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InsuranceSuite Analyst Fundamentals

Student Workbook
Exercises and Tutorials

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Document Published: 2019-09-16
InsuranceSuite Analyst Fundamentals - Student Workbook

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
Instructions for Self-Study ...................................................................................................................... 4
Start ClaimCenter ................................................................................................................................... 4
Login Credentials .................................................................................................................................... 5
Data Dictionary ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Open navigation pane ............................................................................................................................ 6
Lesson 1 Introduction to InsuranceSuite Technologies .............................................................. 7
Purpose................................................................................................................................................... 7
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Exercise 1: User Interface (UI) basics ............................................................................................ 8
1.2 Solution 1: User Interface (UI) basics ............................................................................................ 9
1.3 Exercise 2: Data Dictionary basics ............................................................................................... 10
1.4 Solution 2: Data Dictionary basics ............................................................................................... 12
1.5 Exercise 3: Application Logic basics............................................................................................. 13
1.6 Solution 3: Application Logic basics ............................................................................................ 15
Lesson 2 User Interface .......................................................................................................... 17
Purpose................................................................................................................................................. 17
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 17
2.1 Exercise 1: User Interface (UI) walkthrough ............................................................................... 18
2.2 Solution 1: User Interface (UI) walkthrough ............................................................................... 19
2.3 Exercise 2: Keyboard commands................................................................................................. 21
2.4 Solution 2: Keyboard commands ................................................................................................ 23
Lesson 3 Data Model.............................................................................................................. 24
Purpose................................................................................................................................................. 24
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 24
3.1 Exercise 1: Entities in the data dictionary ................................................................................... 25
3.2 Solution 1: Entities in the data dictionary ................................................................................... 26
3.3 Exercise 2: Typelists..................................................................................................................... 28
3.4 Solution 2: Typelists .................................................................................................................... 30
3.5 Exercise 3: Entity relationships.................................................................................................... 31
3.6 Solution 3: Entity relationships ................................................................................................... 32

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Lesson 4 Application Logic...................................................................................................... 34

Purpose................................................................................................................................................. 34
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 34
4.1 Exercise 1: Explore UI behavior ................................................................................................... 34
4.2 Solution 1: Explore UI behavior ................................................................................................... 38
Lesson 5 Integration Mechanisms........................................................................................... 42
5.1 Summary of Integration Mechanisms ......................................................................................... 42
Lesson 6 Workshop ................................................................................................................ 44

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Welcome to the Guidewire InsuranceSuite™ Analyst Fundamentals course.

The Student Workbook will lead you through various course module exercises and additional
information. The module numbers correspond to the module numbers in your training. As time
allows, complete the assigned exercises to the best of your ability.

The concepts covered in this course apply to all InsuranceSuite™ products. Although ClaimCenter is
used for the exercises, the content and examples apply to all the products because they are built on
the Guidewire™ technology stack.

Instructions for Self-Study

You should have access to a Guidewire virtual machine (VM) to complete this course. Contact
Guidewire Education ( if you do not have access.

Start ClaimCenter
After you gain access to a VM, follow these steps to start the ClaimCenter application.
1. Locate the ClaimCenter Shortcuts folder on the Desktop.
2. Double-click the icon to open the ClaimCenter Shortcuts folder.
3. From the file list, double-click on Start ClaimCenter.
This opens a command prompt window. Several messages related to ClaimCenter’s startup appear
in the window. When the steps are finished, you see the following message in the command
prompt window:
***** ClaimCenter ready *****

Leave the command window open (minimize if needed).

It is easy to miss the “ready” message since ClaimCenter continues to process activities after
displaying the notice. If you have waited three minutes or more without seeing the message, go to
step 4 and open the Chrome browser. The message at the bottom of the command window
continues to display ‘--------- 0% EXECUTING’, it may be disregarded.
4. Open Chrome from the side bar of the VM.
5. In the browser, click the ClaimCenter icon at the top of the screen to connect to the following URL:

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6. When you are finished training for the day, stop the application server.
To stop the server, double-click the Stop ClaimCenter shortcut in the folder ClaimCenter Shortcuts
on the Desktop. This opens a command prompt window to shutdown ClaimCenter.
After shutting down ClaimCenter, both of the command prompt windows close.

Login Credentials
How do you log in?
Each exercise includes information on the username and password to use when signing into the
application. All students use the same username in order to access the same sample data. This is
possible because you are viewing the data and not updating it. If another student performs an update
while you are both working with the same claim and you see a concurrent data exception error
message, you can clear the error by simply clicking Cancel on the screen to cancel the change. Ask your
instructor for more information if needed.

Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionary documents the entities and typelists in the Guidewire application including both the
base product and any customer extensions to it. You need the Data Dictionary to complete some of the
exercises in this Student Workbook.
Follow these steps to locate and open the Data Dictionary.
1. Locate the ClaimCenter Shortcuts folder on the Desktop.
2. Open the ClaimCenter Shortcuts folder.
3. Locate the build folder in the ClaimCenter file list.
Navigate to C:\GWXX\ClaimCenter\build\dictionary\data
Click on the data folder
Right-click index.html and select ‘open with -> Google Chrome’ in the context menu
The main or navigation page for the Data Dictionary displays in a new tab in the browser. You can
click the ClaimCenter tab to return to the application until you are instructed to access the Data
Dictionary for an exercise.

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Open navigation pane

Open the navigation pane in a PDF file
This Student Workbook is provided in PDF format. Use the navigation pane to easily access
specific sections of the document without scrolling or going to the Table of Contents. If you do not see
the left navigation pane, you can turn it on. In a PDF file, click the bookmark icon on the left. Or click the
Adobe Acrobat menu item View  Show/Hide  Navigation Panes  Bookmarks.

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Lesson 1
Introduction to InsuranceSuite
In this lesson, you learned about the Guidewire™ technology stack and how it is used in Guidewire
InsuranceSuite™ applications. Non-developers need to understand the underlying technologies in
InsuranceSuite applications so they can communicate business requirements effectively with the
development team. Knowing what can be configured and how the base application behaves helps
the non-developer decide what needs to be configured without making unnecessary changes.

For this exercise, you use ClaimCenter and a supported web browser. The ClaimCenter server should
be running when you start the lab.

The default URL for ClaimCenter is http://localhost:8080/cc/ .

For this lab, every student uses the same user login. Therefore, do not modify any data.
Never click an Update button unless instructed to do so!

This lesson includes three exercises. Perform all three exercises, then stop and wait for the
instructor to go over the solutions with the class. The solutions follow each exercise.

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1.1 Exercise 1: User Interface (UI) basics

In this exercise, you investigate the basic components of the UI, including the types of
fields available and how they are organized.
1. Log in to ClaimCenter using aapplegate/gw.
2. Navigate to the Robert Farley claim (235-53-365889) and review the information on the Claim
Summary screen.
What are the exposures on the claim? Look specifically at the information used to identify the
exposure – its type, coverage and the claimant.

What are the services on the claim? Useful information identifying a service includes the service
number, the type of the service, and the vendor performing the service.

How many planned activities does the claim have?

3. Navigate to the Loss Details screen and click Edit to put the screen in edit mode.
Which fields in the Loss Location section of the screen are text fields?

Which fields in the Loss Location section of the screen are dropdown lists?

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Which field in the Notification and Contact section of the screen is a radio button? Which field in
this section has a calendar widget?

Find all the ListViews on the screen. Which ListViews have data to display? Which ListViews have
no data to display?

Click the link in the Injuries ListView. What screen displays?

1.2 Solution 1: User Interface (UI) basics


1. Log in to ClaimCenter using aapplegate/gw.

2. Navigate to the Robert Farley claim (235-53-365889) and review the information on the Claim
Summary screen.
What are the exposures on the claim? Look specifically at the information used to identify the
exposure – its type, coverage and the claimant.
Exposure 1 – Vehicle, Collision, Robert Farley
Exposure 2 – Vehicle, Liability – Bodily Injury and Property Damage, William Weeks
Exposure 3 – Bodily Injury, Liability – Bodily Injury and Property Damage, William Weeks
What are the services on the claim? Useful information identifying a service includes the service
number, the type of the service, and the vendor performing the service.
Service 1 – 1004, Glass, Frank’s Car Repair

Service 2 – 1003, Auto body, Joe’s Auto Body Shop

How many planned activities does the claim have?

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3. Navigate to the Loss Details screen and click Edit to put the screen in edit mode.
Which fields in the Loss Location section of the screen are text fields?
Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, County, ZIP Code, Location Description, and Location Code

Which fields in the Loss Location section of the screen are dropdown lists?
Location, Country, State, and Jurisdiction

Which field in the Notification and Contact section of the screen is a radio button? Which field in
this section has a calendar widget?
First Notice Suit is a radio button. Date Reported to Agent has a calendar widget.

Find all the ListViews on the screen. Which ListViews have data to display? Which ListViews have
no data to display?
Vehicles and Injuries have data. Witnesses, Contributing Factors, Metropolitan Reports, Properties and
Officials have no data.
Click the link in the Injuries ListView. What screen displays?
The Injury Incident screen.

