EYU For You - August 2013

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Newsle er from the Fuel and Iner ng Systems Domain

August 2013 Edi on

Compiled by Alessio Cipullo, Simon Williams & Tom

McMeakin on behalf of the Fuel and Inerting Domain
EYU for you
Message from Editors,
Hello and welcome to the August edition of EYU for you!

This edition covers the latest updates on the Airbus Aerospace Park (AAP) as well as social engagement activities. Again, we have the chance
to get to know some of our colleagues in EYU, including Roger Slade, who has just retired, and Patrick Portales, who is returning to France.

We have a new article for the column “Innovation in EYU” regarding the Desktop Simulator for Two Phase Gravity Transfer Fuel Flow called
Pipe2. Furthermore, a new article for the column “Get to Know Bristol” can be found in this issue and it deals with the Harbour Music Festival
held last August in Bristol.

Next issue will give you more updates regarding the AAP, you will have the chance to read about other colleagues in EYU as well as about In-
novation in EYU and much more.

We hope that you enjoy this edition of the newsletter. If you have any comments or feedback, please don‘t hesitate to let us know.

Brought to you by your editors,

Alessio Cipullo, Simon Williams & Tom McMeakin

Airbus News 2
EYU Engagement 3
Gromit Unleashed 4
Innovation in EYU 5
AAP Update 7
EYU Change Newsletter 10
Meet the Secretaries 13
Roger Slade’s Leaving Article 15
Patrick Portales’s Leaving Article 16
Get to know Bristol 17
EYUM Away Day 19
EYU Social Activities 20
Competition 22
Welcome Message
Hello Everyone,
We are now coming to the end of the holiday season and so there is not much new news to discuss. An EYU away day
happened back in July with group leaders and work package leaders to work on communication and customer percep-

July also saw the visit of Singapore Airlines to Filton, which is a first for an airline to visit us here. This visit was to initiate
A380 technical discussions on key issues that are being addressed by various teams. This was a useful visit for both Air-
bus and Singapore Airlines which has led to further direct communication and I hope that these kind of visits will con-
tinue in the future.

The next few months will see the big move from our current offices in 07L to the new Barnwell House at the top of the
hill. EYU are currently planned begin this move from the 22nd October.

Because of the holiday seasons, this issue is light on technical articles but more focussed on the EYU team and engage-
ment activities.

I hope that you enjoy this issue.

Best Regards,

Page 1
Airbus News in Brief — [11/09/13] Orders & Deliveries

Latest Publications

Editor’s Selection of News from the Wider EADS Community

Ariane 5 Flight 215 – mission Cassidian's new TRSS Naval Radar A “tailor-made” Eurocopter EC135
successful detects even swimmers helicopter doubles emergency med-
ical airlift capabilities for the U.K.’s
The fourth Ariane 5 mission of 2013 has Cassidian introduces a new naval X-Band Devon Air Ambulance
successfully launched two telecommunica- radar optimized for the detection of ex-
tions satellites, EUTELSAT 25B/Es’hail 1 for tremely small objects and countering asym- Devon Air Ambulance has added a second
the European operator Eutelsat and the Qa- metric threats. Based upon the latest Active Eurocopter EC135 to its helicopter fleet,
tari operator Es’hailSat and the Indian satel- Electronically Scanning Array (AESA) radar enhancing the service provider’s own airlift
lite GSAT-7. technology, the new Tactical Radar for Sur- capabilities and further fostering the market
face Surveillance (TRSS) substantially in- presence of this rotorcraft type in medical
creases the detection capabilities, and thus missions throughout the United Kingdom.
the protection level, of navy ships and coast
guard vessels.

Full articles are available from each of the respective company’s websites

Page 2
Page 3
GROMIT UNLEASHED – Share your pictures on EYU for YOU!
If you happened to walk through Bristol (and in a few locations outside) in the last period, you have
probably noticed sculptures of Gromit in all sorts of shapes and decorations: that’s Gromit Unleashed!

Gromit Unleashed is a public art exhibition in which giant sculptures of Gromit, decorated by invited
artists, have been unleashed on the streets of Bristol and the surrounding area. The exhibition is led
by Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal and Aardman Animations. Grand Appeal is the Bristol Children's
Hospital Charity. The latter is of course the award-winning animation studio, based in Bristol, special-
ised in films made using stop-motion clay animation techniques and it is the home to the world famous
Wallace and Gromit. Nick Park, the 4-times Academy award and 5-times BAFTA award winning direc-
tor, is both the Director of Aardman Animations and Patron of the Grand Appeal. Visit http://

The sculptures of Gromit were unleashed in Bristol and in the surroundings between 1st July and 8th
September 2013. At the end of the event, the sculptures will be auctioned to raise funds for the Grand
Appeal charity. Each Gromit is sponsored by a company or institution and of course Airbus is among

