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he world has changed dramatically in the Depression, surpassing that seen during the global
three months since our last World Economic financial crisis a decade ago. The Great Lockdown, as
Outlook update on the global economy. A one might call it, is projected to shrink global growth
pandemic scenario had been raised as a pos- dramatically. A partial recovery is projected for 2021,
sibility in previous economic policy discussions, but with above trend growth rates, but the level of GDP
none of us had a meaningful sense of what it would will remain below the pre-virus trend, with consider-
look like on the ground and what it would mean for able uncertainty about the strength of the rebound.
the economy. We now encounter a grim reality, where Much worse growth outcomes are possible and maybe
exponential growth of contagion means 100 infected even likely. This would follow if the pandemic and
individuals become 10,000 in a matter of a few days. containment measures last longer, emerging and
Tragically, many human lives are being lost and the developing economies are even more severely hit, tight
virus continues to spread rapidly across the globe. We financial conditions persist, or if widespread scar-
owe a huge debt of gratitude to the medical profes- ring effects emerge due to firm closures and extended
sionals and first responders who are working tirelessly unemployment.
to save lives. This crisis will need to be dealt with in two phases:
This crisis is like no other. First, the shock is large. a phase of containment and stabilization followed by
The output loss associated with this health emergency the recovery phase. In both phases public health and
and related containment measures likely dwarfs the economic policies have crucial roles to play. Quaran-
losses that triggered the global financial crisis. Second, tines, lockdowns, and social distancing are all critical
like in a war or a political crisis, there is continued for slowing transmission, giving the health care system
severe uncertainty about the duration and intensity of time to handle the surge in demand for its services
the shock. Third, under current circumstances there and buying time for researchers to try to develop ther-
is a very different role for economic policy. In normal apies and a vaccine. These measures can help avoid an
crises, policymakers try to encourage economic activ- even more severe and protracted slump in activity and
ity by stimulating aggregate demand as quickly as set the stage for economic recovery.
possible. This time, the crisis is to a large extent the Increased health care spending is essential to
consequence of needed containment measures. This ensure health care systems have adequate capacity and
makes stimulating activity more challenging and, at resources. Special dispensations for medical profes-
least for the most affected sectors, undesirable. sionals—who are on the frontlines of combating
The forecast for the global economy laid out in the pandemic—should be considered, including, for
this report reflects our current understanding of the example, education allowances for their families or
path of the pandemic and the public health measures generous survivor benefits.
required to slow the spread of the virus, protect lives, While the economy is shut down, policymakers
and allow health care systems to cope. In this regard, will need to ensure that people are able to meet their
we have benefited from numerous conversations with needs and that businesses can pick up once the acute
epidemiologists, public health experts, and infectious phases of the pandemic pass. This requires substan-
disease specialists working on therapies for COVID- tial targeted fiscal, monetary, and financial measures
19. However, there remains considerable uncertainty to maintain the economic ties between workers and
around the forecast, the pandemic itself, its macroeco- firms and lenders and borrowers, keeping intact the
nomic fallout, and the associated stresses in financial economic and financial infrastructure of society. For
and commodity markets. example, in emerging market and developing econo-
It is very likely that this year the global economy mies with large informal sectors, new digital technolo-
will experience its worst recession since the Great gies may be used to deliver targeted support. It is

International Monetary Fund | April 2020 v


encouraging that policymakers in many countries have testing, building global stockpiles of personal protec-
risen to this unprecedented challenge by swiftly adopt- tive equipment, and putting in place protocols for
ing a broad range of measures. no restrictions on trade in essential supplies—could
Broad-based stimulus and liquidity facilities to enhance the security of both public health and the
reduce systemic stress in the financial system can global economy.
lift confidence and prevent an even deeper contrac- There are many reasons for optimism, despite the
tion in demand by limiting the amplification of the dire circumstances. In countries with major outbreaks,
shock through the financial system and bolstering the number of new cases has come down, after strong
expectations for the eventual economic recovery. social distancing practices were put in place. The
Here, too, the swift and significant actions by several unprecedented pace of work on treatments and vac-
central banks have been critical and have averted an cines also promises hope. The swift and substantial
even sharper drop in asset prices and confidence. Of economic policy actions taken in many countries will
particular importance has been the activation and help shield people and firms, preventing even more
establishment of swap lines between major central severe economic pain and create the conditions for the
banks to provide international liquidity. recovery.
The economic landscape will be altered significantly When the world economy last faced a crisis of this
for the duration of the crisis and possibly longer, with magnitude in the 1930s, the absence of a multilateral
greater involvement of government and central banks lender-of-last-resort forced countries to scramble for
in the economy. international liquidity, adopting futile mercantilist
Advanced economies with strong governance policies in that pursuit, which further worsened the
capacity, well-equipped health care systems, and the global downturn. A crucial difference in the current
privilege of issuing reserve currencies are relatively crisis is we have a stronger global financial safety
better placed to weather this crisis. But several emerg- net—with the IMF at its center—that is already
ing market and developing economies without similar actively helping vulnerable countries.
assets and confronting simultaneous health, economic, Ten years ago, the IMF’s member countries boosted
and financial crises will need help from advanced the Fund’s resources to assist financially constrained
economy bilateral creditors and international financial countries during the 2008-09 global financial crisis.
institutions. The IMF is again actively engaged in supporting
Multilateral cooperation will be key. In addition to national-level policy efforts to limit the economic
sharing equipment and expertise to reinforce health damage through its lending facilities, including rapid-
care systems around the world, a global effort must disbursing emergency financing. And its members
ensure that when therapies and vaccines are devel- are again stepping up to further strengthen the IMF’s
oped for COVID-19 both rich and poor nations alike resources in what looks to be an even bigger crisis
have immediate access. The international community than the one we experienced a decade ago. Such
will also need to step up financial assistance to many efforts will go a long way toward ensuring that the
emerging market and developing economies. For those global economy regains its footing after the pandemic
facing large debt repayments, debt moratoria and fades, workplaces and schools reopen, job creation
restructuring may need to be considered. picks up, and consumers return to public places—in
Finally, it is worth thinking about measures that short, ensuring that we can return to our economic
could be adopted to prevent something like the routines and social interactions that we took for
pandemic from happening again. Improvements to granted not so long ago.
the global public health infrastructure—greater and
more automatic information exchange on unusual Gita Gopinath
infections, earlier and more widespread deployment of Economic Counsellor

vi International Monetary Fund | April 2020

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