1.3 Exercise 2: Data Dictionary basics

In this exercise, you use the Data Dictionary to locate fields displayed in the UI to
understand the connection between the data model and the UI.
Open the Data Dictionary to complete this exercise.

When you are reviewing an entity such as the Claim in the Data Dictionary, you can find
specific fields by either scrolling or using the Keyboard Shortcut CTRL+F and entering the
field name in the search box provided.
1. Log in to ClaimCenter using aapplegate/gw if you are not still logged in from the previous exercise.
Navigate to the Robert Farley claim if necessary.

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2. Open the claim Summary Overview screen.

What is the description of the claim?

What is the Loss Date of the claim?

3. Open the claim Summary Status screen.

What is the Loss Type of the claim?

Locate the Salvage Status field – what is its value?

Click Edit at the top of the screen to make it editable. Click the arrow on the right end of the
Salvage Status field. What values are available for this field?

4. Navigate to the browser window with the Data Dictionary and click the Data Entities link on the
main screen. Locate Claim in the left pane and click the link to open it.
In the dictionary, search for the field Description. What is the type of the field?

Read the description of the field. How many characters can be entered in this field?

Search for the field Loss Date. What is the type of the field?

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Read the description of the Loss Date field. Is this field restricted to certain types of data?

Search for the field Loss Type. Read the description for the field. This field is a type key. Click the
link to the typelist LossType. What value in the typelist matches the value you saw in the UI?

Search for the field SalvageStatus. This field is also a type key that points to a typelist. Click the link
to open the SalvageStatus typelist. What values does the typelist include? Does this match what
you observed in the UI?

1.4 Solution 2: Data Dictionary basics


1. Log in to ClaimCenter using aapplegate/gw if you are not still logged in from the previous exercise.
Navigate to the Robert Farley claim if necessary.
2. Open the claim Summary Overview screen.
What is the description of the claim?
Insured swerved to avoid an animal, struck claimant’s car head-on
What is the Loss Date of the claim?
07/30/2018 12:00 AM
3. Open the claim Summary Status screen.
What is the Loss Type of the claim?
Locate the Salvage Status field – what is its value?
Blank (no value)

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Click Edit at the top of the screen to make it editable. Click the arrow on the right end of the
Salvage Status field. What values are available for this field?
In review, Open and Closed
4. Navigate to the browser window with the Data Dictionary and click the Data Entities link on the
main screen. Locate Claim in the left pane and click the link to open it.
In the dictionary, search for the field Description. What is the type of the field?
Read the description of the field. How many characters can be entered in this field?
Search for the field Loss Date. What is the type of the field?
Read the description of the Loss Date field. Is this field restricted to certain types of data?
A date and time.
Search for the field Loss Type. Read the description for the field. This field is a type key. Click the
link to the typelist LossType. What value in the typelist matches the value you saw in the UI?
Search for the field SalvageStatus. This field is also a type key that points to a typelist. Click the link
to open the SalvageStatus typelist. What values does the typelist include? Does this match what
you observed in the UI?
Closed, In review, Open. Yes.

1.5 Exercise 3: Application Logic basics

In this exercise, you investigate areas of UI behavior that are driven by application logic.

For question 2, look at the Info Bar of the claim.
1. Log in to ClaimCenter using aapplegate/gw if you are not still logged in from the previous exercise.
Navigate to the Robert Farley claim if necessary.

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2. Open the claim Summary Overview screen.

What adjuster and group are the claim assigned to?

What application logic do you think was used to assign the claim?

3. Navigate to the Loss Details screen and put the screen in edit mode.
Change the Fault Rating to Insured at Fault. What happens?

Locate the Witnesses ListView and click Add. What happens?

Click Update at the top of the screen. What happens? What kind of logic do you think triggers the

Locate the Vehicles ListView at the top of the screen. Mark the checkbox to the left of the BMW.
What happens?

Locate the Injuries ListView and click Add. What happens?

Locate the Received Treatment field and click Yes. What happens?

4. Click Cancel on the Injury Incident to close the screen without saving any changes.

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5. Click Cancel on the Loss Details screen to leave edit mode without saving your changes.
6. Log out of ClaimCenter.