We are sure that many of you were “convinced” (read “dragged”) by your own children to go out for
some Gromit “hunting” and take pictures of the giant sculptures. Would you like to share some of your
pictures with the EYU domain through EYU for You?

and they might be published on the next EYU for

You Edition. Send an e-mail with your pictures to:

Top picture: http://www.gromitunleashed.org.uk/

Left picture: http://www.bristol247.com/

Page 4
Innovation in EYU
Pipe2 - Desktop Simulator for Background
Two Phase Gravity Transfer
Under aircraft flight conditions where atmospher-
Fuel Flow ic pressures are much lower than at sea level, the
fuel flow rate under gravity transfer or emergency
gravity feed conditions can drop significantly due
to air evolving from the fuel. Figure 1 shows a sim-
ulated gravity transfer cliff-edge drop in fuel flow
EYU has developed a two phase gravity transfer rate observed at 30k - 35kft.
pressure drop desktop simulator based on air evo-
lution experimental investigations, Pipe2. The steep drop off in fuel flow rate results from
the increased two phase flow instability (slippage
The Pipe2 two-phase flow simulation tool takes between the evolved air flow and fuel flow). For a
into account the pressure loss and two-phase flow particular fuel system pressure drop the flow re-
parameters for different elements of fuel system gime may suddenly switch from a largely homoge-
pipelines that include: valves, bend segments, ex- neous flow to wavy or slug flow leading to water-
pansion and constriction segments, horizontal and fall flow at the engine pylon zone.
inclined pipelines.
Figure 2 shows that for a fixed system pressure
Pipe2 has been developed by the International Re- drop that there may be two observed fuel flow
search Institute for Advanced Systems (IRIAS) un- rates. Consequently a sudden switch to low fuel
der the Airbus partnership with Russian research flow rate may lead to aircraft engine rollback or
institutes. trapped fuel.

Figure 1) Gravity Transfer Aircraft Fuel Flow Rate Plotted Against Altitude

Page 5
Innovation in EYU
 Air Volume Flow Rate

Pipe2 A/C Program Benefits

Now Pipe2 is being deployed the following bene-

fits will be realised:

 Reduced reliance on altitude two phase flow

gravity transfer/feed rig studies.

 Pipe2 can be used for investigating in service

two phase fuel flow issues.
Figure 2) Gravity Driven Two Phase Flow System Pressure
Drop v Flow Rate
 Pipe2 may also be used to help design two
phase flow out of future aircraft gravity trans-
Pipe 2 Desktop Tool fer fuel systems.

Pipe2 is a 1D fuel flow desktop simulation tool. It  Pipe2 is license free to EYU and replaces the
solves two phase gravity transfer pressure drop COTS tool PipePhase, this represents a cost
calculations based on air evolution experimental saving of 35kEuros per year.
EYU will present a paper describing the experi-
Pipe2 analysis provides time varying plots as be- mental work and correlation developments at the
low: SAE conference, Sept 2013.

Article by Darren Morrison

 Fuel Flow Rate
 Fuel Velocity
 Fuel Pressure

Figure 3) Pipe2 Graphical User Interface

Page 6
Airbus Aerospace Park: Our Future Home
Welcome to the third issue of our column about the Airbus 07L from 22nd October:
Aerospace Park (AAP). We will highlight the latest up-  Module 1: 22nd
dates, with a particular focus on the EYU domain. The Edi-  Module 2: 23rd
tors would like to thank Martin Dobson (who is the EY  Module 3: 24th
(UK) focal point for the Airbus Aerospace Park and for the  Module 4: 25th
Tactical Transformation Plan) for sharing with us the latest
news and information about the AAP. 09C from 4th Nov
09HJK from 7th Nov
09AB from 2nd Dec
New Home for EYU As you probably already know, the site has now a new ca-
tering contract. There will be 3 integrated fridges at each
As you already know, EYU will be located at the top floor
tea/coffee making point in Barnwell (approximately 1
of Barnwell House. We will share the floor with Landing
fridge per 50 people). Also, there will be 2 x Costa and 2 x
Gear and with the rest of Systems (i.e. EYN and EYD). EYU
Starbucks in Barnwell (alternate on each floor). We will
will be facing the South. The “name on the desk” exercise
have a Starbucks on the 3rd floor.
is now completed and submitted to Facilities. Concerning
the wider Systems domain, EYNRU have already moved to
10W building to allow early de-rent of South Yorkon build-
Details such as waste disposals and recycling bins are be-
ing refined and they should be located in common areas
around the floors. Other details concerning location and
The keys to the new building should be handed over to
enhanced training of fire marshals are being refined as
Airbus Operations Ltd by the end of August. It will take
well. Finally, the IT material for the meeting rooms
about one month to install all the furniture before the
(projectors, phones, boards, etc.) is still under definition.
move-in phase can start. Therefore, the move-in should
Additionally, during the last Friday of August (30th August)
start on mid-September. The estimated transfer rate will
there will be the new Sort Day in EYU to support the prep-
be about 100 people per day (meaning that in theory a
aration for the move in to the new building.
whole floor can move in about one week). The complete
transfers across the site will last some months and it will
Arrangements are being made regarding maps, display
probably end during Q1 2014.
cabinets/items and other facilities. Also the Visual Man-
agement infrastructures still need to be agreed for Barn-
The scheduled move-in dates for different buildings are:
well House. Lockers allocations for cyclists is under defini-
tion as well. Surplus furniture from current buildings can
be requested following the procedures outlined in the Fu-
ture Filton website (Future Filton).

