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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

Name: Maddie Owens Program: UMF Secondary Course: Student

Education English Teaching

Lesson Topic / Title: Informational Writing Pre Assessment/ Continuation of Central Idea

Lesson Date: February 25 Lesson Length: 60 Minutes Grade/Age: 7

Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals based
on content standards.

Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

A note about this lesson: This lesson includes the ● Because this is the first lesson in
beginning of the next unit as well as the end of the the unit, students will be
previous unit. The learning objectives, standards, and introduced and pre assessed on
assessment all show this. the topic of informational writing.
This unit directly follows the unit
● Students will be introduced to informational on central idea, so allowing the
writing characteristics. pre assessment to be done before
● Students will be able to create an accurate central the start of notes or guided
idea statement from a given article. practice allows me time to digest
● Students will be able to choose at least three and review student data. This data
pieces of evidence to support their central idea will help to inform the way I
statement. structure the next lessons in the
● By asking students to read a text
and identify the central idea shows
that a student has met the
standard of being able to identify a
central idea.
● Having students collect evidence
towards their central idea helps to
solidify the understanding that
students must support their
claims. Doing this helps them
meet the standards on
informational writing. Being able to
identify evidence will help them to
understand the next unit on
informational writing as well.

Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Reading: Reading:

1. “Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support ● I have chosen standard 1 as a

analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as standard because it directly aligns
inferences drawn from the text.” with student learning in this
2. “Determine a theme or central idea of a text and lesson. Students need to find
analyze its development over the course of the textual evidence to support their
text; provide an objective summary of the text.” chosen main idea.
● I have chosen standard 2 because
Writing: it directly correlates with central
idea and informational texts.
1. 2. Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine Students have been working
a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and towards understanding and
information through the selection, organization, identifying central idea in
and analysis of relevant content. informational texts throughout this
a. Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what unit.
is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and
information, using strategies such as Writing:
definition, classification,
comparison/contrast, and cause/ effect; ● I have chosen these specific
include formatting (e.g., headings), standards because allow students
graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and to further their understanding of
multimedia when useful to aiding informational texts, the previous
comprehension. unit they have worked on.
b. Develop the topic with relevant facts,
definitions, concrete details, quotations,
or other information and examples.
c. Use appropriate transitions to create
cohesion and clarify the relationships
among ideas and concepts.
d. Use precise language and
domain-specific vocabulary to inform
about or explain the topic.
e. Establish and maintain a formal style.
f. Provide a concluding statement or section
that follows from and supports the
information or explanation presented.”

“4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the

development, organization, and style are appropriate to
task, purpose, and audience.”

Marzano Target:

ELA.04.RIC.01.05 - I understand how to analyze the

effectiveness of the organizational pattern the writer
is using to support and develop the central idea
throughout the text.

Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance
and determines best supports for continued learner growth.

Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

1. Pre Assessment​: ​Google Survey 1. By having students take a pre

a. Students will take a pre assessment on assessment on what they already
characteristics of formal writing. know about informational writing, it
2. Formative:​ Independant Central Idea Organizer allows me to see where all
a. Students will independently complete this students are starting out and helps
central idea organizer​ with the assigned develop a baseline. Analysis of
selfie ​article​. This is a formative this data will help to inform the
assessment and will appear in way I proceed with this unit. It will
powerschool as such. help me to understand who
b. Students will finish this in class and will already knows what and how I
receive written feedback. might need to differentiate for
students who are well above the
standard. Modifications for this
assignment will include a paper
copy for students who do not have
access to technology.
2. Students will finish their central
idea organizer that they began
working on last class. By asking
students to do this independently,
I am able to assess their current
understanding of the target.
Modifications in this assessment
a. lowering the lexile level of
the article to allow
students’ cognitive load to
be focused on central idea
and the supporting
evidence, and
b. Being on paper, by having
the assessment on paper,
all students are able to
participate without

Analysis of the data

collected from this
assessment will help to
inform review groups/
activities and correction
opportunities for students.

Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in
reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner

Materials, Resources, and / or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

- Teacher laptop
- Student laptops
- Projector
- Pink pen
- Pens
- Pencils
- Extra copies (20) of Selfie ​article
- Extra copies (20) of ​central idea organizer

Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks
by using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning
accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

** Be sure to give specific times for students to stop Scripts:

2​. Alrighty folks, in a minute you’re going
** As students are walking in, greet them and ask if they to need to take out your laptops-- but don’t
have their SSR books. If they don’t, students should go do it yet! When you open your laptops, go
get them from wherever they are. right to Google Classroom. There, you’ll
find the First Ideas Pre Assessment Form.
1. Agenda (5 Minutes) Please open that and fill it out. When
a. Students will come in, settle down and you’re done, please close your laptop and
receive their workshop folders. silent read.
Attendance should also be taken during
this time. Can someone please summarize the
b. Students will be introduced to today’s directions for us?
i. Agenda can be found in the same What questions do you have?
spot every day: on the right hand
side of the board. Potential questions include:
2. Pre-Assessment (10 minutes)
a. Students will be asked to complete the 1. What if I don’t have my computer?
pre-assessment survey on Google 2. My laptop isn’t charged.
Answer: ​I have a paper copy! Please let
3. Worktime (20 Minutes)
me know if you need one.
a. Students will be given 20 minutes to finish
working independently on their central
3 Please take a moment and find a good
idea graphic organizer for the Selfie
stopping place in your book. I’ll be coming
around with sticky notes, so if you need a
b. They should pass in one or both of these
bookmark, please let me know. **Rotate
to Miss Owens or Ms. Viscardi at the end
with bookmarks**
of class.
4. Workshop (20 Minutes) Alright, in just a moment, I’m going to have
a. Students will transition into workshop you go into your workshop folder and find
times your selfie article and the graphic
b. Students may SR, work on book talks, or organizer about central idea. They look
continue to work on pen pal letters. If they like this​ *hold up article & organizer*.
did not finish their selfie article, they may When you find them, you may begin
continue to work on this as well. working on finishing those. Please turn
them in at the end of class.

What questions do you have?

Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, extensions, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
modifications, accommodations)

Class Needs:

- 2 504 plans
- They are in preferential seating in the
assigned seating chart.
- Larger class so classroom management will
need to be tailored to a large class
- Allow for more transition time because this is
a larger class.

Modifications/ Differentiation

1. Paper copies available

a. All assignments today are in either
paper copy or have a paper copy
available to any student who needs it.
2. Extra time
a. Students will be given extra time as
needed to complete assignments.
3. Visual learners
a. Students have the agenda, learning
targets, and expectations written on
the board for them so they may
reference what is expected of them at
any point during class.
4. Verbal-linguistic learners
a. Students will be given all directions
b. Students are being asked to read and
pull evidence from a written text.
5. Intrinsic learners
a. Students are being asked to work
independently on their central idea
graphic organizers.
Field Courses Only – Post lesson


Strength of the lesson & what went well

- Today was a weird class. The entire district lost its internet connection. This
added an abnormal layer of stress to today. Despite this, class today went
alright. I was able to get a printed copy of the pre-assessment so students were
able to complete this on paper, and students completed it. Classroom
management went well, considering students were stressed about the internet.
Students, despite the internet, were sleepy 1st Block on a Tuesday morning. I
was able to get them up and stretching for a moment to help them wake up. I feel
that this helped them be able to focus a little easier, and wake their brains up. I
also think checking with students during workshop time went well. By having this
time at the end of class, I am able to make connections with students and check
in and see what they’re reading, working on, or answer any questions they may

Areas for growth & what would you change?

