Complete First For Schools - Test Generator - Term Test2 - (PLUS)

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1 Circle the correct option in italics in these sentences.
1 My uncle has a badly paid career / job / work and he isn’t happy about it.
2 My PE teacher at primary school encouraged us to exercise / cycling / a race regularly. It changed my life.
3 There’s only one way that you can achieve your ambition / experience / job – and that’s hard work!
4 Everyone lacks ambition / career / experience when they start work. It takes time to learn to do a job properly.
5 Climate change is causing / having / making a huge effect on weather across the world.
6 The police believe that the traffic accident was caused / had / made by ice on the road.
7 You have a wonderful occasion / possibility / opportunity to go to New Zealand. You should take it.
8 Do you know a place where I can go athletics / gymnastics / windsurfing?

2 Complete these sentences by writing one word in each gap.

1 Our train left on time, but it at the station 20 minutes late.
2 Could you pass that book to me – the one on the top shelf? I can’t it!
3 We didn’t have any work so we the afternoon playing computer games.
4 We used to have double maths on Friday morning but the school a change so now we have one
lesson of maths and one of history. It’s much better.
5 Dan has decided to apply the job that was advertised at the town theatre.
6 It’s such A shame. My brother has his ambition to build his own house. It’s just too expensive.
7 Will and Amanda are taking in the city doubles tennis tournament. I think they might win.
8 My sister weightlifting as a hobby. She’s amazing.

3 Complete the sentences by writing the correct form of the phrasal verb in each gap. Use one word from box
A and one item from box B.

be carry come cut pop start take turn

it down down on into out out on over up against up to

1 You need to the amount of time you spend on the computer. You’re on it until midnight sometimes!
2 If you have time after school, can you the shop and pick up a litre of milk?
3 Simon just started his first job in a restaurant. It’s a good place to his career as a chef.
4 They offered my brother a job at the local TV station but he ! He doesn’t want to work in TV.
5 Scientists a lot of research into the causes of the disease but they’ve never found a reliable
6 We have a problem with the maths homework and we don’t know how to solve it. Do you have
any ideas?
7 Phil is acting very suspiciously. He to something, I’m sure of it!
8 Another company our local supermarket. They changed the name and then they closed it
six months later!

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1 Complete these sentences by writing one word in each gap.
1 I enjoy reading crime novels, the ones by Agatha Christie.
2 I can’t speak to you right now – I’m the train!
3 There’s nothing like walking the mountains.
4 He’s got the same hairstyle me!
5 Ray accused me telling lies.
6 I’m studying for a degree in Engineering the University of Bristol.

2 Circle the correct option in italics in these sentences.

1 I have some advice / suggestion / warning for you.
2 There’s only one person who draws like this, and that’s Yvonne. She can’t / might / must have drawn the picture.
3 Dave ask / said / told us not to go into his room when he wasn’t there.
4 The girls invited / refused / suggested me to go windsurfing with them.
5 Liam can’t / might not / must not have been in the science lab yesterday. He’s on a skiing trip with his parents!
6 Your ideas / information / news are great!

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1 Is it a problem for you to come to school at 6 am tomorrow?
Do you to school at 6 am tomorrow?

2 Don’t forget your PE kit tomorrow.

Don’t forget your PE kit tomorrow.

3 It’s been raining all week so we couldn’t play golf.

It’s been raining all week so we play golf.

4 If you join a sports club, it’s one way to make new friends.
one way to make new friends.

5 I couldn’t find the book you wanted in the shops.

I the book you wanted in the shops.

6 The boys said sorry after they put that photo of me online.
The boys apologised that photo of me online.

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Grammar & Vocabulary

Read the text below and circle the answer which best fits each gap.

The empty-handed customers

When I was a teenager and I went shopping I bought so many clothes that occasionally my dad had to persuade
(1) to take some back to the store. Nowadays, it’s all different. The last time my daughter Hannah went
shopping, I asked her what she (2) and she replied ‘nothing’.
At first, I thought the shops (3) have been closed. It was only later, when she (4) me she
needed my credit card, that I realised what she had actually been doing.
Hannah and her friends are examples of how shopping is changing. They go to the shops (5) look at the
physical objects but make their final purchases online. Of course, these new shopping habits may (6) an
impact on how shops work in the future. Shops soon may not sell anything at all. They will just become showrooms.
In my opinion, shops are not going to disappear. Shopping feeds (7) psychological need. ancient humans
spent their time looking for food. We evolved to search for things. Shopping is (8) to fulfil this ancient need.
Let’s face it: it’s (9) ! although shopping is changing, high street stores will keep on (10) the
shoppers for a long time to come.

