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Zonbeed sydem 1OIT4YS CHR 3 Notes CONTROL SYSTEMS Chapter one Introduction {In this chapter we attempt to familiarize the reader with the following subjects: 1. What a control system is 2. Why control systems are important 3. What the basic components of a control system are 4. Why feedback is incorporated into most control systems Types of control systems Lets begin with a simple question. When did you last use the word " Control" 9 Perhaps errr ™hLh™hrrL™hLr—r—— ere almost in every walk of life but fails to take notice. The following are a few common phrases we come across all the time. * He has no control over his expenditure * I could not contro! my tears. * The law and order situation in the city is out of control. * pest control in orchards. - * The doctor suggested strict diet control. There are many new products and services being introduced every day that depend on Gonwrol systems yet they are not identified as control systems! The user of the system does not focus on the control system but on the resultg, With regard (o che first two items above we cite the example of the human being as Perhaps the most sophisticated and the most complex control system in existence. An average human being is capable of performing a wide range of tasks. including decision making. Some of these tasks, such as picking up objects, or walking from one point to Another, are normally carried out in a routine fashion. Under certain conditions some of the tasks are to be performed on the best possible way. For instanoe ay athlete running a 100 yard dash has the objective of running that distance in the short possible time. A marathon runner on the other hand, not only must run the distance ae quickly as possible, but in doing so, he or she must control the consumption of energy. so that the best result can be achieved. Therefore, we can state that in general that in life there wre numerous objectives that need to be accomplished and the means of achieving the objectives usually involve the need for control systems In recent years control system have assumed an increasingly important role in the development and advancement of modern civilization and technology, Particularly every aspect of our day to day activities is affected by some type of contr system, For “sample in the domestie domain, automatic controls in heating and sir ‘onditioning jpatems, regulate the temperature and humidity of homes and buildings for comfortable living, To achieve maximum efficiency in energy consumption many modem heating and The principles of control system can be illustrated in many fields, * Isa simple transistor amplifier alow level signal applied to the base will control a relatively large level signal on the collector, * By tuming a key the driver of an automobile can start a large H.P engine, ,——C_E turning a knob on the air conditioner. * The driver of several tonne automobile can control as motion by the simple use of steering wheel, accelerator, and brake pedal Control systems are found in abundance in all sectors of industry such as quality control of manufactured products, automatic assembly line, machde tool control, space technology and weapon systems, computer control, transportation systems, computer control, robotics and many others. - Definition of control system A control system can be defined as an interconnection of several components all working together to perform a certain funetion. In most cases this functiey the control of Physical variable, such as temperature voltage. frequency. flowrate current, position, hp Speed, illumination, altitude ete.. These are called controlled variables Regardless of what type of control system we have, the basic ingredients of the system can be described by 1. Objectives of the control 2. Control system components 3. Results ———_—_____ . ——, CONTROL Sys ———» Obiectives ——— Results tad a] Inputs — —_| CONTROL SYSTEM _|/.— Outputs u iby c Fig 1.1 Basic components of control In block diagram form, the basic relation between these three basic ingredients is illustrated in fig 1-1 (a) In more scientific terms, these three basic ingredients can be identified with inputs, system components, and outputs, respectively as shown in fig 1-1(b) In general, the objective of the control system is to Control the outputs ¢ in some prescribed manner by the inputs U through the elements of the control system, The inputs of the system are also called actuating signals, and outputs are known as controlled variables. G Session-2, OPEN LOOP CONTROL SYSTEMS ( NON, 3D BACK SYSTEMS) ‘Those systems in which the output has no effect on the control action are called open Joop control systems. In other words, in an open - loop control systems the output is neither measured nor feedback for comparison with the input. ‘Thus to each reference input there corresponds a fixed operating condition; as a result, the accuracy of the system depends on calibration. Open loop contro! can be used, in practice, only if the relationship between input and output is known, and if there are neither internal nor extemal disturbances. Note that any control system that operates on a time basis is open Joop. We shall go through examples and try to identify the inputs (objectives) and outputs (effects). EXAMPLE - I Rotational Generator ‘The input to rotational generator is the speed of the prime mover ( e.g steam turbine) in rpm, Assuming the generator is on no load the output may be induced voltage at the output terminals. : Speed of the Prime mover Induced Voltage Rotational Generator Inputs TT Output Fig 1-2 Rotational Generator EXAMPLE -2 Washing machine Most ( but not all ) washing machines are operated in the following manner. After the clothes to be washed have been put into the machine, the soap or detergent, bleach and water are entered in proper amounts as specified by the manufacturer. The washing time is then set on a timer and the washer is energized, When the cycle is completed, the machine shuts itself off, In this example washing time forms input and cleanliness of the clothes is identified as output — Cleanliness of clothes Time Washing Machine Fig 1-3 Washing Mac 3 WATER TANK LEVEL CONTROL, EXAMPLE, ‘To understand the concept further it is useful to consider an example let it be desired to ‘maintain the actual water level 'c ' in the tank as close as possible to a desired level "r'. The desired level will be called the system input, and the actual level the controlled variable or system output. Water flows from the tank via a valve Vo. and enters the tank from a supply via a control valve V. The control valve is adjustable manually. Desired Water level r Actual . Water level ¢ Valve Vo Water in WATER TANK Fig 1-4 b) Open loop control Valve Vo Water out Fig—1.4.a) Water level control In this form of control, the valves are adjusted to make output ¢ equal to input r but not readjusted continually to keep the two equal. For this system, this form of control will normally not yield high performance. A difference between input and output, a system error e= r-c would be expected to develop, due to two major effects, 1. Disturbance acting on the system 2. Parameter variations of the system These are prime motivations for the use of feed back control. For example, Pressure parlations upstream of Ve and downstream of Vo. can be important disturbances affecting inflow and output flow and hence level. A sudden change or gradual change of flow resistance of the valves due to foreign matter or valve deposits represent a system parameter variation Open loop control systems are control systems in which the output has no effect upon the control action, The accuracy of the system depends on the calibration. Open loop control