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Load estimation policy : In this the load of the machine is calculated

based on the following criteria:

 Resource demands.

 Instruction mixes of processes.

 Architecture and speed of node CPU.

 Number of CPU cycles executed per cycle of real time.

1. Process transfer policy :

The mechanism of identifying load based on threshold of another

machines is known as process transfer policy.

State Transition Diagram.

1. Priority assignment policy : To migrate any process find the node
which gives highest priority to remote process.

 Selfish approach - It gives highest priority to local process.

 Althresihic - It gives higher priority to remote process.

 Intermediate - It gives higher priority to majority of processes

current present in system.

1. Location transfer policy - This will select the node on which the
process will be migrated.

 Threshold - This will final load of destination and node which should
be below specific threshold value.

 Shortest - fFnd node with minimum load.

 Bidding - The destination node will start giving the offer and select
the best offer out of received one.

 Pairing - Pair overloaded machine with under loaded and normal

with normal and under loaded with under loaded.

1. Migration limiting policy - This will help to control thrashing.

 Controlled - This will limit the no. of nodes the process can be

 uncontrolled - There would be no control on thrashing.

1. State information exchange policy - This will tell when to share the

 Periodic broadcast - The problem is cure if there is node change in

state broadcasting needs to be done.

 Broadcast with state change when state changes then only


 On demand exchange.

 Exchange by policy.

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