1.6 Solution 3: Application Logic basics


1. Log in to ClaimCenter using aapplegate/gw if you are not still logged in from the previous exercise.
Navigate to the Robert Farley claim if necessary.
2. Open the claim Summary Overview screen.
What adjuster and group are the claim assigned to?
Adjuster – Andy Applegate, Team – Auto1 - TeamA
What application logic do you think was used to assign the claim?
Assignment rules
3. Navigate to the Loss Details screen and put the screen in edit mode.
Change the Fault Rating to Insured at Fault. What happens?
An additional field Fault Rating displays, with a value of 80.
Locate the Witnesses ListView and click Add. What happens?
A new, empty row is added to the ListView.
Click Update at the top of the screen. What happens? What kind of logic do you think triggers the
An error message displays at the top of the screen indicating the fields Name, Statement Obtained and
Perspective are missing, and a red error indicator displays in the scroll bar on the right side of the screen.
Locate the Vehicles ListView at the top of the screen. Mark the checkbox to the left of the BMW.
What happens?
The Remove button is now available (not grayed out).
Locate the Injuries ListView and click Add. What happens?
The Injury Incident screen opens.
Locate the Received Treatment field and click Yes. What happens?

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Two new fields display below Received Treatment:

Treatment Type and Primary Doctor.

4. Click Cancel on the Injury Incident to close the screen without saving any changes.
5. Click Cancel on the Loss Details screen to leave edit mode without saving your changes.
6. Log out of ClaimCenter.

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Lesson 2
User Interface
In this lesson, you learned about the components of Page Configuration (PCF) files and how to use
Keyboard Shortcuts to identify the components of UI screens. Non-developers need to understand
the InsuranceSuite user interface architecture in order to document requirements that are
consistent with the base product architecture and communicate these requirements to developers.
Modifying the User Interface in ways that support the architecture benefits implementation projects
by reducing development and training time, simplifying upgrades, and reducing the chances of
performance issues.

For this exercise, you use ClaimCenter and a supported web browser. The ClaimCenter server should
be running when you start the lab.

The default URL for ClaimCenter is http://localhost:8080/cc/ .

For this lab, every student uses the same user login. Therefore, do not modify any data.
Never click an Update button!

This lesson includes two exercises. Perform both exercises, then stop and wait for the
instructor to go over the solutions with the class. The solutions follow each exercise.

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2.1 Exercise 1: User Interface (UI) walkthrough

In this exercise, you explore multiple screen locations for a single claim to observe the
behavior of the common areas of the screen. You also look at a variety of different widgets
to understand their behavior.
1. Log in to ClaimCenter as William Dufraine (wdufraine/gw).
2. Navigate to the John Albertson claim (426-24-300180) and open the claim Summary Overview
The active tab in the Tab Bar is the Claim tab, which displays many menu links in the Sidebar. Click
the Desktop tab. What displays in the Sidebar now?

Click the Search tab. What displays in the Sidebar now?

3. Select the Claim tab again; you should be in the John Albertson claim. Select the Workplan menu
link in the Sidebar.
What displays in the Screen Area now?

Change the value of the filter at the top of the screen from My open activities to All open
activities. What happens to the workplan contents?

Click the Subject of the activity assigned to William Dufraine. What common area of the UI
displays now? What displays there?

4. Click Close Worksheet in the open activity. Locate the Info Bar in the UI and answer the following
What is the status of the claim?

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What is the Line of Business for the claim?

5. Navigate to the Exposures screen and click the Dwelling exposure to open it. Put the screen in edit
mode. Answer the following questions regarding widgets in the UI.
Locate the toolbar in the Other Carrier Involvement section of the screen. What buttons does the
toolbar contain?

How many radio button groups appear on the screen? What field name is associated with each of

Find the contact picker on the screen. When you click the picker button, what options display in
the first level menu?

Are there any type key input fields on the screen? What are they?

6. Click Cancel at the top of the exposure screen to exit edit mode.

2.2 Solution 1: User Interface (UI) walkthrough


1. Log in to ClaimCenter as William Dufraine (wdufraine/gw).

2. Navigate to the John Albertson claim (426-24-300180) and open the claim Summary Overview

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The active tab in the Tab Bar is the Claim tab, which displays many menu links in the Sidebar. Click
the Desktop tab. What displays in the Sidebar now?
Actions, Activities, Claims, Exposures, Subrogations, Queues, Calendar and Bulk Invoices.

Click the Search tab. What displays in the Sidebar now?

Claims (Simple Search, Advanced Search, Search by Contact), Activities, Checks, Recoveries, Bulk Invoices.
3. Select the Claim tab again; you should be in the John Albertson claim. Select the Workplan menu
link in the Sidebar.
What displays in the Screen Area now?
The Workplan screen.
Change the value of the filter at the top of the screen from My open activities to All open
activities. What happens to the workplan contents?
A second ‘Review claim’ activity assigned to ‘Pending Assignment’ displays.
Click the Subject of the activity assigned to William Dufraine. What common area of the UI
displays now? What displays there?
The Workspace. The activity details for the ‘Review claim’ activity assigned to William Dufraine.
4. Click Close Worksheet in the open activity. Locate the Info Bar in the UI and answer the following
What is the status of the claim?
What is the Line of Business for the claim?
5. Navigate to the Exposures screen and click the Dwelling exposure to open it. Put the screen in edit
mode. Answer the following questions regarding widgets in the UI.
Locate the toolbar in the Other Carrier Involvement section of the screen. What buttons does the
toolbar contain?
Add, Remove
How many radio button groups appear on the screen? What field name is associated with each of
Contact Prohibited?, Other Coverage Info, Waived, and Modified.

