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Homework: Hyperloop

Claudio Hurtado Astorga


The hyperloop it’s an innovative way of transport because many facts, in first place this transport it’s
more efficient than usual transport because the capsule is in a low pressure pipe and don’t touch
anywhere because of that doesn’t encounter a lot of resistance, another point of view it’s the speed,
we can travel at 700 mph so we can live in one town and work in one of the major city in the country
and personally it’s the way I want to live when I will work in the future. This is my first opinion when
I see the video, but when I see in second time the video, I have two questions, how much cost this
travel? It’s safe travel close to the speed of sound? The second question it’s because when an object
travel at the speed of sound can make shock waves end make several damage to the object, but the
solution to this problem it’s travel below or over to the speed of sound. I think these type of travels
can make the way of we live and could stop the overfill in the major citys.

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