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24 Hydro. Dynastic Wf we draw stream fines through every point of a closed curve C in the fluid, we obtain a stream tube as shown in the figure. Ifdr be the element of arc length C' along @ stream line, and q the fluid velocity, then q is parallel to dr. The equation of stream lines is qx dr=0, (ev dz—w dy) 14-(w dx—u dz) 44(udy—e dx) k=u, which gives dx dy dz uo wh where q=(u, », w) and dre (dx, dy, dz). QQ) The Cquations (2) have a doubly infinite set of solutions, Through each point of the flow field at which the functions u(x, Y, 2, 1), » (x, 9, 2, 0) and W(x, 9, z, 1) do not all vanish, there Passes one and only one stream line at a given instagt. This result follows from the existence theasem for rhe aystem of equation (3). the velocity vanishes at a given Point, various singularitics may occur ; such points are called critical points or slagnation points, Path lines. (Raj. 1962) Path line is a curve along which a Particular fluid particle travels during its motion. And therefore the differential equations of path lines are dr ant i dx dy_ dz , OF ano Gio Ga These equations have a triply infinite set of solutions. It should be very clearly noted that stream lines are not the same as the path lines. Stream lines reveul how each particle is moving at a given instant of time while the path lines give the motion of the particles at each instant. It is only in the case of stcady motion that these two coincide. Since u, vr. w are always functions of time, the stream. lines will alter from instant to instant. Asa matter of fact the actual path of an, particle of the fluid will not in general coincide with the stream line. To show this take three consecutive points P, Q. R ona stream line at time 1. A particle at P will move along PQ, but when it reaches Q at time 1+ér, QR is no longer the direction of the velocity at Q ard therefore now the stream line will no longer be the same. 1.15, Velocity Potential. (Agra 1969) Let q=(u, v, w) be the fluid velocity at the instant of times. Suppose that at this instant we can find a scalar point function $(x, } 2, 1), Such that —ddeu dx-tedy-+w dz, ma) th, oe he. - (fae ys 2 dye dytw di, 24 Hydro-Dynamics If we draw stream lines through very point of a closed curye C in the fluid, we obtain a stream tube as shown in the figure. ‘ If dr be the element of arc length C along a stream line, and q the fluid ave velocity, then q is parallel to dr. ‘The equation of stream lines is qxdr=0, (v dz—w dy) i+-(w dx—u dz) j+(u dy—v dx) k=u, which gives axdy, a UD LIS Wit where q=(u, », ) and dt= (dx, dy, dz). a The equations (2) have a doubly infinite set of solutious, Through each point of the flow field at which the functions u(x, y, 2,1), v (%, y, 2, t) and w(x, ¥, 2, t) do not all vanish, there asses one and only one stream line at a iven instant. _This result {ollows from the efiencs gees ta ten instant This res stence theorem for the system of equation Ge If the velocity vanishes-at a given point, various singularities may Occur ; such points are called critical points or stagnation points. Path lines. (Raj. 1962) Path line is a curve along which a particular Sluid particle travels during its motion. ++.(2) . And therefore the differential equations of path lines are de ‘ anh Be dx dy dz aa) aes ch dels hs These equations have a triply infinite set of solutions. It should be very clearly noted that s Same as the path lines. Stream lines reveal how each particle is moving at a given instant of time while the path lines give the Motion of the particles at each instant. It is only in the case of steady motion that these two coincide, Since 1, ». w are always /functions of time, the stream, lines will alter from instant to instant. As a matter of fact the actual path of any particle of the fluid will not in general coincide with the stream line, this take three consecutive points P, O. Ron t. A particle at P will move along PQ, time +67, OR is no longer the direction therefore now the stream line will no Jon, 1.15. Velocity Potential. _ Let q=(u, v. w) be the fluid velocity at the instant Suppose that at this instant (%, ¥, z, t), such that itream lines are not the To show 4 stream line at time but when it reaches Q at of the velocity at Q and ger be the same. (Agra 1969) of time r. We ‘can find a scalar point function Ani — adb=u deo dy-+w dz, 2G) : A a : r (Ra a dy dz) —u dx+v dy+-w dz, ah xy ‘abs’ pation of Continuity 25 we can write Wem Oz ¢@ is called the velocit pe : locity potential. For the r.h.s. of (1) to bea perfect differential a necessary and sufficient condition if : iG Vxq=0. ++) The surfaces (x, ¥, z, 1)=const. are called equipotential surfaces. The differential equation of the equipotential surfaces is 4=0, u dx+v dy+w dz=0, ++(4) is clear that these surfaces cut the stream lines email) ie (5) uu Ww? oe hogonaily. - Whenever the velocity potential ¢ exists, i.e. equation (2) ls, the motion is said to be irrotational. 16, Rotational Motion. sider a flow for which Vxq40. a5 vector t=V xa, he vorticity vector. x Line. A vortex line is a curve drawn in the fluid such eet at enyipr point of it at ety time, is in the direction ae me 0 dx _dy_ dz = Tratt where te , 2; &). neral the vortex lines do not coincide with the stream len they do coincide, je. when the velocity vector q is x > the vorticity vector %, the flow is called a Beltrami => is for a Beltrami flow, qxt=0. ct cx | Given re, Pray wd tere ee ae Hy¢dro-Dynamics 26 ion i ible one. i fore the motion is @ possil ae rev aitereatal equations of lines of flow are oy dx dy dz , dx _dy dz ow toe ae a which on integrations give x*-+y=const., z=const, The surfaces cutting lines of flow ortho, it gonally are piven by the differential ar Een ie. ae a dy=0, as Posy Le. ed ( tant 2)=0. This being integrable, such Surfaces exist, Integrating the above equation, the surfaces are given by tan“ >

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