systems must be carefully calibrated and must maintain that calibration in order to be useful. In the presence of disturbances an open loop control system will not perform the desired task, As a last example consider a sprinkle used to water the lawn, The system is adjusted to water a given area by opening the water valve and observing the resulting pattern. When the pattern is considered satisfactory, the system is calibrated and no futher valve adjustment is necessary. The pattern will be maintained reasonably well if there is no change in water pressure when a tap is opened inside the house, reducing pressure, the pattern changes; ic the open loop control steady state condition Session-3 - CLOSED LOOP CONTROL SYSTEMS (FEEDBACK CONTROL SYSTEMS) Referring back to water tank level example of open- loop control system, the system is going possess error when actual water level (¢ ) In the tank differs from desired level (+) To improve performance, the operator could continuously readjust the valves based on te=r-c what is missing in open loop control system for more accurate is a link ystem A feedback control system in system error or feed back from the output to the input of the sy effect automates this action, as follows: ‘The output c is measured continuously and fed back to be compared with the input r. The error e = r-¢ is used to adjust the control valve by means of an actuator (no shown in fig ) the feed back loop causes the system to take corrective action if output ¢ ( actual level ) deviates from input 'r' (desired level ) whatever the reason. : Closed loop or feed back control operate according to a very simple principle. 1. Measure the variable to be controlled, Compare this measured valve with the desired value and determine the difference, Use this difference to adjust the controlled variable so as to reduce the difference. (error) Electronic thermostat Controlled ouput C Forward path c —>f antes —— clement = Desired temp. #° ©) L Feed back ———— path element -——— Fig. 1-5 General block diagram of feedback system EXAMPLE THERMAL SYSTEM To illustrate the concept of closed loop control system, consider the thermal system shown in fig-6 Here human being acts as a controller. He wants to maintain the temperature of the hot water at a given value #° C. the thermometer installed in the hot Water outlet measures the actual temperature C°C. This temperature is the output of the than a nae operator watches the thermometer and finds that ihe temperature is higher than the desired value, then he reduce the amount of stax supply in order to lower the seperature. It is quite possible that that if the temperature becomes lower than the desired value it becomes necessary to increase the amount of steam supply. This control ‘tion is based on closed loop operation which involves umes being, hand muscle, eyes, thermometer such a system may be called manual feed back system, Human operator ~---f] Thermometer ee Desired hot : Water temp . water, temp LS Vodctes eve Hot water ¢ andiVabe Thermometer ] e Fig 1-6 a) Manual feedback thermal system b) Block diagram EXAMPLE -2 HOME HEATING SYSTEM The thermostatic temperature control in hour homes and public buildings is a familiar eT furnace fire when - the temperature in the furnace air duct system reaches reference level 'r' a blower fan is e activated by another relay to force the warm air throughout the building, When the room fqinperature * C'" reaches the desired temperature 'r" the shape of the coil strip in the thermostat alters so that Mercury switch opens. This deactivates the relay and in turn turns off furnace fire, which in turn the blower e Electronic thermostat Outdoor temp change (disturbance) Actual L Temp. ec + Relay 4 Fumace —* Blower —+ House ___*,§ Desired temp. 2° ¢ switch A change in out door temperature is a disturbance to the home heating system. If the out side temperature falls, the room temperature will likewive tend te decrease, CLOSED- LOOP VERSUS OPEN LOOP CONTROL $Y TEMS in2 advantage ofthe closed loop control system isthe act that the use of feedback makes the system response relatively insensitive to extemal disturbanes and intemal variations com aS Parameters. It is thus possible to use relatively inaccurate ard inexpensive are ociain tne eccuratey contol of ihe¥civen plant neeee doing so is impossible in the open-loop case. y ta ther hand, stability is a major ee rrr—L——C SE errors that can cause oscillations of constant or changing amplitude, {{ should be emphasized that for systems in which the inputs are known ahead of time and in which there are no disturbances it is advisable to wee open-loop control. closed loop control systems have advantages only when unpredictable disturbonces ir s advisable to use open-loop control. Closed loop control systems have advantages only when jnpredictable disturbances and / or unpredictable variations in system components used in a closed -loop control system is more than that for a corresponding open — loop control system. Thus the closed loop control system is generally higher in cost, Session 4 - REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONTROL SYSTEM Input command | 4 — Steady State [fransient respons error Floor 0 7 ——> Time Fig. 1-8 Elevator input and output : Speed of respons control system. We shall understand the significance of the above taking the example of an elevator. on the ground floor, the elevator rises to the fourth: floor with a speed and floor leveling input and output for the change of the input against the gradual change of the Output in fig. 1 ~ physical entities ( position or velocity ) cannot change their states instantaneously. Thus, the elevator undergoes a gradual change as it rises from ground floor to the fercsh floor. We call this Part of the response ‘transient response’, ‘Transient response is important. In the case of an elevator, a slow transient response makes Passengers impatient, where as an excessively or design components are adjusted to yield a desired transient response. After the transient response approximation to the comm: leveling with the floor is 4 second factor that could make the output different from the input. An elevator must be level enough with the fourth floor for the passenger to exit MODELING IN FREQUENCY DOMAI The two important topics in the study of control systems are 1. Control system analysis 2. Control system design By control system analysis we mean the investigation under specified conditions of the performance of the system. By control system design we mean to find out one which accomplishes given task. If the performance is unsatisfactory it ean be improved with the help of design. Whether itis control { Sonirol system is a physical system as it isa collection of physical objects connected through to serve an objective. The system can be electrical, mechanical or clectromechanical. Examples of physical system can be cited from laboratory, industrial Plant- an electronic amplifier composed of many components, the governing mechanism ofa steam turbine or communication satelite orbiting the earth are all examples physical systems, No physical system can be represented in its full physical intricacies and therefore idealizing assumption are always made for the purpose of analysis and synthesis of modeley an idealized physical system is called physical model. A physical systemen ste {Podeled in a number of ways depending up on specific problem to be deck with and esred accuracy. For example an electronic amplifier may be modclien as an clement ot of linear lumped elements or some of these may be pictured as nonlineat elements in case the stress is on the study of distortion, Once a physical model of a physical system is obtained, the next step is to obtain a mathematical