EYU and EL have now completed the selection process for

the wall art on the third floor. The top 17 pictures have
been selected and they will include pictures of A320,
A330, A350, A380, A400M and Fuel Testing Facility.
Three additional locations have been allocated for the win-
ners of the EYU photo competition, which will be an-
nounced during the next EYU December Comms.

Rendering of the Airbus Aerospace Park [1].

Page 7
Airbus Aerospace Park: Our Future Home
The facility will have 1:20 scale Airbus fleet aircrafts mod-
els suspended by cables in the atria and an award winning
sculpture will be installed on site, whose location still need
to be defined.

We would like to remind you that the updated floor plan

with names on desk is attached to the AAP notice board in
07L MOD 4 and the EYU for You Newsletter will continue
supporting sharing of information. The latest pictures as
well as a new Fly-Through video of Barnwell House can be
found at Future Filton.

The next two sections are dedicated to general updates

and pictures concerning both Barnwell and Pegasus Hous-

Barnwell House
Pictures from the Future Filton website (Future Filton), July
update, show that the external part of the two buildings is
almost complete. At the moment, most of the efforts are
focused on the internal part.
Barnwell House – view of North West atrium [1]

Aerial view of the construction site [1].

Barnwell House – Meeting Room Area [1]

Page 8
Airbus Aerospace Park: Our Future Home
Pegasus House

Pegasus House is a Grade II listed building (since 17 November 1999).

It was built in 1936 and it used to host the offices of the Bristol Aero-
plane Company. Its origin is closely connected to the period prior to
the second World War and hence to the Bristol's massive increase in
orders for aircraft, engines and prototype designs for the Air Ministry's
rearmament programme. It is an imposing office block of the
inter-war architectonic period, its overall design exhibiting
a mixture of monumental classicism and Dutch Expression-
ism which is both characteristic of its period and well-
handled and detailed within the context of inter-war com-
mercial and office architecture [2].

On 26th September Airbus will celebrate the refurbish-

ment of Pegasus House with an event for external guests
event in the morning, followed by an employee event in
the late afternoon. At the event, there will be an opportunity
to take part in a group tour visiting selected parts of Pegasus Pegasus House – view of café area (ground floor) taken
from first floor [1]
A selection of the latest available pictures is shown hereaf-
ter [1].

Article written by Alessio Cipullo with the collaboration

of Martin Dobson


[1] http://people10.airbus.corp/communication/esites/uk/

[2] http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-479241-new-filton-

Pegasus House Third Floor – office [1]

Page 9
Edition: Aug 13


Newsletter— 6th edition

Dear Colleagues,
Welcome back! Hope you have had a good summer break. In this edition I have a summary of events that transpired
since the last newsletter.
News from EYU : Reduce TTGF project , EYU bright ideas campaign , EYU sort day , Awareness session for ishare
based document tracking
News outside EYU : Bernard Rontani and Charles Champion visit VM in EYU, EMOTION 2.0 roll out in Filton.

Whats New! : VM solution for Barnwell agreed , A380 Water Management brainstorm, Become a PPS facilitator —
training opportunity available
Happy Reading!

Reduce Time To Get A Fix (TTGF)

As some of you know, the business has been challenged by our external customers and our CEO Fabrice to reduce
TTGF from an average time of 24 months to 12months. In order to meet this challenge, EYU have launched a pro-
ject with our partners and stakeholders - Procurement, Chief Engineering, Customer Services and EYU senior manage-
ment and MISP leaders. The key steps of the project are listed below:-
1. Scope out the problem statement with EYU internal stakeholders.
2. Collate historical data on MISPs/RFW circa 6 yrs.
3. Hold awareness session/ KOM with all stakeholders.
4. Collate their feedback on possible causes for delays to MISP/RFW w.r.t their business units.
5. Brainstorm and develop improvement suggestions based on causal factors
6. Apply improvement suggestion(s) on target MISP(s) and record the performance.
7. Evaluate / communicate results and apply findings to other MISP(s). Standardise Ways of Working.

