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| First Edition - 2008 i Atco stello-lM ableolCo-leton ce atiitee | Table of Contents : Chapter -4 State Variable Analysis & Design (1-1) to (1-14) | Chagter-2 Stato Space Representation Chapter- 3 Matrix Algebra & Derivation of Transter Function Solution of State Equations Pole Placament Technique Chaptor-6 ——— Continlors Chapter-7 Nonlinear Systems Chapler-@ Phase Plane Method haptor-9 —_Liagunav’s Stabilty Analyst's Chapterwise University Questions with Answer Features of Book | # Excellent theory well supported with the practical examples and illustrations. # Important concepts are highlighted using key points throughout the book. #® Use of informative, self explanatory diagrams, plots and graphs. # Book provides detailed insight into the subject. % Stepwise explanation to mathematical derivations for easier | I I 1 \ ! i # Large number of solved examples. 1 | * Approach of the book resembles classroom teaching. \ I I I I I ' | L understanding. h Best of Technical Publications ae ee As per Revised Syllabus of VTU - 2006 Course 2] Semester - V [EEE] <& Modern Control Theory Bakshi 4 © Signals and Systems Chitode || |= Transmission and Distribution Bakshi | Linear ICs and Applications Bakshi, Godse i & D.C. Machines and Synchronous Machines Bakshi i (4 S Bei Modern Control Theory ISBN 9788184315066 All rights reserved with Technical Publicotions. No port of this book should be reproduced in any form, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopy or ony information storage ond retrieval system without prior permission in writing, from Technical Publications, Pune. Published by : Technical Pubtications Pune” . ‘#1, Amit Residency, 412, Shaniwas Peth, Pune - 411 030, Indiv. Printer : Abert DTPhintess: Seno. 10/3,Sinhagad Road, Pune - 411 047 ‘ES Preface The importonce of Control Theory is well known in vorious engineering fields. Overwhelming response to our books on various subjects inspired us to write this book. The book is structured to cover the key aspects of the subject Modern Control Theory. The book uses plain, lucid language to explain fundamentals of this subject. The book provides logical method of explaining various complicated concepts and stepwise methods to explein the importon! topics. Each chapter is well supported with necessary illustrations, prectical examples and solved problems. All the chopters in the book are arranged in a proper sequence that permits each topic to build upon earlier studies. All care has been taken to make students comfortable in understanding the basic concepts of the subject. The book not only covers the entire scope of the subject but explains the philosophy of the subject. This makes the understanding of this subject more clear and makes it more interesting. The book will be very useful not anly to the students but also to the subject teachers. The students have to omit nothing and possibly have to cover nothing more. We wish to express our profound thanks to all those who helped in making this book a reality, Much needed moral support ond encouragement is provided on numerous occasions by our whole family. We wish to thank the Publisher and the entire team of Technical Publications who have token immense pain to get this book in time with quolity printing. Any suggestion for the improvement of the book will be acknowledged and well appreciated. Authors U, A, Baksh A.D. Baksht Dedicated to Varsha, Pradnya and Gururaj Table of Contents Chapter? 1” Stats Variable Analysis & Design’ 1.1 BACKGIOUNG ......cccessssssestesesescessaseneetacaneeese 1.1.1 Limitations of Conventional Approach ...... 02... .0.s.s+sseseeeseeeee eeesees 1.1.2 Advantages of State Variable Analysis. 4.2 Concept of State ccs 1.2.1 Important Definitions... eee 1.3 State Model of Linear Systems........... . 1.34 State Model of Single Input Single Outout System... 1.4 State Diagram Representation ae 2.4 State Model by Cascade Programming........ Examples with Solutions. BA Background 2... ce cece sees ceeeeecee sec seseeceseseeseesetesesseneesees .2 Definition of K 3.2.1 Types of Matrices... . 3.2.2 Important Terminologie: 3.3 Elementary Matrix Operations ............sssoessesesesseteeesssscneesesneessessnssnersnne 1B SAINVETSE Of Mn eatnnnannnnnstnannnnanannnnan d= E 3.4.1 Properties of Inverse of a Matrix. 3.5.1 Characteristic Equation .. 3.5.2 MIMO System... . 3.6 Eigen Values ...... 3.7 Eigen Vectors ....scscssncesssscesssscssnceressncesesssccscessessuensessuetiassareuetsascenesaeceses 3.9 Diagonalisation.... sone 3.10 Generalised Eigen V Vectors... 3.10.1 Vander Monde Matrix for Generalised Eigen Ve Vectors: Examples with Solutions.............00.... sesso Review Cc westions. 3 - 465 4.1 Background 4.1.1 Homogeneous Equation 4.1.2 Nonhomogeneous Equation 4.2 Review of Classical Method of Solution 0 4.24 Zero Input Response. ...ecceesssesesseeeesccesescesseeeeseens eens eeenes 4d 4.3 Solution of Nonhomogeneous Equation...... RE aa nae 4.4 Properties of State Transition Matrix....... 4.5 Solution of State Equation by Laplace Transform Method 4.6 Computation of State Transition Matrix... esse 4.10 Similarity Transformation Method.......... 4.11 Controllability and Observability .. 4.12 Controllability... 4.12.1 Kalman's Test for Controllability... oes. sce ees eens seen se seeeee eee serees 4.12.2 Condition for State Controllability in s-Plane- 4.12.3 Gilbert's Test for Controllability. .......... o 4.42.4 Output Gontrollbllity ss. ccscseeescesceeceecseseesseeeesseseeesees 4.13 Observability 4.13.1 Kalman’s Test for Observability . 4.13.2 Condition for Complete Observability in s-Plane ..........-....-....--. 0s 4-33 4.13.3 Gilbert's Test for Observability Examples with Solutions.......... $.4.3 Ackermann’s Formula . 5.5 Selection of Location of Desired Closed Loop Poles. 5.6 State Observers a 5.7 Concept of State ODS@MNWEF un. eecesseseseesaseesesceseseneereesessesoesersees 9 2D. 5.8 Dual Problem... 5.9 Necessary and Sufficient Condition for state ‘Observation 5.10 Evaluation of State Observer Gain Matrix Kg... 5.11 Selection of Suitable Value of Observer Gain Matrix Ke..........1.eese Examples with Solutions..........c0::0::cecuseseeuseeessesesesersceesceeersteesseceres 9 SB ter 60 | 6.1 Background ... seeecetoeseseeenes 6.2 Properties of Controller... 6.2.41 Error. 6.2.2 Variable Range... ce eee eee cee eee eee eee e cesses eeees senses 6.2.3 Controller Output Range - 6.2.4 Control Lag GES Applications... sees cseeesceseccecesseseesecsssseseeeessseeeessenesees 8.6 Integral Control Mode. 6.6.1 Step Response of Integral Mode. . 6.6.2 Characteristics of Integral Mode . . 6.6.3 Applications... cs seccecceececscesseceesseseceeeseeseeeeesvteseess 6.7.2 Asohatens set eees eee se ese accesses se esueses se sse sees eseeseesssseesene 6.8 Composite Control Modes... 6.9 Proportional + Integral Mode ro Control ol Mode). 6.9.1 Characteristics of P| Made 6.9.2 Applications... 2.6... eee cece c cece ence e eee de reeset eeeetetenseeneeees 6-15 6.10 Proportional + Derivative Mode (PD Control Mode) uu... = 15 6.10.1 Characteristics of PD Mode. . 6-16 GAO.2APPHCAHONS 0... ee eee eee see ese sees see een nator renee eeetenceeseeneets 6-17 6.11 Three Mode Controller (PID Control Mode)..........:+1:ssssssssseseseuessessensen = 17 6.12. Response of Controllers to Various In| ane 6.13 Effect of Composite Controllers on 2" Order “System 6.14 PD Type of Controller...............+ 6.15 Pi Type of Controller... 6.16 PID Type of Controller... 6.17 Rate Feedback Controller + (Outout Derivative ‘Controller 6.18 Review of Second Order System Specifications ......... 6.19 Steady State Error.............00 Examples with Solutions...............000 7.1 Introduction to Nonlinear Systems......... 7.2 Properties of Nonlinear Systems........... 7.4.7 Nonlinear Spring 7.5 Absolute Value Nonlinearity Chapier'-'8: Phase Plane Method Se = 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Limit Cycle... 8.3 Jump Resonance 8.5 Basic Concept of Phase-Plane Methed ...........:s:00: 8.6 |socline Method for Construction of Phase Trajectory .. 8.7 Application of Phase-Plane Method to Linear Control System 8.8 Second Order Nonlinear System on Phase Plane ..............ssssessscsseseeses 8.9 Different Types of Phase Portrait 8.9.1 Phase Portraits for Type 0 System . Stable System with Complex Roots. . Stable System with RealRoots . . . . . os Unstable System with Positive RealRools.. |. | |. Unstable System with One Positive and One Negative Real Root 8.9.2 Forced Second Order Type 0 System. 8.9.3 Phase Portraits for Type 1 System . .. 8.9.4 Phase Portraits for Type 2 System ..... oo... sss eee eee eee tees 8.10 Singular Points of a Nonlinear System......... Examples with Solutions. .........scsssssssssenissessners Review Questions... “nied” 9.2 Stability in the Sense of LiapUMov ..................ccscceseesesseressseseeeissssnssonseneers 9.3 Asymptotic Stability .........cccssssesssssessnressnceserssaennsssenscecerssenrenesenontereereserss 9.4 Asymptotic Stability in the Large 9.7 Som Important Definitions .......seee 9.7.2 Negative Definiteness... oo... ee cesses cece sees eee eeeteeeee eee eens 97.3 Positive Samide 9-5 9.7.4. Negative Semidefinite, 0... esse cece ees eee n er eee sees e tee eee eens eens 9-5 " 9°75 Indofinitences . 9-5 9.10 Liapunov's Second Method........... 9.11 Liapunov's Stability Theorem........ “9.42 Stabili 9.13 Construction of Liapunov's Functions for Nonlinear Systems by” of Linear and Nonlinear Systems .. 9.14 The Direct Method of Liapunov and the Linear System Examples with Solutions. Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-7 of Transfer Function Properties af Multiplication 1. Commutative law is not valid for the matrix multiplication. AB + BA 2. The transpose of a product is the product of transposes of individual matrices in the reverse order. (aby’ = Bat ia Example 3.3: Obtain the matrix multiplication of, 7 auf ot “|2 10 Solution : A has order 3 x 2 and B has order 2 x 3 hence C = A x B has order 3 * 3. 3x1-1x2 3x0-1x1 3x-1-1x0] C = Ax B=!0x141x2 Ox04+1«1 Ox-14+1x0 2K14+0x2 2x0+0x1 2x-14+0«0 1-1 -3 =|]2 1 0 2 0 -2 3.4 Inverse of a Matrix In algebraic calculations we write ax = y ¥ ie. = Land x= a7 ie, x = 5 an ay Similarly in matrix algebra we can write, AX = B ie. x= A TB where Av! = Inverse of matrix A The inverse of a matrix exists only under the following conditions, 1. The matrix is a square matrix. 