Early Childhood Program Lesson Plan Format Junior Spring

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Early Childhood Program Lesson Plan Format Junior Spring

Name of Teacher Candidate: Gillum Owen Date: April 15th

Grade Level:
Second grade
Lesson Title:
Plant Parts: Roots, Leaves, Stems
Curriculum Areas Addressed:
Science, Language Arts
Time Required: Instructional Groupings: Are you using whole group,
30-45 mins small group, partners, quads, homogeneous,
Small group, whole group, individual
Standards: List the GPS/CCGPS that are the target of student learning and are key to this lesson. Include the
number and the text of each of the GPS/CCGPS that is being addressed. If only a portion of a standard is
addressed, include only the part or parts that are relevant.
S2L1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the life cycles of different living organisms.
ELAGSE2RI2: Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs
within the text.
ELAGSE2RI6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or
As a result of this lesson students will…
Essential Question: (Essential questions should be used to guide instruction.)
What do plants rely on to live and grow?
Learning Objectives: (Objectives are stated in measurable/observable terms. These should reflect the thinking
skills, skills of the discipline. These represent the skills that will be assessed.)
1. As a result of this unit, the students will know the names and functions of plant parts: roots, stem, leaf,
flowers and seed. As well as plant needs; light, water, air, soil and food. 
2. As a result of this lesson, students will investigate and define the parts of plants (roots, stem, leaf) and
their functions in keeping the plant alive.  
3. As a result of this lesson, students will be able to identify the main topic of a multi paragraph text and
decipher what the author’s purpose was in writing the text.
Support for Academic Language
Vocabulary: (What Academic Language will be taught or developed? Identify the key vocabulary and/or
symbols specific to the content area. These may be derived from the standards.)
Plant, root, stem, leaf, fruit, seed
Language Demands: (Language demands is defined as the specific ways that academic language (vocabulary,
functions, discourse, syntax) is used by students to participate in learning tasks through reading, writing,
listening, and/or speaking to demonstrate their disciplinary understanding. Identify the following way/ways that
students will participate in learning tasks to demonstrate disciplinary understanding: reading, writing, listening,
or oral language.)
Students will be asked to make observations and apply their prior knowledge of plants during the introduction to
the lesson in which they will observe various forms of plants.
Students will read an informational text during the instructional time period that introduces them to the
vocabulary and clearly defines the function of each plant part.
Syntax: (Syntax is defined as the set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and phrases together into
structures, such as sentences, tables, or graphs. Identify the supports that will be provided for students to
organize the information – charts, graphs, diagrams. These must relate to the Language Function.)
Students will fill in the Observing live plants worksheet while discussing their observations of the plants
Students will fill in the graphic organizer provided while they read through the informational text.
During the closing, students will help to update the anchor chart for the unit with their newly learned information.
Assessment (Each learning objective must be assessed. How will students demonstrate their understanding or
the lesson’s objectives? How will you provide feedback for the students? What type of assessment will be used?
What evidence will be collected to demonstrate students’ understanding/mastery of the lesson’s objective? What
constitutes success for the students?)
Assessment Strategy: (Identify the assessment strategy/strategies to be used for assessment of the learning
objectives listed above. Each learning objective should be assessed. DO NOT restate the learning objective.)
Early Childhood Program – Lesson Plan Format – Junior Spring John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College
Early Childhood Program Lesson Plan Format Junior Spring