model which is the mathematical representation of the physical model qfrouuth the use of appropriate physical laws (Ohm's law, kirchof's law, Neetor's Law, Hooke's Law ete). Depending upon the choice of variables and the coordinate system, given physical model may lead to different mathematical models. An elects] network, for example, may be modelied as a set of nodal equations using kivchoti's current law or a set Of mesh equations using using kirchoff"s voltage law. A control system may be modelled as a scalar differential equation. The particular mathematical model which gives 4 greater insight into the dynamic behaviour of physical system is selected ® | 7 “ Ue} Syo , 6 ve yn ae ar Pylon eso r= 36 St} yigne LE Spl (S658) yin 2 Gt Se + 43 . Srl cow) +4 : _ 266 ‘ Fa sre tT x4 per -t eS yu > sa3e 7 8% takee | ; on fa © os im chai Se oom _ “pes on SOF sbeun ce 0 ip fst 0 ' 8 bh erreurt * “yo we spe ° ‘ | wings i FI 5) eu | slp \¥O TS Iv J oe) solve Sole se dap 4 8th = 10 dt os XID F EXLH =10 ios] Ss +s }eto KUN 2 10 s(st 8/5) = f[St1o ys 2 _ a a s(S 416) Ss SFhG wo - 2O9CtIO © arlsthe) 475 S(S+1 6) yés) 2 2 = a (Sth) 4a § Ore aoe ee a eae : a ee eee eae seh 2t Nemes gs Ss Sts get = abt x(b2 pas — h?s* 2 12S I- elt G - - D HOPE + & ° ore ras) [seet"] ee £9 = = Ae g arcs ke(st+pe) - + R(st 2) _ at to> Here z Fyansfe fundin ap —L at} 6'? RISD Fis (—- © FIN 2 cCS) Risd fox Ae ye Prd toe TF ~ “a wh v2 Rio +2 Sia vid. vid= 2 Sie dt a 1D: LID +E LCS) —~YO vole sb 9 2. 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Gls) T Ge os) es T (s) 14 GID HS asl GLS), | etsy A I 17 GIS) HS). ese a a Fis2 is esuivalenh ot dyer “a single block x multiple input _ mulhple outpub control sys : / i : seat i a next — wher gnu lhiple inputs ave pre & tem , each inp can be rood ndependio’y q otha ys ~ = complet oop f Ihe System Can then be : @ : ohtained by Saperposthin ealpu corsespoecliag b cach inpak ateng ane. added together 4 RIS) GCs) Y 14 Gas cls) PQ) 81) HE) ; Gat) fy— > j | a ee sence input can The response Of the vefe 20 the- | be obkaxined by assuming acs) corsesponlerg block Miagiam 'S shocan 220 C g' s) as pI | is ouspur Aue fo RLS? achna oO = . $24 Foun) Case Hy Cel? alone Gl G2lD £9. ear rn" 1+ Gl? 6265) HID Simi lealy the yespen se bs the opal a/sy Is obbacned 4g assum'n4 Rkisd=p Be aie ama block diagram IS Shown bt ~ aa al cul) Lae HH ; s ng arlene cus) inpur due 1? AIS) ahs Cyls) = S28 _ ol) £4 GilS Gols) HID “the response T° tne Simultaneowr bes ney adeleng. tke. fio © inciviclual reopens 6) = epi? 4 culS) RUS) + Brbs). ub op It Gil OLD p+ 6105) 6708) BLD mee Gi CO G2lY oo 0S) ROS) VCS) 14 Gi (S> Gols HED Block cliaseam weduchen eee eee Complex block. diagtam Car be simpbfreal os bg ceytawnr prearrangemeTt made in the Slo de | diasam using je velen of block. Haglan algebra OE 0 can be seduced 10 Pd pvevall Prantjer fonchen y & opt 4 kulo of Block diagem algebra’ f Combining block» 3 eG Ge Ora ne. . [a+ et> Mpa , ass i - te ersfe* funch vw of tro blo which are connected jn SesetS ot multiplied pith each o/ke x - a aaah pr Se Te 4 — POW tL GE hil & = h- = 6 aa CTA A Bu alle! blocks 2 combining pa TS U i [¢ ay pwr eee —_ Sates Non pas - 2 | Ta yt ee a ) Y = ce yp lo-41} | . cO=* 3p oo—4) | rate [' a x NN => is els >) G Ga Ha { > nchen hlockS Ue Cee the parser i red a patient in parallel alll ge ad a Se int Jey a bloc 3 Moving a Semming per of oe % — > Gg (ie ¥2) ous eo Teas f+ . = x2 | a we quits) \ YG KO _ Sop 7\ ae he : [af les © movrg a ranch pew alter ablock ~ 2 TT 2 Ae) A moving a Summing point before a blede @® —— Wes plitting “ or rs 1G %1G +X sea Bip 3 Summirg poh gc Ay | ty Brigit ky Exe : e ; ena ~ Qa pit sp G. a a hh s) moving a take off pein aftes a blede . »\ call ~y ee - = 416 D¥1G m 1 << _}-— AY jake off pomk lebore @ Bled YO | G Moving C MG mh Ky eae cn ————) x a oe | _ ye GS. XQ 7 _elminating a feadback lage (8) Gormbini Suupmng. Ge f Al => S — va ’ wy oon 4S. x2 rw) — J et THK ae | YO) onchange : | Sammi ==> ; 3 ig pownd | =D HB | Xl oe x yg pee \_LEGH } 2 ® R-c38 ave = tye deed back — ee ee deed bade — ee w $problem Recluce ~the aver block dias vam / . py Shee io 1% Simple berm and hence obras 7 equivalent trans hes funchen — : " a ay — Jaye te Ch < } — tuo k . So eseeeeee eee eee ese Ce ee eS eee eee ec cee ee ccc Soluhen » Quis, we Sere18 * oO Res Ga+y feedback +f af G16 ar Ro due minor RUS) Sn Dt Bie 43464 Lf ROS 3) 4 416 27 : fer eu) acs) cs) Resy pe ' _ ets Si@o. (G3t6g + ) '4ad2H, | ee . Gla (4346y) Res) 14442 Hy. L4G) SoH, — Gila Chay HL 14 4h | po | (els? = Gia (43464) | | pos) woe a ee | | I4 9162 By ~ Giba (0346 yf VO “ Re) —— A ) & _ clos) a ats ae — HES, Gls = cS 6ls> . Ee cis» EL) ——@ = Qls> [aisrr Bis | ees) 2 GID) [4 + misyecs> | CLD 7 cls) ets) = el RIS) + > ecs>[- Gis) HS | = Gls) RIS) — CLS) T-Fe _ ~ HL USD p— Los) RISD P S\ ae ql 1—a4Q) HOS) je 3 _Sebrcbangg Sammy pont ca * eblema- Reclueo He block diagam Trans fer fanchen da Te gven A Prd Aten yeduced ®& D poet +o atte y a tar be ath pos ® bee! ebivna hha the fed ine’? oe, sop le = eee ee one iy |-Leargs SEES Ose Ie, a hth 7F oe @ roving the branch d ——— pa ath IO fy piste Ae, t oe pock @ = Ve © = reovin g a FP afies a | moving a Ss. P before eiblocic 1g Detivmine te overall han she ¥ __ (ee pp te a _— ts, Gi | Cafu I Lao King oboe chan “the__ Summ Summing, pom wo | ee xls ay Cai > ES Bi! a4) Ris) oo les bf pe Lae ale LW Teas #056) 1 Go fier (s) +H] i (s) 4 CD HID +9 APO J Re ce) Coto 941) 205) ieee ; 1442 +641) ein > ls “Gutsrrt | Eel Hy + LO GLE Pals) pO thy ey. Soluhep moving sear before Go “ax Coys) gu ;--—____ mnie pone before 7 among Sum ame Sn Leas ES Be ee So} pyar chang te ———— | Su BO Sine ‘aa | ee =| Ga (nla 444) Se V4 a Zierts #44) P= Mee gs a G,(l2%&3 thy) eee (BPA a1 4 + 610623 +4u) Be c, (a oa+4a) pa Fp eh F @athor® pb a a Folie a hy ] [oO a 7 45 Peo Gt catsth res | ; co Cibo hat & “iy ee) [riper raean et pp ie ba 7 6h Temp aes 7 phakaty rel fi < Chobe HO4Y Ges 4 gis> Te Hp Gi + Saher agit 2g GO fo MINE Te std E2ETTD Deve ta bloc olteylam Poy The system represen tec! dy ej fer XS Shewn below, debarm ne fk a Bi. GiGoGs (+ Ga (V4 aay Ot Ha HG GuGs WN Cr Ga asQch a O+ Ga) C+ Gir) — GiGaGs hin re @® Fos Te system vepresentid by the blocle dic-gas oe an Figure evaluali She closed loop thans bey Shon ge Ris Mar staben IT 2 unchen cohen tbe. OP (by ak stetben DB Blak Steen 2-0 staben V2 R R a ee par berg }oe cs ° _ 4 oy at : | = at ecko. off peinr P afte Ga. 4 BR ces |-{ihaI — — S = Gs) [ay step gum ineking amin oe wf Step 4 aia cascading elements Go & GS treteg tS é Lemby 4 (38, t J Ej SPE > Asninahing ~mninor teodback Aue to Kak 0 ae eee | Cf Step! elimi the mom aes eal back du bo hy 8 cas’ adn arth _ > 41 GaGa, als [¥Gsto. +023 Us) | TS 0003 x Hy a | | ae Gao} O23 - | re C) ‘ jb blr cle , , The poll , elrinahs sept Cote Me pe eo [4c 4 Cv “GL Co Tey e es ie [a oe G, fob 4 CoH 2 +4) ho KB y cCsD = ae k [4 h3h2 (Hs kK — L rae Ere =a | v2 emenl: a stp) summing, Clement pith Ho bee 6 ae) i | 4 LSE 6p) ST > [62 TT a j enn t B> a : | e I—/_* ~ CO 9-14) [| jpo[@aieny —] | [4 42H Seen i seeps plimnabng feccb back op a J & f- Cio) + We) C CEs OZ J+ &3 f arom tHe 5 Hb HE CS = a ae 3 (144243) ae 14 babs + 6G Hy + BHD, SS d Signal flo gah UyePr Sg teegeets Rule 4 a es cay a ape Ok) oncoming © ges) fo a rede Amough > branch 1S given by “th produck § * signal a? previous eee gain a tre branch ay ae ay mage TRL T OD ar me Bae cascaded branches ©O7 be cembined + ave > Single branch res] jeanemittance 6 equal. to the produck a in dividual branch praangen MADE e ee - Pn oa as aN 22, Rule 3: Parallel branches “may be vepresented by Single branch whese chansmiltance is abe \ ilfainces Suen ef ndividacl branch “Pann axb —) ON Rule 4: A -mued node can be climinctid by