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Equations of Motion 57 (dR\2 2 ) =i(7) +R 8 as vn =3(—bn sin mt)?+-(a+-b cos nt) (—bn* cos nt) es as R=a+6 cos nt ” mon (36 sin? mt—25 Cos? nt— 2a cos nt) bn® = Gy [36 (1—cos 2nt)— 24 (1+cos 2nr) —4a cos nt] bn® =q (6-56 cos 2nt)—4a cos nt}. From (2), p=P+. [Fe] bnio =P+ |G [2-50 cos 2n1—4a cos nt). Vv iS proves the result, xX. 12. A mass of liquid, of density 9 and volume $nc3, is in the form of a Spherical shell : a constant pressure 1 is exerted on the external surface of the shell x there is no pressure oh nal surface, and no other Sorces act on the liquid ; initially iS at rest and the internal radius of the shell is 2c ; prove that the velocity of the internal Surface, when its radius is ¢, is i 140 Dus CES ' 4 lution. Let v’ be the velocity at a distance r’ at any time 7, ; then the equation of continuity be the pressure there , r2v' =F (t), uation of motion is 4 ou’ ou’ 14 BY Gree gee EF’), BU | ep e re or time #, r and R be the internal ; ind V be the velocities =V and p= 2 on internal sl ying both sides by oF ae aE FO G a et tects ae am Ta. F@=9.— This equation gives velocity of the inner, surface itsradius. To find velocity when r=c, we have. a putting ns pe 21h This proves ‘the result. x. 13. A solid sphere of radius a is | yolume is nc. and its centre is rng ‘as the square of the distance. be se anaitilated, eohow that the velocity surface, when its radius 18 Xs. is @ uu by ae woarap—del ze 30 Equations of Motion 59 Integrating, — r se Let 7 and & be the radii and y and ¥ the velocities of inner and outer surfaces at time 1. ‘Then, when r’ and when r’, Ota v and p=0 Vand p=1, (0) tte a— Ae and 1 so that —F” (1) (¢ as Road, We have r'u= R87 F (1), ie. 13 dr= Rt dR=E (1) di, Now putting v= SOK Pee aD) 2F (t) dt (=2r* dr=2R? dR), we have —2F (t) F’ (1) (-#) d+ F(t) (% -#) and multiplying by =f.8.2r dr+ z 2r? dr. “Integrating, — F* of PAE ee z PHB. (1) When r=a, v=0, i.e. “Ome “ O= 9 eta a+ 3. 1 ane hy 7 epeye | ("+B ( when the radius of the inner surface is x, v- #9 63040) —3) = (EEF) aba Ca. ne Ex, a of rae ails lyin the form of a spherical shell of infin ligui shell contracts under the influen ee no external or internal pres e inner spherical surface ; 23 _~ Hydro-Dynamic 60, Solution. {et zandrbetheinner and outer radii of the spherical shell and r’ be the distance ‘of the point from’ the centre where, at any time 1, p is the pressure and ov’ is the velocity. ‘Now attraction at this point due to Jiquid 4 13 ae Py say (= ) Hence the equation of motion is ev), eu! pee ote fa-tee(« o)-} a (1) and equation of continuity is r2e=F (0); so that eo Ot PRG et ret” a Integrating it w.r.t. r’, we get FY“ ar thet Subtracting these, we get Cot =r (b-3)+ 1 ie —F.) ie 5 Multiplying: both the sides by QF (t) dt (=27 dr and integrating, we get ; mame 3 (2) y=xtV, WE get Putting r=* and E(t ions of Motion By os ere (G-! Jeter a V2) 4 SE AA) | a6 ches Pigs ss Sores i fa iad? 24 Se (ss yoy est hs a 43 xt yer 4 yt 8 TNE 24) 4 $8 (tp by. a) 4 ieee [2et4 2zxt4 2a This proves the result, zee xt), * 15, 4 mass of grav Hating fluid is at rest under it own WON only, the free surface being a sphere of radius b and the 4 Surface a rigi concentric shell of raiius a, Show that if this Li nly disappear, the initial Pressure at any point of the ¢ r from the centre is BPO) (ra) (Sb i), Re (Agra 1966 ; Patna 64) Solution. Let »’ be the velocity of