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Movie analysis on “The Intouchables”

By Demian Andreea
Driss and Philippe were speeding in a Maserati on Paris’ streets, thus resulting in
police cars chasing them. Having been caught, Driss reveals to the policemen that
Philippe is a quadriplegic and in order to escape from the police he lied that Philippe
needed medical assistance. Correspondingly, Philippe fakes a seizure and the police
escort them to a hospital. Afterwards, the story is being told in retrospective. Driss was
waiting in the foyer of an extravagant house, among other candidates for the job of
Philippe’s live-in caretaker. Having lost his patience, he barges in and asks for a signature
on a document showing he was interviewed and rejected so that he can continue
receiving his welfare benefits. Philippe takes interest in Driss and asks him to come the
next day for the signature. Later on, Driss went to his mother’s house in a poor
neighborhood and he has a lot of siblings. Having arrived home his mother confronted
him on his whereabouts for half a year, thus hinting to Driss having been incarcerated.
Driss had stolen a Fabergé egg from Philippe’s house and gifted it to his mother, however
his mother kicked him out on the reason that he was a bad influence on the other kids.
The next day, Driss returned to Philippe’s house and was greeted by Yvonne, Philippe’s
housekeeper, who explained to Driss the daily routine. Driss went in Philippe’s room to
get the signed paper, to which Philippe jokes and addresses his lack of motivation to
work and not depend on a welfare. Resulting in Driss accepting the job on a 2-week trial
basis. Ultimately, Yvonne showed him his room with an adjoined bathroom with a big
bathtub, to much od Driss’ enthusiasm. Thenceforth, Driss learned how to bath, dress
and take care of Philippe. However, on his starting point he made several mistakes such
as washing Philippe’s hair with feet lotion and vice-versa, or spilling hot tea on his leg, but
Philippe couldn’t feel it due to his condition. Driss takes care of Philippe and boost his
morale through telling him about his misbehaved daughter, dealing with the neighbor
who parked in front of Philippe’s house. Additionally, he drove Philippe in his Maserati
instead of the van, providing a more interesting life for Philippe. Philippe was known to
take pleasure in fine things, specifically in Opera, paintings and classical music. Given
that, he would visit galleries frequently, and on one visit he was interested in buying a
painting worth of 41 000 euros, much to Driss’ surprise as it was a simple white paining
with a red splash on it, as he said it resembled a nosebleed stain. Having expresses his
concerns about Driss, Philippe’s friend learned that Philippe didn’t fear Driss, as he
wasn’t focusing on his past. Additionally, Philippe liked Driss, because he was the only
one that didn’t pity him. Philippe was sending letters with Magalie’s help, his assistant, to
a woman Eleonor, thus establishing an epistolary relationship. Having had troubles
respiratory, caused by his medications, Driss took Philippe on a midnight stroll. That night
Philippe had a much-needed moment of relaxation. Driss gave Philippe a joint, resulting
in a fun bonding time. The same night, in a restaurant Philippe revealed a lot of personal
stuff, for example that his wife, who he loved dearly, couldn’t bear children and died of
cancer, however they did adopt a girl - Elisa. As well as saying that he became a
quadriplegic after paragliding in bad weather conditions and that he subconsciously he
wanted to partake in his ill wife’s struggle. Moreover, Philippe said that his wife’s death is
more tragic than him being paralyzed and he asked Driss to return his egg, as it was a gift
from his wife. The next week, Driss interrupted Philippe’s letter session by calling
Eleonor, which wasn’t welcomed by Philippe. Nonetheless, Philippe talked with Eleonor
and she said she wanted him to send her a photo of him, as they have never seen each
other. Driss encouraged Philippe to send Eleonor a photo of him in a wheelchair, but
Philippe, being afraid, asked Magalie to send a photo before the accident. Driss painted a
picture worth 11 000 euros. Gradually, Philippe is led by Driss to put some order in his
private life, including being stricter with his adopted daughter Elisa. Driss discovers
modern art, opera and even takes up painting. For Philippe's birthday, a private concert
of classical music is performed in his living room. Philippe takes this opportunity to
educate Driss on famous classical pieces, but Driss only recognizes them as advert music
or cartoons themes. Feeling that the concert is too boring, Driss decided to put more
modern music and asked everyone to dance in honor of Philippe, thus bringing joy to the
birthday. Eleonor asked Philippe to meet and he got ready for the date, ultimately, he
decided to bail as he feared her reaction when she discovers his disability. Philippe then
calls Driss and they left on Philippe’s private jet, on a paragliding weekend. Returning
home Driss finds his younger brother waiting for him, given that he faced troubles with a
gang. Having heard the conversation, Philippe relieved Driss of his job and told him that
he didn’t expect him to push his wheelchair all his life and that he did a tremendous job
as his caretaker. Driss returned to his neighbourhood, managed to help his younger
brother and restablished his relationship with his mother. In the meantime, Philippe had
hired caregivers to replace Driss, but he was not happy with any of them. His morale
became very low, he stopped taking care of himself and didn’t accept any help. He grew a
beard and looked ill. Becoming worried about Philippe’s well-being Yvonne asked Driss to
pay him a visit. Upon arrival, he decided to drive Philippe in the Maserati, which brought
the story back to the initial police chase. Having eluded the police, Driss takes Philippe to
the seaside. Having shaved and dressed Philippe, they went for a meal at the restaurant,
when suddenly Driss revealed that he had asked Eleonor to come. Driss said his farewells
and walked away as Philippe and Eleonor enjoyed each other’s company. The film ends
with a video of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and Abdel Sellou, the people on whom the film is
based. It is said that Philippe and Abdel remained great close friends.

