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(easier to implement in small groups) 
1. Introduce the experience of creating 
your own dinosaur puppets, referring to 
the letter “d” making the \d\ sound. 
Allow students to expand beyond 
dinosaurs and create other animals that 
  begin with the letter “d.” 
2. Provide students with a brown paper 
bag for their puppet and a variety of 
HOW DOES IT PROMOTE  materials, such as: pipe cleaners, puff 
CREATIVITY?  balls, googely eyes, maccornoni, beads, 
construction paper, etc.  
● Allows students to realize they have the 
3. Students can decorate their “dinosaur” 
ability to come up with their own ideas 
puppet however they want with any of 
and allows them to be in control  
the materials provided by the teacher 
● They are being imaginative by using what 
4. Allow students up to 40-45 minutes to 
they already know about dinosaurs to 
explore their creativity  
create them in a different way  
5. After they have completed their puppet, 
● It allows students to adapt to new ideas 
suggest they come up with a name for 
and see possibilities; helping them 
their puppet. Encourage them to choose 
practice how to think in innovative and 
a name that begins with “d” so they are 
productive ways. 
able to practice the letter sound.  
6. This activity can be used for any of the 
letter sounds. 
“Daisy Dragon”  


Pre-K​: provide students with materials that   

are easier to use. Teachers can be there to    
help cut or paste, but still following all of the 
student’s ideas. Teachers should only be 
there for extra guidance. Provide   
1st grade: ​Provide students with less 
instruction and allow students to have access 
to more materials. Have them create their 
own story about their dinosaur puppet, that 
constantly uses words that begin with “d.”   
Students with autism: ​provide a fewer 
amount of options so they avoid being 
Students with ADHD​: Provide more 
hands-on instruction so they are not getting 
off task.   

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