Note: The project is limited to the A380 and LR programs, as they encountered the most significant MISP/RFW .
Contact—Sam Kurien— Fuel & Inerting Change Agent. Ext: 63013, Email: sam.kurien@airbus.com
Rob Sims—Lean Coordinator & Focal point, Ext: 60494, Email: robert.sims@airbus.com

Page 10
Edition: Aug 13


Newsletter— 6th edition

EYU Bright Ideas Campaign concludes

The EYU Bright Ideas campaign concluded in July. A total of 28 ideas were submitted by EYU. Well done!
The idea submission phases completed in June 13, followed by a department head review and EYU staff vote session
in July13.

The winning idea as selected by EYU was—’ Maintain/Manage more access time to Avionics Rigs’ by Martin Lee.
At the ‘Business Improvements Review’ (BIR) in July, the following ideas were down selected to be investigated further
A. Maintain/Manage more access time to Avionics Rigs.
B. Implementation of ARM tool in EYU project teams.
Thank you all for making this campaign a success

EYU Sort day

Sort day held on the 30th of Aug 13. Judging by the stats below , it was a success. Thank you to all who participated
and led the communications—Admin team, Sort day leaders, Rob, John, Vanessa Greeman and archiving staff + EYU
Some statistics from the day (approximate count):-
Confidential waste bags—43
Clear plastic/ Bags for recycling— 40
Fuel Kit amnesty collection— 4 cupboards
Redundant IT retrieval — 3 cupboards + 2 crates
Archiving— Three 4foot cupboards (Effort exceeded expectation!)
Photos below do the rest of the talking:-

Contact—Sam Kurien— Fuel & Inerting Change Agent. Ext: 63013, Email: sam.kurien@airbus.com
Rob Sims—Lean Coordinator & Focal point, Ext: 60494, Email: robert.sims@airbus.com

Page 11
Edition: Aug 13


Newsletter— 6th edition

Ishare based document tracking

This project aims to tackle a recurrent theme in the domain—Difficulty to get key documents signed off. Alex New-
bound has developed an ishare based tracking system which will enable EYU teams to address this issue. The benefits
A. Visibility to both signatories and authors of workload
B. Facility to easily configure and customise graphs by users
C. Ability to identify quality escapes and put in place mechanisms to improve performance

An awareness session was held in building 19D on the 6th of August. Follow on sessions are planned.
The tool can be accessed at the following location:- Path to tool

News outside EYU:-

Bernard Rontani and Charles Champion carried out a Go Look See of Visual Management in EYU on the 17th and 18th
of July. They reviewed the EYU domain VM board and Single Aisle VM board.
EMOTION 2.0 platform was rolled out by the new head of EMOTION—Antoine Scotto at Filton on the 18th of July.
Rob Sims, Sam Kurien represented EYU. Further information on the roll out can be found here

What’s New
VM Solution for Barnwell House
Facilities in Filton have agreed to kit the space in between the windows on the top floor of Barnwell house with VM
boards (magnetic). This would give EYU almost sufficient number of VM boards to meet its needs. A layout prepared
by Rob can be found here.

A380 Water Management brainstorm using Disney method

The A380 team , along with other EYU specialists held a brainstorming session on A380 Water Management topic. The
aim was to look at feasible design solutions to improve water management. The team feedback was that the ‘Walt Dis-
ney method 'was useful.

PPS facilitator training

PPS facilitator training is available to EYU team members who would like to expand their skills into this area. Paolo
Casigli and Mohammed Aslam of A400M have recently attended a PPS session to get an understanding of the meth-
od. They are available to discuss their positive experience . Please email the Change Agent if you are interested to fol-
low the training.
Contact—Sam Kurien— Fuel & Inerting Change Agent. Ext: 63013, Email: sam.kurien@airbus.com
Rob Sims—Lean Coordinator & Focal point, Ext: 60494, Email: robert.sims@airbus.com

Page 12
Meet the Secretaries - Jackie Bell
Jackie joined Airbus in February 2008 and she is currently secretary to both Roger Slade and Martin Dobson. Since the very beginning, Jackie
has been looking after the Fuel CPD team. When Jackie started within the team, she was secretary to Nolan Hibberd and Lonnie Richards.
“Lots of changes have happened in the CPD team since 2008, many people have changed their role or company”, Jackie said, “Overall I really
like the CPD team. They are a social bunch of people!”. Over the years, she has been in charge of many tasks, making her daily work always
diverse and busy. The core tasks haven’t changed but some more new tasks have been added. “I have met some good people and friends dur-
ing my years here and I am still in touch with some of them who left Airbus” Jackie said.

Jackie used to work with engineers even before Airbus. Indeed, she worked in the Faculty of Construction and Engineering at the Neath Port
Talbot College, near Swansea in South Wales. Her daily job was diverse and always busy, and a large part of her time was dedicated to looking
after gas accreditation scheme training courses.