the liquid at a distance r' the centre at any time’, Also let P be the pressure there, hen equation of continuity is Rahs ; 130 =F (t), ir is the radius of the inner Surface, then attraction on the ata distance ;’ of liquid itself pr tiet=:— ie be the velocity of th r, v'=t, p=0 and i TF] inner we have 62 But when. eb Pee [ an me Led RECO) (5 -t) nye (b= a ie. LF! (0)= Saveab (a+b) Putting this yalue of F” (0) in (1), we get [Bread (a-+b)— Sepa) Ane (rt a iB pete tnoty ary—(+a } $ ey yt \ is Gs ett qa 2a" +0 (1) Beeeaeen ees etre ra 6-0) REY. ve art (ra) 0-1) fbb ah, ‘This proves the result. Y Cathet ex, 16. A niass of uniform Tiquid is in the form spherical shell bounded by concentric spheres of radii (a < 6). The cavity is filled with gas the pressure of according to Boyle's law, and. is initially equal to pressure NN, and the mass of which may be neglected. — ‘surface of the shell is exposed to atmospheri¢ pressure.» Pri if the system is symunetrically disturbed, so that vach moves along a line joining it to the centre, the time of a. < } i aye oscillation is pa where 9 is the'density of the liquid. ; Solution. Let x’ be the velocity at a distance 1’ and p pressure there then equation of continuity Asean 4 : we pty =F (1), % Equations of Motion 63 Ley pate, F _ Hence from (1), we have F(t) aR HiaA-2 = and Fecal i sothat F'()(2 1) 44 2p ya—! (182), Q) For small oscillations, v2 and v*, being small quantities of the second order, are neglected and we have (na Ula—r) RK Os ee ut r?y=F (1); so that F’ (r)=r2 # [neglecting v?]. : pa geaeMi(a? = 3) ARS dt er? R—r fa5 (7)= Ta er) eR 3) ; dt di\di]~~ oF, “Ror tt dr TIR a ah dor Rar" ice the displacement is small, let ‘ r=a+x and R=b+x', « (6+x'P—(at+x)8=b—a?, é (atx) eee rg ey T (042 x)—(Gatx) PAS Sty = =-— iz 9 (a'-+ 4asx) (b-a+5 ) _31bx pat ga* (b— =a 0 the first order 0 “approximal in, = 64 Hydro-Dynam, inder i id. Show that if v js 1) ‘he internal cylinder is suddenly destroye oct a the internal surface when the radius is r, then : 2m (beer w= ore {log (BEEP y/P} tion, When the inner cylinder is destroyed, the motion, Serene of the liquid will be only along the radii of th. normal sections of the cylinder, “ Let at any time /, x’ be the velocity and p the pressure at any point distant 7’ from the axis of the cylinder (z-axis), the equation of continuity is ; F(t) av 1 ap ie. Trae be oar Integrating w.r.t. r’, we get F' (t) log rtiet=c-F, _ Let v and V be the velocities and rand R the radii of the inner and outer surfaces at time f. So when and when and i.e. F(t) [log r—log R)+4F? () Multiplying by 2F (1) dt (=2r dr=2 dR), we 2F (1) F’ (1) [log r—log R) di-+ F* (1) Integrating, F? (1) {log r—log Rj=2 When r=b, v=0, i.e. F(t\)}=0; 3 “, F*(t) [log r—log R= (F-B), Pes hei v? rf? log Ro7F (=r), : But R-r=a—bt, Ri=at—b4y2, Equations of Motion 65 rt Tt 44? log aparA=—> (-P) or ote 2M (Bart) i aT? or? log aa This proves the result. Ex. 18. Liquid is contained between two parallel planes + the Sree ‘Surface is @ circular cylinder of radius a whose axis is per- pendicular to the Planes. All the liquid within a concentric circular cylinder of radius b is suddenly annihilated, Prove that if be the pressure at the outer surface, the initial pressure at any point of the liquid, distant r ‘Srom the centre, is 11/28 1=log b log a—log h’ (Agra 1965 ; Rajasthan $2) Solution. Let v’ be the velocity at any time ¢ at a distance r’ and p the pressure