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The skeletal system is a system which supports the

framework of bones in our body and gives it a particular
and definite shape.
The human skeleton consists of the skull, the backbone,
the ribcage and two pairs of limbs.
Skull : Acts like a helmet and protects the brain.
Forelimbs : Help us to lift various objects.
Ribcage : Protects delicate organs like heart and lungs.
Lower Limbs : Along with muscles they help in movement.
The framework of bones present in our body is known as

Bones are made-up of minerals which include calcium and
phosphorus. These make the bones strong.

Types of Bones
Bones may be short, long, flat or irregular.
The skull protects the brain. It is a hollow round structure present
in the head.

Functions :
- The skull covers and protects the brain.
- It gives shape to the face.
- It supports the teeth present in upper and lower jaw.

The bone present on the extreme back of our body is known as
backbone. It is also known as the vertebral column or spine. The
skull is attached to the backbone.
Vertebral Column — Long bony structure made-up of 33 bones.
Vertebra : The small bones that form the vertebral column are
called vertebrae.
Function : The backbone encloses and protects the delicate
spinal cord.

The bony cage present in the chest region is called the ribcage. It
is  made-up of 12 pairs of thin curved bones called ribs.
Sternum : The long flat bone present in the centre of chest is
called sternum.
Backbone : The bone present at the back supporting the ribs is
known as backbone.
Floating ribs : The last two pairs of ribs that are not attached to
sternum are known as floating ribs.
Function : It protects the delicate organs such as heart and lungs.

Human beings have four limbs—These include a pair of forelimbs
called arms and a pair of lower limbs called legs.

The upper part of the arm contains a single bone called
HUMERUS. The lower part of the arm contains two bones. The
bones of upper arm and lower arm join at elbow.
Function : The forelimbs help in lifting things.

The upper part of the leg contains the largest bone called the
FEMUR (Thigh bone). The lower part of leg also contains two
bones. The bones of upper leg and lower leg join at knee.

Function : The lower limbs help us to walk, move and run. It also
supports the weight of the body.
Points To Ponder
The long bones of the skeleton are hollow and are filled with a
soft, fatty substance called bone marrow. Red blood cells are
produced in the bone marrow.

A bony ring-like structure present in our body is called a girdle.
There are two types of girdles present in our body.


The functions of skeletal system are given below :
1. Support : It provides structural support to the entire body.
2. Protection : It protects the delicate internal organs like heart
and brain.
3. Movement : It helps in the movement of different parts of our
4. Storage : The bones of the skeleton store minerals like calcium
and phosphorus.
5. Blood Cell Production : Bone marrow helps in production of red
blood cells.

A joint is a region in the human body where two or more bones
meet. Joints allow the movement of different parts of our body.
- Bones are held together at joint with the help of ligaments.
- The surface of the bones at the joint have a particular type of
connective tissue called cartilage.
- Cartilage protects the bones from wear and tear and increases
the life of bones.

Types of Joints
There are two types of joints :
Types of Movable Joints
There are four main types of movable joints.
1. Ball and Socket Joint
In this type of joint, one bone has a ballshaped end and the other
has a cup-shaped socket. The ball-shaped end of one bone fits
into the cup-shaped socket of other bone. This joint allows
maximum movement in all directions.

Example : Shoulder joint and hip joint.

2. Hinge Joint
Just like the hinge of a door, this joint allows only back and forth
movement and no rotation.
Elbows, knees and ankles are examples of hinge joint.
3. Pivot Joint
In a pivot joint, the rounded end of a single bone fits into the ring
of a tendon.This joint allows sideways movement. This type of
joint occurs at the base of the neck between the first and second

4. Gliding Joint
This joint has bones that glide against each other but cannot
move in a circular direction. This is the least movable joint.
This type of joint is found between the bones of the vertebral

Muscle is a soft tissue present in human body. There are over 600
different muscles present in our body.

Types of Muscles
Based on their function, muscles are of two types — Voluntary
and Involuntary muscles.
Involuntary muscles are further of two types. These include
Smooth muscles and Cardiac muscles.
(A) Voluntary Muscles
Voluntary muscles are those muscles whose movements can be
controlled by us. The skeletal muscles present in arms, legs,
hands and feet are examples voluntary muscles.

(B) Involuntary Muscles

Involuntary muscles are those muscles whose movements
cannot be controlled by us and they work on their own.

These are further of two types :

(i) Smooth Muscles
These are the involuntary muscles which are found in most of our
internal organs. Examples are muscles of stomach and intestine.

(ii) Cardiac Muscles

These are involuntary muscles present inside the walls of heart.
These muscles work all the time, pumping blood to different parts
of our body.


Skeletal system provides a basic framework to the human body
and, therefore, we must care of our bones.
1. Calcium rich diet like milk, banana should be taken.
2. A regular exercise strengthens the bones and muscles and
lubricates the joints.
3. A right posture is essential to keep the body in shape.
- Always sit with your back straight.
- Do not bend your neck too much while reading.

Posture is the position in which we hold our body when we sit,
stand or move.

Exercise is moving the body parts to increase the circulation of
blood. Yoga, running, jumping, jogging are few ways of exercising .
1. Exercise increases the supply of blood to the heart.
2. It burns the extra fat and helps us to remain slim and smart.
3. It removes unwanted and waste material from our body in the
form of sweat and thus keeps our skin glowing.
4. It increases the physical strength of the body.

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