The major challenges Jackie sees in this job is “keeping all the balls in the air”. Sometimes it is not easy to keep track of many tasks at the same
time. “Often, the most difficult tasks are those involving chasing people to get information, but they are also the most rewarding ones as I am
able to speak to people I usually don’t”. Jackie is also looking forward to the new challenges for EYU and in particular to the big move to the
new building, Barnwell House: “I am not saying it is going to be all good or all easy…but it will be definitely interesting” she smiled.

From her personal point of view, Jackie would like to do more travelling next year, discover new and exciting places, but also take up new per-
sonal challenges. She recently walked up Mount Snowdon in Wales and on 7th July 2013 she did a sky dive: “It was amazing, incredible, excit-
ing…I hope I will have the chance to do it again soon”. Jackie jumped from an impressive 10,000 ft, passing through the clouds during a 30
seconds free fall. After the parachute had opened, she decided to go for the “Wild Ride”, doing lots of spins instead of gently going down (We
must admit: she is brave!).

One thing that only few people know in EYU is that before starting her current working career, she used to live with her husband and children
in a farm in South Wales. She used to look after all sorts of big and small farm animals, like cows, turkeys, sheep and ponies. “I could turn the
fleece off a sheep and turn it in a garment” Jackie said proudly. They had a big garden where they used to grow their own vegetables. The hard
but rewarding work in the farm was able to provide most of the food needed and also a small income: a self-sufficiency life style in close con-
tact with nature!

Page 13
Meet the Secretaries - Andrena Williams
Andrena has worked for the last 43 years in various offices before ending up in her current role as the secretary to both Ellis Griffiths and
Ruchir Dayal.
Starting at Bristol University, Andrena has also worked for 2 building societies and a factory floor office in Frome before moving up to the North
East of England for 7 years to work for a company on the Gateshead Team valley trading estate who dealt with refrigeration, air conditioning
and catering. Andrena then moved back to Bristol 17 years ago working for an Insurance claims company and when she was made redundant
came to Airbus in 1999 as a subcontractor for the legal team in New Filton House.
Following the end of the assignment and then spending 6 months in a recruitment agency in the Centre of Bristol, Andrena then came back to
Airbus in September 2000 in the systems CoC for Fuel and Landing Gear as it was at the time. A year later in September 2001, Andrena be-
came the secretary for Phil Sims and other managers (Ian Plastow, Ellis Griffiths and Roger Slade to name but a few). Following a change 3
years ago, Andrena became the secretary to Ellis Griffiths and Ruchir Dayal where she is today.

The main challenges that are faced by Andrena in her current role include travel and expenses. The last minute changes and booking alternate
flights if the Airbridge is fully booked can be a nightmare but highly rewarding for Andrena. The thing that she dreads the most about travel is
a phone call from the traveller who has missed their flight and requires an immediate transfer to a new flight, but again the job satisfaction
when everything eventually gets sorted is part of the job that Andrena enjoys.
Her most thrilling moment was when the Fuel Admin Team (along with 2 ladies from Landing Gear and Fuel Test) and Till Gundlach had a VIP
tour of the A380 FAL in Toulouse and in the afternoon visited the Iron Birds and Cockpit simulators in March 2012.

This year Andrena is mainly looking forward to the move to the new AAP and the new challenges that she and the rest of us will face. The déjà
vu of being back with both fuel and landing gear will be interesting. Not knowing whether she will be based with a new team is an exciting
prospect and Andrena is looking forward to the challenges that the changes will bring.

Andrena has a personal collection of teddy bears which she keeps in her spare room, but this does not compare to her husband’s hobby!
You may not know this, but Andrena and her husband once appeared on Fox television across the USA alongside Morgan ‘Supersize me’
Spurlock for a Simpsons 20th Anniversary special.
This is all because of Andrena’s husband Glynne’s hobby; he owns the largest collection of Simpsons memorabilia in the world which he keeps
mainly in his loft and his father’s garage. They also keep life-size models of Marge with Maggie and Lisa in their garden which he acquired from
eBay (like most of his other memorabilia) initially produced for the Simpsons film premiere in London.
Following their appearance on Fox television, the story blew up and Andrena and her husband were featured in numerous magazine and
newspaper articles – she says “Never Again!”.

To read more on this collection, visit: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/6872419/Simpsons-stories-the-memorabilia-


Page 14
Roger Slade’s Leaving Article
ment following the overheating of a fuel pump just before the
A380 first flight and of course the first flight itself. Then came
his first encounter with the CPD team and Jackie Bell who has
kept him in order ever since. An evening not to forget was
Stewart Ashworth’s birthday bash earlier this year in Madrid.
They went out for a “quick” drink at 10 pm and returned to the
hotel at 4 am, just in time for the morning seminar. Roger said: “I
blame Ellis Griffiths for that!”