there, Then equation of continuity is v'r'=F (1) and equation of aA év' | dv" Lap Motion is ate Pr ealeal ED : fo oe ie, Fomaia FPSB pe Integrating, F’ (1) log ca Initially when s=0, v’=0, F' (0) log = ~2+¢. : Ba 1) This gives the pressure at a Point distant r’ initially, Now as given p=0 at r’=b and p=ll, at r’=a, initially, F’ (0) logb=C : (2), and F (0) log a=C—7, 3) From (1) and (2), F” (0) {log r'—log b]=2 a and from (2) and (3), F” (0) {log a—log bJ=—2, Jog r’'—log h 2 log a—log 6 “ii log r—log b =" ioe a—logb at r'=r, This proves the result. Ex.19. A sphere whose radius at time } Is b+a cos nt is Surrounded by liquid extending to infinity under no forces. Prove that the pressure at distance r from the centre is lis than the Pressure at an infinite distance hy ea Dividing, or Pp 66 Hydro-Dynamics ete (b+ cos nt) { a (1—3 sin? nt)+b cos nt +45 sin nt (b--a cos nt), Solution. Let at any time f, o be the velocity at a distance r from the centre and let p be the pressure there. The equation of continuity is v= Fir) and equation of motion av, 1 i art’ are % | ie. Fr) oa 2 or Integrating w.r.t. we get FO pyuec—2 When r=eo, let p=, v=0; 2. c= : ‘ pee (OP eaeeleely Es nk ea +) Now let R be the radius of the sphere at time ¢and V be the velocity : then R=b+a cos nt and rea RV=F(I), so that ak} and r= (RV) or ry=2r.v AR 4 Re 4 =2RV24R* ee 1) gives raat (2Rve+e arta se dR where R=b+a cos ni, V= qa” sin nt, dv ae an? cos nt = [-2 (an sin nf)?—(b+4 cos nt) (—an? cos nt) 2n% sin? nt +4 (b+4 60s nt) = “| naR ; P oo |G sin? nt-+-a cos? nt—3a sin? nt+b cos nt +4 5 sin? nr (h+a cos | Equations of Motion 67 Hence, = % u-pa "a (+4 cos nt) [ 4 (1—3 sin? nt) +5 cos nt +45, (64a cos nt)2 ] Lx. 20. A stream ina horizontal pipe, after Passing a con- traction in the pipe at which its Sectional area is A, is delivered at atiospheric pressure at a place where the sectional area is B. Show that if a side tube is connected with the pipe at the former place, water will be sucked up through it into the Pipe froma reservoir at se72 1 a depth be (4 Br ) below the pipe, s being the delivery per second. (Gauhati 1954 ; Dethi 1947) Solution. Let » and V be the velocities of the stream at the two Cross-sections. Then equating the delivery of stream per second the equation of continuity is Av=BV=s (as given), s He emt a id Vay Apain the pressure ta | bint in the tube of the section A is given by uation of motion r lop ero. } iy per jegrating, jo? =C. when p=Il, atmospheric pressure, »=V at the section jee P mae gt 3 Wi=p)= 4 (t= 72) ea 68 Hydro-Dynamics (3) gives hes This proves the result. Note. Equation (2) could be written down directly by Bernouli’s Theorem also. Ex. 21. A mass of homogencous liquid is moving so that the velocity at any point is Proportional to the time, and that the pressure is given by Bm pxyz—3e (ptt txt x49) 5 Prove that this motion may have been generated from rest hy finite natural forces independent of the time; and show that, if the direction of motion at every point coincide with the direction of the acting force, each particle of the liquid describes a curve which is the intersection of two hyperbolic cylinders. (Poona 1964) Solution. Velocity is given Proportional to time, i.e. g=M. -(1) OF Let the motion be generated from finite natural forces (con- servative forces) which are derivable from the potential function V. Then we haye the equation PM OSE Vii ae oT atte + VHF) Also given. Pousye—art (y2z? 4 22x24 x2) or BS yan VF). Comparing (2) and (3), we have on equatin, Ma y%z24 2x24 y2y2 PHN 1 (yA 4 BNP y232), ++.