2. The matrix is a nonsingular matrix, ‘Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-8 of Transfer Function Mathematically inverse of a matrix can be calculated by the expression, 3.4.1 Properties of Inverse of a Matrix 1, When a matrix is multiplied by its inverse, the result is the identity matrix, ATA s aa? 2. Inverse of inverse of a matrix is the matrix itself. (wtytsa 3. Inverse of a product of two matrices is the product of their individual inverses taken in the reverse order. (aby! = Bo ATT 23 ima Example 3.4: Find the inverse of A = ? 1] U Solution : Check that A is nonsingular. 23 JA] = li j[=2-12=-10 1 _. [Adjoint of A] Ad. “ene Al Adj A = [Cofactor of A]? ETL 1-3 act, LA 2) [01 +08 ~~ =10 "140.4 =0,2 Cross check: AAT= [2 3][~O-1 0-3) [TO] | 4 1) [+04 -0.2 al Important Observation ; For 2 x 2 matrix, the adjoint of the matrix can be directly obtained by changing the positions of main diagonal elements and by changing the signs of the remaining elements. Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-9 of Transfer Function 14 | 8 -4 For example, A= al: agjas| ‘| This result is directly used hereafter while solving the problems, when matrix has an order 2 x 2. Note that for any other order of matrix the adjoint must be obtained as transpose of cofactor matrix. With this study of matrix algebra, let us discuss the method of obtaining transfer function from the state model. 3.5 Derivation of Transfer Function from State Model Consider a standard state model derived for linear time invariant system as, X(t) = A X(t) +B U(t) sus (Ia) and YW) = CX) + DUM) ws (Ib) ‘Taking Laplace transform of both sides, [s X(s) ~ X(Q)] = A X(s) + BUG) ou (2a) and Y(s) = CX(s) + D Ute) ves (2b) Note that as the system is time invariant, the coefficient of matrices A, B, C and D are constants. While the definition of transfer function is based on the assumption of zero initial conditions ive. X(0) = 0. s X(s) = A X(s) + B Us) s X(s)— A X{(s) = B Us) Now s is an operator while A is matrix of order n x n hence to match the orders of two terms on left hand side, multiply 's' by identity matrix ] of the order n x n. sl X(s) = A X(s) = B Uts) [sl - A] X(s) = B U(s) Premultiplying both sides by [sl - AI’, [sl - AJ 1 [sl - A] X(s) = [sf - A}! BU(s) Now [sl - AP fst- A] = 1 Xs) = [sl - Al”? BU(s) -f3) Substituting in the equation (2b), ¥(s) = C [sl- AP ' B Ute) + D Uls) ¥(s) = (C [st- A! B+ D} Us) Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-10 of Transfer Function Hence the transfer function is, +» (4a) -1 _ Adj[sl-A] Now [sl- A" = Ta-AT~ q¢) = CASISINAIB Lp vb) ~~ [st=aT Key Point: The state model of a system is not unique, but the transfer fusction of obtained from any stale model is unique. It is independent of the method used to express the system in state model form. 3.5.1 Characteristic Equation Tt is seen from the expression of transfer function that the denominator is |sI - A]. Now the equation obtained by equating denominator of transfer function to zero is called characteristic equation. The roots of this equation are the closed loop poles of the system. Thus the characteristic equation of the system is, a ..» Characteristic equation 4 isl { The stability of the system depends on the roots of the characteristic equation. In matrix algebra, the roots of the equation |sI - A| = 0 are called eigen values of matrix A and these are generally denoted by i i> =Example 3.5: Consider a system having state model -3] 1X, 3 _ X,] | [| . [¥ mayett it I with D = 0. Obtain its T.F. (VTU ; JanJ/Feb.-2008) Solution : TR. = C[st-ap! B Is-ay’ {sI- A] = 5 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-11 of Transfer Function fs+2 3 [sl A] = 4 1] ag < [oR Ce " fs-2 4 jf [s-2 -3 1 ley Cy 3 s+2] “] 4 42 |sl-A] = (g +2) (8-2) 4 12=s? -4412=87 48 s-2 -3 _ Lt s+2 Ist- Ay" st 48 ny? 3) P 38-21 TR = 4 os+2 Jiri ay 5s + 22 “ 8748 33 +8 _ f8s+1} © shes 3.5.2 MIMO System For multiple input multiple output systems, a single transfer function does not exist. There exists a mathematical relationship between each output and all the inputs. Hence for such systems there exists a transfer matrix rather than the transfer function. But the method of obtaining transfer matrix remains same as before. imp Example 3.6: Determine the transfer matrix for MIMO system given by, x if? 3167 2 fn) Myf apa Xo} Le? ybe} ue ales bel Lt osx, Solution : From the given state model, 21 EK at D=(0] as[2a} eal T.M. CIsi- a}! B+ D s -3 Cy Cy] fats -2]" fst 3 Cy Ce} “L3 s] “[-2 5 37 458+ 6 = (s + 2) (s +3) Adj [sl - A] | sI-A] Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-12 of Transfer Function Adj [sl- Al _ [ - 1 paliciek OP sake. [sla] JsI-A] (+2) (843) " f2 1)fs45 sft 1 o| -2 sit 1 TM. = C[sl-ay! B=* f2 alt: 3 ee 3s+14] 0 ua s-2 s-2 +8 s+8 | © 4se2)ise3) (s+ 2){s+3) 3s+14 3s+14 (s#2) #3) (+2) (S+3) s+8 s+8 (s#2) (8+3) (s+2) (8+3) ie. Y(s) = TM. U(s) 3s+14 3e+14 YG)] _ | F2GF3) G2) +S) [Ui Yo(s)} s+8 s+8 Us(s) (s+#2) (s+3) (+2) (s+3) ‘The above relation indicates that cach output depends on both the inputs. 3.6 Eigen Values Consider an equation AX = Y which indicates the transformation of 'n x 1' vector matrix X into 'n x 1' vector matrix Y by 'n x n' matrix operator A. If there exists such a vector X such that A transforms it to a vector 2X then X is called the solution of the equation, AX = 2X Le. AK-AX = 0 ie. [AI- AX = 0 (1) The set of homogencous equations (1) have a nontrivial solution only under the condition, jJAT-A] =0 we (2) The determinant [21 - A] is called characteristic polynomial while the equation (2) is called the characteristic equation. Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-13 of Transfer Function After expanding, we get the characteristic equation as, JAIT-A] = +a, 7's. 4a, =0 QB) The ‘n’ roots of the equation (3) ie. the values of 4 satisfying the above equation (3) are called eigen values of the matrix A. The equation (2) is similar to |sI - Aj = 0, which is the characteristic equation of the system. Hence values of 4 satisfying characteristic equation are the closed loop poles of the system. Thus eigen values are the closed loop poles of the system. 3.7 Eigen Vectors Any nonzero vector X, such that AX, = 4 X; is said to be eigen vector associated with eigen value 2. Thus let 4 = A, satisfies the equation, Q,I-A)X = 0 Then solution of this equation is called eigen vector of A associated with cigen value 4j and is denoted as Mj. If the rank of the matrix [A; | - A] is 1, then there are (n - r) independent cigen vectors. Similarly another important point is that if the eigen values of matrix A are all distinct, then the rank r of matrix A is (n - 1) where n is order of the system. Mathematically, the eigen vector can be calculated by taking cofactors of matrix (A; 1 - A) along any row. Cy Ce Thus = Eigen vector for 4; = where k = 1,2, 0. Cha where Cy is cofactor of matrix (A, I - A) of k" row. Key Point: if the cofactors along a particular row gives null solution ie. all elements of corresponding eigen vectors are zero then cofactors along any other row must be obtained. Otherwise inverse of modal matrix M cannot exist. 3.8 Modal Matrix M Let Ay, Aa .- Ay are the n eigen values of the matrix A while M,, Mz, ... M, are the eigen vectors corresponding to the eigen values 4;, 22 ... 4, respectively. Each cigen vector is of the order n x 1 and placing all the eigen vectors one after another as the columns of another matrix, n x n matrix can be obtained. Such a matrix obtained by placing all the eigen vectors together is called a modal matrix or diagonalising matrix of matrix A. Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-44 of Transfer Function Modal Matrix The important property of the modal matrix is that, > M4] [AM, : AM; : ... AM,] [ig My thy My se Ay Mal AM = A[M,:M,:.. " AM = MA () 0 0 where A. = Diagonal matrix : R Thus premultiplying equation (1) by M~?. M"lAM = M™'MA M7'AM = A (Diagonal matrix) It can be noted that, 1, Both A and A have same characteristic equation. 2. Both A and A have same eigen values. Hence due to transformation M“ 'AM, eigen values of matrix A remain unchanged and matrix A gets converted to diagonal form. 3.8.1 Vander Monde Matrix If the state model is obtained using the phase variables then the matrix A is in Bush. form or phase variable form as, 0 1 0 oO 0 0 1 0 Ags 0 0 0 - od vAn “nd “Ane =] And the characteristic equation i.e. denominator of T(s) is, F(s) = s"+ays"7 4. +ay_ysta,=0 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-15 of Transfer Function In such a case, modal matrix takes a form of a special matrix as, Aya dey Ve qi 5 ts aplog? Such a modal matrix for matrix A which is in phase variable form, is called Vander Monde matrix . a> Example 3.7: Consider a state model with matrix A as, o 20 A= 4 oo” -48 -3M 79 Determine, a) Characteristic equation, b) Eigen values c) Eigen vectors and d) Modal matrix. Also prove that the transformation M~ 7AM results a diagonal matrix. Solution : a) The characteristic equation is |AT- A] = 0 10 0/}/0 2 0 ajo 1 o- 4 0 1 = 0 00 1) |-48 -3 -9 A -2 0 -@ A -al=0 ol) 484249 a (+9) 42% 4840+0-80+9)+ 9450 +98 + 264+ = 0 This is required characteristic equation. b) To find eigen values, test 4 = — 2 for its root Modern Control Theory 3-16 Matrix Algebra & Derivation of Transfer Function (+2) (24+ 74+ 12) = ie. (+2 A+3 G4) = ie. = These are the cigen values of matrix A. ¢) To find eigen vectors, obtain matrix {).; value of 4 in equation (1). -2 -2 0 For};=-2 [Aj1-A] = |-4 -2 -1 48 4 7 Cy M, =|C,.| where C3 20) f4 M, = |-20]=|-1 40] [-2 -3 -2 0 For 4,=-3, [AyI-A] =]-4 -3 -1 6 36 [Cy 16 M, =|Cj)|=|-24 C3 8 4-2 0 ForA,=-4, [AjI-A] =|4 4 71 48 34 5 Cy “ My =|Cy |=|-28 Cis 56 a 0 -2Ag=-3 and dg=-4 1 = AJ for each eigen value by substituting Cry Ca, Chg cofactors of row 1. «.. The common factor can be taken out. -3 My, M, and Mg are the eigen vectors corresponding to the eigen values 2, 42 and 23. Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-17 of Transfer Function d) The modal matrix is, 1201 M = [Mj:M):MJ=|-1 -3 -2 214 Let us prove M~ 1AM is a diagonal matrix. mo! = AdiIMI _ {Cofactor of My T M. 10 +8 -7]" [-0 -7 =A Adj(M] = |-7 6 -5] =| 8 6 1 -1 i -1 7-5-1 1 21 |M| = j-1 -3 -2/=-1 -2 14 07 1 - Adj [MJ] Mls =|-8 6 -1 M 7 5 1 0 2 0 1 2 1 2-6 -4 AM =] 4 0 I||-1 3 -2}/=)/2 9 8 -48 -34 -9][-2 1 4 4-3 -16 M~'AM = |-8 -6 -1]]2 9 8 Thus M~'AM is a diagonal matrix. > Example 3.8: Obtain the Eigen values, Eigen vectors and Modal matrix for the matrix o 10 A=|0 0 1 -6 -ll +6 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-18 of Transfer Function Solution : Eigen values are roots of |AI- A|=0 aA -1 «(0 |AI-A] = ]O 2 -1 J=0 6 1 A+6 Le. 0346.2 +1146 = 0 C+ 1A+ 2) (A+ 3) = 0 Ay =-1, Ay =-2, 44 =-3 are eigen values. To find Eigen vector, Let Ais kp=-t -1 -1 0 fAyI-A] = Jo -1 a 61 5 Cu M, = [Cy where C = Cofactor isdiez [6 1 M, = |-6| ie, M,=[-1 6 1 For 4, =-2 f-2 -1 0 [Ag I-A] = | 0 -2 -1 [6 lb 4 [C4 3 1 M; = |Cy2 =|-6| =|-2 C1 forK=3 2 4 3 -1 0 [asi-A] = fo 3 2 [6 ii 3 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Contro! Theory 3-19 of Transfer Function Cy 1 M3 = [Cay =|3 Cra Jor ke3 ° Key Polnt: The cofactors about any row can be obtained. +. Modal matrix M = [M, :M,:M,] 111 M =|-1 -2 -3 149 Tt can be easily checked that, 10 6 MTAM = A=/|0 -2 0 oo 3 3.9 Diagonalisation The diagonal matrix plays an important role in the matrix algebra. The eigen values and inverse of a diagonal matrix can be very easily obtained just by an inspection. Thus in state variable analysis, if the matrix A is diagonalised then it is very easy to handle mathematically. When matrix A is diagonalised, then the elements along its principle diagonal are the eigen values. The eigen values are the closed loop poles of the system, from which stability of the system can be analysed. The diagonal matrix A indicates noninteraction of various state variables. The derivative of one state variable is dependent on the corresponding state variable alone and other state variables do not interact in it, when A is diagonal matrix. This is practically important from controlling point of view. Due to all these reasons, the diagonalisation of matrix A is always motivated. The techniques used to transform the general state model into diagonal form i.e. canonical form are called diagonalisation techniques. Consider n™" order state model in which matrix A is not diagonal. AX() + BU) () cx) +DUe) @ Xn ¥(t) Let Z(t) is new state ~rector such that the transformation is, x) = M Z(t) vs» (3) Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control! Theory 3-20 of Transfer Function Here M = Madal matrix of A Xt = M ZW = @ Using equations (3) and (4) into equations (1) and (2), MZ) = AM Zit) + BUCH we 5) and ¥() = CM Z(t) + DU) : we (6) Premultiplying equation (5) by M~' on both sides, Mo 'a zy = MAM 2() + M7! BUG) 2m = M7? AMZ()+M7 "BUH 2 and Y(t) = CM Z(t) + D UW) 8) The equations (7) and (8) gives the canonical state model in which M~ 1AM is a diagonal matrix denoted as A. The matrix M which transforms A into diagonal form is called diagonalising matrix or modal matrix. The new canonical state model is represented as, 2) = AZ) +BUH oe yw) = Ez) + DUM) ees (10) where A = M7lAM= Diagonal matrix B= M's t= cM The method of obtaining modal matrix M is already discussed in the last section. The transformation M~ 1AM is called diagonalisation of matrix A. imm> Example 3.9: Reduce the given state model into its canonical form by diagonalising matrix A, . 0 1-1 0 X(t) = |-6 11 6} X(t) +10) Ut) -6 -1l1 5 1 and Y(t) = [1 0 O} X(t) Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-21 of Transfer Function Solution : From the given state model, 0 1-1 0 A= |-6 -1l 6], B=|0/, C=[1 0 0] -6 -11 5 1 Let us find eigen values, eigen vectors and modal matrix of A. 1oo}fo 1-1 |AT-A] = [4/0 1 O]-|-6 -11 6|)=0 001) [6 -1 5 [ho- 1 6 Atll -6] = 0 6 Mo 3-8 AQ + 11) (h~ 5) + 36 + 66 - 6 (A+ 11) + 62-5) + 662=0 B+6P+1+6 = 0 (A+1)Q+2 +3) = 0 0 Thus eigen values are, Ay =~ 1,42 =-2, 43=-3 To find eigen vectors, Fora, =-1 1-1 1 A, I-A] = | 6 10 -6 6 11 -6 For Ay = -2, 2-1 1 [Ag I-A] = r 9 6 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-22 of Transfer Function For 43 = - 3, 3-101 [AsI-A) = 16 8 -6 6 8 Cy) f2) fi M; = |C,)|=[12]=16 Ci} {18} [8 111 M = [M, : M,: Mj]=|0 2 6] = Modal matrix 149 -1 0 0 M"'AM =] 0 -2 Olea 00-3 While B= M7B ~6 6-2)" [43 4 5 8 3 6 8 -6 met. AGM) La -5 2) 12 3 2 © TMT -14 * 4 0.4285 0.3571 ~0.2857 = |-0.4285 -0,5714 +0.4285 0.1428 0.2142 -0.1428 -0.2857 -2 B= M7'B=|+04285}=| 3 vs» Multiplying by 7 -0,1428] [-1 and Ct = CM=[i 1 1] Thus canonical state model is, 2) = Az) + Bu and Y(t) = © Z(t) where X(t) = M Z(t) Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-23 of Transfer Function 3.10 Generalised Eigen Vectors The generalised cigen vectors are the eigen vectors corresponding to repeated eigen values. Uptill now, it is assumed that the eigen valucs are distinct but if an eigen value i, is repeated for r times then the corresponding eigen vectors are called generalised eigen vectors. If a particular eigen value 2, is repeated r times then the rank of n x n matrix [A,1- A] is n - 1 and there is only one independent cigen vector associated with 4, given by, Cu Cc M, = |-2 .. Cky are cofactors about k* row Cha 7 important Note: If cofactors along a particular row gives all values zero i.e. eigen vector as null matrix, then cofactors along other row must be obtained. For remaining (r - 1) eigen vectors for r - 1 times repeated value 44, generalised eigen vectors must be used as, 1 ay i PCy Tl Gay 2! an 2, 1 ac} oo [1 2 oe My = T ay M; =/2) an 1 ac, ae Th on 4, ‘ 1 2! an i arly) (Dt gar? ale aan gn () oar The modal matrix M then can be obtained by placing all the eigen vectors one after the other. Note that in such a case, M~ 1AM matrix is not diagonal but consists of a r x r Jordan block in it where r is the order of repetition of a particular eigen value, Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-24 of Transfer Function 3.10.1 Vander Monde Matrix for Generalised:Eigen Vectors If matrix A is in phase variable form andvan eigen value 4, is repeated for r times, then n cigen values are Ly, 21 --- Aq Bp ay oly bye The corresponding modal matrix is Vander Monde matrix in modified form as, 1 0 0 Do one Lowe 4 ay i a Oe Ay oan x 2ay 1 Oa By oe M= * a yp-} aay! 1 cee el ye! a di, 2! az rel ” tmp Example 3.10: Find the eigen values, eigen vectors and modal matrix for, oo 1) Az=/20 0 82-5 Solution : Find eigen values which are roots of |21-A| =0 1oo0]fo o sll alo 1 0|--2 0 o|}=0 001] Ls -2 -5]f a0 - 22 O0}]-0 4802 045 2 +5) 4448 = 0 +50 +844 = 0 Try A=-1 (41) 02 + 444 4) (+1) A+ 27° uo oo Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-25 of Transfer Function Ay = -LAg=-2Ag=-2 Thus '- 2' is repeated twice hence it is necessary to use generalised eigen vectors. -1 0 -1 For hy =-1,[4yl-Al=|-2 -1 0 24 Cy] [4] f- M, = {C,. f=} 8=| 2 G3} ta) Lt Now 2. = — 2 is repeated twice. My 0 Al Dgl- A] = ]-2 2, 0 8 2 Ay t5 Cn 13 +52, M; = ICy =| 2A, +10 Cashier | “4-8 hye-2 ~6] f-1 =| 6/=]1 12 2 245 +5 1 ore 2 and Ms = 5 a, |" 2 =| 2 8 je LS. 1 dCy; 2 Tl Gy Thus My, Mj and My are the required eigen vectors. a-101 . Modal matrix M = [M):M,:Mjl=| 2 1 2 1 2 -8 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-26 of Transfer Function Examples with Solutions in Example 3.11: Find the TF. of the system having state model, s ool 1 X= [! a}e{ale and Y= [1 0] X Solution : From the given model, A= [; al: a=[j|-c-0 Oo) D=0 Ys) = “ese _ 1 TR = Cfsl-ay'B+D 107 f0 1) fs -1 {sl- A] = (i tH alk al s+] +1 . Adj [sl - A] = [" | . Change diagonal elements and change signs of other elements. |sl-Al = 5 (643) +2es?4 35425 (8+ (s+ 2) s+3 17fl “TR 2 Cadifst-ayp_ © af s}fo| “OS —TSI=AT st ist3) (s+3)} ~ (s+) (s+2) mm Example 3.12: Find the T.F. of the systent having state model, s [-3 1 0 xf op iy and Y=[1 0] X Solution : From the given model, A= [:2 ol: a-[}}. C={1 0, D=0 . IO _ art TR = ay = C lst AP B+D 10 —3 1 s+3 -1 Ist - A] = ‘(i No a7 2 | Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-27 of Transfer Function . 3 1 : Adj [sI- A] = [5 wa |sI-A] = ss +3)+2=s? +3s+2=(+1)(s+2) role sali TR = CAdj[sl-A]B _ 72 s+3](1 [sI-A| (s+1) (+2) _ 1 ~ (s+i)(s+2) im Example 3.13: Obtain the transfer function matrix for the MIMO system having state model, . 2-10 -1 0 X=] 1 1 2)X+}1 O]U -1 O01 0 2 110 mi vf Sx Solution : From the given state model, 2-10 -1 0 1 1 2), Bali of, -1 01 02 11 0 c= fl pee A Adj [sI-A] B Transfer matrix = C [sl - Ay B+ D = SAdII-AI 10 2-1 [st-A] = sfo1 o/-[1 1 O00 1) [-1 0 (s-1)? s-3 s-1 7° AdjfsI-A] = | 541 (s-2(6-1) 1 -2 2(s-2) 8? -38+3 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-28 of Transfer Function st-2s+1 -s41 -2 =| s-3 s*-3s+2 2s-4 s-1 1 s?-35+3 |sl-A| = (s-2)(s-1)-2+s-1 = s- 4s? 4 65-5 s*-2s+1 541 2 -1 0 Adj[sI- AJB = | s-3 9 s?-3s+2 0 28-4 10 s-1 1 s?-35+3}| 0 2 5745 -4 C Adj (st - A] B Transfer matrix s*-4s+5 4s-8 “s+2 2s? -6546 ~s? ~ 11 oy | 3 45 4 s* —-ds45 ds—8 101 2 —5+2 2s*-68+6 —3st5 0 4s-12 -s?+2 2s? -65+2 [-3s+5 ds-12 js? +2 2s? -65+2 33 4s? +6s-5 imu Example 3.14: Obtain the eigen values, eigen vectors and modal matrix for, o 1 0 3 0 2 -12 ~-7 -6 and prove that M~"AM = A = Diagonal matrix, — (WTU: July/Aug.-2007,Jan/Feb.-2008) Solution : For eigen values, [AISA] = Aa 0 3 2 2/2 12,07 A+6 0 Modern Control Theory 3-29 Matrix Algebra & Derivation 20+ 6) + 243k 18 + 14 + 624 11k+6 Test K=-1, -1 1 (a+ 1) (2 + 52+ 6) ie. (+1) +2) (A+ 3) t Hence eigen values are, 2, = - 1, 42 = - 2, For the eigen vectors, dype-L fay 1-Al M Ag=-2 [gt-Al M, A3=-3, [A31- A) My M " of Transfer Function 0 0 u 6 0 0 age-3 f1-1 0 3 -1 -2 lz 7.5 Cy) P93] fa Cy) |=]-9] =]-1 Cat (9) [a 2-1 0 32 2 207 4 om 6 2 Cyy | =} -12] =| + Ci5 3} la 3-1 0 -3 +3 -2 207 3 Cy 5 1 Cyz | =|-15]=|-3 Ca} Las] £3 12 1 Modal matrix =|-1 +4 -3 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modem Control Theory 3-30 of Transfer Function i EEIAILintaleei En 9 6 5)" fo 5 2) -5 4-3 6 4 2 wot. Adi) [22 2) [2 3 2 SMP ae 45 25 1 =|-3 -2 -1 2515 1 AM. in uo o we 1 4 de 4 oo re 45°23 1) f-1 4-3] f-21 of o M lam = |-3 -2 -1/]/1 8 9]= 2515 1) [1 2 -9 Thus, M~'AM = A= Diagonal matrix itm Example 3.15: Find the eigen values, eigen vectors and modal matrix for, 401 2 Az=]1 0 2 i -i 3 (VTU; JanJFeb.