The last week at work (from 26th to 30th August) was very busy
for Roger. On Wednesday 28th evening, there was a joint leav-
ing bash at the Royal Oak in Clifton with Patrick Portales (who is
leaving to go back to France after his experience in the UK).
This was followed by a gig at the Old Duke on the Thursday and
another at the Mud Dock Café on the Friday closely followed by
a 5 am start on Saturday to catch a boat to the Scilly Isles for a 3
day band tour. In the near future there will be a 2 weeks trip to
Croatia for trekking and kayaking, followed by a 2 weeks tour in
Qatar to visit friends. What about the following period? “Who
knows!” Roger smiled.

Apart from working in space and aerospace for many years,

Roger is very passionate about music. He composes music for
TV, films and adverts and many tracks have been published and
have recently appeared on Spotify. Customers to his music in-
clude TV shows in South Korea, Beijing, Malaysia, Thailand,
Australia where one track featured on a heavy metal girl biker
TV show. Roger plays mainly guitar, ukulele and piano and he is
in 6 different bands:
Roger Slade, Head of Engineering for Fuel CPD will retire at the
end of August. The EYU for You Editors would like to take the The Randy Swindlers – featuring Randy Swindler, Nor-
opportunity of this article to thank him for his long career in Air- man Nutcrusher, Lipp Lane, and the Surgeon,
bus and in particular in the EYU domain. providing sound financial advice interspersed with
some swing music.
Roger started his career path with a 5 year degree sandwich The Pistol Slapper Blues Band – playing the heavy rock/
course with British Aerospace and his first job was on the Con- blues music of Rory Gallagher
corde air Intake control system. He then spent 4 years with BAE Flash Harry – Folk Rock Gypsy Blues
Space Systems, much of that time in an office in the centre of Glam Harry – Glam rock show at Fiddlers before Christ-
Bristol. He also spent 1 year with Sperry Gyroscope and 4 years mas every year
contracting, including Smiths (Cheltenham), Westinghouse Lost Eleven – country blues
(Chippenham), Martin Marietta (Florida). Roger then spent 16 First Raitt Band – playing the music of Bonnie Raitt
years with Matra Marconi, who were eventually acquired by (American country blues)
Astrium, before joining Airbus, where he has spent 14 years.
Roger also decided to convert an old relic of a barn into a
There are many memorable events connected to his career house. “Should have gone on a project management course
within Airbus. For instance, the first visit to a FAL and Brough- first”, Roger said smiling.
ton. His first visit to Parker in the US was also a highlight, be-
cause that included the view from the top floor of the Twin Finally, we would like to thank you Roger for being a point of
Towers and a concert by “the Who” at Madison Square Gar- reference, both from human and professional viewpoints, for
dens. The second visit to Parker was also memorable but for the many people here in Airbus and EYU. Have a good life!
wrong reasons: “I was stranded in Manhattan at 3 am in -20ºC
cold with no coat or hotel”, Roger said. Another memorable
event was Roger’s first meeting with Jacky Joye at the A3456 Article by Roger Slade and Alessio Cipullo
flight readiness review in Toulouse, when he tried to convince
him (and the panel) that the somewhat incomplete fuel system
was safe to fly. Memorable events on A380 include the excite-

Page 15
Patrick Portales’ Leaving Article
to define the Development Plan, doing SQCDP sessions, work
on knowledge management (A3 sheets for instance) and enjoy-
ing group meetings away. “It was a big challenge at the begin-
ning. Building “team spirit” requires time, but at the end I must
say it was a really rewarding experience”. As a Maturity Cham-
pion, Patrick had the chance to engage with Parker in defining
the maturity roadmap and travelled a few times to US. The TAO
role was very challenging and rewarding as well. Patrick particu-
larly enjoyed the recruitment phase, the daily engagement with
the DEGs to make sure all the placements issues were ad-
dressed and solved. “I also enjoyed the training activities. Last
year we went to the Lake District for the Outward Bound Trust
DEG training course and I jumped into a lake at the end of Octo-
ber and use a Tyrolean traverse to cross a gorge. I felt as im-
pressed as the DEG’s, and we really shared the same challeng-
ing experience !
From the personal point of view, moving with his family was a
big challenge for Patrick. Adapting to a new culture and to a
new city after most of his life spent in Toulouse wasn’t easy. “I
didn’t know Bristol too much before coming here, but I must
admit it is a very nice and welcoming city. My family enjoyed
living here as well and my children experienced a different edu-
cation system compared to France. The beginning was tough
with some issues regarding renting, but at the end I really en-
joyed being here”.
Patrick joined Airbus in 1988, straight after his Degree in Elec- Patrick is really passionate about music and he plays acoustic
tronic Engineering from the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Elec- guitar. When he was younger, Patrick use to play in a group of
trotechnique, Electronique, Informatique et Hy- four (acoustic guitar, double bass, mandolin and violin). They
draulique” (Toulouse). He started as Electronics Designer in also had the chance to perform during big jazz festivals: “It was
Toulouse, being in charge of EMC and lightning protections for very exciting to perform in front of more than 2000 people!”
Avionics. After that, Patrick became Head of Power & Ana- Patrick smiled. As many of you already know, Patrick also
logue, leading the team responsible for Analog and Power sup- played for an EYU event together with Roger and Svetlana.
plies boards for Flight Control, Flight warning and Maintenance
avionics computers. He covered this role until 1996. He then “I would like to thank all EYU, for the good time and experience
became Group Leader for Electronics Development on Aircraft spent here. I met lots of good people and I truly hope I gave
Simulators Management of a team of 22 electronics and embed- something back to them. I will miss EYU and Bristol.”
ded software designers. Among the main highlights there was
the real time Electronics Developments for A380 and A340 500-
-600 Engineering Simulators and Flight Control / Engine Control Article by Patrick Portales and Alessio Cipullo
systems tests benches. In 2004, Patrick became Head of Elec-
tronics Developments - Avionics & Cards Design leading a big
team of ≈ 50 people. One of the main highlights was the design
of the flight control system for the A350. After this long experi-
ence in Toulouse, Patrick decided to make a big move and be-
came group leader for Electrics & Gauging in EYU (EYUCG
group leader) for a mobility experience in April 2011. Patrick
will leave UK in September and he will go back to Toulouse to
cover the role of Change Agent in EYC. Patrick said: “the
Change Agent role will be very useful and important for me, but
I would like to go back to managing an engineering team in the