cmnulkiptying she. -hansmillance 4 ondgring branch do dre. hansmittance of all incoming branched cto dhe mixed node. mA at a\ 5 rae ee Ne ae ay Tbe bin ond Rules = A FOP mneud be bliminaled 4y t nea i ub node 1 at The inp and oufp a ee Jha equate 7° ind Tt sabe of weave gny) pig oho ge? Vice qe gf Te out pur to inp yesu| fant branch oS Se al ar 13, Signal flow gah eee he vedluced either by Signal Troe ope can Using fhe alge bres sraler of signal Horo gape o doveloped by ST Mason i = Masers Gain frmwt bg Maseds get? fperoudl, doxmula “8 ened to deforming syste {rom fhe Sigua The Measen's aa the bansteo danchen et the ow guch a the input ko ithe System a the sgptem - System a leek = RIS ond es) = odpuk overdl gaan = 1 = where, Te Tlsys Transfer dunchm 3 she soptemn PK = Forward path gain a4 Km forward pats [sem of individual loop gees) male : a le - (sam of gain qroducl of LU possi bl combinahionn of 207 DEW ou clows lapo) ® producls of all ouible — [Sum uty a: ADU, combinakens th tree POD - Loos Be a & dm thab por As nob re ef thes gph lah KIN forward pate overall Hranster dunchon Aire a ye Shown Ww He Find Une wach Syston eohose Signed foo Fer RIsd 2) forward Path grrw Be a om e @) Soe Roo twee palin P, BP) Ker Where Pi iS eos) ' CAS” 7 so GFF frocoor! pete 7 ower pote qo te _———s ay a RS ae we Gi ri! : b 2 pane &6 P,F 6) 6 635445 Gain ¥ fossord ham ! un fy GE hyhs fs word path > f= Gan 4 vO a loap 42/9 spolewoleed] 4 Avil a Srcbiv shove ave 3 Falun! bapa eh A leop gerd be Py, mt AB} Qe as 3 4 PN 7 HY: -H2 ss ps We co se ce lott . - Pye = GH Leop gun individual Lsop | Pu ay \ \eop> Poy = > Wo Gohg n loofa Par = —Gskt2. ae Gain qc ot Too. non- arcu ops Ties pen sou dng \sops Zhould wot have Cemmen mods) Py, Loop \ 8 LOPS ME Ben joucluvg kes feos loop > Boop ave 2 17en truchry FP? uch = + CoH OS 43 = Cytege 0543 Lan pr Gown product Pir u P24 = e Rete Coenen aw calelahon of haa _ (sum 47" + (gu poduck of 2em pucks) Ligesrede! of ane prachs) e =I “lean teatgr OM) + OEE MUS br bs as HOB graph wlich "S nee Ses & by thar peut of the g A = 5 _eebey Km poraard path 21 = (io tuclvns pat EP prover 22/5) = I-©) a é Br- ee” is mot qouclrg fle i drwad path > th > 1— Py c LOH). Transfer Fanrchon 7 7+ > Te Js Shown 1% Ag fancden ccs) [Ris Ts 2G ® 36 bo bg Gry Uy tah 86 Clade} — L Wiha tg Gy + S42 hs Cl-as) zs 4 62h 3SyH + HPeas + bp bo Hat hota hE - 63 664s Hs a2 cehs — 2452 a Gj On 46 G5- Cha 63 Guy +G)ho he — “1? 7 _ bp bo Gghh | tH Gat bakaty tg — OF —SnsH 6 sH “tlabeds — 420645 73 a feedback Com Gra. Ga Gus + Geo as Ae f— Coy — Gas — GGH3 — acted 3 62 44H 3 4) Convert Te given block diagiam to St grad flocs aps & clelrmine 0s) /pis) Ce 2a- ‘block dict gidim Fs = ‘8 Procedine o% conve ving Hee ge" Assume oder at inped, osp at eve summing pe, ah everg branch per und in belipeeP cascaded blocko. 5 Small eiyesley and Draw the: nocles seperately aw number PE civeles in Te ovdey 12/324 - eke bekaeon each fem ede in Lhe mair forward path and ¢ comes pondleng civelo !Y shaight ine ard ante te ge petween te poeter wn noble feed forward pol? betirecn Varier were! pets along woh in of feed dm all Llyn vanow back. pate alos prac and mask the Fe Si5P poder end feedback P wth S'¥n- praw Ke mele Me gin f feed pH: Convest the “block daglam to Signe) flow wee ig cele yrine ne hantfer feunchen us? Hason's par forma 4 solu ker 200 foward palh & 2. andiviual leops : S —Gihks gee —Fo% HI — 4263 42 = 44y — GyYHE rw) o ih T Va product 4 7230 men Auchivy leap - No nen Feuchkesg ie calewtahn of B & Ok Art l= [Puttar rte] T-F Te eee pm fe = Bibi + Pro) a > G@iGoGs + aidy ee Te Gi OGa rqrton) rlotala + Gud Sako woe * signed fre poph 3 evaluctt the closed -00p ran sfeo funchon ef a apter cohose. flock Shoen 1? Bone be : diagtam is Ris? capes by we Leong! Soluh : bf Fe redleo ae assigne! ob ip take fh res Branch porrd, Summing pow! & o/p No - of Jousondl paths i 4- io Pac Pre My Dos Yy Ye ¥5 19 (Wa 43) S = PID 93 9499s IbdR (via ~62) OO iy 4943 G4 IS 44( wanes) Py d: 92-45 92 YY ds dé (via 4s) D> po-of Srrdividual ley, 939495 Y6-4a (via 4) uy (Via-hv) Do onm PhS bys = Ail =| f hus) = 5 Pit Prt Pat py ee 1 (Lyjtats ey)4 (o) — 34 bef a | SEK HOM.» node: A rede is a print representing a Variable 0» Signal Branch: A branch is clivectid Line Segment” sr) ee indicates duvecben is modes —the are on the braech Bf Signal deco ond she gin of fhe brand oyhe— Frans mittince. Fiansmiltaige ; the. gain acquired by the signe! tohen it -havels prem one nade fo Grothe? 1s ol called) -pansmittance . The Asansmiltance eon be 7 Os comptes lL od onpub node lor Seucey | St is a nede trek 1? 4 mjpeg ame oxtpub node (or sink LOR is 0 node Thab ho oy "9 coming boranches Mixed rele, of ig a node tak has beth neem) om oukgenay branches Aid re coneecane we A path ts 9 haverSo ef Connected in the direchon 8 the Branch awoos, A met oes 0 node nore than paths branches the path shew ence : nn pathy stents ab node. open path: A Ofer F oud ender alapther nade - end a closed path + closed path Stents and eset Same node Forward pat oF iso par fee an in pa loos nob Cw nels, to an ofp ede: SA dow v wees any pode MOVE: ikan branch transmiltances: (gain) of 4 once st ig the produ of 9 the dawad pets Thdividured loops H is a closed poth atorting —_ bem a node. ard abfer possing through a Ceytain Park of oO grape amen oh the Same node witherd Cwesng any pode. More Mion ence. Loop gains OT ig the product af the branch Hans mi {Hence ( greet? of E aap a x tee leap does net have Ceminen node hen hey ae loops daid to we nT Pru ohh Ls 1 ; oy 35) Cons hu chy a Styned favo ‘% ae Corridir rz en algebrve eg wale We 1, Grz A2 G+ %32dg ~ da = 239. +0485 y, due B24 Ir CBU IZA A GEY 4 as = Coe 24s Yy any — Sp $ i Qo My — Grae 2 Pap oo © touch loo me wo nen “A ps — NIC w calauahn af B&B Bc) Sree poe It ERY A G0 fatn mt SoH wecle Swe (DL eealuate Be USirg reanenls | Coun Forms y wing oe @ kee Poyward Peli rawnd Pho = 414298 46 > Gis ‘G. godindecal loops Le) we _ . Gs « =P J2 & = eo Li Ne ow de an Ha o bbe St fa BH . Py, L3 Ly $6 TT Te teu chu | 7S WW BD: Wwo nmtwebrslps Libs tL, -4 Lala: Three nm douches bape. Ub2le- Le [Sm 4 geen) +4 (peo on Sy) he prune put-y 2) — (att = cate ~ 1 23H TH Hu) aia Cait 63 Ho dpephe F 4 ALegts Ha + cae estate) Bb” (Gilt a hghr FEL coke Hat Hy) Ho + GH ty + 6G) Coke tay ae Gui ag ho Bre The = cot tbe Pe ar holghut Gres (It 4342) 1 QS a a = Gila halu G85 (140g h2 T+ Gi + 63H + Giepeahat ty +G) HSH. + 4142 S83 Buf Cdl ae 2G) Hi He. (By? @ tb oe es to OE g, ’ a1p rede ) ' sy 3 moat fie ward path | © Fonward PAD P4142 43 gyre Geode EG hohshy Po= Yisr43 Gedo = G) 4s. Oop ore Bs Same &E non foucked 5 ops eas vier uty cay Ulre a. Wp seme Aro loa ( fe (-GsH2) = (4 aH pt Papen, 41elaeut Gate ee i) yee In 1 & =. 