(4) eh)? 8b\2_ (eb? oe. ly Comparing (4) and (5), it is Suggested that p=txyz and then (3) becomes -..() ig coefficients of 72, and then g = AVE— HF (yz Axe xtyt) V4 UL), Again comparing this from (2), we get F(t)=0, xyz—V=pxz, i.e, Vesxyz(1—n). ---(6) If u, v, w are the component velocities and X, ¥, Z the com- ponent forces, then Equations of Motion 69 ov. Also, X¥=— = (u—1) yz, Yaa) x, irecltot® (given that the direction of motion coincides with the direction of acting force, u w Ka Kune ey and therefore the equations of the Path become dx_dy dz. dx dy “Ge XY >> Le. So that ee yz 2x dx dz JZ YX and therefore each particle will lie on a curve which is the curve Of intersection of two hyperbolic cylinders given by (8). Ex. 22. 4 sphere of radius a is alone in an unbouned liquid which is at rest at a great distance from the sphere and is subject tono external force. The sphere is forced to vibrate radially keeping its spherical shape, the radiusr at any time being given by r=a+b cos nt. Show that if U1 is the pressure in the liquid at a $reat distance from the sphere, the least pressure (assumed positive) at the surface of the sphere during the motion is T—n*eh (a+b). | Solution. At any time ¢, let v’ be the velocity ata distance rand p be the pressure there. The equation of continuity is r2y'= F(t) and the equation of motion is gives x dx—y dy=0, i.e. x?—)?=const. --(8) gives x dv—z dz=0, i.e. x?—z?=const. and ie, Integrating w.r.t. r’, a=) +ioract ee When r'=0o p=Il;v=0; : F(t (2 ‘ Be Os en 7 _ If ris the radius of the sphere an of the sphere, Agate 70 Hydro-Dynamics 1) gives 7 avrg We) 4 08 (1) gives ies a)! , te. p—t=e [te+r a). But r=a+b cos nt, vat — bn sin nt de _— bn? cos nt. paruredt > dt 1. p—Ti=p [Bb¢n? sin? nt-+-(a+b cos nt) (—bn* cos nt) or p=ll—pb¢n?—pabn* cos nt+ $eb*n* sin? nt. Now p is clearly least when t=0 and then p=11—eb?n?—pabn* =lI—n°eb (a+b). Ex. 23. A mass of perfect incompressible fluid, of density °, is bounded by concentric surfaces. The outer surface is contained by a flexible envelope which exerts continuously a uniform pressurc Ti and contracts from radius R, to radius Rs. The hollow is filled with a gas obeying Boyle’s Law, its radius contracts from cy to ¢, and the pressure of the gas is initially p,. Initially the whole mass is at rest. Prove that, neglecting the mass of the gas, the velocity » of the inner surface when the configuration (Rs, C2) is reached is given by i su che 4 (-2)$ Ps tog -%) im oaa\' a8) pe |08 TR): Solution. At any time f, let v’ be the velocity at a distance r' and p be the pressure there. ‘Then equation of continuity is r'ty'= F(t) and the equation of motion is Ups Ie Ot” Fi(t), ae" __ 1 ®, ie. 72 +0 5 ae Integrating with respect to r’, we get EO yea. Let r be the radius of the inner surface at time t, and » be its elocity and po pressure there, so that when r'=r, v'=v, rpy=cy'P by Boyle’s law, ie. FO. oA a. eet Also let R be the radius of the outer smivace, V the velocil! ) and p=II the pressure there, | ia Osea". ¥ a) ot, 1 (oe ng a Equations of Motion nm and multiplying by 2F (t) dt (=2r2 dra 2R® dr), we get —2F (0) F’ oe dr_ aR OF) ( Rt Ola =20 r dr— Bee I dr. ? Pei Integrating, — F2 leas —2 _261%P1 erating, — F2 (1) (: 2) FE PEP tog r+ B. But when r=c,, v=0, i.e, F(1)=0. eee oe