During his experience in the UK, Patrick has also been TAO for
the DEGs (role that Becky Hutchinson recently took over) and
Maturity Champion for A350 FQMS. As a group leader, Patrick
mostly enjoyed building the “Team Spirit” and working together

Page 16
Get to Know Bristol
As every year, there were different stages along the Bristol wa-
Bristol Harbour Festival terfront, like: Cascade Steps, Queen Square and Caste Park.
Several performances were hosted on the different stages and
for instance the Cascade Steps Stage opened from noon on Sat-
Bristol Harbour Festival is one of the UK's largest public festivals
and a chance for the city to showcase its rich musical and per- urday 27th and Sunday 28th guesting artists like The Big Figure,
formance roots. This year the festival took place from 26th to Burning Bandits, Evie Woods, Freestyle Collective.
28th July. Over 250000 festival fans head down to the 2 mile Another very interesting spot was Queen Square with its rich
stretch along Bristol's waterfront to party, dance and relax programme for the whole weekend. Saturday 27th, in particular,
(http://www.bristolharbourfestival.co.uk/). Considering the was a very interesting mix of jazz with Trish Brown, of Caribbe-
weather it can considered a good result compared to the record an music with Smokestack Shakers and soul with Celestine. The
300000 attendees last year. The festival is organised by Bristol
grand final in Queen Square was for the Bristol-based band
City Council working with Richmond Event Management, 2013
was the festival's 42nd year. In 2010, The festival has been Pigbag. The British post-punk band reformed in 2012 and their
awarded “A Greener Festival” award in the commended catego- popular 'Papa's Got A Brand New Pigbag' much-sampled hit
ry, for its continued commitment to improving the sustainability inspiring a whole generation of instrumental combos still echoes
and greening of the event. This is perfectly in line with the from early 80’s.
“green” vocation of the city and with the recent award Bristol
received as “European Green Capital 2015” (http:// Moreover, after two years without the traditional fireworks,
ec.europa.eu/environment/europeangreencapital/winning- they were back this year and offered a stunning show to people
cities/index.html). packed around the harbour side. The fireworks were run by a
Clevedon-based company called Firemagic. The firework went
ahead on Saturday night despite the inclement weather.

Over 200 boats including two tall ships attended the festival.
Organiser Mike Richmond commented about the Harbour Festi-
val 2013 edition: "The atmosphere on Saturday was busy but
relaxed with lots of interest in the new water activity pro-
gramme ". Again about Saturday: “In spite of the rain, the spirit
of Bristol shone through in Queen Square with people dancing
to RSVP and Pigbag before the grand fireworks finale" (http://

Article by Alessio Cipullo


Page 17
Get to Know Bristol



Page 18
EYUM Away Day – Bristol Zoo
On 10th July 2013, EYUM presented an away day at the Bristol
Zoo. There were three main purposes of this day. It was used as
an opportunity to give an update in a company ‘comms’ to share
knowledge across the EYUM teams as well as a team building
opportunity. The aim was to try and get people to think outside
the ‘Airbus Box’ and therefore come up with ideas and sugges-
tions that they may not otherwise think of.
One unique element of the day was to get virtually the whole
department together as some are located in Spain. This provid-
ed the opportunity for those who had previously never met in
person, to do so.
During the day, some technical presentations were made, in-
cluding CFD modelling and Inerting systems from Spain.
The day also saw speeches from some guest speakers, includ-
ing, EYU Change Agent Sam Kurien and EYUC Group Leader
Stephane Escuin on Knowledge Management.

