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Social Studies 30-2 Chapter 1-7 Exam Study Guide


● To determine “should ideology be the foundation of identity?”

● To begin to determine “is resistance to liberalism justified?”

Major Questions:
1. On which beliefs and values should my ideology be based?
2. Should the values of individualism shape an ideology?
3. Should the values of collectivism shape an ideology?
4. To what extent have various ideas and events shaped liberalism over time?
5. To what extent did classical liberalism meet the needs of society?
6. To what extent are socialism and Marxism responses to classical liberalism?
7. To what extent is communism or fascism a valid response to liberalism?

Key Terms/People/Examples/Concepts

Chapter 1

Beliefs &
values Four
Four themes Thomas
Ideology Collectivism Individualism (including characteristics
factors that of ideology of ideology Hobbes
influence them)

John Locke Capitalism Communism

Chapter 2

Political, Declaration of
Emergence of Individual
Liberal economic, French the Rights of
individualism Liberalism rights and
democracy social aspects Revolution Man and of
in Europe freedoms
of liberalism the Citizen

Charles de
Secondat, Social Fundamental
Enlightenment Rule of law Voltaire Mercantilism
baron de contract rights

Free-market Laissez-faire Economic

Adam Smith Self-interest Competition Private property
economy capitalism freedoms

Great Modern
Depression liberalism

Chapter 3

Human Common Social

Collective interdependence Collective will Socialism Communism
good contract

Collective Assembly of Collective Industrial Economic
Karl Marx development of
interest First Nations responsibility Revolution society equality

Public Crown land Crown Privatization Cooperatives Cooperation Adherence to

of natural collective
property corporations
resources norms

Chapter 4

Haudenosaunee Great Law of Distribution of Wealth of

Confederacy Mercantilism Class system Monopolies
Peace wealth Nations

Limited Laissez-faire Classical John Stuart Modern

Meritocracy Capitalism
capitalism liberalism Mill liberalism

Chapter 5

Industrial Robber Captains of Standard of

Industrialization Cost of living Luddites
Revolution barons industry living

Chartists (see
Human rights Factory Acts Labour unions General Welfare state Feminism
class PPTs)
Strike 1919

Shift from
Universal classical Liberal and
The Famous liberalism to conservative
Declaration of modern (not the political
Five (p.131)
Human Rights liberalism (p. parties. P. 135)

Chapter 6

Charles Utopian
Socialism Robert Owen Karl Marx Marxism Proletariat
Fourier socialists

Spectrum of
Marxism →
Democratic Social Great Government Government
Bourgeoisie Classical
socialism programs Depression intervention intervention

Parti Tommy
Commonwealth NDP
Federation Quebecois Douglas

Chapter 7

economic, 1905 & 1917
Communism social ideas of
Russian Vladimir Lenin Leon Trotsky Joseph Stalin
20th century revolutions

Russian Civil Five Year

Bolsheviks Leninism USSR Red Terror Stalinism
War Plans

Collectivization Kulak Gulag Holodomor Great Purge Dictatorship Fascism

Political, Persecution in
economic, social Social Treaty of
ideas of 20th
Eugenics Nazism Nazi Scapegoat
Darwinism Versailles
century fascism Germany

Propaganda Hitler Youth

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