Paves log +B. 3e aN ot erp. 3 —F8(t) (=—-— Ja (p—e,3 ol; Jeger oe) e Joe R 4 Ark 20) 2c14 6 hey vert (3-4)-32 (c2—r3)— a?" log Se r oy For the configuration (Rp, ¢,), i.e. when R=R,, r=¢y, velocity v is given by to3 (1-2) a2 _ 60) _2er*Pr 19, vies ( ) 3p ec (1 oa a loge race [F -%) Tp “]/ -2). fe ta 3 (1 $B) 2-P tog & (1 o This proves the result. Ex, 24. A homogeneous liquid is contained between twu con- centric spherical surfaces, the radius of the inner being a and that of the outer indefinitely great. The fluid is attracted to the centre of these surfaces by a force $(r), and constant pressure 1 is exer- ted at the outer surface, ‘Suppose { ¢(r) dr = (r) and that ys(r) vanishes when r is infinite. Show that if the inner surface is suddenly removed, the pressure at the distance r is suddenly diminished by 11 2—© (a), Find ¢(r), so that the pressure immediately after the inner surface is removed may be the same as it would be if no attractive Force existed. Also with this value of ¢ (r), sid the velocity of the inner boundary of the fluid at any period of the motion. Solution. At any time 1, let be the velocity and p the pres- at a distance r from the centre. Then the equation of conti- yaB sun a : equation of motion is 52 Hydro-Dynami. 72 Integrating w.r.t. 7, we get : F a shi POs ey in-B +e : tages But when r=0, Oey v=Oandp=n, <. C=ll/e oe MeO ee = 2 we a a 7 Initially at in0,2505 then (1) becomes = Tr FO 4) os : ( a But when r=a, p=0. so : ire Zo : motion of inner ey, (@+% x FO and a have ~OFO Putting this date of J F' (0) in (2), oe pate y(t; ay (5 | - e auld was at rest pe(3) F Now let p’ be ‘he pressure when th | Integrating, (Hydrostatic pressure) then s ced 3. xe a) $("). ae (+4. On Rnd ete sks} Am -u eat =—# (0, Integrating, But when r=, JNow subtracting (3) fom OF ea get p=P | e =F ee = , all ie. p—P= =a ¥ (a). a gives the sudden Bainter in the pressure. 2nd . Now if there was no attractive force, then puttin: (r)=0. in (3), the pressure immediately after the inner surface * removed is given by p-—o all pail ie 2). _ fe ressure is is equal to the pressure give! igre Oe ap (a) a a (a) “ ro ars n by (3). id peer that a Hone (D. wes § Equations of Motion 73 Ze., in thi VMs : Foto the eae (7) varies inversely as the square of the distance 3rd Part, The equation of motion is St) iy Poa alee or Pp ap: ; EMG fe Integrating, — Fo tines ee as p=II whenr=oo, y=0, CER Mulire £0 Hier = > for the motion of inner surface, where p=0, F F(t) aye Putting o— "©. and multiplying by 2F (1) dt (=2r2 dr), we have —2F (1) F'(t) dt tie ws dr=2kr art 2 2 ide, Integrating, — 2 (0.2 key P+D, When r=a, v0, fe. F(t)=0. 64 Da = kat 7 Ch + PO Paka) 424 (ey wre k (@—r3) 420 (a2— 73), This gives velocity of the inner surface at any time r, 2.8. Equations of Motion under Impulsive Forces, (Vikram 1964 ; Dethi 65 ; Punjab 67 ; Rajasthan 67, 65 ; Kerala 63) If sudden changes in velocity are produ- ced at the boundaries of a perfect fluid or if impulsive forces are applied to it, then the disturbances Produced are instantly transmitted to every pact of the fluid. To derive the equation of motion con- sider a closed surface S moving with the fluid and enclosing a volume V. Let I be the impulsive body forces per unit mass i ae and @ the impulsive presssure. If 4: and q, be the fluid velocity at P(r, 1) just before and after impulse, then change in momentum of the fluid enclosed in S =|, daa) av. Vv ‘otal impulse acting on the liquid - =|, # Coe no dS or n= outward normal 74 Hydro-Dynamics Now change in linear momentum=impulsive force. 