1 A me B him C them

2 A  has bought B  had bought C  was bought
3 A can B must C can’t
4 A said B told C asked
5 A for B to C so
6 A cause B have C realise
7 A the B an C a
8 A  an occasion B  an opportunity C  a possibility
9 A fun B funny C funnily
10 A  popping in B  pulling in C  taking out

Part 2

You will hear a college student called Sarah talking to other students about a survey she did involving young
people in her town, and their shopping habits.
For questions 1–10, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

Young people’s shopping habits

Sarah carried out her survey as part of a course in (1) at her college.
Sarah uses the word (2) to describe the appearance of young people in her town.
Sarah was surprised that some people now prefer shopping in (3) in town.
Sarah has noticed that young people are no longer wearing clothes with (4) on them.
Sarah suggests that the latest (5) can influence what young people choose to wear.
Sarah has discovered that some people prefer buying clothes made of (6) materials.
Sarah reports that some people now try to buy clothes that can help (7) , when possible.
Sarah generally uses the internet to buy (8) for herself.
Sarah most enjoys shopping for (9) for her friends and family.
Sarah feels that doing the survey has made her more (10) than she was previously.

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Reading & Use of English

Part 6

You are going to read an article about a clothes shop. Six sentences have been removed from the article.
Choose from the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap (1–6). There is one extra sentence you do not
need to use.

The New Fashion Store

When a branch of a famous international fashion store opened in our town recently, everyone was very excited. It’s a
fairly small town and teenagers in particular looked forward to shopping in the store, which was well known for selling a
cool range of fashionable clothes aimed at young people.

Until then, teens looking to buy the latest styles and labels had to wait until they went into the nearest big city, or
ordered stuff online without having the chance to try it on. (1) . Apart from anything else, the store soon
became known as a cool place to hang out and see your friends.

Imagine, therefore, everyone’s excitement to hear that the store’s policy was to employ local teenagers as part-time
staff in busy periods and at weekends. (2) There was no advertisement online, for example, and no sign
on the door saying ‘hiring staff: apply within’ or anything like that. It just became apparent that some teenagers had got
weekend jobs there.

What everyone later discovered was that, in the first few days after the opening, staff at the store had approached a few
young customers and asked them if they’d be interested in working there. Those who showed interest were invited to an
interview. (3) After all, part-time jobs were few and far between in the area, and nobody had ever heard of
kids their age having to go through an interview process.

The teenagers who were lucky enough to get these invitations, went straight onto the Internet and found plenty of sites
that advised them how to behave in a job interview. They found model answers to the questions they were most likely to
be asked and set about learning these off by heart. (4) What would be the best thing to wear? Should the
interviewees turn up in formal interview clothes, or should they wear casual clothes, more like the stuff that the store
itself sold? After all, this could be the sort of detail on which success rested. In the event, most people played it safe
and wore something neutral.

When the day of the interview came, the interviewees were asked to come to the store half an hour before it opened.
Around six teenagers were being interviewed and they were shown into a small room and told to stay there together
until the manager arrived. (5) These teenagers all knew each other from High School, and there was no
secret about why they were there. Were they in competition for one job? Was more than one job available? Nobody
dared ask these questions.

After about five minutes, the manager appeared and took them for a walk round the store. As they walked from
department to department, she explained what the work involved, the rules they would have to follow and how much
they would be paid. ‘Does anybody have any questions?’ she’d asked as they returned to the small waiting room.
(6) The explanation had been very clear, and they’d all got questions prepared to ask for the interview
itself. ‘OK,’ she said. ‘That’s it. You’ll hear from us in a couple of days and if we decide to offer you a job, you’ll start next
Saturday.’ With that, she left the room. The teenagers all looked at each other. ‘Is that it?’ somebody said finally. ‘Was
that the interview?’ Two days later, two of the teenagers got the offer of a part-time job. They were the only two who had
gone to the interview wearing clothes bought in the store itself.

A This enquiry was met with a polite silence.

B There was one thing that all of them remained unsure about, however.
C The way that this news got out, however, was rather strange.
D There seemed to be every chance of being offered one.
E The request presented these teenagers with an unfamiliar situation.
F This was going to make a big difference to their shopping habits.
G This was a rather uncomfortable wait for most of those present.

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Write your answer in 140–190 words in an appropriate style.

In your English class you have been talking about the reasons why someone might choose to be a volunteer.
Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework.

Write an essay on the topic using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

‘Doing voluntary work, such as helping at a summer sports camp or being a friend for an elderly person, is a
good thing to do in your school holidays.’ Do you agree?
Write about:
1.  getting useful experiences
2.  wanting to have fun
3.  (your own idea)

1 Complete the sentences in this student’s answer to a Speaking Part 2 task by writing a word from the box in
each gap. There are two more words than you need.

both exactly neither perhaps seem unlike whereas

Examiner: Here are your photographs. They show young people playing games. I’d like you to compare the
photographs and say why you think the people are doing these activities. All right?
Boris: OK. (1) photos show people playing games. In the first photo, the people look as if they
are playing volleyball on the beach. They (2) to be having fun. (3) they are
going to spend the whole day on the beach. In the second photo, the people appear to be in a chess
tournament. (4) in the first photo, these chess players look very serious. In the first photo
the people could be on holiday (5) in the second photo they could be at school because
they are wearing school uniforms. So in the first photo, the people are playing for fun with their friends, but
in the second photo the people want to win.
Examiner: Thank you.

2 Complete this Speaking Part 2 task by looking at the photographs and following the examiner’s

Examiner: Here are your photographs. They show people doing different jobs. I’d like you to compare the
photographs and say what might be difficult for the people about doing the jobs.

Which job would you prefer to do? Why?

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