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Assignment 1

(Unit 1 to 4)

Subject: Intelligent Systems

1. What is an AI? Explain the approaches of AI in detail?

2. What are the capabilities required for machine to pass Turing Test? State Task Domains of AI.
Explain four applications of AI?

3. What is an AI technique & how it should be represented? State the desirable properties of

4. What is Agent? What are different types of Agent? Explain any two in detail?

5. Explain architectures of different intelligent agents?

6. Explain different types of task environments with examples?

7. Define PEAS. Give examples of agent types and their PEAS descriptions .

8. What are the things required to build a system to solve a particular problem? Define state space
search? Give the production rules for water jug problem

9. What is a production system? State its characteristics. Explain control strategies?

10. Discuss algorithms of BFS & DFS with their advantages and disadvantages.

11. Explain problem characteristics?

12. Prove that A* search algorithm is complete and optimal among all search algorithms.

13. Describe Hill Climbing Search algorithm, what are the problems faced by Hill Climbing Search?
Suggest method for each problem to overcome.

14. What is AND/OR graph? Where it is used? Write back track algorithm for AND/OR graphs.

15. What is best first search? Explain A* algorithm with suitable example?

16. What do you understand by Simulated Annealing? Explain the algorithm for the same?

17. Short notes:

a. Production System characteristics

b. AI: Next generation technology and applications

c. Agenda – driven search

d. The frame problem

e. Procedural versus declarative knowledge

f. Forward versus backward reasoning

g. control knowledge

18. What do you mean by Problem Reduction? Explain AO* algorithm?

19. Discuss all the issues in knowledge representation with proper examples.

20. What is unification? Explain the unification algorithm with suitable example?

21. Explain mappings between facts and representations with examples?

22. Explain approaches to knowledge representation examples?

23. Explain Resolution? Give steps in conversion to clause form.

24. Exercise 5.7 on page no. 166(Rich and Knight second edition) from Q 1 to Q 13

25. What is matching? Explain conflict resolution?

26. Exercise 6.7 on page no. 192(Rich and Knight second edition) from Q 1 to Q 4

It has to be submitted in following order:

Roll No. Q. No.

302, 304 1,2

308,311 2,3

313,314 4,5

315, 316 6,7

317,318 8,9

325,330 10,11

334,337 12,13

339,340 14,15

341,346 17

347,348 18,19

349,350 20,21

351,355 22,23
356,358 24 (1,2,3)

359,360 24(4,5,6)

362,364 24(7,8,9)

368,369 24(10,11,12)

370,378 24(13), 25

385,389 26(1,2)

391,392 26(3,4)

397,399 16,23

400,401 2,3

402,409 4,6

414,416 5,8

417,418 7,9

419,420 10,12

421,422 11,13

423,424 14,16

Submission Date: 10-12-10

Mahesh Maurya

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