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\) what's the d¡fferenc e?

1 + Past s¡mple or past

Match the sentences with the pictures. CONTiNUOUS?
' ' ||tl '1. lllr : :;tt lty, tllill)(I tlrr; vr;rlr in lrr¿rckets either in the past simple or the

I'r,l rll llttltt( )t ll;ltll t:;tl.

llu', ¡",¡ slorv tlrat happened on boarcl a cruise sl-rip.

l¡lr<lrrI sornt'thirrg
llr., rr¡irt'slri¡r (l) wos gloínq (go) front London to New York. A
lf l.u,r( r,n r ( )n llo¿u'rl t llt' ('t'uisc shilt (2) (clo) rnagic tricks
t,, r'lrlr,¡l;rilt tltc l)¿tsscngcrs. Fle (.1) (have) a lot of very
¡,, ,, ,q I lr it lis, lntl (4) (be) able to llrake things disappear
rrr,l rt',r¡r¡lt,irr irr a rcally rnystitying way.
/ ;>.
lrrrlrrrtrrrrirlrly for hiln, there was a parrot in the audience who kept
\\,f7 lr\ rrJ', llrt'garrrc away.'l'he parrot (5) _
)'-.-.-}!'!!!/'.r'-^^ (shclut) things like
lt ", u l) ll is slccve!' or 'He put it in his pocket!' or 'lt's in his other hand!'
,lrrl nt tlris w¿ly the'parrot (6) (rnanage) to spoil all the
-), o nt,u,t( t.lll's tricks.
s .l

I f f rr t l;r),, tlrc ntAgician (7) (perfonn) his sl-row as usual.

w¿ls itr a particularly clangerous part of the sea where there are
t, r'lrcrlls. Suclcienly, iust as the rnagician (8) (wave ) h is
ln,u'r( w;rrrcl, the ship hit an iceberg and (9) (sink)
'l'llt'sttltlcllts stttttci Ll[) when the llrr' nritg,ici¿rn (1O) (find) a lifebelt, and
teacher cat]te into the room.
'l'hc stttclcllts were (ll) lfloat) in the sea when the parrot
standing up when the teacher came into t¡e
rooIn. | | .') tfly) up and landed on his lifebelt. l'he parrot ancl
| |rt' nt;tg,ici¿rn (1:l) (look) at each other for a while in
'What do you do?' 'l work in an office., ',rlcn( (', tllcn the ltarntt (14) (say):
'What are you cloing?' tl'm writillg a letter.,
'( )1.., I givt' l5) _
Wh¿rt ( yoLr _(dct) with the ship?'
It rained this lnorning.
lt's been raining all ntorning.
Use the past continLlous
o to show that one action was going on when another action occurred, e.g.
Use the present perfect continuous for an action started earlier which is still
Unfr>rfttrrttcly I was looking tlte <tther way when Beckham scored the
going on, e.g. I have been waiting here slnce seven o'clock or for ¿r recent
wittttirt.T rTcxtl.
action where the results can still be seen, e.g. You &re wal llttotr¡lt! You've o lo ¡rrovitkl lxtr;kr¡tr)irl(l rlc:u:ri¡llirx.t in ;t nílnírlivc, o.(,. llxt ctowtt wa.s
been swimming in tlrc river a.c1ain, haven't yott? c¡ctittq nn'ulwilll n\(:tlttt¡tt:ttl, l\t()ltht worct lltrowittt¡ tlnit lt;tl:; itt lln,,tit

F sEcrloN 1 7

C Past or perfect?

r tlr tlt,¿rr!' lrc tlr<ltrgltt. 'l still ll¡tvt'tl't ¡¡<lt ottt tlf the trabit of throwing
Choose between the two forms of the verb to complete the story.
rrr\'lrools oll tltc l'l<tt¡r!'
This is the story of a friend of mine called Harry. Harry is a postman, lll llrcrr (l.i) has taken / took off his other boot and put it on the
and years ago he (1) lived / eas$+ed in a small bedsit. The man who ll,or vcry gcntly without making a sound.
(2) rented / has rented the flat upstairs was a police officer named
llrl lollowirtg evening Harry again (14) waited / has waited on the
Charlie. Harry used to go to bed early because he (3) has had / had to
',t,rrs lo[ (]harlie.
be up early in the morning. Unfortunately, every evening Charlie
(4) would come / has come home, take off his boots and drop them t ,'orln('ss!' said Charlie. 'You look terrible! (15) Didn't you sleep /
heavily on the floor. And every evening the noise of his boots hitting ll.rvt'n't you slept last night?'
the floor would wake Harry in the room below.
I lr r, I ( 16) didn't f haverr't,' said Harry. 'I spent the whole night wide
So, one night Harry waited up for Charlie and stopped him on the ,rrr'.rlit', waiting for the other boot to drop!'

'Good evening. I wonder if I could have a word with you.'

Charlie looked at Harry.

'I'm sorry, but do I know you? I (5) never saw / have never seen you

'l live in this flat, directly below yours.'

'Oh, OK. Well, what can I do for you?' Charlie asked.
'I don't want to complain, but I (6) didn't have / haven't had a good
night's sleep in months.'
'What has that got to do with me?' asked the police officer.
'Well, it's your boots. Every night for the last few months, you (7) have
come / came home and dropped your boots on the floor and the noise
wakes me up.'

'Oh, sorry about that,' said Charlie. 'l (8) haven't done / didn't do it
on purpose. I will put them down quietly in future, I promise''
The next night Harry (9) went / has gone to bed early as usual and Use the present perfect
(1O) has iust fallen /had iust fallen asleep when Charlie the o for a past action where the point of time is not definite. Compare: l've done
policeman (11) came / has come home. charlie sat down ort ltis bed, a tot of work tatety (indefinite) with ldid a lot of work /ast month (definite).
t91.¡k 1¡fflris right ltoot ancl dro¡r¡rccl it lrcavily otr tllt'l'kxrr. Stttltlt'ttly, ltc r for an action which began in the past and has continued until the present
( l2) rt'¡¡t.¡¡lx' / ll¿¡s rt'lllt'lltlrt.retl llis t'rltlvt'lsltliolt rvilll I l,¡tt\'. anc1 wlll posslbly continue into the futuro, o.el ,l've llved here for thrao dnys,

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