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Time :- 3 Hours Max. Marks :- 90

i. Attempt all parts of the question together.
ii. Marks are indicated against each question.
iii. Answer to questions carrying 1 marks may be from one word to one sentence.
iv. Answer to questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50-75 words.
v. Answer to questions carrying 4-5 marks may be about 150 words.
vi. Answer to questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.

1. What is the maximum number of members in a private company? (1)

2. Theoretically which organ is considered the most significant organ of WTO ? (1)
3. Name the products which can be sold through vending Machine. (1)
4. In which business there is Separation of Ownership and Management ? (1)
5. What is Hull Insurance ? (1)
6. Why should a business follow social aims even though the main aim of any business
is profit maximisation ? (1)
7. Through outsourcing , a company gets benefit from the experience. Comment. (1)
8. What kind of risks are borne by wholesalers on behalf of manufacturers and retailers ?
9. Identify the type of Bank Accounts of the following :- (3)
i. Aman deposits Rs.1000 on 7th of every month with Punjab National Bank on
regular Basis.
ii. Suvidha opened an account on the condition that whenever the amount
exceeds Rs.5000 , automatically Rs.5000 will be transferred to a fixed
iii. Aakash deposited Rs.100000 for a period of 1 Year @ 8.5% p.a. with ICICI
10. Why is partnership considered by some to be a relatively unpopular form of business
ownership ? (3)
11. Itinerant traders have been an integral part of internal trade. Analyse the reasons for
their survival in spite of competition from large scale retailers. [3]
12. Rudra Limited wants to raise funds from the American capital market. Which
instrument is issued by the non us companies to Americans in order to obtain foreign
capital? Which value is exhibited by Rudra Limited? (3)
13. Ashish insured his house for Rs.30,00,000 against fire. A fire took place and the
amount of loss was assessed at rupees 20 lakh. He is claiming 30 lakh from the
insurance company but the insurance company wants to pay only 20 lakh. You have
to assess the amount payable to him also explain the underlying principle of
insurance.. [3]
14. What are the causes of pollution related to Business. [3]
15. Explain the causes of Business Risks. [3]
16. Rajan Raju entered into partnership business to promote the handicraft industry on
global platform by launching an E-commerce website. To be on the safe side, they
decided to register their firm. Explain to them the registration process and identify the
values executed by them. [4]
17. What are the merits and demerits of electronic mode of business? Can anything
hamper the productivity and success of these modes of Business.(4)
18. Write a detailed note on various facilities offered by Indian Postal department. [4]
19. Explain the difference between business , profession and employment on the basis of
capital requirement , Educational Qualification , Risk and Reward of Risk. [4]
20. “Multinational Companies are both a Boon or a Bane for an economy”. Explain. [5]
21. When Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced demonetization of currency notes
Mahendra Gupta , a small trader in Jabalpur like many other across the nation
welcome this decision with enthusiasm. Two days later while Gupta still believes
demonetisation will do good to the nation his zeal seems to have lessened as a
transition is taking a toll on his business.
“For the last 2 days I have hardly done any business yesterday I had a sale of just
rupees hundred in the whole day today as well I got only one customer till evening
and a sale of Rs 150.” Gupta says. Before demonetisation Gupta says his day at his
Kitchenware chain store used to be very busy and he did a business over 5000 on
regular basis.
“But since yesterday all I am doing is killing time by watching TV the flow of
customers have just disappeared”. he said.
I. Analyse the understanding of demonetisation , In your view , as a good
decision or a bad decision.
II. Explain the merits of the chain stores followed by the trader
III. Explain why the sales of Mr. Gupta has fallen on the days of demonetisation?
22. Mr Rajeev took an insurance policy against his car and after three months he sold it to
Mr Kailash. The car was stolen from outside of Mr Kailash’s house. Mr Rajeev made
a claim to insurance company. His claim was rejected on the ground that Mr Rajeev
was no longer owner of the car , so he has no insurable interest and he has no
financial loss with the loss of the car.
I. What does principle of insurable interest States?
II. Was Mr Rajeev right in making claim?
III. Who should get the compensation? [5]
23. Differentiate between Wholesaler Trade and Retail Trade ? [5]
24. “A business should have multiple objective” – Discuss [6]
“Insured must disclose the relevant facts related to subject matter of Insurance".
Identify and explain the principle.
25. Gas authority of India Limited is carrying on various projects of energy and power.
Majority of its shares are held by government of India. It is registered under
Companies Act 1956 and enjoys all the characteristics of a company. The board of
directors are appointed by the government. The board and shareholders are
responsible for the efficient working of the company. The company prepares its
annual report and submit it appropriate authorities.
I. Name the type of public sector enterprise referred in the above para.
II. Where does these companies submit the reports?
III. Mention any three of the advantages of such companies.[6]
26. Abdul is a single owner of a shoe manufacturing business. His business was suffering
from continuous process to revive is business and to expand, he took a loan of 20 lakh
from progressive financial corporation. In spite of starting new range of products and
great efforts by Abdul business continues to suffer losses. This resulted in the
declining effects and mounting debts. Abdul started defaulting on his repayment
schedule. Finance Company served him final notice to repay the loan and settle the
account. He proposed the finance company to take over the business Assets and clear
dues. The Finance Company took over the Assets of the business in part settlement of
their dues as the assets were not sufficient to settle the debts and they claimed the
remaining amount from Abdul from his personal assets. Abdul refused to do so on the
ground that loan was taken for the business and not by him for personal use.
I. Name the form of business organisation followed by Abdul.
II. Is the finance company justified in asking for remaining amount from Abdul’s
personal assets? Justify your answer by giving suitable feature of the business
III. Explain any two of the Merits followed by the business organisation. [6]
27. Explain the Trade procedure adopted in Import of International trade
Explain the Trade procedure adopted in export of International trade. [6]

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