will serve as the final marks of your new self. When you see yourself so adorned, you will cease to
struggle against your change into a beautiful girl. Indeed, you will now revel in each successive change,
you will even get an erotic thrill when teased about your sissified state. You will strive to be more girlish
than the most feminine of natural girls." 11/19
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The next morning Andrew was dressed in a shirtwaist-dress and high-heeled sling sandals. Aunty
proceeded to pierce his earlobes. He fought with all three of them over this, but it was no use--they were
too strong. But once he felt the needle prick his earlobes, and once he saw the shiny gold balls that filled
those holes, all resistance fled from Andrew's mind. He was now willing to be as girlish as they wanted
him to be...and maybe more girlish than they could possibly imagine!

When Aunty was through she said, "Now, with your plucked eyebrows, pierced ear lobes, and such
pretty long fingernails, everyone will know you are a pretty fem!"

Three days. Andrea had a fading memory that she had been told that it would only take three days of
being continuously dressed and treated as a girl for her pathetic ambition to remain as the man in an
otherwise female household had evaporated.

Finally school was out and Andrea and Deborah left for Aunty's. There was little trace of boy-ness in the
sleek, well-dressed girl stood beside her taller sister as they climbed into the shiny car. Both of them
were pretty, if not actually beautiful. They wore similar but not identical clothes. The tall girl wore pale
blue while the younger wore a simple dress in pale yellow. Both wore stockings. If you knew them well
enough you might discover the quality of their underwear – smooth, sensual satin panties; crisp
petticoats, accurately fitted brassieres, slidy lipstick, pretty makeup, newly pierced ears, waxed
eyebrows, tinkling bracelets, - the works. And indeed, the works were working.
(You know what they were wearing because it was exactly the right stuff for that moment and that
situation. And it was ALL in accordance with the CD that had been supplied.)

As Deborah and Andrea walked through Aunty's front door, SHe knew SHe had left hers masculine life
behind. SHe knew hers world was now made up of wigs, sandals, dresses, and perfume. It was strange...
part of herm now wanted to attend Blossom Manor.

Yes, Aunty Alice and those abominably clever CDs had changed Andrew into a gurl.

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This story is 6370 words long.

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‹ Best Friends Forever - not just for girls up 12/19
04/04/2020 Blossom Manor - School for Gurls | BigCloset TopShelf

Boy? Girl? My great Granddaughter. ›

Blossom Manor
Submitted by Tanya024 on Sat, 2015/01/31 - 9:10pm

I loved this story. It is my favorite so far on this site. The element of subliminal hypnosis to gradually
bring about the mental/emotional conversion, especially with a teenager, is deliciously appealing to me.
I loved, too, the caring detail in which you described Andrea's sexy wardrobe and shoes, as well as her
makeup, hair and jewelry. I would love to see you continue to follow Andrea's development - in all
manners - as she attends Blossom Manor. I would also love to know if you have any similar stories
brewing that also deal with hypnosis to affect chnages. Thank you.

Transforming Andrew!
Submitted by Guest Reader on Tue, 2015/12/22 - 1:14pm

I do believe that is what is considered to be child abuse, not legal. Go for it!

Even though I wrote it - .......

Submitted by alys9 on Sat, 2015/12/26 - 8:49am

I don't like any element of bullying or abuse - but this story was in my head and out it popped. But
the SisterDom group which underlie many of my stories would not approve and it would have to be
a very different story.
Best wishes
Alys P

‹ Best Friends Forever - not just for girls up

Boy? Girl? My great Granddaughter. ›

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04/04/2020 Blossom Manor - School for Gurls | BigCloset TopShelf

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Story Stats
Kudos: 191

Comments: 3

Alys Prince
"Do you like wearing a dress, Daddy?"
"Great! Looking great, Grandma."
"He's gone! I'm going to be ME!"
"How could I have known?"
"I'll take the pain 'cos I know the gain!"
"I'm not gay! I don't know what I am"
"It’s not what I expected. Kinda nice though!"
"I’m going to HAVE to wear a bra! No way!"
"I’m going to have to wear a bra – to SCHOOL!?"
"Look what I've found!" 14/19
04/04/2020 Blossom Manor - School for Gurls | BigCloset TopShelf

"My bra really doesn't fit. Can you help me?"

"One small step for a man."
"They're just NOT like me - not at all !"
"This IS what I want."
"Wears MY panties?” my sister screamed.
"What on earth ....... Who are You?"
"What on earth are you wearing?"
"What? I’m not a girl – am I?"
"Where's my panties?"
"Where's my stockings?"
"You'll look like Angela - in a mirror!"
Alexandra's Leaving
Alone - but God-Fearing ...
Amazing, Grace
Are you in this gang - or not ?
Are you wearing a bra?
Auntie owned a Dress-shop
Background to the SisterDom (and Abuse)
Be Nice not Nasty
Best Friends Forever - not just for girls
Blossom Manor - School for Gurls
Boy? Girl? My great Granddaughter.
Catalogue Shopper
Caught and Out
Changing my life, what joy. To Joy.
Cross-Over Day at School
Cry Baby
Decisions, Decisions, Desissyons
Desperately seeking Susie
Do you want to be 'The Man in the Dress'
EU Directive on Sexual and Gender Identification
First it was just a pair of Panties
Fridays are Good Days now!
Girl 101 - I want a dress, please, mum
Girl 102 -Dresses for more boys
How much of a woman?
I Love my dresses
I am a Woman - hear me Raw
I do wish I was a girl - I do.
I have to hope!
I like wearing a dress
I love Silk and Satin and ....
I stand before the Alter of God
I'm just a girl!
Is that Robin or Robyn ?
It’s just wonderful! I had no idea!
It’s the sway she walks. 15/19
04/04/2020 Blossom Manor - School for Gurls | BigCloset TopShelf

I’m PROUD of who I am!

Laddie to Lady
Lessens Intolerance
Lessons in Tolerance
Looking for a new Andrej
Mother - and daughter too.
Not Alone
Of Corsets. "For Me!"
Other people wear dresses too!
Perfume works for boys
Pig Male Ian
Pink or Blue
QT the Cutie
Red is for Embarrassment ..... and my new panties.
Shopping for Sophie
So you're as good as me?
Some Ideas for anybody to borrow or adapt
Spilling Miss Take
Sticky Boobs - ughh!
Swishy Frou-Frou
Take your Daughter to Work Day
Thanks, Mummy
That Valentine's Night Kiss
That old Miss-ing Costume
The BIG Adventure - I'm ready now.
The Christmas Ginie
The Crush - a Reel story
The Crush - the real story
The Development of the Male
The Right is always right ?!
The Trump of Doom - shorter and less noisy
Time for a change!
To and Fro - Joy in a Dress
To be different is a choice? Not for me!
Training Stories
Waisting my life – why I love corsets.
What a Charming Dress
Why can't I be like the other girls
Why is it always teenage girls & horses
Words of Hate
XY - Why cross-dress?
Z - Hate, Hell, Hope, Halleluiah

The Hatbox 16/19
04/04/2020 Blossom Manor - School for Gurls | BigCloset TopShelf

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