44y,2 IM Mathamahicod Model of phyrcal sypheend Mechanlead systems can be ideal Aranslaboy and Meckanicod od Syptems amotelled by enn ag tree tires ideal ~ohang element’ HVanslahemedl Force o elemen’s \ ood Mose — Kinehe enesg ay eeac Y ping — PRene 2 Ly 0 ‘473 doohpat ste pa Mav eH de KAw 7 ts y a aspang element ley H—=vi le) Fe B (Mv) = Bfdas _ dar (3 ad prichen force acts oppasite +o Dhab sf velocity Free body diasiam > Bde 4 ke aM de At a M a x Ary M dx a Bduy Ka - F. ‘Ai at / es damn spe le FISD eo StorasdZlementy Mechanical Accelcxomete y 207 ip 7 foe ae al syst cw ye necks ahem 4 anotienw bos masses M)% dane ey Me A dunchn a9 & Gree oe transfer FSD Eee eal k, & told 8) {owt mi f be i We | chad wale [a2] Tk 5 no of capeuneh oe zea nose ges eee > displacemank © either side OF srs a dory?” p be oljbot mus | Ak node xy 2 _f lt) wide wie 6 SBT ate + Ke (2 a) ride Ms HS Ky KID TBIS xils)-ta fi ~ 9204 e : [m s+ BS Ki \No ae Komlo = FG =f BS tK+ler xs) ~ KaxalS = Fis) — © ot wode 2 @ v OB - Kltr2-& Ma dare 0 . Q ee ee = ADD + KAU — HIE a i ey ee ee Ka = 0. ©) cquahm O20 alia fv Mio a BS + (qu t€2d -4) lee rc —Ko e mt L* : Wien prs bite _ Jxu ke = > master res) ° Ms” : (mm rerSp Verh) CHS 43) — 12 x22 ke FIO 2 mts) ake e oe ees ok Cero [ate Bis eee Cee v Tmo 4 ke ld 2s 4 we yar prer ® 9 7 _ Pas) 5 yt (2d gts? ve qe On tee LE AS - pas Bsr Kir ler | WO? an < ¥2(9 [- ms —BS — Ky ee Las ow Hee ID + X29 XS HO x2 elegy eS) ZL, By SMS / e pe et) send y cro y = Xt LU" Ma. + MS / Ko FID = Ww [nvadenitte +3 / / Bw (OS a) ( : Ke 9 mine Shp mister 1-8, Smps + BIS + (KU4 ka) m28y Kittel HY ces) = (oS ben a Le fet eet = mas eer) mic is revit) — fete] tL (iste) f myst Brsrkete ~ vt Ko : eS) 2 a fuSD yy oe » | Os BIS gyre) (ees +2) ~ e cc) OQ / ean 8 ss VV jf ee He cp Fon The mechanical Viplvdit syslim thon fod He ol 6, le» danse forbor xs) FS) displacement = 2 eithov gids f Ps damper anus? be ol bfeek Be et 7 e : L = PPL THT phen fa} tS subjected 2 jaa 110 ficim 1 cyealad selvenn 4 and cance _ Key Bs AS = py ae Y jj I. pays Md te 4 Key +6, 33 + bs (as _ 5 dt df. dt } Oe My dar a kote +829 + Ba dxzz -& de? ae ap e ee +838 xits) Seas) — B3S x2!S), >) e FES = x 6S) [ Sa Ky + 6) $ +8354 aa > Os MS x2ls> +l2 x2ISd +8802 9 +836r(s)- Sx ® ©. M28 nal) + Ka X29) B2S x2 4+BZS X2(D—B3S XISD x2 lO [ms Bo S +838 4+ Kal = ByS x1) x29 [ms Bo +83) stloh = Bys HD > . 1 GS) xots) - Ss u&© A M2SE[B> 483) S +t2 Vv ] BS (Ss : eis = x? [onstrsceroeret] — Bg 09 - S$ EXO) | ese eared +e —B3s Bx) e mrs + (Gat ass rio poy 2 8) | fase see reat fms $C +83) +c0\ Vv _ 8385 # mor Git es) Sa bre @ a sy mos +62 +B3y Sx AUS a ee ————— . 2 Cons 5 (8783) sep mss re BAS | L a Mrs + (B> oo) auae aS oe By rer} - B38 y jue (ar r8d aia} Grad $8 > a _——= 4 ee] Replace J coloumn wih yoy? 6 JO solve * le xe place 2d celoumm with F910 : Arreckepget por votahencd mohes meso Aye ade fae a3 8 Jy \ar~ \ T = dow pot ecm Te kK [0 - 9d’) e 1g = a) de de dt , 2@) Br dé (81-93) oa ey 3\d& + ki (8-82) ‘ce CA |e) Td Br Kj (22-OED + ko 82=0 de Ms ae + Kl (8/C5) — Ky O99 =-7ES) Bl | afer ey 2 (3) © THA) J —+(%) nes yy reece pH Ol = Ky PY 20 > 62 ts) [> Se Ky +ki |= K1 81'S —»(@ - 2 8115) [ 3°41] —~kK,62(9 > TUS jpn 9 px. Ky OID a DE StF 430 6109 [ae6i]- K) Ki 8D) THD) ; Ba SH atk 2 ee Y (sis 4D Cadac Jens 7 oe? + icy e e, lS) ps +ler lh _ / . arts) 2 Sa — puts) S _ kK FS) (as ey) (Ss 4 a \ . : J mode Br dar + wate 70° ate ae ep > 1 - Mats) fel le a Ty o je oD Lo Mae +8oS+ke | — xetoe |Pe ok , ® M2 S4 B25 ler gsaBstle oe = b&b: a A hfev te elicho-meckencal syste shown Relive pe TH ES) és) _ — ore = i : 4 @ Re “Wer Consider Fé spstem shown in Azure. Ae @ ore ebehneal parametes while Kym 98 ane onechanicad para mneler cs ShEPN Brel Poo TF xets) fu te Spt WAL é,tt J) Ejls)- : 1) 0 ue o/p dhe iinpub voltage polwk = * e displacement B E10 L- g etonedanreal 1th clus to & 1b). currert flow’8 pprergh he ie i weak wtth Wana ee don a we uit oom wrll jo a a cbe olvaplgaaat aD a ae experience ef a fre 2 UP 5 e aot 2h hem < K pod opposite] fo LQ ey 7 bs oer “ey'ON ebed mace €) = UK +e Si 2 “feat 5. “ | 6 ban gd Pirdt J Mtidt p eb Vv chez a mee, | at | pi aA zit) FLO > kgs a ae mda + Bete Ne FIN= XH) [ms eset | — SS | . ; ; | eta [vs +8 +1e | Electret | bon he" o 4S f= B20 — 4 I + 1EsX), o- emo +r Ze (ary x mig= 24 | se a laees 4S) : a aie 428? [st ce TFRs — & geht qin ING! . ea ' EglO =e HOR!) Pe aco ! Ly ON abe “él ne fe sro El Eq eee GD [ : geet Ki I2O= r 7 19) xs) $ eo(se@) ApS)= als \ (a ek) + SEF) \ ° | bub yy DIS) 2 yoo) [m — 4 L ow EICQ L | GOO kr @. Ye F xu = ~ AO reer) WD hi cy Bel Aendfe du eo oe ' et p - (pel di seb y _ : ab < inridiee iG ls us ( Oba et git eT fa” Oe | opttN aBeg wo tg 168% ONINSSNIONZ JO 3D3TIOO AU! BLOe Eb ee? Wenpw = —— okhs + C452) (ws es fe)” | e mesh —— pity es MtK £8 Ps - xb ot -| buk FISD ® bo pty ~ Ki 1b 3S ( . Pe K LO [meHerB) 7 bk 7 ‘ 5 a2 goluvs ! >» ® gt NCH= Subs hhle NH I (2 Fy): gt DS) = ls — 9S kb (irs D.@). SACR)+SLTF] wbshlHMs 09) in eg JL. “Gp ‘On 8Bed ONISSNIONA JO 3937109 ‘A'S! st Kp es = SD ( “7 KES ki EIS? (ms"p bs +2) (Spe=eR, : (SLC by FSU FRY) + EBSCO TEA) T 7 TS: eLesazt) + IrtD +8cks XS) sue BIe BID [steg yeresl\~ regs eb D4; es) IOS a9) ei — 98 kb (14 B68) Sey nc lees Seek) - sth! cuts) 1% kg DO= Ky [as = morte | 2S) [ aso} ya bir eBs+ eS Sree) +5b4h) ‘ONINSSNIONA JO FDITION N'Y) ae > bP ON Obed er Vw 4 ~~ ebON Beg K (ee -62) T= qd8 ate | - be Yor-bwaddt | we eee) @ ¢ ; ‘ONINBSNIONA 4O 3937109 wal system OtF2In ty equaty ( ‘ amehon fy mtbr Ea Ool Ss) i) FISD 5 sbi 4K) a | . yest) ke 62S) iS Oe cps” Bal +I O* ZpON Beg Bs —— ONIMBSNIONA JO 393TIOO A’ Re wont ) Ky O2lS> > “ KES eis) + 7 a r _ ous sre ki te] oc ~ Ki O& a“ 2 Mala fre | ~ _k) | HStky) TiS) : _ ky Bos qerth | 6 | he [re -k) , | 7 © Jy Spe He _| + oo NU) pkne 2 (ats 4 er) (BS Hee He) _ mo E Sister tke | 6 OP = 7 Lb as TS ] 84a ke] (Gis +ers) (Saeed KE > ENSD Tos + let low FI) apy 7 (a FHKE (3284) te) ah etoile tole Aa = “sl bose aque @ ae ee wie Flock peveel O bE a 8 “A 2 Tt , 2 a : po \ velle, > 5X fm DB hponetea o_o / g fet + Kl Ker ov). ONISANIONA JO 3931109 AU! age 7 dort B dex, oe Keer—Bl) +0. GR el ; ® geetg OP (a Fi 8) 6) | Br er Be B3 ® ytherteert 5 By Ve “| 6h 8) Br ( k Ze ae Gs ee / ri 2 ; r pitty ertt) vo _ (Yr By ba orth) glo 4 or | a Hf By 8! de} la ce | 0vON @Bed ~__ SNISSANIONS JO 393TIOD my oz & beg 5. 1b ars ze Kee. 1a DD. —pblaek ey @ Af s_ ye ae ae nee? bg Ta te Roe (ae) re eyo ~ YY C2 tes) OV op YO & Cie wf — Lee 7 6E ON aBeq a ONINSSNIONA 4O 3937109 NY) mpech System Shoon draw tre EVO rind the re X2O/ x10 ‘ orale p/h As b'p dy Se Tt e- ¥ »| } Fhe 4 Fie 9 TTT Mi fe aE Bas Pte = MABE ONG we bb wouich Ham 2 Soe reap sree 7 ane M2) Ko $ Br ler ssplace ont ar itl cane i oe ie Bo dMr 4 leo yw t Le felheow voow Liking “rome about ef | flo ‘eps PO Xe Hr £ 10 b uae = AD, 4 Mahe ONINSSNIONA JO 3937109 AY "96 ON aBeg F-v analogy M3L _ Bek ts dx ws "We at ~b pee) a rh gy iO) ee det fr ko + d, fradt- antler we Oe el Ly pith AO ae ~ te yan a Pa al) my HM Oe ules FIs MS XLS + BS yl a ©) Pt pW KX zt8) 2825 WIS) +12 X21. y= = PIO HO oe 5 wis) Sr 8rster]= xcO [ms 48s] wld 24 (Mis+ | 7 ILO Oma 4 Br 5-He ‘SE ON beg ONTEZANION 40 3OSTION WU) @ Mechanical translehencd sys Main elomenlb are mass, Spring 2 desh-pet Weigh of ae | represented by Clastc os mahen Erchen esis n4 @ Lista} Symbols used aed Aisplacemen , a vedx velodly mse. at as dv wcedmakon Wi /se ae f: Applied Foxe (wesotens) fn = OPPOSIEY Sorce oppased by mass CW) 2 a Fig = OPPEHNA dovee off by yo alasedy Cl eee body (Spang). ch Foz oppes?G doxee olyere? by Ane dichen Ldaskeet). : Aro Mossy q Kz Shyness Of Spang 8m - B= ant chen coefficient - N- m Force. balance eguahens ¢ FrlrrhLmr Gy es —_—— /, eH ideal mass elomedt. (negligible elonbolys Ps Applied force (ich) fra de 2 max ae at> oy Newlons secend love ° Pah = mde die Gy 3 ps iY ‘deal dash pet e fs opplied free dx - Bdx fb ot dt E> cohen dash per hag displacemewh cs porn endo te Ne —h— to f= Ps ee) b. dat ted} elastic clemes™ e Wn censides on | e es \— *e a} e— —D)— we Fe = k (1-2 woe, pee" re! o | - “) a Gy a fox vigil (+945 bg ¢ 5 Ba re powics 7 jou ¥ sa Problem write Die dhtevenbal expahens gover OS She Mechanical System groan iA Fa \ and dekmmine Hie -haneles duneNen 8 [3 Ki i} so eel + tt) 7 Ae7 7/7 ure consider MS — Fey te eh Fb | Fx few = ay £20 ate 7 a eo e | f£ _ fet B, = Baz [ 2 ys qn | »\ fey e key i ? © \ es \ gan 3 a \ - 6g eee eee ace ae ace ea eee eee eee By neotemn's Seeproflay Fmt + for+ fo fe 20 a M de dus Ciel + ere t sg (yar, + k(x) 7) 20. | ca eee box mst Gras + (Kit e CE) mre wee ced fa = Fb + For het tt) - le (x2) AD rb (x 1) Mod x 4 Br fm olt> ate ys) < mee BOS ae o x) FS) [vate Grr +e pride (tS + 3 - exe | (e+ = 0 ple r® me [mis BSrB+ki +] —BxlD wy a \ \ | / Is F110 Z ¢ Pr) 77D 92 Ww Aaa! ee 54 