-2005) Solution : For eigen values, JAI-A] = 0 A441 2 -1 2 2]20 -1 1 A+3 | AGA) (A-3)- 2-24 2-2434M-BH0 2-72 + 154-9 = 0 (4-1) (FP - 6449) = 0 A-)a-3% = 0 Ay = 122 =/3, 23 =3 Now 4, = 3 is repeated twice hence for 42 = 3, the generalised eigen vectors must be used. ‘ Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-31 of Transfer Function 3-1 2 For 2y fay I-A} = [-1 1-2 -1 1 -2 €,} fo M, = |[C,,/=/0 Cy 0 M, = |Cy}=|8 Now for hy =A = 3, use Oo a a ~ Ss 1 ! nny For i = 3, My = Hence the modal matrix M is, Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-32 of Transfer Function ium Example 3.16: The Fig. 3.1 shows the block diagram of a control system using state variable feedback and integral control. The state madel of plant is, B)- (2 JRE: Y xy fo WJ Ix 2 i) Derive the state model of the entire system. ii) Derive the transfer function Y(s)/LI{s). yt) Fig. 3.1 Solution : i) The input of integrator shown is X. Ry = -1* [U()- Yn] = YO - UH w ) and rt) = -35X;—2X,- 15% Q From the plant model given, X= -3X, + D+ rl) vs @a) % = 4X, -5% afb) and YW = % 2 Be) Using equation (2) in equation (3a) we get, Xp = — 3X, + 2X35 Xy- 2% - 15% X= - 5X, + 05X; - 3.5%; vs @a) Xy = AX, - 5% ws (8b) Substituting equation (3c) in equation (1), Xy = %- UI a (de) Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-33 of Transfer Function and YW = X wn (4) Thus equations (4a) to (4d) give state model of the entire system. Xi -5 0.5 -35] [x,] [ 0 Xe} =] 4 -5 0] |X, ]+) o] Ug Xa 0 1 of {xs} [4 Xx) and Y(t) = [0 1 O} |X, X3 ie. X = AX4+BU and Y=CX withD=0 ii) The transfer function Y(s)/U(s) is, Ys) _ 1 ue = Cfsi-AP'B+D 1 0 0} f-5 05 -3.5] fs+5 -0.5 35 [l-A] =s]0 1 Of-) 4 -5 0 |=|-4 s45 0 001 a 1 O 0 -1 s Oss i ods to o4 7 Adj [sI- A] =|0.5s-3.5 $ s?+5s i s45 “3.5(8+5) i -1d i (845)? -2 s?+5s 0.5s-3.5 -3.5s-17.5 =| 4s s? +5s -14 4 st5 s* +10s+23 |sI- A] = 5(545)'+ 14-28 =5°+ 10s? + 2384+ 14 Ys) _ CAdj[sl-A] B U@ > T1si-AT and D=0 s?45s 0,583.5 -3.5s-17.5 |[ 0 C Adj (si- A] B = [0 1 0] |4s s'+5s 0 =id 0 4 s45 s? +10s+23 ||-1 =14 ¥(s) 14 4 Uls) ~ [sl-Al 53 420s? 4.235414 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-34 of Transfer Function | _ 1d ~ (s#ljis+2)(s+7) This is the required transfer function. 0 21 0 tm Example 3.17: For the matrixA=|0 0 1 24 -3 Find the eigen values, eigen vectors and modal matrix M. Solution : For eigen values, JAI-A] = 0 a -1 0 oa -1/=0 2 4 443 BG+3) +244 = 0 #4344042 = 0 Test 4=-1, (+1) 02+2142) = 0 +1) Q+1+ jl) A+1-j1) = 0 Aye -L Calculate eigen vectors. For 4, =-1, -1 -1 0 Pyl-aAj =] 0 -1 -1 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-35 of Transfer Function 1-jl -1 0 For dg = -A-jl, Pgl-Al=| 0 jl 1 2 4 2p Cy 1 Mz = [Cy |=|-1-j Cy j2 .-. Choosing 3 row to calculate cofactors. 14jl 0-1 0 ForAg=-1+jl,[Ag3I-Al=| 0 -1+jl1 1 2 4 24j1 Cy i My = |Cy) |=|-14j C33] [| -i2 a. M = |-1 -1-j -1+j 1 j2 -j2 nm ~Example 3.18 : For a system with state model matrices. “1 0 1 0 ay A=|1 -2 0/;B=|0];C=}1 0 0 3 1 0 Obtain the system transfer function. (VTU: March-2001) Solution : The TF. is given by, TR. = C[sl-Ay's s+1 0 -1 [sl- A] =| -1 s+2 0 Q 0 s-3 Adj[sI-A] = [Cofactor st—A]™ (s+2)(s-3) — (s-3) 0 * 0 (s+1) (8-3) 0 Hs4+2) +1 (s+1) (s+2) Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-36 of Transfer Function (s+2)(s-3) 0 (s+2) = (s-3) (s+1) (6-3) 1 0 0 (s+1) (s+2) |sI-A| = (+1) (6 +2) (6-3) - _ Adjfsl—A] [sI-AF = Iza] 1 1 s+1 9 (s#1)(s—3) 1 1 1 G+HG+2) (+2) G+) G+26-3) a 0 1 3-3 1 0 1 0 st1 (s+1) (8-3) 1 1 1 TR =f 1 Ol) per Gr GED e-a]|" 0 a i 3-3 1 1 G+l) 6-3) fo. 9 1 (s+) (8 #2) (8-3) 1 (s-3) a * (41 G-3) | GtlG+D -3) (s+3) (s+1) (s+2)(s—3) map Example 3.19: Find the transformation matrix P which will convert the following matrix A to diagonal form. The eigen values are dy, hp and.d3. 0 1 0 A=| 0 0 1 1 Ay Ag Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-37 of Transfer Function Solution : The matrix AI - A is, aA A 0 (I-Ap=/0 A = a, a, Atay To find P, means to find cigen vectors and modal matrix. a, 1 0 Fork=Ay [Ay I-A]=|0 a, -1 a, a) Aytay To find eigen vector, find cofactors about 3 row. Cy 1 My = [Ca] =]Ay Cy x hy 1 For A= Az[kg I-A] =| 0 2 Cy 1 My = [Cay |=] Ay Cy 4 en) Forh=Ay fAjI-A} = |0 a; -1 a; a; Asta; Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-38 of Transfer Function Hence transformation matrix P is, to. Pla, 2p Ay Bow Thus if matrix A is in phase variable form, fa 1 QO 0 0 0 To 0 Asli: a 0 0 ae oT Hy yp yg Oy And the eigen values are distinct as 44, 42, ... 4, then it can be proved as above that the diagonalising matrix is, 1 1 1 AL OA, ey grok yal at Key Point: Note that while finding the eigen vectors find the cofactors about last row. me} Example 3.20: Determine the transfer matrix for the system. ees S] Ce) RR ES 2 (VTU: July/Aug.-2005) Salution : From the given state model, 3 1 (* 6 1-1] As B= .C= ,D= [2 al , cs a ' 1) patel [sl- A]? = Adj [sl- A] _fse3 +] [sI=A] ‘BI-AI= , s . s 2 jf fs 4 Adj[st-A] = I <3| = (: wa 4 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-39 of Transfer Function 1 ] fs 1 s+3 elo +3 jsi-ay! = s? 43542) (9#1)(5+2) 1 -1)fs 1 4 6 TR = Cfsl-ay'B=|8 1][2 s+3}[5 0 (stl) (s+2) 1-1) [as-5 65] — [8 1} j-Ss-23 -12} ~ (st+i)(s+2) 9s+18 6s+12 9 6 LTR = (s+1) (s+2) (s+1)(s+2) _ s+1 s+ TONS) 278-63 48512 *) 27-63 48-12 (s+1)(s+2) (s+1) (+2) (s+1)(s+2) (s+1} (s+2) This is the necessary transfer matrix. hep Example 3.21: Convert the following state model into canonical forin. (VTU: July/Aug.-2005) » fl -4 ° _ X= is -6 Xe fu veo a] x Solution : From the given model, Bde fipere Let us find the eigen values, eigen vectors and model matrix of A. 10) fl-4]|_ pe. 4 IM Al = li HL “di-b adn? (A-1)(X+6)412 = Die 27 +524+6 = 0 (+2) A043) = Obie Ay =2 4, =3 To find eigen vectors, 34 c For A, =-2, [2I-A] = 5 ‘| ie. m= [C5] Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-40 of Transfer Function mesons [3 oem SU 41 M = [M):M,]= [4 ,]= Modal matrix 2 6] MAM = _3|=4 While B= MB Mo = i f i [574] Be [ “dl (.] -[)] € =cM=[1 0] [3 ‘}-8 1] The canonical state model is, At) = azit) + Bu Y(t) C Z(t) where X(t) = M Z(t) tus Example 3.22: Convert the following square matrix A into Jordan canonical form using asuitable non-singular transformation matrix P. (VTU: July/Aug.- 2005) Ke 1 0 A= 1/0 0 i |- 4-9 -6 Solution : Find the eigen values of A. aA o | |AI-A| = jo a -1 |=0 4 9 A+6 2(A46)44492.20 ie. 2 +602 4924420 . (AA)(RA1)(A41) =0 ie. Ay sd, Ay =-1. Ay =-1 Modern Control Theory ForA,=-4 -4 [ai-a] = |o 0 For A, =-1, he [A I-a] = jo 4 fc M, = |c Cc As 1, =-1is repeated twice, mie Adj [M] -4 12 Matrix Algebra & Derivation 3-41 of Transfer Function -1 0 Cy] fa —4 -1] 2M, =]C))|=|-4 9 2 Cy] [16 -1 0 hy nl 9 4, +6 n 1B +61, +9 4 1 RD = -4 =|=-4)]=/-1 —4D. 4] [1 33h 2y 2 Soe dc, dh ac, 2h, +6 4] fi —2)=| 0 =| O}=| 0 ae 4 4} [-1 dC,, dey -42yo of 2 1] -1715) =|-4 -17-4 -43 2 15° 3 201 -17-4 15 3 9 201 o 1 o]fi a1 -17-4 0 0 1] f-4-1 0 15 3) [+4 -9 -6| [6 1 -1 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-42 of Transfer Function ..-Diagonal matrix with Jordan block => Example 3.23 : Consider the matrix (VTU: Jan./Feb.-2006) 2-2 3 Azejl 1 1 1 3-1 i) Find the eigen values arid eigen vectors of A. it) Write the modal matrix. ifi) Show that the modal matrix indeed diagonalizes A. Solution : For eigen values | M-A|= 0 A-2 20-3 Hl 4-1-1) = 0 Hl -3 Al] ie. (R-L)(AF1)( R= 2) + 2-9 HA- 14 YAFT)= A= 2)=0 ie, -20? -5A+6=0 ie (A-1)(At+2)(A~3)=0 Apetl, Ag =-2, hy =3 For 2, =1, f-1 2 -3 Cy] f-3 -1 (AI-A] = |-1 0 -1 2 My={C, {=| 3) =) 1 1-32 yf L3l [a For dg =-2, “4 462-3 Cy] fo (AI-A] = |-a -3 -1 2 Mg=|Cy, |=] 0 -1 -3 -1 C5 0 As Cy, = Cy) = Cys = ©, calculate cofactors about other row. Cy} fu Mz = |Cy,|=|1 Cy -14 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-43 of Transfer Function For 4, =3, 12-3 foul §) A [Al-A] = [-1 2 -1 Ne=|im =|5[=/1 “1-3 4 3} if lt “1 Mit M = [M,:M, :M;]=]1 101 1 -M1 wet = Adi M__ [Cofactor matrix of Mj! rs] iM , fis -25 = aylo -2 2 -15 -3 -B , [5-25 to [2-23] pau t MTAM = -4,/0 -2 2 [1 11 14. “ [-15 -3 -12][1. 3-1] [9 -14 1 15-25 10 -}Mo4 1 30 0 #0 1400 30 0 60 O}=]0 -2 O)=A G 0 -90 o 0 3 Thus modal matrix indeed diagonalizes A. y Example 3.24: Given the R=AX—Bu,y = am Examp Given the state modet X = AX—Bu, y =CX ce Oo ol 0 0 where A=/0 O 1/,B=|OjandC=[l 0 0] -1 -2 -3 1 — Ys). bees i) Simulate and find the transfer function Te using Mason's gain formula. ii) Determine the transfer function from the state model formulation. Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-44 of Transfer Function Solution : The state equations are, Xp sXy. X} Hence the signal flow graph is, From Mason's gain formula, Ys) _ Tay + Tag ht TA Tis) ~ a Here K=1, — T, = Forward path gain = The various loop gains are, Jol Fig. 3.3 All loops are touching to each other. 201 As1-[L,+L,+L3] 214344 s s? Ay = Eliminating all loop gains from A which are touching to K' forward path Ay =i Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory of Transfer Function Ys) _ UB) 14+=+ si 43s? +2541 3 Now let us use the state model method of finding the transfer function. Y(s) I Ug * Cist-Al'B+D D=0 s -1 0 [sI-A] = fo s -l 1 2 s+3 2 T fez s*+3s+2 0 =I 38 Ss" +3542 s+3 1 Adj [sI-A] = |s4#3 s(s4+3) -2s—1) =/-1 s(8+3) 8 1 s s? -s -%s-1 0s? 32 435+2 s+3 1 -1 s(s +3) s i[st- -2s-1 fi-ap! = Adj[st=A} _ |-s 8 |sl- A] $3 4357 42541 s?43s¢2 543 i|fo Ys) _ fl 0 Off-1 s(s +3} silo Uis} © sy —a-1 0st fit s>+35s* +2541 1 ..Same as obtained above $3438? +2541 1 2 2 -3 mm Example 3.25 : The vector| 2| is an eigen vector of A=| 2 1 -6| Find the eigen -1 -1 -2 oO value of A corresponding ta the vector given. (VTU: July/Aug.-2006) Solution : The eigen vector is that vector which is non-zero such that AX, = 4,X, 1 where X, = Eigen vector =| 2 {4 Matrix Algebra & Derivation Modern Control Theory 3-46 of Transfer Function 2, = Eigen value = To be obtained 2 2 -3)f1 1 2 1 -6/] | 2)=a) 2 -1-2 0 [-1 -1 5 om io] = 12a, 5 -hy eS ..Corresponding eigen value. Review Questions . Derive the transfer function from state model. What is characteristic equation of a system matrix A ? Define eigen values and eigen vectors of a matrix. When the generalised eigen vectors are used ? How 1o wse them ? What is modal matrix ? State its importance. State the advantages of diagonalisation of a matrix. How to achieve diagonatisation of matrix A? Rediice the gioen state model in diagonal form, SNP ew ND : 01 1 x= [° t)x[ LQ) and Y(t) = [1 0} Xi) 9. What is Vander Monde matrix ? When it exists ? What is its impertance ? 10. Find the T.F. of the systems with following state models, oe o kK [.: je [ile yen ox . 0-1 1 6b) X= = ) [{ a )e+(de y=10 UX . 0 0 2 1 Q X= |-1 0 O|X+)0)U, y=f1 0 OX 4-2-5 0 1 - Obtain the TF. of the system having state model, . 