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Find the contact picker on the screen. When you click the picker button, what options display in
the first level menu?
New Person, New Vendor, New Company, New Legal, Search, and View Contact Details.
Are there any type key input fields on the screen? What are they?
Type (Claimant), and Jurisdiction.
6. Click Cancel at the top of the exposure screen to exit edit mode.

2.3 Exercise 2: Keyboard commands

In this exercise, you use the Keyboard Shortcuts to display Location Information and the
Widget Inspector and review the information these commands display about the User

Keyboard commands may not behave as expected in the VM.
If the keyboard shortcuts specified in the exercises do not display screen information, select the
keyboard tool from the toolbar at the top of the screen:

While holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard, select the Shift and Alt keys on the keyboard tool:

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Finally, release the CTRL key on your keyboard and click the letter (I or W) on the virtual keyboard as
instructed in the exercise.
1. Log in to ClaimCenter using wdufraine/gw if you are not still logged in from the previous exercise.
2. Navigate to the John Albertson claim (426-24-300180) if necessary.
3. Navigate to the claim Summary Overview screen. Press the keys ALT+SHIFT+I to display location
What information does the Location Info web page provide?

What is the name of the page-level pcf file?

How many pcf files represent ListViews in the Claim Summary screen?

4. Press the keys ALT+SHIFT+W to display the widget inspector.

What additional information does the widget inspector provide compared to the location

What expandable structures are included in this web page?

Who is most likely to use the information in the widget inspector?

5. Log out of ClaimCenter.

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2.4 Solution 2: Keyboard commands


1. Log in to ClaimCenter using wdufraine/gw if you are not still logged in from the previous exercise.
2. Navigate to the John Albertson claim (426-24-300180) if necessary.
3. Navigate to the claim Summary Overview screen. Press the keys ALT+SHIFT+I to display location
What information does the Location Info web page provide?
The file structure for a PCF.
What is the name of the page-level pcf file?
How many pcf files represent ListViews in the Claim Summary screen?
4. Press the keys ALT+SHIFT+W to display the widget inspector.
What additional information does the widget inspector provide compared to the location
Variables and widgets.
What expandable structures are included in this web page?
Page Structure, Tab Bar Structure, and Menu Links Structure.
Who is most likely to use the information in the widget inspector?
A developer.
5. Log out of ClaimCenter.

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Lesson 3
Data Model
In this lesson, you learn about the data model and how it organizes and stores data used by a Guidewire
InsuranceSuite application. You also learn how to use the Data Dictionary to explore the data model and
understand data relationships, view field information and identify where fields are used in the User
Interface. Non-developers need to understand the data model to make better decisions about
configuration changes such as when to add new fields and entities.

For this exercise, you use both the Data Dictionary and ClaimCenter with a supported web browser.
The ClaimCenter server should be running when you start the lab.

The default URL for ClaimCenter is http://localhost:8080/cc/ .

For this lab, every student uses the same user login. Therefore, do not modify any data.
Never click an Update button!

This lesson includes three exercises. Perform all three exercises, then stop and wait for the
instructor to go over the solutions with the class. The solutions follow each exercise.

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3.1 Exercise 1: Entities in the data dictionary

In this exercise, you investigate entities in the Data Dictionary and see how the data is
used in the User Interface.
1. Navigate to the browser window with the Data Dictionary and open the Claim entity.
Locate the Description field and click the text Show user interface details…. In the PCF file
column, what is the name of the file that displays loss details for an auto claim?

Locate the LossDate field and show the UI details. Do you see the same auto claim loss details file
in the PCF file column?

2. Log in to ClaimCenter using aapplegate/gw. Navigate to the Ray Newton claim (235-53-365870)
and select the Loss Details menu link in the Sidebar.
Which field in the Loss Details section of the screen corresponds to the Description field you just
found in the Claim entity in the Data Dictionary?

Which field corresponds to the LossDate field in the Claim entity in the Data Dictionary?

Look at the three incident ListViews in the right column of the screen for Vehicles, Properties and
Injuries. What type of attribute does the Claim entity have to define a set of references like this?