e) LEB OE ceninveete of aa pee Yb Jo fine ot Suppeot LoA® or : me pg boll be J ' TS 6 gy (ES |e uncles Hes flicentl a7 veer z$i { Sy! ante NO? 7 OK tL 7 y aie pes M Sa1 6g pew PD oy oe Z pisy < yo [Ss pps He) xe Ji [x= ( fa ao \> Q pa jm lp le ky te go q > -v = € _ © — yeast a 6 OA 4 | =Ph ta Quoo x Y ¢ seduce x Suds “sso av guecsdiuas Moda - Ky (2 -—21)=0 eles se (eo MOMeo, Mo Avo Ava & co dex rH - AD) Aap = a+ x Se dat = 0 ten Akan ep p Draw dhe aechanica) vetewosk Ley the ayn echaw cal System chown below b iw wlach (jy Draw OE analogeus alee cre! in lie Fexce is analogue so ren v Py Bye mide t ore 5 f= mid) + 81% dr ‘ aL Cée m2 Gy a+ aa +L [owas b eoeoty \ ot node th — = WT ds ue. de _ @. K@\-62) EID 2 \ = © 4) zs Fee mde £6 t \ {tS dy 4 R4A¥ ye EVES An deo © . ale” ° = ic i . da + k% * mide + TE Lovee. Volite _ re Bae F cuyret yes tA" a ia Vo Hage es ‘ Foren f° a 1 Mass WW — | vyseeur pichw coef ‘ I Sprng stiffen I Me > ip displacement % v —F / e Hage < velocily Ve e e © Mavs + ® dt a +62 |v —ve) + 83 (Vi $80 Nq-NZ mara perlve—)) a3") +23 ( Vi- V3 8 nadia +63 (ve? +623 (Ver 12) dr erg SM-¥2 =e 541 ae boy, 1¢) Uw Le Pm al 2 l/ ey dy + ov dre lec \vi-aeF rot pr ave + perth Se ay a wv) aH aa vise eck L : Nica ae 9 sp. 1d +8 day yw) T B)> ty da aan . . dt ar ° oe podae oy year bo 4 wae) Ie “ ret (a7 Q . . FRPP v W Best © oo Analysts 4 conpot as a denchen The sespense 4 a exptem 4 dime “to is Krom? ap the Time ts the—- fers The Aime xESpOnse a she ae stats veoponseo Suro oh seansient & © sient phenemere Au. poachcal sytens Pe ae “to Some extant lechore exttouining steady stots ~The poler & 2220S, 4 she ken spans bey pols the time yeoponse, of He zedslons= dunchen con a teaes ao pracee, 4% oper signed to a control jer is not known aheod A dime en eA \astantanerus inpul con pd be express mands | Fos example , woken 20 an cxaht ‘s “4 betos= it oli ave totaly a \ehose the awcxohth feats OTe dene using & he Labotoy, tent Signals oe Sho ase the Aiictuabancer. the yeouls of nerd eos sine. the dsanst ee stalg bebavieuy ay the aircvalt + i . sepat is sobelpcon then it can be Concluded trot the av ieuy tne obroralt in tess of stebililg and as veoponse coll be sakislactory hor ong distusbana this is because, any inpal shal ig extesior do Ike aiveraft is > combinaben ef Vax otl® sent Signals. Thus anadiging a designng @ contol System yrere sheuld be & basis of avieu? co” hme purpEnse of MA a coamplished by subjechrg tha od wlth apical Lat Signe Compon'ser bo fermd, This: is A Bias Teansiend werpenre * eo gre ofp variation dusirg Ho time ,j+ Jokes do achieve ih dinal Valuo 1's wn deansiont venpense _the tine nefured fo ocluee a fra) valu ts called danslent period _ stats alne coun ‘be. cafived a Wot DT Y the-trme ourponge: wobeh decays % 3% after Some hme an Sypkem op gear do ik ral value a it of Can ke ner hal or ella try alas. 0) standard 40% Spreh: Leste inept 2 Famp inpet 3. porabebic oP Rb. Ae +7? 20 +20 al uni ae Rie &. ro) steady job ev ew = CS) “= REQ ES). Oxdor of a sgster qin. K 29 Al hishnt powes gf S in 748 pentortrahr & toe days n ho Ab Ip DS aos + a's EG eae m20 3% ovcley rel Prot addy value of mn giv +e no-ef polo in te TH. Respense s aos s for unit unit SP onpul asad imp Th of Parent then, 8 ccs) ae < & == = Sta RISD HIE fey ry pe mpg is On SP sb cz! Risd = 's. 24,4 cl) = Ris LL 8S ITs. HTS 2 ee 2 +s (8+ In) (SA IP co Le #:4+ & << s+t s+4) : eae ' Ac. lr $+, 7 . =e e Az C19-S. + T. S(s+ 7) Pi TOS -s26 Bz TH+ lh) Sel fp t20 et= 1-€@ te IT eds 1-€7 t<2T CWO |-e7 107,<—> 907, t G sett = 9¢ 1, a6 32 20. 86s 200s ae 2 ox dirt fy the Step vo porn 99” 1% Vek woe : 8 Stary wlfn 214 ih, 0% Smet vel oY 6 ts CH = «98 i , A zg ols oe = 1-098 < 2 Yo preblen vat =< I- € —3.G2-cFS ° Anal he stip verponse @(D dt WY OR 4. piso dod Ha . dloseribed by ISD > Bey wise Ame x Seng Sme- me conspast, pin Lh. f> “OD cio2 GID RS) aut en: I-€ Jb oS sce. Tear y we the SE Abe toe % e g z wat ecOr ast eo jo dn \ + ob Mae =bin:! a ate On| os Narn — 7 5 arln= Ina ~ake of ine = 98 eee xy Tete epee JY] ats= tn 19%. x, shee By ts > ln 38 eel 4 ee S| eS | = Ya Yale |e 49 shal er 019%) Second oreler ost fem ol ° Jew coef ac” on ober hey edeill — ee fey. + 6c = & CQ). = st ast Cae QS LLE TE OF ENGINEERING clo _ wn Ris ~ _sverF ens = I+ egons —| -2 . aes + nS+ OA ag sas as - ca 4 i ne 0. PEFR | mnt Go SanliGiated. KV. COLLEGE GF ENGINEERING Second order system . “the Standard ores of closed loop seansfes | seten func af feat odes Stem is gen by - eal Gi eo < es Son Bg ons 7% le i é, at phere Wn undamped matical eg . ing var’ = pehial_ damp MD | 5 = ae ene anlage, | do en The vespense ct) of second order syste aan ! — y the Vi alee clampeh' zaho depencling on in °° 7 8 rd ped ae into thé os of /4 the Spslim can be classift four Case _ undamped spslem g70- ase li ~~ under domped system o<3 . S$, $2 = = gon Eenige! wo) _ a e any > _ wont wn (kK? Roots are 2 ae c = -pe4 oc unequal - “42 spten me (Scales 2: ovey Case 4 damped ; by DMN KY <|- Z oof | SiSo2 — Zen + wn (Fo) Se, + dion spy oe, 2 Sun a Jonfep a - . a Xe ~~ $n tj0d : The woh Gre B Complex conjugate, the System's orelerdangd & where bods ton [TAFE vv lod > damped frequency of oscillahen of Poe System ard ik unit (8 ved] Se fe Vane Me RV.COLLEGE Ct , lee Response of eindamped Second 3 Siygiem ! es + cis) = RIS) Be SHOR 2 Lb ep S Spo By partial fachn ©7f2r"™ es enh ye ee S (So) x ee = €6).$ | best cae) Bz ccs cst 0) . 2m $= pen, D2 ENGINEERING ar. Ss ! saree) (ea or). OY | | Be Gree en | s.(s°+ar) sz don. ; , ap S2,\2 co ot Fag Ne [oy RV. COLLEGE CF ENGINEERING jee Resp te Zecend Oxdes Systems toy 4 ppd Undo dam peal case and when the np’ 'S unit STP, ° ois cop ; RISS C4 DZENS POW O< 3 <1 fw under damped cone e eon & Ye Game on &. (S42 Eons ton) Sysiey He sock Ae conf h fw under daimge d Conyjusa li’ gs 4 fd - pe chevacls SOC aha Poots Sz -—2hh + onl Pa) ee 2 Since psi esi 2 J. S + — Zen + HN Jonas’) = gon fenw Je wd > lon yi—#~ ore = fines ed pa he. er. eB at + 2. 7 gay BA Ea 2 ceo $s Fete ete s the weopenke ip semen Fr unit ‘Ip S(s+ of wns Heoe”) - A 4 BS+e¢ : | 1059) a con” | | | Ss P+ DELNS HON” e =\ B= ee _ 4 x BSC L foe oe > (re BGOOS F on) s SAO FHOS “Hop ene Shagens on 4 68458 + s ay ot bees ee oz 1 +8 , 3 equohy mee oon S oO = Bgenee 10 Fen Ls a BES - eee 3 g42g0ns oon” S* De sar? 2d — Gr28en), Ss y - v S°42E onSFen 7 pa) + 2G wn) v a «4 - bs Fem FBO ee eee fee eee rd Oo a7 & S42 5 AX yer Or iene ort Hees pee 9 V S eaves rer 2 4 gpa’ : agen £é : WN SAS A bon (wees, + a L€ eos wat gen = Fem. (ea gery ba” Sb we — fant —e@ 50rl 95 bd t } pe eer [cout + ea | Ans 4 > bn bd | ee L { v Y ent fen oo Sind bi ' ae Pcowar + £ Oi ae eee) 1-€ ; | sons € br ¢ Cond ts HN (|| YP sso fee € Tr Fo ell ene EG SRB — spot t— e ( _ | Sinead 2 =. \j- Co Ves ae apap? omO 2} pane + BS" & | we - pal | | Ze, OF Ton! (he | gn e = li-g® vy ! coor F — eeerr (Sin wd +2) or # Ie heme O= Tar /Tes*) — \ 4 Fangs SIZ CM+1- ep 7 | nro EEE > bo ey unt skp et Rerpense g urderdamped * 805 Ft unet Step “fh ) _ oe ~The veo pense af underdamped Second ode Py jeen. ogeillateo behore acttlng 10 & dual é aR Value: the oscilahens defends on the Nelus A damping sah. Hes Ee . RIS CDE Lp PE” Ay Criteal chem porneg Lr) LL eS) OOP RISD steep Zens kon (6 p-p)> Pr Step YP ape Lt wR Ss aren é B Ft = CLP = $+ (ee)” SIKN - 21S) = | Ax~ eS) tec a Be ccsr($+en) | e Sa awn y seen + 2Slan | 204 20" (oxen bop” Ulo” 5 Geeta?) | poke for J tp? ds S f Zen < B a =pn a e . > ~~ £2" | i — nt =F * pa a — CO aA BL Cc St ee ee (S48 Stn ie eo, = a — wy _ & (Ste > Sten oe 5 _ ont opr CW =z 1 — onter™ e L | et (wt +1) sos Aave The 2b PETSE ef critically damped . ad | no 6&cillabrw fasyerse gf ceed ordex System pow fen the input vs overdamped case and © nd) cohen Hs (kook owe seal xchihel | s,, $> Bonk LIS) = bp di are RISD a = esp a SBMS Hope = cis) = pale bo nd ‘oo : Sh H2ZONS TF bp ccs). - hhere SE Sena bP non Fe Gn i WS | Response of second oxox Sporem Od ) Step pet () undamped Coe V\ S\ ) gE em. I—caert rv ~ e pursed « 7 () (O b? eel 7 & ft rere we cosets Bley 7 eet S ae Sy Se a ¥ pr jo yam S foal ¢ unequel \2 ye atta ds iter i ~ undndorped nis “ ay ane Zz geet oe jc srka®) Par , of Fs” . 