5-1 2 X(N) = [; =x «[5| ut) YW) = (1 2) x) [ans 128+59 } (s+ 2)(s+ 4) Q00 Solution of State Equations 4.1 Background Uptill now the methods of obtaining state model in various forms and obtaining transfer function from the state model are discussed. It is seen that the output response. depends on the state variables and their initial values. Hence it is necessary to obtain the state vector X(t) which satisfies the state equation X(t) = A X(t) + B U(t) at any time t This is called solution of state equations, which helps to obtain the output response of a system. Consider the state equatio n of linear time invariant system as, XW = AX) + BUW The matrices A and B are constant matrices. This state equation can be of two types, 1. Homogencous and 2. Nonhomogencous 4.1.1 Homogeneous Equation If A is a constant matrix and inpvt control forces are zero then the equation takes the form, x) = AX) ea(1) Such an equation is called homogeneous equation. The obvious equation is if input is zero,how output can exist ? In such systems, the driving force is provided by the initial conditions of the system to produce the output. For example, consider a series RC circuit in which capacitor is initially charged to V volts. The current is the output. Now there is no input control force i.e.. external voltage applied to the system. But the initial voltage on the capacitor drives the current through the system and capacitor starts discharging through the resistance R. Such a system which works on the initial conditions without any input applied to it is called homogeneous system. (4-1) Modern Contro! Theory 4-2 Solution of State Equations 4.1.2 Nonhomogeneous Equation If A is a constant matrix and matrix U(t) is non zero vector i.e. the input control forces are applied to the system then the equation takes normal form as, Xt) = AX(Q+ BUC) a Q Such an equation is called nonhomogeneous equation. Most of the practical systems require inputs te drive them. Such systems are nonhomogeneous linear systems. The solution of the state equation is obtained by considering basic method of finding the solution of homogeneous equation. 4.2 Review of Classical Method of Solution Consider a scalar differential equation as, dx SR = ax where (0) = x9 @) This is a homogeneous equation without the input vector. Assume the solution of this equation as, x(t) = bo + byt + bo +... + by + Q Att=0, x0) = x9 = bg -- QB) ‘The solution has to satisfy the original differential equation hence using (2) in (1), a [bp + Byte + BT = a fby + byt +... + byt) by + byt +... + kbyth") = aby + abjt +... + abt For validity of this equation, the coefficients of various powers of ‘t' on both sides, must be equal. by = aby, 2by = aby, ... kby = aby} by = aby by = Sab) = Sates = 2" by b, = Lakby and x(0) =by State Variable Analysis and Design 1.1 Background The conventional approach used to study the behaviour of linear time invariant control systems, uses the time domain or frequency domain methods. In all these methods, the systems are modelled using transfer function approach, which is the ratio of Laplace transform of output to input, neglecting all the initial conditions. Thus this conventional analysis faces all the limitations associated with the transfer function approach. 1.1.4 Limitations of Conventional Approach Some of its limitations can be stated as = 1) Naturally, significant initial conditions in obtaining precise solution of any system, Joose their impartance in conventional approach. 2) The method is insufficient and troublesome to give complete time domain solution of higher order systems. 3) It is not very much convenient for the analysis of Multiple Input Multiple Output systems. 4) It gives analysis of system for some specific types of inputs like Step, Ramp etc. 5) it is only applicable to Linear Time Invariant Systems. 6) The classical methods like Root locus, Bode plot etc. are basically trial and error procedures which fail to give the optimal solution required. Hence it is absolutely necessary to use a method of analysing systems which evercomes most of the above said difficulties. The modem method discussed in this chapter uses the concept of total internal state of the system considcring all. initial conditions. This technique which uses the concept of state is called State Variable Analysis or State Space Analysis. Key Point: State variable analysis és essentially a time domain approach but it has number of advantages compared to conventional methods of analysis. (1-1) Moder Control Theory 1-2 State Variable Analysis & Design 1.1.2 Advantages of State Variable Analysis The various advantages of state variable analysis are, 1) The method takes into account the effect of all initial conditions. 2) It can be applicd to nonlinear as well as time varying systems. 3) It can be conveniently applied to Multiple Input Multiple Output systems. 4) The system can be designed for the optimal conditions precisely by using this modern method. 5) Any type of the input can be considered for designing the system. 6) As the methed involves matrix algebra, can be conveniently adopted for the digital computers. 7) The state variables selected need not necessarily be the physical quantities of the system. 8) The vector matrix notation greatly simplifies the mathematical representation of the system. 1.2 Concept of State Consider a football match. The score in the football match must be updated at every instant from the knowledge and information of the total score before that instant. This procedure of updating the score continues till the end of the match when we get exact and precise score of the entire match. This updating procedure has main importance in the understating of the concept of state. Consider the network as shown in the Fig. 1.1 Vn & c Zero fricon Fig. 1.2 To find V4, the knowledge of the initial capacitor voltage must be known. Only information about V,, will not be sufficient to obtain precisely the V,., at any time t20. Such systems in which the output is not only dependent on the input but also on the initial conditions are called the systems with memory or dynamic systems. While if in the above network capacitor “C' is replaced by another resistance “R,' then output will be dependent only on the input applied V,,,. Such systems in which the output of the system depends only on the input applied at t = 0, are called systems with zero memory or static systems. Modern Control Theory 1-3 State Variable Analysis & Design Consider another example of simple mechanical system as shown in the Fig. 1.2 Now according to Newton's law of motion, F = Ma a = Acceleration of mass M d F = M4 (vi) Le. v() = as f() dt Now velocity at any time “t' is the result of the force F applied to the particle in the entire past, t t t Wey fmas § ProareZ pana om ce is where t,, = Initial time. t, Now u pay dt = vit) t vit) = vty) + Jf) dt to From the above equation it is clear that for the same input f(t), we get the different values of the velocities v(t) depending upon our choice of parameter t, and the value of v(t). If v(ty) is known and the input vector from “ty! to “fis known then we can obtain a unique value of the output v(t) at any time > to. ; Key Point: Thus initial conditions ie. memory affects the system characterisation and subsequent behaviour. Thus initial conditions describe the status or state of the system at t = t,. The state can be regarded as a compact and concise representation of the past history of the system. So the state of the system in brief separates the future from the past so that the state contains all the information concerning the past history of the system necessarily required to determine the response of the system for any given type of input. The state of the system at any time “t’ is actually the combined effect of the values of all the different elements of the system which are associated with the initial conditions of the system. Thus the complete state of the system can be considered to be a vector having components which are the variables of system which are.tlosely associated with Modern Control Theory 1-4 State Variable Analysis & Design initial conditions. So state can be defined as vector X(t) called state vector. This X(t) i.c. state at any time “t' is ‘n’ dimensional vector i.e. column matrix n x 1 as indicated below. X(t) Xp(t) X(t) = Xa lt Now these variables X,(t) , X(t), .... called the state variables of the system. If state at t = ty is to be decided then we must know X(ty) and knowledge of the input applied between ty —t,. This new state will be X(t,) which will act as initial state to find out the state at any time t > t,. This is called the updating of the state. The output of the system at t = t, will be the function of X(t,) and the instantaneous value of the input at t = t,, if any. The number of the state variables for a system is generally equal to the order of the system. The number of independent state variables is normally equal to the number of energy storing elements (eg.: capacitor voltage, current in inductor) contained in the system. . X,(t) which constitute the state vector X(t) are 1.2.1 Important Definitions 1) State ; The state of a dynamic system is defined as a minimal set of variables such that the knowledge of these variables at t = ty together with the knowledge of the inputs for t 2tg, completely determines the behaviour of the system for t >t). 2) State Variables : The variables involved in determining the state of a dynamic system X(t), are called the state variables. X)(t), X(t) ....X,,(t) are nothing but the state variables. These are normally the energy storing elements contained in the system. 3) State Vector : The ‘n’ state variables necessary to describe the complete behaviour of the system can be considered as ‘n' components of a vector X(t) called the state vector at time ‘t’. The state vector X(t) is the vector sum of all the state variables. 4) State Space : The space whose co-ordinate axes are nothing but the ‘n’ state variables with time as the implicit variable is called the state space. 