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1 Complete these sentences by writing the correct form of do, get, have, keep or make in each gap.
1 Don’t worry – Ben will be here. He always his promises.
2 She leaves home too late in the mornings. She should more of an effort to get to school on time.
3 I’m staying at home this morning. It’s my turn to the cleaning.
4 I need a tent for the school trip. Do you know where I can hold of one?
5 I asked Sara if I could a go in her kayak. It was great!
6 My dad enjoys the shopping on Saturday morning.
7 Although Henry a good impression in the job interview, we liked him when we chatted to him
8 My neighbours so much noise when they watch football on TV.

2 Circle the correct noun in italics in these sentences.

1 I just want pasta for lunch. I can’t go running after a heavy dish / meal.
2 I don’t have a clue / guess why my parcel hasn’t arrived.
3 We’re going on a day travel / trip to the beach tomorrow.
4 Lasagne is a beef dish / meal from Italy.
5 Sorry, I know we’re late but we’re on our journey / way home now.
6 My big brother spends all his money on travel / trip. He’s been all around South America.
7 The ferry journey / way to the islands takes five hours.
8 The only meal / food that I don’t like is carrots.

3 Complete these sentences by writing the correct form of a verb from the box in each gap.
get away with get on go on look back
make up put off take up wear out

1 I with my brother really well. He’s my best friend.
2 Dad’s feeling . He’s been working late this week.
3 Abigail only ice skating last month, but she’s already great at it.
4 Don’t making an appointment with the doctor. Phone her now!
5 Don’t believe Zoe! She that story about going to the rock concert.
6 It started to rain but we playing tennis anyway.
7 Don’t lie to the teacher about copying your homework. You’ll never it.
8 I always feel happy when I on my visits to my grandparents during the holidays.

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1 Circle the correct option in italics in these sentences.
1 That was the more / most incredible show I’ve ever seen!
2 That song is really irritated / irritating.
3 He’s a scientist, but he earns so / such little money.
4 Are you feeling warm enough / too warm? You can borrow a jumper if you like.
5 She swims more / much faster than me.
6 We spent as / so much time on our homework.

2 Complete these sentences by writing one word in each gap. (Note that contractions, e.g. isn’t, are
one word.)
1 Carol been writing essays all day. She’s tired now.
2 We always used play this computer game when we were kids.
3 That was such cool film.
4 When we got up, we saw that it been snowing.
5 Debbie was hungry all day because she had any breakfast.
6 You didn’t to drink coffee when I first met you.

3 Circle the correct option in italics in these sentences.

1 Jurgen’s face was red because he had run / had been running for an hour.
2 If we know / knew Taylor’s phone number, we’d give it to you, but we don’t.
3 Let me know your password. I don’t tell / won’t tell anyone else. I promise!
4 Cathy travelled to Australia by plane even though she had never flown / was never flying before.
5 He cut his finger while he made / was making dinner.
6 You won’t recognise / wouldn’t recognise my brother if you saw him now. He’s lost a lot of weight.

Grammar & Vocabulary

Complete the text by writing a word from the box in each gap. There are more words than you need.

amazing harder in lived on picked

take terrified so way will would

Going tubing!
Last weekend I went tubing for the first time. It was the most
(1) experience of my life. Our trip began early in the
morning. It was (2) exciting! The trip organisers
(3) us up from our youth hostel at 6 am. Once at the
tubing centre, they gave us a lifejacket and a helmet. Then we each got
into a big rubber ring or tube in the river. It was summer, but the water
was cold. (4) winter, it must be freezing!
Tubing is far (5) than surfing or sailing because you can’t
really control the tube. Basically, you float on the water on the tube and
you can only go one (6) – and that’s downriver! After
about an hour, the water suddenly got incredibly fast. I was (7) !
Tubing looks dangerous but it is a lot of fun and, anyway, you have to (8) risks in life. If you want to try it,
there are lots of trips you can book online. If I were you, I (9) go with a big group of friends. We had such a
lot of fun together. River tubing definitely (10) up to all my expectations!