3. Return to the Claim entity in the Data Dictionary and click the Arrays link in the Concrete FK
references section.
Which array corresponds to the three ListViews in the Loss Details screen?

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4. Open the Incident entity by clicking the entity link of the array key from step 3 or click Incident in
the left pane.
Locate the Description field and show the UI details. In the PCF file column, what is the name of
the file in the last row of the table?

5. Return to the Loss Details screen of the Ray Newton claim in ClaimCenter. In the Vehicles
ListView, click the Mazda link.
Which screen do you see now?

Which field corresponds to the Description field you just found in the Data Dictionary?

What is the first field in the Details, Collision, and Theft sections of the Vehicle Incident screen?

6. Return to the Incident entity in the Data Dictionary. Notice the Subtypes table near the top of the
entity. Click the VehicleIncident link to open the subtype.
Which field in the VehicleIncident subtype corresponds to each of the fields you identified in
question 5c?

3.2 Solution 1: Entities in the data dictionary


1. Navigate to the browser window with the Data Dictionary and open the Claim entity.

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Locate the Description field and click the text Show user interface details…. In the PCF file
column, what is the name of the file that displays loss details for an auto claim?
Locate the LossDate field and show the UI details. Do you see the same auto claim loss details file
in the PCF file column?
2. Log in to ClaimCenter using aapplegate/gw. Navigate to the Ray Newton claim (235-53-365870)
and select the Loss Details menu link in the Sidebar.
Which field in the Loss Details section of the screen corresponds to the Description field you just
found in the Claim entity in the Data Dictionary?
Which field corresponds to the LossDate field in the Claim entity in the Data Dictionary?
Date of Loss
Look at the three incident ListViews in the right column of the screen for Vehicles, Properties and
Injuries. What type of attribute does the Claim entity have to define a set of references like this?
Array key
3. Return to the Claim entity in the Data Dictionary and click the Arrays link in the Concrete FK
references section.
Which array corresponds to the three ListViews in the Loss Details screen?
4. Open the Incident entity by clicking the entity link of the array key from step 3 or click Incident in
the left pane.
Locate the Description field and show the UI details. In the PCF file column, what is the name of
the file in the last row of the table?
5. Return to the Loss Details screen of the Ray Newton claim in ClaimCenter. In the Vehicles
ListView, click the Mazda link.
Which screen do you see now?
Vehicle Incident
Which field corresponds to the Description field you just found in the Data Dictionary?
Damage Description

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What is the first field in the Details, Collision, and Theft sections of the Vehicle Incident screen?
Was the vehicle parked?, Was there a collision?, Was the vehicle stolen?
6. Return to the Incident entity in the Data Dictionary. Notice the Subtypes table near the top of the
entity. Click the VehicleIncident link to open the subtype.
Which field in the VehicleIncident subtype corresponds to each of the fields you identified in
question 5c?
VehicleParked, Collision, VehStolenInd

3.3 Exercise 2: Typelists

In this exercise, you investigate typelist behavior in the User Interface, and then review
type key and typelist definitions in the Data Dictionary.

When you are reviewing typelist values (typecodes) in the Data Dictionary, codes with a
value of true in the Retired column are not visible in the User Interface.
1. Log in to ClaimCenter using aapplegate/gw if you are not still logged in from the previous exercise.
2. Navigate to the Ray Newton claim if necessary, and go to the Loss Details screen. Click the Bo
Simpson link in the Injuries ListView to open the Injury Incident screen. Click Edit.
Click the General Injury Type field – what values display?

Click the Treatment Type field – what values display?

Click the Disabled Due To Accident? field – what values display?

3. Open the Data Dictionary and navigate to the InjuryIncident entity (subtype of Incident).

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Locate field GeneralInjuryType. What typelist does this type key reference? Do the values match
those you found in the General Injury Type field in the UI?

Locate field MedicalTreatmentType. What typelist does this type key reference? Do the values
match those found in question 2b?

Locate field DisabledDueToAccident. What typelist does this type key reference? Do the values
match those found in question 2c?

4. Return to ClaimCenter. Notice the values in the Detailed Injury Type field.
What is the current value of field General Injury Type?

If you change the value of General Injury Type to Multiple injuries, what happens to the values of
field Detailed Injury Type?

5. Open the Data Dictionary. Locate field DetailedInjuryType.

What is different about this type key compared to the others you have reviewed?