5) State Trajectory : It is the locus of the tips of the state vectors, with time as the implicit variable. Control Theory 1-5 State Variable Analysis & Design Definitions can be explained by considering second order system : ‘Order is 2 so number of state variables required is 2 say X,(t) and X(t). State vector will be the matrix of order 2 x 1. x0 x) = {07 i i ~ > 3 ie. X() = X\()+XZK) (vector addition) The state space will be a plane in this case as the number of variables are two. Thus state space can be shown as in the Fig. 1.3. x x0 X (ty) % (h), Xt Xl) (9.0) 2 Katy) Fig. 1.3 Fig. 1.4 Now consider t = t, > 4 ~ ity) = Xy(ty) + Xplty) x (0 X (la) Xs (toh, nans: 0 Xq (ty) Fig. 1.5 Fig. 1.6 Now consider t = t, > > > X(ty) = Xp(ty)+ Xp (ty) The state trajectory can be shown by joining the tips of the two state vectors ie. X(t,} and X(t), Modern Control Theory 1-6 State Variable Analysis & Design 1.3 State Model of Linear Systems Consider Multiple Input Multiple Output, nth order system as shown in the Fig. 1.7. Number of inputs = m Number of outputs = p Uy U2 Inputs Urs Hy Xp X3 Xa State variables Fig. 1.7 UAH x0 ¥0) U,(t) X(t) ¥,) um =]: bx®=) : |= Un tt) Xn (0) Yp(0) All are column vectors having orders mx 1, nx 1 and p x 1 respectively. For such a system, the state variable representation can be arranged in the form of *n first order differential equations. aX) s . =n = X(t) = fy Ope Xp prereeXy p Uy (Ug vorren Un) dX,() + Gp = XR = fy Kp Xp ee Ny Uy Uy creer Und dX, (0 Kant) = fy Xp Xp pee Xq /Uy Uy oe dt Modern Control Theory 1-7 State Variable Analysis & Design f h Where f =| ; | is the functional operator. fh, Integrating the above equation, t Xi = Xilgh + PO, Xq see My Uy , Uy vor Un) dt 'o where i = 1, 2, net Thus ‘n' state variables and hence state vector at any time “t' can be determined uniquely. Any “n' dimensional time invariant system has state equations in the functional form as, Xt) = £(X, U) While outputs of such system are dependent on the state of system and instantancous inputs. .. Functional output equation can be wrilten as, Y(t) = g(X, U) where “g' is the functional operator. For time variant system, the same equations can be written as, . X(t) = £(X, U, #) ... State equation 0) g(X, U, t).... Output equation Diagramatically this can be represented as in the Fig. 1.8. Ui) Instantaneous: Input Input Uti) vit) f Output X(t) Initial state: Fig. 1.8 Input-output state description of a system Modern Control Theory 1-8 State Variable Analysis & Design The functional equations can be expressed interms of linear combination of system states and the input as, XL = ayy Xy + ayQXq +. + ayX, + b + byU, +... + bin Un Ko = agg Xp + ayyXp oa. + aggXq + byyUy + bay +... + Bam Urn * Xn = ayy Xp + aygXg t+ -. + ALK, + byyUy + bygUy + ... + Bag Uy For the linear time invariant systems, the coefficients ag and bj are constants. Thus all the equations can be written in vector matrix form as, Xa) = AX) + BUM where X(t) = State vector matrix of order n x 1 U(t} = Input vector matrix of order m x 1 A = System matrix or Evolution matrix of order n x n B = Input matrix or control matrix of order n x m Similarly the output variables at time t can be expressed as the linear combinations of the input variables and state variables at time t as, YV y(t) = cy, X(t) + oe + cay X(t) + dyy Uy(t) +... + dy, UL tt) Ypll) = cpr NaCl) + ee + cpr Null) + dy Uylt) + oo. dogg Unpl t For the linear time invariant systems, the coefficients cj and dj are constants. Thus all the output equations can be written in vector matrix form as, YW) = CX() + DU where Y(t) = Output vector matrix of order p x 1 C = Output matrix or observation matrix of order p x n D = Direct transmission matrix of order p x m The two vector equations together is called the state model of the linear system. x) =AX() + BUY - State equation Y(t) = C X(t) + D U(t) ...Output equation ‘This is state model of a systern. Modern Control Theory 1-9 State Variable Analysis & Design For linear time-variant systems, the matrices A, B, C and D are also time dependent. Thus, Xi) = AC) X0)+80 UO | For tnear time variant system Y(t) = C(t) X(t) + D(t) Ui) 1.3.1 State Model of Single Input Single Output System Consider a single input single output system ie. m = 1 and p = 1. But its order is ‘n’ hence 1 state variables are required to define state of the system. In such a case, the state model is Xt) = AX() +B UW YW = CX +d UW) where A = nx nmairix, B=n x1 matrix C = 1% n matrix, d = constant and U(t) = single scalar input variable In general remember the orders of the various matrices. A= Evolution matrix =nxn B = Control matrix =nxm C = Observation matrix = p xn D = Transmission matrix => p x m 1.4 State Diagram Representation It is the pictorial representation of the state model derived for the given system. It forms a close relationship amongst the state model, differential equations of the system and its solution, It is basically a block diagram type approach which is designed from the view of programming of a computer. The basic advantage of state diagram is when it is impossible to select the state variables as physical variables. When transfer function of system is given then state diagram may be obtained first. And then by assigning mathematical state variables there in, standard state model can be obtained. State diagram of a linear time invariant continuous system is discussed here for the sake of simplicity. It is a proper interconnection of three basic units. i) Scalars ii) Adders _ iii) Integrators Modern Control Theory 1-10 State Variable Analysis & Design Scalars are nothing but like amplifiers having required gain. . xt. —[» /}—~ Xtdeaxgy — Xpltd * X(t) = (1) + Xs) + x4) (a)Scalar (b)Adder Fig. 1.9 Adders are nothing but summing points. Integrators are the elements which actually integrate the differentiation of state variable to obtain required state variable. Now integrators are denoted as “1/s' in Laplace transform. So transfer function of any io —--[ fF }-— X(t) = 1K at integrator is always 1/s. With these three basic units we can draw the state diagrams of any order system. Fig. 1.9 (c) Key Point; The output of each integrator is the state variable, 1.4.1 State Diagram of Standard State Model Consider standard state model XW) = AX() +B U() and Y(t) = C X(t) + D U(t) So its state diagram will be as in the Fig, 1.10. ‘uth Fig. 1.10 State diagram of MIMO system The thick arrows indicate that there are multiple number of input, output and state variables, There must be n parallel integrators for n state variables. The output of cach integrator is a seperate state variable. Jf such a state diagram for the system is obtained then the state mode! from the diagram can be easily obtained. Modern Control Theory 4-11 State Variable Analysis & Design Remarks 1. To obtain the state model from state diagram, always choose output of each integrator as a state variable. Number of integrators always equals the order of the system i.e. ‘n' 2. Differentiators are not used in the state diagram as they amplify the inevitable noise. ‘o> Example 1.1: Obtain the state diagram of SISO system represented by equations, Xu) = a, X4b, UY, Ket =a, X,() +a, X,(t) 4b, UW anid VY) = cy Xy(t) + cy XQ) Solution : As there are 2 state variables X,(t) and X(t), the two integrators are required. Fig. 1.14 1.5 Non Uniqueness of State Model Consider a standard state model for a system " xy yi} Let X = M Z where M is a non singular constant matrix. AX +BUQ (1) CX) + DUH ~@ " Key Point: A matrix whose determinant is nonzero is called nonsingular matrix. This means Z is new set of state variables which is obtained by linear combinations of the original state variables. Modern Control Theory 1-12 State Variable Analysis & Design X = MZ hence X=MZ Substituting in a state model M2) = AM Zit) + BU 8) Y(t) = CM Z(t) + DUH ww (4) +. Premultiplying equation (3) by M7! 2) = MAM Z(t)+ M71 B UG) where M?!M = I ic. Identity matrix 2) = AZH+ BUH w= (3) where A = M1tAM B= MB and Yu) = 62) +D UH (6) Where ¢= cM Equations (5) and (6) forms a new state model of the system. This shows that state model is not a unique property. Key Point: Ary finear combinations of the original set of state variables results into a valid new set of state variables. 1.6 Linearization of State Equation Any gencral time invariant system is said to be in equilibrium, at a point (Xp, U,) when, * X = £ (Xp Uy) = The derivatives of all the state variables are zcro at a point of equilibrium. The system has a tendency to lie at the equilibrium point unless and untill it is forcefully disturbed. The state equation xt) = f (X, U) can be linearized for small deviations about an equilibrium point (Xg, Uy). This is possible by expanding the state equation using Taylor series and considering only first order terms, neglecting second and higher order terms. Modern Control Theory 1-13 State Variable Analysis & Design So expanding 1 state equation, : Baf,(X,U) 9 f,.0.U) X= fy Mo, Uy) + PAS KX LAG] Wj- Up) isp Or [X=Xg jel j |xeX9 UsUg U=Up Now A(Xq Up) = 0 at the equilibrium point. And let the variation about the operating point is, 2 . X, = Xp-Xq hence X =X} = Uj-Up a and ; Hence the k'* state equation can be linearized as, 2 RRO U) «BAL OX U ~ = xX, 1 x=} 2x4 +h OU; |xexy Uj Usuo UsUy In this equation X,, X, and u, are the vector matrices and the remaining terms are the matrices of order n x n and n x m respectively. Hence the linearized equation can be expressed in the vector matrix form as, af, OR, © Ox, af, where A= Ox OX on isn x n matrix af, af, af, Ox, Oxy Oy, of Of of, dU; aU; aU, at, af aty p= [U1 Ue 0m | ig nm x mt matrix of, fy fy ou, Uy WU Modern Contro! Theory 1-14 State Variable Analysis & Design All the partial derivatives of the matrices A and B are to be obtained at an equilibrium state (Xp, Up). Such matrices A and B defined above interms of partial derivatives are called the Jacobian matrices. Review Questions 1. Explain the concept of stale. 2. Define and explain the following terms, a. State variables b. State vector €. Slate trajectory di, State &. State space 3. Explain adoantages of state variable method over conventional ane. 4. Write a short note on advantages and limitations of state variable approach. 5. Write a note on linearization of stale equations. 6. Prove the nonuniqueness of the state model. Qo0g State Space Representation 2.1 State Variable Representation using Physical Variables The state variables are minimum number of variables which are associated with all the initial conditions of the system. As their sequence is not important, the state model of the system is not unique. But for all the state models it is necessary that the number of state variables is equal and minimal. This number ‘n’ indicates the order of the system. For second order system minimum two state variables are necessary and so on. To obtain the state model for a given system, it is necessary to select the state variables. Many a times, the various physical quantities of system itself are selected as the state variables. For the electrical systems, the currents through various inductors and the voltage across the various capacitors are selected to be the state variables. Then by any method of network analysis, the equations must be written ihterms of the selected state variables, their derivatives and the inputs. The equations must be rearranged in the standard form so as to obtain the required state model. Key Point: It is important that the equation for differentiation of one state variable should not involve the differentiation of any other state variable, In the mechanical systems the displacements and velucities of energy storing elements such as spring and friction are selected as the state variables. In general, the physical variables associated with energy storing elements, which are responsible for initial conditions, are selected as the state variables of the given system. m= Example 2.1: Obtain the state model of the given electrical system. vi) ~ I. Volt) itt} . Fig. 2.4 (VTU : July/Aug.