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Embedded Systems Lab

Experiment-1: Interfacing GPIO ports with LED and switch

Objectives: To get familiarized with Tiva C Series TM4C123 LaunchPad Kit
Equipment and components needed: LaunchPad kit, Laptop PC (use personal)

Fig 1: Board description

Fig 2: LED and switch interface circuit diagram

Important registers required for experiment
SYSCTL_RCGC2_R; // 1) activate clock for Port F

GPIO_PORTF_LOCK_R = 0x4C4F434B; // 2) unlock GPIO Port F

GPIO_PORTF_CR_R = 0x1F; // allow changes to PF4-0

// only PF0 needs to be unlocked,

GPIO_PORTF_AMSEL_R // 3) disable analog on PF


GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R // 5) PF4,PF0 in, PF3-1 out

GPIO_PORTF_AFSEL_R // 6) disable alt funct on PF7-0

GPIO_PORTF_PUR_R // enable pull-up on PF0 and PF4

GPIO_PORTF_DEN_R // 7) enable digital I/O on PF4-0

Delay function:

void Delay(void){unsigned long volatile time;

time = 145448; // 0.1sec



Exercise 1: Toggle onboard LED (R or G or B). Observe the waveforms in debug mode and
calculate on time, off time and frequency.
Exercise 2: Toggle onboard LED in sequence (R, G, B). Observe the waveforms in debug mode
and calculate on time, off time and frequency.
Exercise 3: Interface SW1 and control LED (R or G or B). Observe the waveforms in debug mode
Post-lab experiment:
Write a program for performing the following operations:

Event Action in RGB LED

SW1 pressed Yellow color blinking
SW2 pressed Pink color blinking
SW1 and SW2 pressed White color blinking
No SW pressed LED off

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