Navigating Volatile Markets During COVID-19

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Navigating Volatile Markets During COVID-19

“Every crisis presents an opportunity.” We all seem to agree with this simple saying, but

what we fail to understand is – how to take advantage of the opportunity when it presents


Mr. Charlie Munger, Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., likes to say that one of the

keys to great investing results is “sitting on your ass.” That means doing nothing the vast

majority of the time, but buying with “aggression” when bargains abound.

The question is, what is the deciding factor for when bargains are abound? The deciding

factor is you. In a market which fell almost 40% from its high, it is difficult to convince

oneself that you’re getting a good bargain when the market recovers a little and stands at

approximately a 25% correction (Refer to Fig. 1). How can you predict the bottom? The hard

reality is that you cannot.

Fig. 1 – Nifty 50 returns from 1st January 2020 to 22nd April 2020. While the market overall has still fallen substantially, the last 1 month has

seen a recovery. Source: MoneyControl

A good investment strategy which one can follow in times like these is -

1. Set aside an investment amount and make sure that you can afford to invest this

amount for at least 3 years.

2. Based on the advice of your financial advisor/stock broker, make a list of not more

than 15 scripts to invest in (Refer Table 1).

3. Identify 4 price targets for each script for buying.

4. Start Buying in the following staggered manner –

a. Invest 10% of your money when you achieve the 1st price target

b. Invest 20% of your money when you achieve the 2nd price target

c. Invest 30% of your money when you achieve the 3rd price target

d. Invest 40% of your money when you achieve the 4th price target

5. Identify a price target for each script for selling.

6. Make sure you sell when you achieve your targeted returns.

The biggest challenge in implementing this strategy will be to manage your emotions.

Discipline in investing is easier to preach than to practice. As we all are locked down at

home, we are scrambling to find things to keep us occupied. In this scramble, we turn to the

stock markets. But, what happens as we keep our eyes glued to the screen is that we get

impatient, and we feel the need to act.

Let’s act only when warranted. Avoid panic when it is the time to buy and avoid greed when

it is the time to sell. Happy Investing!

Table 1

• These are recommendations based on our internal research. We suggest buying these shares for long term
holding and portfolio building.
• Our definition of long term in equity investing is 3+ years.
• Decimal spaces have been rounded off.
• Contact your Relationship Manager for more details.

Thinking Investments…
Contact Bharat Bhushan
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