In one activity of the day, everyone was split into teams to give
feedback to each other and brain storming ways of making life
simpler. This ended with a quiz of which one of the more amus-
ing tasks was to try and build square paper boxes of a specific
size without using a ruler.

During the lunch break, people where then given the chance to
wander around the zoo and take in the delights of all the differ-
ent animals.

From this away day, one of the biggest highlights was definitely
managing to bring together the Spanish and British based

The general feedback was that the day was positive and in-
formative and that everyone enjoyed themselves very much.

Article by Simon Williams and Nolan Hibberd

Page 19
EYU Social Activities
EYUI “Team dunking” Leavers

The recent EYUI “team dunking” team booster event held The department recently bid farewell to three big person-
at West Country Waterpark near to Bradley Stoke was a alities in Roger Slade (Head of Engineering CPD), Patrick
resounding success. Over 25 people attended from the Portales (Group Leader Fuel Gauging), and Ken Hunt
R&T, Process Improvement and Inerting/modeling teams (Intrinsic Specialist). Everyone was sad to see them go,
in Module 4. with Ken and Roger retiring and Patrick moving onto Pas-
tures new in Airbus France after a successful 2 year mobili-
The teams were faced with a series of challenges to build ty period in Filton.
and sail rafts, kayak and paddle board (SUP). Everyone
emerged with smile and enjoyed the day’s events despite Before they left over 60 people turned out to see them off
a few shoes and sunglasses lost like buried treasure in the in style with drinks and food in Clifton Village. On behalf
muddy lake bottom. of everyone in EYU we would like say a big thank you to
them for their work over the years and we wish them all
The teams warmed up with a “tug of war” before finally the best for the future.
relaxing over a BBQ to take in the successes and pitfalls of
the afternoon’s events.

A big thank you goes to Abbey Curtin for organizing the

day with Steve Lisle-Taylor and the EYUI management

Page 20
EYU Social Activities
Softball CPD – Single Aisle and Reactive Support

In July the annual fuel systems softball social was held at The Reactive Support and Single Aisle CPD teams recently
Blaise Castle on a fantastic summer’s evening. Traditionally enjoyed an evening together in Clifton Village with drinks
teams were pitted from 09C and 07L but with the move of at the Avon Gorge Hotel followed by a meal at the Clifton
the CPD to 07L late in 2012 new teams were forged from Sausage Restaurant.
Modules 1 and 2 versus Modules 3 and 4. With Mods 1&2 A big thank you goes to Jo Newton for organising the
captained by Taz Shukra and Mods 3&4 by Ollie Family, event and making everything run so smoothly on the
the turnout was great with over 20 players on each team night!
and many more family and friends coming along to cheer
everyone on! Umpire for the day was our own Head of
Fluids Nolan Hibberd, officiating proceedings with preci-
sion and rigour.

Several rounds were fought with slips, trips, missed catch-

es combined with some pro bowling and batting from the
teams. Everyone was kept going by chefs for the day Jack-
ie Bell and Roger Slade, serving up some excellent BBQ
food and drinks. Despite two hours of play the teams
could not be split and it was eventually called as “evens”; a
great evening had by all.
A big thank you goes to Jackie Bell, Roger Slade, Nolan
Hibberd, Taz Shukra, Ollie Family and everyone else in-
volved in organising the day.

Page 21
And the Winner is….. Amanda Ezel
Congratula ons, you have won an A380 Plush key fob (blue). 
This edi on’s prize for correctly answering the ques on below is an 
Airbus Thermo mug 
How many bands does Roger Slade (Head of Engineering Fuel CPD)
play in?
1) 2 
2) 4 
3) 6 
4) 8 
To enter the compe on, use the vo ng bu ons from the newsle er 
distribu on email or send an email with the correct answer to: 
Good Luck!

Page 22

In the next issue of EYU for YOU…

 Final AAP Article - After the move
 Meet the Secretaries continued
 Gromit Unleashed - Your pictures
 And More...

The best People and Partnerships delivering the best Systems. A Civil Avia on Industry reference for Fuel and
Iner ng Systems

Our Systems Designers are highly mo vated, well trained and innova ve with broad experience of system architecture/
integrity, sub‐Systems and equipment design. We have the energy to con nuously improve, to get things done and to de‐
liver in a complex organisa on

We are the reference point for Fuel and Iner ng Systems for Large Civil Aircra . Working with other systems, sub‐system
equipment and resource suppliers, we deliver safe systems which minimise opera onal costs and maximise aircra perfor‐

Page 23

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