1 >) tndirdampeal s critical: damped spk ($0) hare me oscillahory ysker Aan. eile befor. setttiry jo a firal po mo oscillabern bigk 3) overdamped syst hav ose Fe prplem - Ce a. ot ur funcher iS it taku derge? Ame dv the. wep Yeach to fred vale e ® uundouepeol ig oom pledely ascillahyy sig, feealbacle syste dohose. Opeh loop eersfr oF ; ee AAD = _4 and a . ippet s ee >" g G45) sep Rw gay” _ oy = GES) = Ha6) RED y+ 40s) een y '* Sos+s) (StS) 7 sist St SUsts) > 4 $ (StS) +4 ays ig 1 . 4 carical - = be ude Sasseu Te ed wae zz C4USHS TY at a = | qi (EHIEHD TF : yr ove Smee up Rees sep? RID eZ reed AR pire dar O2 +: 4 — overdamp4 a S 6+) ts+u) spre cas. #£4+82,te& * 4 . oo Sr) Sesenlsey) p=] aD Ss | sce B= -4/3 ns) ; 7 > (S es V3 CY | | cl) S49) lee 4 en ae ci) =e 7 ge © 30540) em- Je werk 4133 87 oo yee 3 2 Shh —S ty a s4zast 2g Ly - een gin 2) ye © A posihen al Cenbe system velocity feel hack. 1S Shown ip hig. what 13 fhe sunporse Ff The System des unit stip inpt RIS) Was) cin, ee. 7 5 (S42 RISD st ee _ 100 Cols) S(S42) 100 ee S($t2) 41084100 w = )00 5 12S +100 Step ifpo. cl ET jee Ss C545 410) = [eam comple age Rooks ome com plex conjugate it 1s an under damped spre aty Go 2: _4i___ bo fe a Op 2aS+b? ep 10 ose fence cinder damped @ fo. A+ Ste . OB I2S+I0O - p~ a)S| sco Bos PIO 12S F100) + (sre) CSS - Y, ee Fl 4126-100) 4 BS HES Comp Ss” a pt+B=o S on] or leat] B.-A! e+ -i2A=lh e AL etSyza _ £ . Ss See Pastel ae a Sale C74 (2SHHD * 37 Seas = + (2S4106 + g- ster (4 6) 484 ae 3 set __ . G0) 464 G2Or6+ -ot a. 1—€ BAe gin 8b —6t Ire (cos st - S184) 5 cen cucld m & gexve mele O@ atte? gener be of ae wet sone Sibir be 2) 4a% r own step ! fe obteun an expr” eoryed Loop parsfer furher- perenne undampert cnelaved ural domp'"74 unit yap yer port Time. Domain Spec fication’ 1 onnance charackes sto Ff control eae ave. he pep ez demaun pecifeah ons Syskms Jesme Specified 1? , esfoege elemenk vil! vot respond | eth energy ub ep —chis pr bane 4 i shy + inpae oy 3® ‘S mmecliatéely / qransiert gncnpe VEE Lojl) exh/b/ ayoe chorectansh oF » the. eee perfor ” vanbe gpecified tem of any ore fale pd combed Sf ense pa unit sep | parsiert FE | unit inkerms ef pe aysiem 0 2 of 2 cecond a "danpig sah . ps | : al aoith yan ev yalute? ¢v Step! | ig shoo” , 47° |e Coe 7 _ es _ | 9y'ON aBed ‘ONINSSNIONA JO 3931109 “A'Y| pgsume ot initial Condiber = 0 | pe parsient Ge2pperse ga pracheal Sgetem offen exhbi damped oscillabory before suachirg ica) damped rerpense Cfo steady 7 “fp System is Shown 10 #3 uv xe “The specificahany ave w pelay time +4 2. Rise me ty 3 Peak time tp A. Maximum overshoot Mp. = | settling dime ts | | | SPON@Beq ONTETSNIONS 50 | 3OgTIOD WE | sme is the ti i Hime taken 3 seaponse +0 cece ee Gench so}, Y he fined valiie., pos Bie ver fist tte. time taken \p* seopense- os the NE wet Hime. y ~ B | Rise Fine: D4 is The sip sause jpom o te 100 J, Yor the undesdamped exgtem 1? wise me iS caladalad bem 0 '° \oo 7, Bur ber overdamped senporee Stem te is the time taken by Ae bo saise fpom \o'}, 40 40'l, Fox exitcally damped ayetem, 4 taken -4o% scopes fo saise pom 5), 0 as‘. | ee. Peak time, of is Te sme Haken ter 7 | yeopens@ ee eee ty oe peak value yo the ved ist Hime | a. Peek oves shoot | ON . . / i of is defined as Yhe yaho a moni peak valu meapured) foo fies vole | he eval value - | phon aBed — _ | 3 val 7 TYE | OO Ts ee - Hoa value = ©Lt@). W Peele e ever Shoot Mp = eltey— eC) 2 (8) % ae _eltr)- C4) i006 Se Ss setlling time: oF is definecl ao tre Hme taken = | by she Yeopense to veach & shay cithin & Specified| ewes ot is aseally expressed ee, ‘L of Sina) value. The usual kelovance embry is 2) ox Si, of Lnad value. Expressic oa bes hme domain pal ‘calyens Rise time PON o6eg "~~ ONINIANIONA JO 3931109 AU | ge os dos tern tox under Respons< a Second “b en b damped case is Aver 4 ] er so (cod 4+B) \ a | a ely = \- S sinbedty 8) = 1 vie e ee ao [ost +B) = 0 | ev Sn J Sag e #e Ze 5 Sin(cdt +8) =0- Ry SK - ~ when G20,%7™) Sin G rO codt + 0= * Fane qi \$ wate B® 7 6= Adee bye a8 uy re “Zy'on Beg ONINSANIONA JO 3931109 ‘AY | | ton fi=ge> cobs £| it a : ~ pre Sme 2 6 C Csak hme tp “sil veniad ott) Ort A aqucte 0 | Ape | 49,479 ue : edcl- a sin [edt +8) | | e — £bnt +0 | d[ew) = FOF (geen) Sin(oder ® | ar eee \ a —£ bert canliodt 4 6) bod G A put ude &ndl-g © Won eGeq = ~ ONINFANIONA JO 3937109 WY $] mY 9 ere -$onp 5 fo] as Geen) on (od EO con 9 e FN dete) a = ae (ry = bp eo [aerenr” - ies cores +9] an ein @: Co(edtt J 5s ees |eass Sin (wdt +8) — . , FF” Le A sin(a-B) orf wn en?" sin[[adt+) =) ot _ 8h gi (wd t) 5” =O. . dé cP) = Oa te Fy _gupt pean erie) 5 2 sinwdtp > ne 07l)2) ede eT one we __ tpt Mud) Ee | OP ‘ON aBeg ONIMFANIDNA 4O 39D3TION AU mens, - 7 Fst, — nd apo) ne 2,41 818 Pst Sees. Peak. oversheot 1p » : (Mp = ’ cla) _ $b a aa oF "gn [wit +O) “= ge ab b=” peo” gin (od $4 8): cla )= ae \-% = |] -0=2)1 at t= tp _gertp elt: el&)- 1-€. ; gn[bdtp +9) Via pub tps a eles fH er a gn (of Bj 78) 6t ‘ONebeg elt Ll) y100 ONSSNIONS JO 3937109 AY! 8 “ON eBed envirg v en (Atey | ( gn (EHO) ~ “re » KIO ~ONIESANIONA JO 3D3TION AY) (S08) Seltling pme bs See - — — feet yedyeer I cmp onenT é a ghee pecag "5 y ema pe Stee) , . nt Smusvidal Cone gn (edt a) | tz ts 200% ° for Sroeller 7 7 Fit 6:02- ! _ gonts é@ 70" . ore Oe one ae) | a Gime oa ~ F< _ guilkel] —ponb= tn le) = gents BS , bee Bt 37 So fer Le ON Beg — ONINSINIONA 40 393TION VN "96 °ON eBed ONTETANION JO 3D3TION AU) the unity feedback system is charackinised by an oper lLeop poarsfey unchen gisye K+ Redermint Te geer K,. SUS 410) 80 at the spien oil) have & damperg vaho of oS fr ms value f en eee sett lr Aime peak cveurhoot avd Ame 10 pe a . step ip put | el oer hee fo 4 unt? under damped sper] . ay, 2? Bo 4 69 __xislsr ° J+ SLSt10) Kk = _K SCSHOITK er Jostk fe Fg fan st by St ‘ON o6eg _ SNRIZANIONA 40 39STIOO N'Y Ke $2 sy with velo ey at DP posibened control System ~ phat is Fhe fred bade 18 her ae ones pense colt) Bp te unit Step input liven |! Hat fas Also calalole wise BO ) pooh ame , Hox peal ever shoot F sellly fine Rts) — {+ ¢f@) +8) T [esi g<- - _ 68 | Se pe 6b HS) ie: sist 8) | I+ e (used > ae 708) | . bo ) | : — SF) 5 (sro? ables FE oe re | a Heh) SF 14 | —eeon Beg SSS _ ~ 9NRISSNIONS 4O 3937109 AU ' kK EID pnvK 2 10 sadlsee Kz100 » bn zlo vad |Ste ONINTANIONS JO DATION AY 2'ON aBeg CS Os rile feedback System ts chavacten'sed 4 | a the f ue Sale ) 2 os! 5 Gastb “gzONeBegG 2 ~~ SNRIBSNIONG JO 3O3TIOO 7'H) tent] puget) . pelemine IF ans tet “sisroe) e als) : 1S) 2 = iD jp 6139 HS 6 ust | $y pe UST ka est e)t | - oust! ° gst! US) is) 0 ! CISD = k ? —— ee fe | bed = ty | ® | , | 7 / | e | " | 0¢ ON eBed ee ee a ea [stor ere] a a et [sure +1049) | @ = | 8 yeu ved te Anil = ee ee - AB = i=, a ed 3 Yb | - 0 4Or Se | - Bez = “Bad 3 44y | gh Up = € os xi | a Se WEE Ls oles nid zc leh | i = 3T hex SJ, erry - | .uT bev 2]. evr | . fa Be Oe 2 De fF : J ae fn Os xy | byt Bu Teh S . ~~ ONINSANIONA JO 3937109 ‘AU, Yn. oe Ae || ° _ Fy G6 t16 4l© Cy 3 Ros) ae us +16 gees uncltrdamped a ye ae domplen Cy hook “* p BS 40 - 1 jb 37 Bis GCS) S (srust!) st | | ve7 HY | pets Bel Zeon eBed — _ — ONIANIONS 40 3DITION AY bo \ eee Sth{wdt +6) ccs i Sy ust. es tb = SH 2 Srustl a . ee (S72) 412 Sob - Ste = 2. S. (rr meres >) -2t a ot ed ch > |} — e@ Co \pbt — 2 & Sinden t | aYB. Sees [< SINBE 4 co WO | oy v8 e Dl oe Losin b 2a fire ee 3B 3 7 at. ; i (-e os } Sin G24 ene +casiat- nb | & 4 te ON Obed ONINSSNIONA JO 3OITION AU eG feedback system ha oper loep peifer anche TaN K bet gaen K. lS. 2). a S(S+I0) go that The Syatem will have a dampeng Aho tp, 1Mp “ts tex ef oS fea Lis value of k. Soho e GID = K SSHOD els) cere OK Kk ROSD 10) = mee ck S74 l0S4K . SCSI) ” ¥ Com pani ng eh. eg It Gls) HOS) > SH los + L > oa ie St 2gens+ep + ton 2K tye fone K -\ —_ 4 - Jax 2gene 10 eo 2x5 wnz 10 aaa = O12yL one tod = 10. ted lee 4282S 2x — af = 0343 Be, Ke 2 as ~ eee tp og enirFr) = EN | ger. SK 7 vire oe ete 7 xIOw = OC “THEY, 21e3'), erce Tan) ne So imen (Se) = tedlian = @ te agen loop -hanstey funchen af a unilg conta Ngyeiem is BNE? ae S(St10) (2) Pp Sytem Is gen by aiff ey Gn 4s + 14 + 84 7 q-elp ae ip > (i ° j faa anh skep'p ok all hme demain Spee! a secese nate yo) = re us +? 