CSR Activites in Turkey

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Corporate social responsibility in Turkey has been dynamic in nature and is implemented with the

objective of targeting the fundamental social issues that the country faces. The companies at national
level ardently follow social issues and invest resources looking at the best possible function of outcome,
welfare, change and necessity.

Corporates social responsibility in Turkey is predominantly platform based i.e. company share
responsibility with important stakeholders in the particular sector. Companies perform their social
responsibility by attaching themselves with NGOs or relevant Ministry in the Government. Companies
enter into several social projects and programs to fulfill their responsibility but such projects and
programs can be narrowed down to following broad categories:


Companies extensively indulge in education programs. This education programs are not only those that
facilitate general scheme of education in the country but also provide scholarships; research grants and
they are also sometimes topic specific. This education programs also target essential topics that require
awareness in citizens for example awareness programs on cleanliness, health, diet, mental health etc.

There are 104 education programs that are there in the country and a large chunk of those programs are
children oriented. 40 programs out of 104 are targeted towards solving of problems that primary
educational system as well as children of smaller age in their primary education faces. The companies
have also realised the importance of highlighting and spreading awareness about the issue of gender
equality and discrimination against girls in education; about 12% of the programs are targeted towards
achieving above objective especially through television advertisement and socially conscious marketing. 1

The next category that has been gaining prominence is targeting solving problems of handicap adults and
children. The programs focus on providing infrastructure facilities, making education more accessible and
inclusive policy formulation. 2

Companies also indulge in vocational training and specialization. 80% of the programs mentioned are
done through partnership with NGOs.


It has been observed that the all the health related activities are initiated and participated by hospital
corporates, Pharmaceutical companies and companies affiliated with medical field and necessary
accessories to the medical field.

Most of these programs are conducted by partnering with different medical associations in the country
such as Turkish Dental Association etc. The amount of health related projects are, in comparison, small as
the categories of company that participate is less. The amount of health projects are 19. 3
Diren Bulut & V. Lale Tuzuner, Corporate Social Responsibility programs in Turkey: A content Analysis,
Waddock, S., Parallel universes: companies, academics, and the progress of corporate Citizenship, BUSINESS AND
Pearce, J.A. & Doh, J.P., The high impact of collaborative social initiatives, SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW

Environment and awareness about resources is an essential for Turkey as the country is signatory to a
large amount of environment related conventions and international treaties and it is of more importance
than it was ever before as the country is facing water shortages, electricity price hikes, food shortages and

The government is kin at creating awareness in citizens and corporate sector has been helping government
by implementing 22 projects that are functioning with the objective of spreading awareness, research and
development in alternative systems, recycling of resources etc. 4

Cultural, History and Sport

This category is all about different types of recreational activities that promote and support art, literature,
Drama etc. in the country. There is a rise in corporate led sports competitions, ports scholar ships and
sports sponsorship. This particular category also includes all the exhibitions that are arranged by
corporations. There are about 8 projects in these categories. 5

There also seen a rise in promotion of handicap sports activities as well as increase in investment in
infrastructure to increase accessibility to games and trainings for handicapped.


This category is vibrant and broad. Activities in this category relate to spreading of awareness, help in
enforcement of and remedies to violation of existing rights. Companies are increasingly focusing on
creating awareness and help in enforcing women’s rights as well as help formulating policies that further
the efficient enforcement of anti-discriminatory laws. This category also includes promotion through
advertisement and campaigning for animal rights. 6

Snider, J., Hill, R.P. & Martin, D., Corporate social responsibility in the 21st century: a view from the world’s
most successful firms. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS (2003).
Pearce, J.A. & Doh, J.P., The high impact of collaborative social initiatives, SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW
Mohr, L.A., Webb, D.J. & Harris, K.E., Do Consumers Expect Companies to be Socially Responsible? The Impact
of Corporate Social Responsibility on Buying Behavior, JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS (2001).

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