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Instituto de Educación Formal para Adultos de Sahagún


English Guide
Teacher: Nórida González Domínguez Cycle: IV


 Writing Ability

1. Mr. Brown is a very busy man. Use the pictures on the left (and your imagination) to write sentences
about what he does.




Instituto de Educación Formal para Adultos de Sahagún




Present Simple
Se usa para la construcción de las rutinas
diarias o de las actividades que se realizan

2. Complete the blanks with the negative or the interrogative form of the Present Simple of the verbs in

Mark: Hi, Tess! What are you doing?

Tess: I'm watching the football team.
Mark: Do you watch (watch) them every day?
Tess: No, I don't. They __________ (not play) every day. They play four times a week.
Mark: __________ you __________ (have) a favourite player?
Tess: No, I __________ (not have) a favourite player. Everyone on the team is good.
Mark: __________ the attacker __________ (move) fast?
Tess: No, he __________ (not move) fast, but he's very clever. __________ you __________ (like) football, Mark?
Mark: No, I __________ (not like) it. I like basketball. It's a great sport.
Instituto de Educación Formal para Adultos de Sahagún

 Reading Comprehension – Reading Ability

Who is he? Where is he? What does he do?

Hank is a cowboy. He lives on a farm. He has a horse named Ginger. Hank loves Ginger. He
rides Ginger every day. Sometimes they walk slowly, and sometimes they run fast. They always
have a good time.

Ginger is Hank’s horse. She is light brown. Her tail and mane are dark brown. She is three
years old. She lives in the stable by the house.

Ginger waits for Hank every morning. She enjoys their time together. Often, Hank gives her apples. After long
rides, Hank always washes and brushes Ginger. He usually brushes her tail. Then he gives her food and fresh
water. Ginger loves Hank.

Answer the following questions. Use the Simple Present tense.

3. Where does Hank live? What does he do every day?

4. Who is Ginger? Where does Ginger live?

5. What does Hank often give Ginger? What does Hank do after long rides?
Instituto de Educación Formal para Adultos de Sahagún
Read the description and write down what it is. Use the words in the box for help.

cowboy horse farm house mane

tail food stable apple morning

6. It is what we eat. What is it?

7. It is a building where we live. What is it?

8. It is a red fruit. What is it?

9. It is a name for a man who rides horses and works with cattle.Who is he?


10. It is the hair on an animal’s neck. What is it?

11. It is hair on the back part of an animal’s body. What is it? _____________

12. It is a four-legged animal that people can ride. What is it? _____________

13. It is an area of land where crops are grown. What is it? _____________

14. It is a building for horses. What is it?

15. It is the first part of the day. What is it?

Instituto de Educación Formal para Adultos de Sahagún

 Listening Ability

16. Listen to the song carefully and place the verses as appropriate. Listen to it here and don´t forget to translate it…


Bye Saygrace

___You don't own me

___I'm not just one of your many toys
___ Don't say I can't go with other boys
___ You don't own me

___ Please, when I go out with you

___And don't tell me what to say
___ Don't tell me what to do
___Don't put me on display

___You don't own me

___ You don't own me
___ Don't try to change me in any way
___Don't tie me down 'cause I'd never stay

___ Don't put me on display

___And don't tell me what to say
___ Don't tell me what to do
___ Please, when I go out with you
Instituto de Educación Formal para Adultos de Sahagún

 Speaking Ability

17. Practice your pronunciation and read the text aloud several times…


SEUMAS Mc PORRAN is a very busy man. He is 60 years old and he has thirteen jobs.

He is a postman, a policeman, a fireman, a taxi driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, and

ambulance man, an accountant, a petrol attendant, a barman, and undertaker. Also, he and his
wife, Margaret, have a shop a small hotel.

Seumas lives and works on the Island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on
Gigha, but in summer 150 tourists come by boat every day.

Every weekday Seumas gets up at 6:00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8:00 he drives
the island´s children to school. At 9:00 he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to all the
hoses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the island´s only pub. Then he helps Margaret in
the shop.

He says: “Margaret likes being busy, too. We never have holidays and we don´t like watching
television. In the evenings Margaret makes supper and I do the accounts. At 10:00 we have a glass
of wine and then we go to bed. Perhaps our life isn´t very exciting. But we like it”
Instituto de Educación Formal para Adultos de Sahagún

 Vocabulary and Grammar

Complete these statements correctly.

18. She ___________ (do) my homework.

19. They ____________(not- play) cards.

20. Your father ________ (be) very old.

21. Costa Rica ______ (have-not) an army.

22. We ____________ (live) in America.

23. Lorena __________ (watch) a movie.

Don´t forget to do all these activities
24. José __________ (wash) his bike. thoroughly and with the help of your

25. Diego __________ (run) two hours. dictionary…

26. Maga __________ (work –not) at night.

27. Silvia __________ (cook) very good.

28. Our teacher ________ (bring) a ring.

29. I _________ (not –study) Spanish.

30. Write several verbs in English.

______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________

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