Ejercitario para El Examen

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1) Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).

1. Last year I (spend)   my holiday in Ireland.
2. It (be)   great.
traveled visited
3. I (travel)   around by car with two friends and we (visit)   lots of
interesting places.
4. In the evenings we usually (go)   to a pub.
5. One night we even (learn)   some Irish dances.
6. We (be)   very lucky with the weather.
didn´t rain
7. It (not / rain)   a lot.
8. But we (see)   some beautiful rainbows.
you spent
9. Where (spend / you)   your last holiday?

2) Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).

have not work

1. I (not / work)   today.
have bought
2. We (buy)   a new lamp.
have not plann
3. We (not / plan)   our holiday yet.
has you been
4. Where (be / you)  ?
has writtin
5. He (write)   five letters.
has not seen
6. She (not / see)   him for a long time.
has you been
7. (be / you)   at school?
has not starte
8. School (not / start)   yet.
has he spoke
9. (speak / he)   to his boss?
has not had
10. No, he (have / not)   the time yet.

3) Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. Simple Present

The door is op
1. He opens the door. - 
the table are s
2. We set the table. - 
a lot of money
3. She pays a lot of money. - 
a picture is dr
4. I draw a picture. - 
blue shoes ar
5. They wear blue shoes. - 
you are don`t
6. They don't help you. - 
the book is do
7. He doesn't open the book. - 
the letter is do
8. You do not write the letter. - 
9. Does your mum pick you up? - 

Prof. Diana Ladaga Pereyras Página 1


10. Does the police officer catch the thief? - 

4) Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. Simple Past

A song was s
1. She sang a song. - 
I was hit by so
2. Somebody hit me. - 
the bus were
3. We stopped the bus. - 
My car was sto
4. A thief stole my car. - 
He wasn`t gon
5. They didn't let him go. - 
The prize was
6. She didn't win the prize. - 
Their beds we
7. They didn't make their beds. - 
They weren`t t
8. I did not tell them. - 
Were they told by you?
9. Did you tell them? - 
Was the letter sent by you?
10. Did he send the letter? - 

5) Rewrite the sentences in the negative and interrogative form.

1. The film was very good.

x The film wasn´t very good
Was the film very good?
2. She had a big breakfast.
x …She didn`t have a big breakfast
Did she have a big breakfast?
3. We went there on holiday.
x We didn`t go there on holiday
Did we go there on holiday?
4. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
x Mozart didn`t write more than 600 pieces of music
Did Mozart write more than 600 pieces of music?
5. You saw Rose in town a few days ago.
x You didn`t see Rose in town a few days ago
Did you see Rose in town a few days ago?

Prof. Diana Ladaga Pereyras Página 2

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