1 ee — Vex —-Vo dV. fe qi) d f, 0 iva )e *s Vis an arbitrary volume, %—u=I—7 Vo. +(1) Cor. 1. IfI=0, i.e. there are no external impulsive body forces but only impulsive pressures (e.g. those created by sudden creation or annihilation of boundaries) are present, we have from | pe (1): nT u=;, Vu. Taking divergence and using equation of continuity (V.q=0) V%s=0 (s e=const.). Cor. 2. If qi=O0, ie. motion is started from rest by the application of impulsive pressure at the boundaries, @ qe et? 6). Thus there exists a velocity potential $= and the motion is irrotational (ignoring the immaterial constant of integration). 2.9, Equation of Motion under Impulsive Forces (Cartesian Form). % (Rajasthan 1965, 63, 61 ; Vikram 61 : Agra 66, 62 ; Kerala 63) Let at a point Pin the fluid, X’, Y’, Z’ be the components of exterralimpulses parallel to axes. If isthe impulsive pressure aX, then considering an elementary parallelopiped, pressure on faces parallel to YZ-plane are 1 o by 6z and (e+e ax) $y 5z approximately. 6; Pxbx608y (w+ 382 ba Sys If (u, », w) and (u’, vo’, w’) be the velocity component of P and after the impulse, then ee fore and alter the 2npitsrs io 8x. y 82 (u’-—u) along x-axis. | Equations of motion 15 But change in momentum along x-axis : =resolyed impulses along x-axis. ie, 9 dx dy bz (u'—u)=o by 6z—(a & e Jaa by bz (+2 Ar) ay Bz +X" dx by bz Le, e W—w=ex 2 : | Similarly, 9 ('—)=er—S yD). 1 and e(w'—w)=—z'—S , Peres ez : in a liquid an instantancous change of motion can be produ- ced by the action of impulsive pressures only, even when thee are no impulsive forces acting on the mass, In this case putting X’=Y’=Z’=0, the above equations become oe Pe Oe ey 5 leo e(v =a 2) (Ww —W)=— a hat da=—p (u’—u) dx—P (v'—») dy—e (w'—w) dz. If ¢ and ¢' be the velocity potential just before an it dp=—(v dx+v dy-+w dz) dj =—(u' dx+v' dytw' dz), da=e (db’—d$) ,, then on integration, it gives ; o=e (P—Ate. at C may be omitted as an extre sroughout, would not affect 3, o=e(¢'—9)- tant, then different 2) just after, Hydro-Dynamics 76 Ex. 1. A mass of liquid surrounds a pall sohere aes and its outer surface, which is a concentric Sp! cis Peraeiin aie subject to a given constant pressure 11, no other er PrP cntcn on the liquid. The solid sphere suddenly shrinks Reed the Sphere ; it is required to determine the subsequent moi impulsive action on the Seen ane scone Ol 58; Kerala 63) Solution. At any time ¢, let v’ be the velocity at a distance r’, from the centre, p be the pressure and ¢ the density there. The equation of continuity is r?y' = F(t) and the equation of motion is 3 ap ° or” i 1a ie., soy a : Integrating w.r.t. r’, we get EO eee Sar ae Gea : Now let r and R be the internal and external radii of the fluid at any time t, v and V be the velocities there, so that when =r, v'=v, p= 3 and when r=R,v'=V, p=0. Re F'(t) Ft Sale 2 71 +4=Cand -" Oy cet | Subtracting these poe ‘ -P (FF) @ such that rv=Rv=F t) Bel) ie., r? dr= R* dR=F (t) dt i dr/dt etc. Multiplying (1) by 2F(t) dr, i.e. 2r? dr or 2 ¢and putting psn), and vO (1) becomes, : T= R* 1 dr —2F (t) F(t) dt (F-z)+F0 (- Integrating it, we get Aik a 2m —F*(t) (-- nA rs Initially when r=a,, v=0, i.e. F(t)=0. “ PO (b-p)=3 @-7) 1 i _2n 3— 3 or (E—R)=35 Ore R—p=b'—a,

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