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The rare triad manifest in personality

by Demian Andreea

This report takes a look at the dark triad, which in psychology refers to the personality
traits of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. They are called "dark" because of
their malevolent qualities. All three dark triad traits are conceptually distinct although
evidence shows them to be overlapping. They are associated with an
insensitive-manipulative interpersonal style.

History and Explanation

First thing to remember is that in 1998, a controversy was provoked
by claiming that narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy are
more or less interchangeable in normal samples. This popular term was
coined in 2002 by Paulhus and Williams.
What seems clear is that there is a good deal of conceptual and impressive overlap
between the dark triad traits. For example, researchers have noted that all three traits share
characteristics such as a lack of empathy, interpersonal hostility, and interpersonal
• Machiavellianism
People who score high on this trait are cynical (in an amoral self-interest sense),
unprincipled, cold, believe in interpersonal manipulation as the key for life success, and
behave accordingly. Machiavellianism is marked by manipulation – a calculating, duplicitous,
and amoral personality, focused on self-interest and personal gain.
• Narcissism
Individuals who score high on narcissism display grandiosity, entitlement, dominance,
and superiority. Narcissists have been found to correlate positively with extroverts and
openness and are less likely to be agreeable. Narcissism is characterized by the pursuit of ego
gratification, vanity, a sense of superiority, grandiosity, dominance, and entitlement.
 Psychopathy
Considered the most malevolent of the dark triad, individuals who score high on
psychopathy show low levels of empathy combined with high levels of impulsivity and thrill-
seeking. Psychopathy has been found to correlate with all of the Big Five personality factors:
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness. Psychopathy is
distinguished by callousness, impulsivity, and enduring antisocial and bold behavior.
Common Dark Triad Traits
Recent research on the Dark Triad has found that they’re skilled at manipulation and
exploit and deceive others. It seems that they violate social norms and moral values and lie,
deceive, cheat, steal, and bully. People scoring high on these traits are more likely to commit
crimes, cause social distress and create severe problems for an organization, especially if they
are in leadership positions.
It has been noted that there is a tendency to be less compassionate, agreeable,
empathetic, satisfied with their lives, and less likely to believe they and others are good. A
factor analysis found that all three types low on agreeableness, measured by the Big Five
personality test. Agreeableness differs from charm and charisma. It involves trustworthiness,
unselfishness, straightforwardness, compliance, kindness, and modesty, which are essential
for good relationships.

Relationship life
All three personalities lack honesty and humility, which includes sincerity, faithfulness, lack
of greed, and fairness. A study of cheating revealed that all three cheat when the risk of
getting caught is low. Narcissists have high levels of self-deception rather than intentional
Several academic studies have found evidence that people with dark triad personalities are
judged as slightly better-looking than average on first sight. Two studies have determined that
this is because people with dark
triad traits put more effort into
their appearance, and the
difference in attractiveness
disappears when "dressed down"
with bland clothing and without
make up. Two more studies found
that only narcissistic subjects were
judged to be better-looking, but
the other dark triad traits of
Machiavellianism and psychopathy
had no correlation with looks.
In the workplace
It has been suggested that the dark triad is related to the acquisition of leadership
positions and interpersonal influence. In a meta-analysis of dark triad and workplace
outcomes, research found that each of the dark triad traits were related to manipulation in
the workplace, but each via unique mechanisms. Specifically, Machiavellianism was related
with the use of excessive charm in manipulation, narcissism was related with the use of
physical appearance, and psychopathy was related with physical threats. In the same fashion
the dark triad traits have also been found to be fairly well-represented in upper-level
management and CEOs.

It can be ,therefore, concluded that some psychology disorders can be correlated, given
that they overlap in display, psychosocial consequences and deception. Thus, narcissism,
Machiavellianism and psychopathy form a triad, known as The Dark Triad.

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