Formative: observation journal check

Formative: Students will be asked to define the topic of a paragraph in a multi-paragraph text.
Summative: Addition to anchor chart
Evaluation Criteria: (Indicate the qualities by which levels of performance can be differentiated and that
anchor judgments about the learner’s degree of success on an assessment.)
Formative: Students will be graded on Uunsatisfactory, Improving, Meets Expectations, Proficeint scale for this
to be entered into the grade book
U= does not complete task
I= completes only the drawing portion of the assignement accurately
M= Draws an accurate picture of their observation and EXPLAINS their drawing through writing
P= Draws an accurate, engaging picture of their plant and uses 1-2 vocabulary words in their writing.
Formative: If two-three students accurately define the topic of a paragraph in a multi-paragraph text, this will be
seen as students having accurately identified and explained this task.
Summative: students will be randomly called on to help add their new knowledge to the anchor chart for the unit.
6 students will participate. If 4/6 get the addition correct on the first try, students will be seen has having
accurately attained the information.
Steps in the Lesson (Include the attention getter or the hook for the lesson; the introduction; the lesson
procedures including strategies/planned supports for whole‐class, small group, and individual instructions; and
differentiated activities.)
Attention Getter or Hook: (State how the attention of the students will be piqued at the start of the lesson.)
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18amLZ9vfG8
Start at 2:20, end at 6:20
Students will make observations of the beans they ‘planted’ in Lesson One using their observation journals.
Introduction: (State how the lesson will be introduced. This should communicate the purpose of the lesson, be
directly related to the goals and objectives of the lesson, tap into prior knowledge/experiences, and develop
student interest.)
Students will be provided with various kinds of plants that have clear roots, stems and leaves. Each table will
have a different live plant. They will fill out the “Observing Live Plants” worksheet with their table mates.
Discuss findings with class.
Instructional Strategies: (Use a bulleted or numbered format to communicate the procedures for the lesson –
what the teacher will do as well as what the student will do. Describe the strategies which will be used to support
students’ learning. Knowledge of students’ cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development along with
their cultural backgrounds should be evident.)
Students will read an informational text with the help of the teacher through a 3- part read. (read only intro
paragraph, and then the paragraphs on roots, stems and leaves)
1st time reading: read all the way through
2nd time reading: circle unfamiliar words, define unfamiliar words and make thinking marks (these are posted in
the classroom for students to use). Discuss each paragraph. Ask the following questions:
- Who can tell me what they think this paragraph is all about?
- (for the whole text) what do we think the author’s purpose was in writing this text?
3rd time reading: Students return to their seats and fill in the graphic organizer as we read through the
informational text again.
Closure/Wrap up: (Describe how the CONTENT of the lesson will be summarized.)
Students will return to the carpet to review what they have learned so far today by adding a new addition to the
unit anchor chart labeled “Plant Parts” Students will be randomly called on to name and define the function of
each plant part taught that day.
Instructional Supports
Resources and Materials Used to Engage Students in Learning (Provide citations for all resources that you
did not create. Attach key instructional material needed to understand what you and the students will be doing.
Examples: class handouts, assignments, slides, and interactive white board images.)
Observation Worksheet, Informational text, and graphic organizer: Tammy DeShaw, The Owl Teacher ‘All
About Plants”
youtube video:
Early Childhood Program – Lesson Plan Format – Junior Spring John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College
Early Childhood Program Lesson Plan Format Junior Spring

Additional Resources and Materials Used to Increase Teacher’s Background Knowledge of the Content:
(List any websites and sources of materials and background information that you will need or use as the teacher
to engage the students.)
Developmentally Appropriate Practice. NAEYC (Editors: Carol Copple and Sue Bredekamp)
Other Relevant Information
Clear Links to Learning Theories, Educational Research, and Principles of Development:
Vygotsky: (scaffolding) A teaching method that helps students learn more by receiving support from a teacher or
a more advanced student to achieve their learning goal
Ways to Incorporate Scaffolding in the classroom: Small groups/Partner work, Graphic Organizers, Modeling
Dewey: student-centered classroom where there is a respectful relationship between the students and teacher. His
theory heavily emphasized that children learn best by doing and by being interested in the material

Naturalist intelligence
Connections to Technology and/or the Arts:
Wondering, puzzling about something
Playing with ideas
Following intuition to see what happens
Feeling challenged to do things in detailed ways
Seeking many different alternatives
Bringing order out of chaos
Seeing missing parts and sensing how to move between what is and what could be

Description of Collaboration with Others: (These might include the inclusion teacher, media specialist,
counselor, guest speaker, grade level coordinator, community experts, families, etc.)
Collaboration with partner teacher to discuss appropriate sequence of learning throughout the mini-unit.

Early Childhood Program – Lesson Plan Format – Junior Spring John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College

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