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Part 1

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1–8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

1 You hear two friends talking about their maths homework.

What do they agree?
A It’s been unexpectedly difficult.
B It’s involved additional research to complete it.
C It’s made them aware how interesting the subject can be.

2 You hear a girl telling a friend about her weekends.

What is she doing during the conversation?
A justifying how she spends some of her free time
B admitting her feelings about an activity
C explaining the appeal of something she does regularly

3 You hear a girl talking to her brother about a dish she’s cooking.
How does she respond to what her brother says?
A She questions whether his advice is reliable.
B She welcomes his offer of help.
C She dislikes his interference.

4 You hear a teacher talking to his class about writing an essay.

The teacher is
A suggesting different ways of approaching the task.
B presenting choices in the content of the task.
C emphasising one aspect of doing the task.

5 You hear a girl talking about a holiday with her family.

What does she feel about it?
A She’s unsure about whether to go.
B She’s excited at the range of activities on offer.
C She’s surprised at other people’s lack of enthusiasm.

6 You hear a boy talking about his school trip to a museum.

What does he say about the trip?
A It confirmed opinions he already held.
B It revealed an ability he didn’t realise he had.
C It made him reconsider some things he’d assumed.

7 You hear a girl telling her friend about her visit to a restaurant.
What was her opinion of it?
A The quality of the food was better than when she’d last eaten there.
B The variety of dishes was much greater than she’d expected.
C The chef ensured there was plenty on offer for vegetarians.

8 You hear a boy talking to a friend about a basketball match he will soon play in.
What is he doing during the conversation?
A complaining about a lack of support from other students
B explaining his doubts about his own performance
C expressing his concerns about the opponents

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Reading & Use of English

Part 2

For questions 1–8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in
each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 as

Tomato-throwing festival

An unusual food festival known (0) La Tomatina is held in a small town in Spain every August. (1)
the festival lasts for only an hour, it has become very popular. The festival is attended not only by Spanish people who
go there each year, (2) also by tourists from many other countries. During the festival people gather in
the town square with the aim of throwing tomatoes at one (3) .
No-one knows for sure why people in this town first decided to start throwing tomatoes around. However,
(4) we do know is that the festival first took place 80 years ago and its fame has steadily grown since
then. In 2012 over 50,000 people arrived to (5) part in the festival. This was (6) a large
number for a town with only 9,000 inhabitants that it was decided to limit the number of visitors (7)
20,000 in future. The tomato battle has a number of rules. For example, to avoid injury, tomatoes (8) to be
squashed before they are thrown at anyone.

Write your answer in 140–190 words in an appropriate style.

You recently saw this announcement in an English-language magazine for teenagers.

Reviews wanted
We are looking for travel reviews. Do you have a place where you enjoy going on holiday? It could be in your country or in
another country. Tell us about a place you have been to and what you particularly like to do there. We’d also like to know
why you would recommend this place for teenagers to visit.

Write your review.

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1 Put the jumbled words in brackets in the right order to complete the dialogues.
Examiner: Can you tell me about sports facilities in your home town?
Student: Well, (start / to / with), there is an Olympic-sized swimming pool.
Examiner: Who do you get on with best in your family?
Student: My grandmother. She’s so kind. I call her every week. (is / more /
what), she’s so funny. She makes me laugh all the time.
Examiner: What’s the weather like in your country?
Student: I’m from Morocco and in summer, it’s very hot. (hand / the / on /
other), we also have the Atlas Mountains, where it can get very cold.
Examiner: Do you spend a lot of time on your mobile phone?
Student: I use my mobile phone to read about news, to play games, to find my way around town.
(in / words / other), yes, I use it all the time!.
Examiner: Why are you studying English?
Student:  (is / think / I / English / necessity / absolute / an) – especially if
you want to get a good job.

2 Answer these Speaking Part 1 questions.

1 Tell us a little about your hobbies. What do you like doing in your free time?
2 Tell us about the things you like doing after school. Where do you do them?
3 What are you looking forward to doing next weekend? Why will it be good to do that?
4 Do you prefer spending time outdoors or indoors? Why?
5 Who do you spend your time with when you are not at school? What do you enjoy doing together?

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