6. Click Cancel at the top of the injury incident screen to exit edit mode.
7. Log out of ClaimCenter.

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3.4 Solution 2: Typelists


1. Log in to ClaimCenter using aapplegate/gw if you are not still logged in from the previous exercise.
2. Navigate to the Ray Newton claim if necessary, and go to the Loss Details screen. Click the Bo
Simpson link in the Injuries ListView to open the Injury Incident screen. Click Edit.
Click the General Injury Type field – what values display?
Specific injury, Occupational disease or cumulative injury, Multiple injuries
Click the Treatment Type field – what values display?
Acupuncture, Chiropractor, Emergency care, ER treated and released, Hospitalized, Injections, Major
surgery, Minor surgery, MRI, Multiple treatments, Neurologic, Orthopedic, Physical therapy, Primary care
physician, Psych counseling, Rehab, X-ray, Other
Click the Disabled Due To Accident? field – what values display?
Not disabled, Partially disabled, Totally disabled
3. Open the Data Dictionary and navigate to the InjuryIncident entity (subtype of Incident).
Locate field GeneralInjuryType. What typelist does this type key reference? Do the values match
those found in question 2a?
InjuryType, yes
Locate field MedicalTreatmentType. What typelist does this type key reference? Do the values
match those found in question 2b?
MedicalTreatmentType, yes (when the retired typecodes are ignored)
Locate field DisabledDueToAccident. What typelist does this type key reference? Do the values
match those found in question 2c?
DisabledDueToAccident, yes
4. Return to ClaimCenter. Notice the values in the Detailed Injury Type field.
What is the current value of field General Injury Type?
Specific injury
If you change the value of General Injury Type to Multiple injuries, what happens to the values of
field Detailed Injury Type?

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The values in the list change – now only two values are available.
5. Open the Data Dictionary. Locate field DetailedInjuryType.
What is different about this type key compared to the others you have reviewed?
It has a key filter – GeneralInjuryType
6. Click Cancel at the top of the injury incident screen to exit edit mode.
7. Log out of ClaimCenter.

3.5 Exercise 3: Entity relationships

In this exercise, you use the Data Dictionary to trace the relationships between entities in
the data model.
1. Navigate to the browser window with the Data Dictionary and open the Claim entity.
Claims can have services, such as requests for estimates and requests to perform services such as
auto repairs or water remediation. Go to the Arrays section of the Claim entity. What is the name
of the array that references a set of services on a claim?

Click the ServiceRequest link of the array key. What is the name of the foreign key that links the
ServiceRequest entity back to a claim?

2. Next you identify different field types available on a Service Request.

A service request is associated with a vendor or specialist who performs the work. What is the
name of the foreign key that makes this association? What entity does the foreign key point to?

Find the atomic field that holds the reference number for a service. What is the field name? How
many characters can the field hold?

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Find the type key used to store the status of a quote requested for a service. What is the name of
the type key? What typelist does it point to?

Click the typelist link for the type key. What values are stored in the typelist?

3. Return to the ServiceRequest entity and navigate to the Arrays section.

Locate the Invoices array. What is the name of the entity that stores the invoices?

Click the link for the array key. This entity is a subtype of which entity?

What other subtypes does this entity have?

3.6 Solution 3: Entity relationships


1. Navigate to the browser window with the Data Dictionary and open the Claim entity.
Claims can have services, such as requests for estimates and requests to perform services such as
auto repairs or water remediation. Go to the Arrays section of the Claim entity. What is the name
of the array that references a set of services on a claim?

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Click the ServiceRequest link of the array key. What is the name of the foreign key that links the
ServiceRequest entity back to a claim?
2. Next you identify different field types available on a Service Request.
A service request is associated with a vendor or specialist who performs the work. What is the
name of the foreign key that makes this association? What entity does the foreign key point to?
Specialist, Contact
Find the atomic field that holds the reference number for a service. What is the field name? How
many characters can the field hold?
ServiceRequestReferenceNumber, 255
Find the type key used to store the status of a quote requested for a service. What is the name of
the type key? What typelist does it point to?
QuoteStatus, ServiceRequestQuoteStatus
Click the typelist link for the type key. What values are stored in the typelist?
Approved, No Quote, Quoted, Waiting for Approval, Waiting for Quote
3. Return to the ServiceRequest entity and navigate to the Arrays section.
Locate the Invoices array. What is the name of the entity that stores the invoices?
Click the link for the array key. This entity is a subtype of which entity?
What other subtypes does this entity have?

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Lesson 4
Application Logic
In this lesson, you learned about application logic and how it determines the behavior and functionality
of InsuranceSuite products. Non-developers need to understand application logic to define the business
logic requirements for UI functionality, rule conditions and actions, and application processing flow.
Business logic requirements should focus on adding value to the product and should be compatible with
the design of the base product.