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Wis yy wooly =o 0 8Q1 fest! -joole2.y 5 QOS US 42 419 K2S 4 Lookers O, 9 eon 5010.5 ~4- Be say HS t 208 pe look 5 ole kp 00%! =O eget 28 au us ii v ., joa 4 wr = “b oe peyooo be nt a hore IE) ap pug DR IR) =IG " 2z ‘ON aBeg - ONINSANIONA JO 3937109 AY @ my a 4 oo [war bn vv a gxtagr*oed = ce -—t V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Page No.8 Noo , the Sestem is type 2 N=B, the sytern is types and 80 mM “the Steady stale emvos is the. Valur. |S stelz, Evvoy : | hon +t’ tendo +0 oo. [& exsox signal eh, ® The aa Stel, evros iS Q Measure of e@ | Sustern accuracy: | These exsosg anise from the valine y mpuli, tyee of Sytem & fem rentinearily of System Cempenenb. “the camel stake, perhaman yO b Stabe central austen is generally judged 4 rc vabelic. ib Steady gtali ewos to Step ) amp % pa Bhoan i sex. Consides a closed loop System | below els) S ee ets) , el) | RE , (eet | THe fe | CEU ___R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING @® a ___Page No.9 ~~ Ris? = Inpar signal _ ElS> = Evers Signa CED = Feed bade Kanal ecsy) = outpak signal or ses ponse. Ripa — wos) = signal ECS) ourpuh signal CSD = ECS): @IS) Ets) = RID — (Eco aissui ees + ECOALD WIS? = RV's) \ L ae eo [14 Gl wos RO en EID = RO kp fee es 1+ GIOHl u — ka ler e(4 = evxos Signal in Hoe domain eW= be [ eo). of 82 — 7 14 GIDHWO let ag Ess = steady sali Erde Steady ata ewes is de fynad on tke \ualue ef at) when t' tends 4e & / esp z ef) . +3 © st e __R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 7 Page No. 10 “the final value -+heorem states tho P af FI = LF &3) | | | thet ues fle te s FISD \ | $3 0 we aa Fg Us Gis HOS) velodlg exoys constanh Kye Ue a e Pig UE SAH Accelaxahen ewoy constanh Ka = a Kp Kw & Ka are cabled eiahc ewor constenk . R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING _Page No. 12 Stead { sleli eros hen the ig ( unit Step zigral 5. RISD = WP ——— ESS 590. 14 GIDIHSD | ‘et gine ‘ls | when tre ilp 1S step e J-esst Ut s-\Ie | S36. | + clo WLS), | 2uU s 8 ol S26. (yk GOW ak S30 P . ; ated posrhwel usiheve Kee woo GId WO Ke soe ° | yee comcterh’ ® | Tyre oO _ System Kp ~ d¢ 4H) =U k (se2y (Ste) ~ — 330 2 ge a fires) S20. Fy sawed {t_— = te SL) ND he phew Koc We SARIN 9 ke jscotled $395 velang or R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Page N 7 _ _ ___Page No. 14 ae © ke: U 5 clsy HO $0 - Usk i (St AE4 ED =~ ~ 26 eae (S40) [s+ Po) a | SAGDHID. 2 Ur Sok 680 ay pe - I A" oe ee : - : {0 e “ese ae kK Es evap s CsHP)) [ ae cooler) = v TY pee k gee Has UF gs klsted 2 oe (B+) S30 5 pet ess tc ~ Koy ee 7 7 is Parabiue | Stenel etale wove phon tHe pe y £kS ess S90 4 GIDHID gio? M3 pos abolic > uf R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Ur So $390 ee t+ 405) HIS - tt pee a Lr ha oH i $40 u KID HID oie STS 530 4 GDH ie Page No. 15, 44 __|R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Page No.16 Ty PC A= u“ GIS) HES) la < F S70 us SK Et?) 2 Ow r S40 g Es4ri) | Be Coe tes = Ka ae 3. . ka cu 3 Gb) HIS s—a0 ~ tps” eH Et 6 370 SG y 2 a ts 7 Ga se Pe a when & aly shell C7 g a caine Lunt SEP ® A HX. unitramp unt fasabele es eee Ia = __PageNo.17 ___RV, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING problem : | tee | the ger leop pansfes funcher of a Servo system | iG gis) = 10 __ . Evalu | wth unils feced back is s PCRS) valuak ‘ne stake One constanb of the system pbtacn Le | ae system woken subjected Steacly gale ence ee ! | te Wn Ne ag He pelgnemine) an | | We @ y= ao tater ax | Saleh, jaye 18 S(olS +!) | Hi = ! | i 8) Loop pens fev funchn Git ® gue Kp ky wha | sdahe ews 0 le t | . a aS) | kp so0 kur 5 GIS) | sa0 ke + s Gls) S36 ___,R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING | Sheedy shalt a eesy> _ 18), 4 GIsp HS) > . t+ @2-4 yd) = ao tart F Sot guen gine te S (dust) pis) =) av 2 iw) 2 ao at + + ty) xs +e as CLD S sh OS. (s) Els) = ao y pa eis Cae etc << Ss 19— s(olstl) eos av 2 at oY TS “(oth +10 Sot Fe s(ols4 Page No. 18 {ol _ Page No. 19 E OF ENGINEERING - —s Zi: 40 fs (olsti \« ar |S StI) ~)\ yar [stony $ S (olstt0| 8” |s (ols +i+l0_) $3 [oie ase) +10 ef. - uf 6-68) go 0 ao (Sloe) US 1 \s (orsnd+l0 R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Page No. 20 > Find enor ets). >. ess= ub secs), s0 -u ig. RS) S20 TpeOHIo Fos stop |p NY Ramp esse AE VsRmy lea vl paren e Ramp ‘lp 3 ess= 1 kno. velocity ‘|p ése2 Ka Typen : step 1]P: Bind Kp | tyre? a 4 casyyisy) ® S30 eu Kee SHR S90 cP (sth) (StPa)-F- ~ Const \ « owt \+cen4 yee EDD 1 kes YY ata 1h 7 a __R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Page No.21 problem Flew - | ter ne a wegeie. jo feasback, control System | Pinal stea A prtyeoniad 29° e eae ’ Tey ee hee RO < a te ta Zz 4 4+ )4 &p kU Fa kp = tim 6 | S30 e = co = Dd Se(ses> 61) Kage 2? sS0= 0 sey ali eraY pa or ee oe 7470 LE ~ ac ew ~ 2 Ans Up depo d 4 | |R.V. 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Jype | System ewe AL | dF Ky fr rene | _ Gt) HIS) jhes ou ae ve yo lst 20 b= Bao Seer6se9 - Ye cE ; oc lp OS | 1+ Go Us 1) - 210 foe Las a age — oor —— [9 (+12) + 20s} > op usteeP Qe ee nl = sanusp 0» Page No. 28 R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING = _ GIS HISI= SD Oy UUSH49O . 0 Ty pe 2 i u ge cence E ee 6s OU) kp = S40 Wp yuspua ku zt §. 250 = 2 6 putuss ¥O e % gx =) a st Bee ke oe UNS HO. ny y(t) ele (i) ew Lo fe Oke je ke 1462 e mM, va rst 8 Oy varst a 2 S* a 0 Ger ® es wash ty 6 ® aw aS Fe = cob R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Page No. 29 foo oo Sistem antes _K S7St+r)B43) : mi? steely gfall fir Pho. velut of IC te bins! eof axvoe 70 jo. cohen te ip fo dhe SY Hee 28 2 , Ipiob+ bok — > pees A Ky - Je ae e Pe Loo sist Ot) : ss = @& a § (st (643) var Kk. 6 . _ i} 4 lo + 7 a0, me Fe ep o 6 40 + t4e = ‘ e ‘a i hae desived fo ~ $ Ss oh psuming, WTO aed | ay valu a K dud He ver Jt doth ev £0 wos sp Ye be fo bee Ie LVEDE Cc R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Os, 2s S01005 YR O8lt Gls) HOS) < _k ols). Tyee! spre Page No. 30 a FF P S (SD _ 9k & aS iiten) la sv& =O Sls+/) Ort = 0008 oe yo \ 1002 = po yvoe = ahead ee permit x for cntly ge? vt) a3 de om — 7 a ver) i) ( “ ye CBr Fe pus ~ 70 (Coe © ee more 103. > Zywe wr ° __|R.V. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING _ Page No. 32 _ C%)e & Gin2 Me 8 4{s+9 yz 58, 2 jest) goz A Scheme & Stlu hen © & G 402) 43 | i469) 63 es) “Geseer Gt 42) G3 To Gites Hi cls) = RISD QiGs + 43 e GiGzhi- oka Ie 2 frrward pathr We 3B “fhett art vitsy 9142+ Vo wl9 Gy es vols) e vits) Gy es Fe 3 Nan , SPOR g damper tm= dK, » feck, Far 82 dt sk 7 y s T Ge. IQ? control Systerng class of Sidink 0 WwithenHteackey tered l x8) class of Sindenl” a co cath teacher Sin wat 10-8 b O8 — 42 \,3)S marta + ez 24,6. - minima - ONIUZANIONA JO 393TION WY Qi onebea © oS ye SH — 6 (S 410) ss It as TG+le) Ie A S(s+to) oS ; - ee JOS HI / KL . _ 663) 6 19 S4IC t+ oH

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