The analysis:
It is known that there are social classes that differ based on different criteria.
Nonetheless, people from opposite social classes can form friendships, in spite of their
wealth, age and preferences. With this in mind, the movie “The Intouchables” is merely
based on the interesting story about 2 very different people from opposite social classes
that can live together, having fun and learning from each other. Thus, “social classes” and
“friendship” are the main themes of the movie.
The main characters establish a friendship and become each other’s guarding angel.
For both of them this moment in life becomes precious and very important, thus learning
from one another and cherishing the new experiences they embark on. Moreover, they
help each other and give pieces of advice to each other, therefore benefiting from this
friendship. Altogether, their lives interline and they produce this one common history
with a sensational outcome. Driss is given another chance at a better life, while Philippe
gives his life a new chance. Driss, markedly, boosts Philippe’s morale and teaches him to
enjoy life again, while Philippe teaches Driss about the fine things in life and provides him
with a strong work ethic.
Another point, Philippe and Driss come from very different social classes, Philippe
being a wealthy quadriplegic who owns a luxurious hôtel particulier and Driss being from
a poor neighborhood and faced prison previously. One would not imagine these two
classes merging and forming a friendship, given their difference in age and wealth.
However, Philippe and Driss learn how to not be defined by their classes and form a
beautiful relationship, albeit their many dissimilarities. Even though, Driss is from a poor
place he does in fact has things he can teach Philippe and vice-versa.
The movie carries very interesting ideas behind itself, for example that one’s
disability cannot stop them from enjoying life, as it doesn’t define their purpose in life.
Philippe became quadriplegic after a paragliding accident, however with Driss’ aid he
learned that his life can still be enjoyed and that his state isn’t to be ashamed of.
Additionally, Philippe understood that his life is still a source of joy and that he needs to
move on and start cherishing his life and the people who support him.
Another key idea is that, life throws difficulties right and left, but it’s up to us to
overcome them and learn from them, as the outcomes deliver great satisfactions. As an
illustration, Driss having been incarcerated, didn’t want to change and wanted to benefit
from his welfare check. However, Philippe challenged him and Driss learned to
appreciate work and established a work ethic, thus setting a greater future for himself.
On the other side, Philippe learned to live his life without his wife and learned to live as a
quadriplegic. He learned to appreciate life moments and the people who he shares them
with. They both learned that life is more than their setbacks or disabilities, that it is
about people who you love and love you back. This experience gave them both a new
outlook on life.
The movie’s main characters are Philippe and Driss. Driss is a black person from the
projects, with a big, but poor family. He is good with a big heart and warming soul.
Throughout the movie, he demonstrates intelligence, a great sense of humor, empathy
and that he is being full of life. He told Philippe that he was adopted by his aunt and
uncle, is from Senegal and that his name is Baccari. On the contrary, Philippe is a wealthy
quadriplegic who owns a series of hotels. He was married, but lost his wife to cancer. It is
known, that they loved each other very much, but couldn’t have children, thus, adopting
a girl, Elisa. He became paralyzed due to paragliding in bad weather conditions. Philippe
can be characterized as smart, generous, warming, loving, respectful and affectionate. He
decides to give his love life another chance with a woman named Eleonore, with whom
he had an epistolary relationship. The Senegal-born ex-convict becomes his caretaker
despite stealing a Fabergé egg during his job interview, and the pair are drawn together
by honesty and humor, fear and friendship.
To say nothing of the movie’s vocabulary would be a shame, thus I have learned a
great deal of words from the movie. Including, quadriplegic, Rigor mortis, infinitesimal,
astutely, umpire, jumble, niche, yield, epistolary relationship and Twombly.
Coming to an end I can say that, this is an incredible movie with a moving story based
on a real-life occurrence. Untouchable is both heartbreaking and, at times, very funny.
The two men discover that they both have disadvantages in life – one a physical
disability, the other socioeconomic. The film confronts the emotional and physical
implications of paralysis, and the way that society makes disabled people invisible or
"untouchable". This movie combines well both elements of comedy and of emotional
state. I would definitely recommend this movie, as it is one of my favourites.

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