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Barquisimeto, 27 de abril de 2020

English Teacher: Juan Carlos Rodríguez M.

Apellidos y Nombres: _____________________________ Nro. C.I.: _______________ Nro. Lista: _______
Año/Sección: __________
English Test / 20 pts. (Recuperación)
Auxiliar Did

I Parte Responda las siguientes preguntas (SOLAMENTE AFIRMATIVA) (1pt e/o = 10pts)

*Did she become an English teacher?

*Did Pablo bring some English books?
*Did they come to parent´s house?
*Did Ana get the target?
*Did I feed my Little birds?
*Did that guy keep those cars?
*Did you pay the taxes?
*Did Cesar see all movies?
*Did he run in the court?
*Did your grandparents teach their stories?

II Parte Subraye el verbo correcto en las siguientes oraciones (1pt e/o = 5pts)
*I (takes – took – taken) the english book.
*You (smelt – smells – smelling) a good cakes.
*She (Selling – sells – sold) the house.
*He (said – says – say) everything.
*They (woke – wake – wakes) every day early.

III Parte Traduzca al Español los siguientes verbos (1pt e/o = 5pts)
*Asked __________________________________________________
*Brushed ________________________________________________
*Closed __________________________________________________
*Cried ___________________________________________________
*Fixed ___________________________________________________

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