-2006) (2-1) Modern Control Theory 2-2 State Space Representation Solution : There are two energy storing clements L and C. So the two state variables are current through inductor i(t) and voltage across capacitor i.c. v,(t). X) = it) and X,(0) = v,(0) And U(t) = v(t) = Input variable Applying KVL to the loop, vi) = i R +L a0 + va(t) Arrange it for di(t)/dt, au = tyw-Fig-tv oer but a = Xt) ic. Xt) = = Fx,o-E xy} uw @ While vo(t) = Voltage across capacitor = z Jiat Sol 2 Lien par Kol -% Le Xt) = Lxyo os (2) ‘The equations (1) and (2) give required state equation. * R 1 1 ‘so = fF TE] POO] Tug x Tog} at 20} é 0 ie. Xt) = AX()+BUQ) While the output variable Y(t) = v,(t) = X(t) x Y(t) = (0 1] [xi] + Ui) ie. Y(t) = C X(t} and D = [0] This is the required state model. As n = 2, it is second order system. Note : The order of the state variables is not important. X;(t) can be v,(t) and X(t) can be i(t) duc to which state model matrices get changed. Hence state model is not the unique property of the system. Modern Control Theory 2-3 State Space Representation ‘im Example 2.2: Obtain the state model of the giver electrical network in the standard form, Fig. 2.2 Solution : U(h) = input = e,(t) Y(t) = output = e, (0) State variables : X(t) = i(t) Xp(t) =i, X3(0 = vel) Writing the equations : di,(t e(0 = Ly a8 + velt) d ie. qe xy ~ () ‘Then, vet) dint) R “Fr = rp vel - iat ‘ 1 R, Xa(t) = Ty Xa TE Mal 2) and che = i,(t)~ip(t) = Current through capacitor dv) 1, 1, a = eiO- Gin kat) = 2xyn-2x,0 ~ ) Modern Control Theory 2-4 State Space Representation y o 0 -t 1 x — : R nm x,] | Xo} =fo - 2 X, [+] 0 | UC) ‘ BP lx 0 x 2 il 3 3 c € 0 ie. XW) = AX(t) + BUG) and eo(t) = ig) Ry Y(t) = Xp(t) Rp x, Yt) = [0 R, a] |X, X3 ie. Y(t) = CX(t) + DU(t) where D = 0. This is the required state model. 2.1.1 Advantages: The advantages of using available physical variables as the state variables are, 1. The physical variables which are selected as the state variables are the physical quantities and can be measured. 2. As state variables can be physically measured, the fecdback may consists the information about state variables in addition to the output variables. Thus design with state feedback is possible. 3. Once the state equations are solved and solution is obtained, directly the behaviour of variaus physical variables with time is available. But the important limitation of this method is that obtaining solution of such state equation with state variables as physical variables is very difficult and time consuming. 2.2 State Space Representation using Phase Variables Let us study how to obtain state space model using phase variables. The phase variables are those state variables which are obtained by assuming one of the system variable as a state variable and other state variables are the derivatives of the selected system variable. Most of the time, the system variable used is the output variable which is used to select the state variable. Such set of phase variables is easily obtained if the differential equation of the system is known or the system transfer function is available. Modem Control Theory 2-5 State Space Representation 2.2.1 State Model from Differential Equation Consider a linear continuous time system represented by n'” order differential equation as, Yay g¥™ tay g¥P ht - . () . - mal mm a, Yeayvtt = boU+b, Ut.tb, {U"! +b,,U dy") =n" derivative of Y(t). at" In the equation, Y"(t) = For time invariant system, the coefficients a,_j, a,_y -. ag, by by ... by are constants. For the system, Y(t) = Output variable U(t) = Input variable (0), 10), ....¥(0)°"! represent the initial conditions of the system. Consider the simple case of the system in which derivatives of the control force U(t) are absent. Thus ty = Uwe. =u™ <0 2YP ayy YT) ay ¥ + ag YO = BUY v= Q) ‘Choice of state variable is generally output variable Y(t) itself. And other variables are derivatives of the selected state variable Y(t). Xi) = YD xt) = YO =X X30) = Yu = Xo = Xt) Thus the various state equations are, XW) = x0 Xw = x0) Kel) = XA . XO Modern Control Theory 2-6 State Space Representation Note that only n variables are to be defined to keep their number minimum. Thus * * X10) gives n'™ state variable X,(t). But to complete state model X,(t) is necessary. Important : x, is to be obtained by substituting the selected state variables in the original differential equation (2). We have Y(t) = Xj, Y(t) = Xz, Yen = Xp oe YON) = XA, YP) = HAD PX) # ag ep Ml + apg Xp a gl) + oes + ay NE + ag M(t) = by UD ce qt) == 09 Xp ay Xp ee Op 2 Xp ~My Xp + by UD ~@ ‘Hence all the equations now can be expressed in vector matrix form as, . Xi 1 0- 0 x Raff 2 8 Pm FY MO lu ke mag Ap Ane} Pal [bo ie. X = Axi) + BU Such set of state variables is called set of phase variables. The matrix A is called matrix in phase variable form and it has following features, 1) Upper off diagonal i.e. upper parallel row to the main principle diagonal contains all elements as 1. 2) All other clements except last row are zeros. 3) Last row consists of the negatives of the coefficients contained by the original differential equation. Such a form of matrix A is also called Bush form or Companion form. Hence the method is also called companion form realization. ‘The output equation is, YQ) = X(t) x0 X4(b) Ye) = [1 O.o}] : Xn). ie. ¥() = CX() where D = 0 Modern Control Theory 2-7 State Space Representation This model in the Bush form can be shown in the state diagram as in the Fig. 23. ‘Output of each integrator is a state variable. "3, un If the differential equation consists of the derivatives of the input control force U(t) then this method is not useful. In such a case, the state model is to be obtained from the transfer function. im Example 2.3: Construct the state model using phase variables if the system is described by the differential equation, 2. 2 d Yen | afl ayit) 7a) + 2Y(t) = SLU) ae det Draw the state diagram. Solution : Choose output Y(t) as the state variable X,(l) and successive derivatives of it give us remaining state variables. As order of the equation is 3, only 3 state variables are allowed. x) = YO xt) = X40 = = S0 and ‘yin = Sty = Yen = LO Thus RM = X21) = ) Modern Control Theory 2-8 State Space Representation XA) = X3(t) + Q) To obtain Xi. substitute state variables obtained in the differential cquation. GY od ae YO= "ax, [yO] s 32 = X50) ce X(t) + AXG( + 7 Xt) + 2X,(0) = SUC) RW) = = 2X — 7 YC) — 4X) + 5 UC 8) The equations (1), (2) and (3) give us required state equation. XW) = AX() + BUCH) . 01 0 0 where A=1]0 0 1] and B=/0 27 4 5 The output is, Y(t) = X(t) ¥() = CX() + DU(Y where Cc = [100,D=0 This is the required state model using phase variables. The state diagram is shown in the Fig. 2.4. Fig. 2.4 2.2.2 State Model from Transfer Function Consider a system characterized by the differential equation containing derivatives of the input variable U(t) as, Yt agg Yb + + ay V+ ag Y(t) = bg +b, U+ + by UT +b U™ we () Mader Control! Theory 2-9 State Space Representation In such a case, it is advantageous to obtain the transfer function, assuming zero initial conditions. Taking Laplace transform of both sides of equation (1) and neglecting initial conditions we get, Ys) Is" + a, ys" +. + ay 8 + ag) = [by + sb +. Hb 7 87 + by, Ss] Ul) Ys) _ 4) = Pa tsb $Dyy..8 1 +b, 8™ n=l gt + (2) Ay $9 yt tay 7S Practically in most of the contre! systems m Uw Lns uo) Suepsor 40) wesBerp ayes 117 “Bia Squsuaja JoURSIP BujuEWoY Modern Control Theory 2-25 State Space Representation For series integrators, the state equations are, = -ajX, + Xy x * Xp = = apX, + Xs Near = aX iat X a " - aX, + Utt) While for parallel integrators, the state equations are, Sear = Xa + UW) * 0 = ay Xq + UU) While Yt) Xp + egXn te ROX Hae Xe a + + Ca Xq Key Point: Y(t) has additional cg L(t) term if m =n. Hence the state model has matrices in the form, Element way forrtimes f for r—1 times “At Oe 8 | Ordo N ~a, : sesseeeateeecs 0 Jordan block ‘only diagonal elements Fig. 2.18 Modern Control! Theory 2-26 State Space Representation 0 of r-1 : | times B=|? CH [eye ay ve 1 1 1 The matrix D is zero if m Example 2.10: Obtain the state model of the given nekwork in the standard form. Assume R,=12 C,=1F Ry = 292 C,=1F Ry = 32 Madern Control! Theary 2-32 State Space Representation Ry +e I Ry Input Uft ; Re mt 4 Cop Y(t} Output -¢- La} Fig. 2.23 Solution : Selecting state variables as voltages across capacitors C, and, ive. ¢, and ¢, ey) = Xt ey = X(t) Applying Kirchhoff's laws, Ult) =i, Ry - ey Ry iy - i) = 0 Fig. 2.23 (a) Uh = i, Ry +e, +R, (i, - i) oO) for second loop, ey - ig Ry -e2 “ig =i) R, = 0 ey = igRy Hey (ig —i,) Ry ~~ Q) Solving simultancously equations (1) and (2) ut) = i, (R, +Ryy-i, Rg +e, e, = -i, Ry +i, (RL +R,)+e, Substituting the values, Ut) = i, (1+2)-2i, +e, ie. Ut) = 34, -2i, +e a 8) e, = -2i, +51, +e, a AY Multiply equation (3) by 2. and equation (4) by 3 2 Ut) = ij - iy +20, 3e, = + 15i, + 3e, and adding BUlt) + Be, = Ii, + 3ey + 2c, Modern Control Theory 2-33 State Space Representation . 1 3 in UN + Fei Fe » B) Now from equation (3) UW) = 3i, -2i, +e, Substituting i, from equation (5) h , 6 2 Bip = UN+ Ut ere ay ee 6 2 6 Ul = 3 - UW - Fert qete 17 9 6 ly = 4g UD 35 er - aye + (6) dey . Now ot = i Capacitor current is C [dve/dt] as C, = 1, de, 17 9 6 3 1 3 ee UO mage eM taye de 8 12 3 1. 3 -—=— = ar * ag UD age + gg ee ‘ 8 yy _ 12 1 Xi # ag UO x) 7 X w= 7) de, . and CGP = ig ...Capacitor current is C [dve/dt] as c=1 dey 3 1 3 ae TE UO TTS Gee 3 1 3 Xo = gq, UW + ap X17 Xe ~» (8) and Yit) = ey = Xp “. State model is,X = AX + BU and Y = CX + DU BL & 3 Ti] p.