- Things I would change right away, is the way that I explain the pre-assessment
to students. During this block, I tried to minimally explain it, and mostly explain it
as “not a quiz or a test, or for a grade”, as to place an emphasis on the learning,
rather than the grade for students. But, next time, I would spend some time going
over the questions, and telling students exactly why I needed this information to
be accurate. I told them after that it was going to help inform instruction, but I
think it would’ve been helpful to tell them first. I think this would’ve been a good
buy-in technique. I also think it would’ve eased some tensions for students. I also
think by going over the pre-assessment with them, they would’ve had a better
opportunity to ask questions of what was expected of them, for each question.

Evidence of student learning/ interpretation of assessment

Did the students meet the learning goals? How do you know? How many students met
the objectives? Partially met? Did not meet? After Analyzing the assessment data what
will you do to help all students meet the objectives?

● Students will be introduced to informational writing characteristics.

○ All students met the learning goal.
● Students will be able to create an accurate central idea statement from a given article.
○ Students were unable to meet this goal. No student met this goal. This was
determined through looking over student work.
● Students will be able to choose at least three pieces of evidence to support their central
idea statement.
○ Students were unable to meet this goal. No student met this goal. This was
determined through the looking over of student work.

What did your assessment data tell you? What did you learn? How will this impact your
next lesson?

- Overall, I learned how much students are struggling with the completion of both
the Shark organizer and the Selfie organizer. This will impact the way I continue
with this unit because it is evident that students will need more work time on the
Selfie organizer. Students will receive more time to work on both of these next
class. After no student was able to accurately complete their Selfie Organizer, it
became apparent that they would need a corrections guide to help them master
this target.
- I also learned, as reflected above, that I need to be more clear in my explanation
of student assessments.

Teaching Standards and Rationale

Standard: ​“Standard #3 Learning Environments: The teacher works with learners to

create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging
positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.”

In my own words:

Standard three is saying that I, as the teacher, will create a learning environment that
helps to support all learners and learning styles through collaboration and active
engagement, while also fostering an environment for positive social interactions and

Indicator: ​“3 (d) Manages the learning environment to actively and equitably engage
learners by organizing, allocating, and coordinating the resources of time, space, and
learners’ attention.”
In my own words:

3(d) means that as the teacher, will manage the classroom effectively to ensure that all
learners are being engaged appropriately, as well as ensuring the appropriate use of
time and student attention.


This lesson plan, “​Informational Writing Pre Assessment/ Continuation of Central Idea” is a
good example of standard 3 and indicator 3(d) because of its breakdown of time and resources to
support student success. This lesson plan is broken up into several distinct sections to allow for
transitions and student focus time. This lesson plan asks that students complete three distinct
sections of class, one of which is a more flexible work time. By having these three sections, I am
able to attend to all students’ needs throughout the lesson, check in with students to ensure that
their use of time is appropriate (especially during “workshop” time), and that their ability to focus
and attention is being maxed out.

Standard:​ “Standard #4 Content Knowledge The teacher understands the central

concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and
creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and
meaningful for learners.”

In my own words:

This standard means that I, as the teacher, understand the content and essential
questions and guidelines, as well as teaching towards all types of learners. This means
using different forms of instruction and assessment to ensure that all learners have
access to the material.

Indicator: ​“4 (r) Is committed to work toward each learner’s mastery of disciplinary
content and skills.”

In my own words:

Indicator 4(r) means that I am committed to working towards each individual student’s
ability to reach the target at a proficient level.


This lesson plan, “Informational Writing Pre Assessment/ Continuation of Central Idea” is
a good example of Standard 4 because of its ability to differentiate and split learning
time between work time and instructional time and its inclusion of a pre-assessment.
Because this lesson is split between instructional (the pre-assessment) and the work
time, I am able to check in with students and make reteaching happen for students who
need it. The pre-assessment allows me to see where each student is with their
understanding of the target and assess where I need to begin teaching, as necessary for
their success of the target. Knowing where each student is allows me to adjust my
planning and teaching so that each student can be successful at meeting at a proficient


In my own words:


In my own words:


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