For this exercise, you use ClaimCenter and a supported web browser. The ClaimCenter server should
be running when you start the lab.

The default URL for ClaimCenter is http://localhost:8080/cc/ .

For this lab, every student uses the same user login. Therefore, do not modify any data.
Never click an Update button!

This lesson includes one exercise. Perform the exercise, then stop and wait for the
instructor to go over the solution with the class. The solution follows the exercise.

4.1 Exercise 1: Explore UI behavior

In this exercise, you explore features of the User Interface that are driven by application

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1. Log in to ClaimCenter using bbaker/gw.

2. Navigate to the Mark Henderson claim (235-53-373870). Click the Parties Involved link in the
Sidebar and investigate how the Contact Subtype is used in screen logic to drive content.
Click New Contact and select Person from the menu. What fields display in the Person section of
the screen? What fields display in the Additional Info section?

Click Cancel to leave the New Person screen. Click New Contact and select Vendor  Vendor
(Company) from the menu. What fields display in the Vendor (Company) section? What fields
display in the Additional Info section?

Click Cancel to leave the New Vendor (Company) screen. Click New Contact and select Legal 
Legal Venue from the menu. What fields display in the Legal Venue section? What fields display in
the Additional Info section?

3. Click Cancel to leave the New Legal Venue screen.

4. Click the Exposures menu link in the Sidebar. Open the first exposure (Vehicle/Collision) by
clicking the Vehicle link.
5. Review how application logic is used to perform calculations using the Total Loss Calculator as an
Click the Total Loss Calculator tab. Each question is associated with a point value, and the total
score is calculated based on all Yes answers when the changes are saved. Assume these selections
are made:

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The vehicle is considered a total loss if the total loss point value is greater than 25. Based on the
screenshot provided, is this vehicle a total loss? What is the Total Loss Points value?

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6. Application logic is used to determine what each user has access to in InsuranceSuite products
based on the user’s roles and permissions.
Betty Baker has access to these tabs:

Here is supervisor Sue Smith’s view. What additional tabs does she see?

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7. Log out of ClaimCenter.

4.2 Solution 1: Explore UI behavior


1. Log in to ClaimCenter using bbaker/gw.

2. Navigate to the Mark Henderson claim (235-53-373870). Click the Parties Involved link in the
Sidebar and investigate how the Contact Subtype is used in screen logic to drive content.
Click New Contact and select Person from the menu. What fields display in the Person section of
the screen? What fields display in the Additional Info section?
Person section: Prefix, First name, Middle name, Last name, Suffix, Former name
Additional Info section: Tax ID, Tax Filing Status, Date of Birth, Gender, Marital status, Guardian
Click Cancel to leave the New Person screen. Click New Contact and select Vendor  Vendor
(Company) from the menu. What fields display in the Vendor (Company) section? What fields
display in the Additional Info section?
Vendor (Company) section: Name
Additional Info section: Preferred Vendor?, Claim Involvement Start, Claim Involvement End
Click Cancel to leave the New Vendor (Company) screen. Click New Contact and select Legal 
Legal Venue from the menu. What fields display in the Legal Venue section? What fields display in
the Additional Info section?
Legal Venue section: Name
Additional Info section: nothing

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3. Click Cancel to leave the New Legal Venue screen.

4. Click the Exposures menu link in the Sidebar. Open the first exposure (Vehicle/Collision) by
clicking the Vehicle link.
5. Review how application logic is used to perform calculations using the Total Loss Calculator as an
Click the Total Loss Calculator tab. Each question is associated with a point value, and the total
score is calculated based on all Yes answers when the changes are saved. Assume these selections
are made:

The vehicle is considered a total loss if the total loss point value is greater than 25. Based on the
screenshot provided, is this vehicle a total loss? What is the Total Loss Points value?

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Yes, 50
6. Application logic is used to determine what each user has access to in InsuranceSuite products
based on the user’s roles and permissions.
Betty Baker has access to these tabs:

Here is supervisor Sue Smith’s view. What additional tabs does she see?

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Team, Administration
7. Log out of ClaimCenter.

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Lesson 5
Integration Mechanisms
There is no lab for this lesson.

5.1 Summary of Integration Mechanisms

Mechanism Triggered by Example

Predefined Internal code

plugins related to
When user clicks "Log In",
authenticate user in LDAP system

Web services
External External system checking to see if
application call given account exists in Guidewire

Sending check information to
Changes to check printing system and
business data receiving check number in

plugins Receipt of Receiving payment information
incoming request from an external financial system

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Batch processes
Getting exchange rates from an
external exchange rate system

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Lesson 6
There is no lab for this lesson.

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