|3 = = yo {Bef S| C=al D= fo] TN i. i where A= Modern Control Theory 2-34 State Space Representation hm Example 2.11: Consider the mechanical system shown in figure. For shown displacements and velocities obtain the state model in standard form. Assume velocity of M2 as output. Fig. 2.24 Solution : Select the state variables as energy storing elements ie. displacements and velocities related to spring and friction. X(t) = ¥,(t) X34 = VQ) XW = Yo), X= V0 Ut) = F(t), Y(t) = V2 (0) Draw the equivalent mechanical system. Due to F,(t), M, will displace by Y,. Due to spring K, and friction B, which are between the two masses, the displacement change from Y, to Y;. While mass M3, spring K and friction By are under the influence of Y alone as K, and B, are with reference to fixed support and not between two moving points. Represent each displacement by separate node, Connect the elements in parallel 0 Fig. 2.25 Modern Control Theory 2-35 State Space Representation which are under the influence of same displacement, thus’K,, B, parallel between Y and Yg, My, Ky and By parallel between Y; and reference i.e. fixed support and so on. The spring force is proportional to net displacement in spring while frictional force is proportional to the velocitics, At node Y,, ay, B, d(Y, ~ 5) FL = M, art K,(%-¥)+# « () At node Yq, d? y. dy. B,d(Y, -Y,) 0 = M, ae +K,Y) +B, E+ K, 0%) -¥) + w 2) ‘Substituting all values in terms of state variables we get, . a?y, . Y= Xp. a 7 Xt=V =X5, aD = Xs adYy 8 dy, s Yy = Xz, qe TX eV, 2X, re = X4 -. Substituting in equation (1) and equation (2) Ul) = My X3+K, (X, -Xg]+ By [X5 -Xy] = Q) 0 = M,X4+K,X, +B,Xq+K, IX, -X]+B,1Xy-X3] @ From equation (3) and equation (4) we can write * 1a, X3 = wy, [UW -K, (X, - X3)- By(Xy - X4)] ~ @) ‘ 1 : ta and Xa= My [-K, X, -B, Xy- Ky % -X)-B, X,-X5)} + ©) and Xi = Xz, 2 =X. Y= Vy = XO +. State model can be constructed in the standard form AX + BU CX + DU Y State Space Representation Modern Control Theory 2-36 a Qa 1 0 it} QO it 1 = | K, By Where As ~My +My -M, Ky 24K) By Ma M, M; 0 O B= lm, c=[00 0 1] 0 i Example 2.12 : For the given TF. of a system obtain the state model by i) Direct decomposition ii) Gullemin's Form iii) Foster's Form (s+2)(s+3) T(s) = 5(s+1)(s* +95 +20) Solution : i) Direct decomposition 1) = s?+5s+6 _ s(s° +10s? +2984 20) {{[s+ 10]s+ 29) s+ 20 }s s2 +5546 State diagram is as follows Us) X, =X, X= Xp, Xp =Xy, X, = U-20X,-29X,-10X,, Y = 6X, +5X, 4X, Modern Control Theory 2-37 ‘State Space Representation ~.State model is X = AX + BU and ¥ = CX + DU o 1 0 oO 0 o o 1 90 0 where A=], 9 9 ifBelo 0 -20 -29 -10 1 C=[651 0) D=[0] fi) Gullemin's Form Ts) = (s+ 2}(s+ 3) _ +2) (+3) 1 1 S) = Sist+ipis+ dts) (41) (+4) 45) Ss State diagram is, . . * xX, = X X= -5X,+3X,+ X; . . + X, = -4X,+2X,+X,, X, = Uls)-X, Substituting X, back in X, Xy = —4X, +2X, + Uls)-X, =— 4X, +X, + Uls) Substituting X, back in X, X, = - SX) + 3X, -4X5 +X, +Uls) = -5X,-Xy +X, + Us) and Y¥ 0 % Modern Control Theory 2-38 State Space Representation -. State model becomes X = AX+BU and Y = CX Oo 1 o 60 fo o 5 -1 1 I where A= 0 0-41 Bei c=[1000} oo 0 al uj iii) For Foster's form : Find out partial fraction expansion of T(s) Ts) = ‘ut X, = Ul)-X,, y=-1x+bx,-dxy+hx, X, = Ul) - 4x, X, = U)-5X, X, = Ub Modern Control Theory 2-39 ‘State Space Representation State model is, X = AX+BU and Y= -1 oo 1 o -4 0 0 1 303 where A= lo co 5 0) BR -% il 0 0 0 0] 1 ma Example 2.13 Derive the state model in Jordan's canonical form for a system having T-F. 1 Ts) = ——-—- tas? $5s42 Solution: qy.) - _ i 1 --A_,_B ® so 44s7 45s (s+1P (s+2) (s+)? S+D (+2) ie. A(s + 2) + Bs +1) (8 +.2)+Gs+1)? =1 As + 2A + Bs? + 3Bs+2B+ Cs? +2Cs+C = 1 B+C = 0,A+3B+2C=0, 2A + 2B+C 1 W Now C=1,B=-1,A=1 1 1 1 Tis) = Gen: “Be * GD State diagram is , un Fig. 2.29 Modern Control Theory 2-40 State Space Representation : X, = =X4X, X, = UW-X, . X3 = Ult)- 2%, Ys) = X,-X, +X, «State model. is, “1100 0] where A=]0 -1 Qf, Bell, 0 0 -2 L c=f1-1 4 i= Example 2.14 : Obtain the state model of system whose T.F. is 3 2 Tis) = — S38 #5 _ iy Foster's form. s? +12s* +47s +60 3 2 . Solution : Ts) = 23s 3? 412s? + 475460 As numerator and denominator are of same order we cannot directly find out partial fractions. For partial fraction, numerator degree must be less than denominator. So directly divide N(s) by D(s) and find partial fractions of the remainder. g3 412s? +475+60) s3+3s7+2s (1 33+ 12s? + 475+ 60 — 957 ~ 455 - 60 Y(s) 9s? + 45s + 60 Ts) = oe =1-| ot 8 = OB [ne a =1 9s? + 453+ 60 =1_4 B Cc ~|6¥3)GFHEF5) | SSS 7 sea sss 3, 24 30 s+3 s+4 s+5 Modern Control Theory 2-41 State Space Representation: ‘State diagram : Fig, 2.30 Ul) - 3X, . Xp = Ul) —4X, x u » j = Ut) - 5X5 Vis) = - 3X, +24X, ~ 30X, + Uls) -. State model is, X= AX+BU and Y=CX+DU -3 0 0 1 where A= o-4 0 B=|1 0 0-5 1 C= [-3 2-30, D=fl] When N(s) and D(s) are having same order, or degree of N(s) > D(s) then, there is always direct transmission matrix D present in the model. a> Example 2.15 : Obtain a state space model of the system with transfer function ¥(s) 6 US) ~ 63 46s? +118 46 (VTUJan/Feb.-2007,July/Aug.-2007,Dec/Jan-2008) Modern Control Theory 2-42 State Space Representation Solution : Y¥(s) 6 The TFis —— = ———————— Us) o3 +65? 411846 Using factorisation of denominator, Ys) 6 Us) ~ (s+1) (+2) (+3) Taking partial fractions, YO) 1 3 6, 3 Us) ~ stl s#2> 543 Hence the state diagram is as shown in the Fig, 2.31 Uts) Fig. 2.34 This is Foster's form of representation, From above Fig, 2.31 we get, X, = Uls)-X, X= Ul) -2X, X= Uls)-3X, and Ys) = 3X, - 6Xq + 3X5 Hence the state space model is, . X = AX + BU Modern Control Theory and yY=cx -1 0 @ where A=] 0-2 0 Oo 0 -3 1 Be=/1 C= [3 -6 3] i? Example 2.16 : dty dy dy M2 4 6 Sf 4 11 4+ 10y = 3U ap a + la + 10y = 3U(t) Solution : System is 3rd order, n = 3 State Space Representation Obtain the state model for system represented by (VTU : May-99, Dee.2007/Jan.-2008) 3 integrators and variables are required. Select y =X, and then successive differentiation of y as next variable. X, = Xy = dy/dt ° dy xX, =X, = ae - (1) Q) Now as 3 variables are defined, X, 4X, but X, must be obtained by substituting all selected variables in original differential equation. X3 + 6X, +11X, +10X, X3 y -. State mode] can be written as, x = AX + BU and y = CX+DU ao 1 6 Where A= oo 1 vy =3U as X,-"4 dt? = 3U-10X,-11X, - 6X, 3) =X which is output equation ,C={10 0}, D= {0} Medern Control Theory 2-44 State Space Representation | State diagram : Ys) Fig. 2.32 map Example 2.17: Obtain the state model of the differential equation Se 2a He sd el acc) = Setty ae dp dt (VTU = Aug-95) Solution : The equation can be written as, aCe deMrey+2ec) = Slt) The order of the equation is 3. Selecting state variables as, et) =X) X21) x0 =a) well) X(t) x0 = eit) 2) oy Xy(t) = c(t) Substituting in the original equation, 4X, (0+ 3X, (+X, (04 2X, (0 = Sxl) . 5 Xf) © 2X 0-4 X,-3X, 040.) Hence the state model is, x o 1 of [xo 0 Xz}=] oo 0 1) |x m+] o| . 201 3 5 x: 2 1 _3) | x,@ 5 ° a9 9 0 q Modern Control Theory 2-45 State Space Representation While the output equation is, et) = Xu) x, ie. yt) = [100]] X,« xX, ‘om Example 2.18: Obtain the state model of the system whose closed loop transfer function is Cis) 2(s+3) Re ~ Gerd (VTU : Feb-97, Oct-98) Solution ; Let us use the parallel programming i.e. Foster's form. Finding partial fractions of Cis)/R(s). co) 4 Ris) s+ Hence the state diagram is as shown in the Fig. 2.33 Ris) Fig. 2.33 Hence the state equations from the Fig. 2.33 are X, = Ri) - xX} el) X = RG) - 2% wQ) and Cis) = 4X, -2X, Hence the state model is, Modern Control Theory c(t) and yp Example 2.19 : Choose i,, iy and v¢ ait) GS) Solution: Let e(t) Voltage across Ry i,(t) i,() vel) 2-46 State Space Representation walls] Write @ set of state equations for the netwcark shown in the Fig. 2.34 ~ as state variables. (VTU : April-98,July/Aug.-2007) Ry Ly ly TOOT H0T—-------5 | -- R, eit) Fig. 2.34 = Input = ey (i) = output = X(t) = X30 = X;(t) Let i,(t) and i,(t) are the loop currents. Applying KVL to the loops. e(t) and = Ryiy + ty Stave = Ry -v¢ +e()] = cee X,-X, +e(0] we (1) = Ly ou +iy Ry = iy Ry ve] = + Q) .- Capacitor current u knit) State Space Representation Modern Control Theory 2-47 . Xs = @M%-%) (3) While eg(t) = i,R,=R,X, «(4 Hence the state model is, x x 0 [ 1 L x R, X, uy z=]; 0 -72 “| + | 0} Ult) where U(t) = eft) . ti Xs ° Xy Cc Cc x and YW) = cg =[0 R, Of |X, Xs mime Example 2.20: Considering v- and J; as state variables and J, as the output variables in the circuit shown below, obtain the state model. 1g (0) Fig. 2.35 (TU : Aug. - 97) Solution : Convert the current source to voltage source as shown. Fig. 2.35 (a) Modern Control Theory 2-48 State Space Representation Two inputs, e(t) and L.() ie. U, = e(t) and U; = Ice) One output, 1At) Le. Y(t) = Lt) Variables, ve = X(t) and 1, = X,(t) Let 1,(t) and I, (t) be the loop currents. Applying KVL to the two loops, Loop 1, -1, Ry - ve tet) = 0 I, Ry = eft) -ve 1 1 l= 7 e-R velt) Y(t) = ke U,- im X40 .. Output equation Ry -Ip Rp +ve =0 1 R,, Ry = pel * R. Xy = LXiO-52 Xt .. State equation and current through capacitor, dve I,-l = Cc a dv 1 —S = Sfl,- dt cli Substituting I, from output equation, ° 1 1 1 x, = ci, Ui ce, MX -» State equation * ec at 9 x | c eal? CR, fu] i, Ry [X00 0 & Uy X00 1 iY, v= fay olbeol Le ele: Modem Control Theory 2-49 State Space Representation ump Example 2.21: Derive two state models for the system described by the differential equation D3y +4D7y +5Dy +2y = 274+ 6Du+5u where D = dit i) One in phase variable form. ii) Other in Jordan-Canonical form. (WTU: March-2001) Solution : Take the Laplace transform of both sides of the equation and neglect the initial conditions to obtain transfer function of the system as, s3Y(s)+ 487 Y(s) +5s¥(s) +2Y(s) = 2s? U(s) + 6s Uls) +5U(s) Ye) 2s? +6545 Uls) 53 44s? 45842 i) Phase variable form Use the direct decomposition. Y(s) Is? +6845 UG) f(s ¥4)s+5]s+2) The state diagram can be shown as in the Fig. 2.36 So X, = % Xp = Xq X5 = U(s)-2X, -5X, -4X, and Vis) = 5X, -6X, +2X5 Modern Contro! Theory 2-50 State Space Representation So state model is having matrices, o 1 0 oO A=|0 01 ale and C = [5 6 2) 2-54 i} ii) Jordan canonical form : Factarise the denominator as, Ys} _ 2s? +6845 2 A | BC UGS) (sty? +2) (s+1)? FN (+2) * A(S+2)+ B+) (8+2)+C(941)? = 2s? +6545 AS+2A4Bs? +3Bs+2B4+Cs? +2Cs+C = 2s? +6845 ee B+C=#2, A+3B+2C=6, 2A+2B+C #5 A=1, B=1, C#1 Ys) 1 1 Ue) ~ Gin? GER The state model is shown in the Fig.2.37 (a) (8) Fig. 2.37 * : U)=-X, —-X,=Xy~=X, Xz = Uls)-2Xy eo x and ¥(s) = X,+X2+X5 So state model is having matrices, -1 0 O 1 A=/1 -1 0] Be{o] andC=f14) 0 0 2 1

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