Written Assignement

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Submission Date: 23rd March, 2020

Submission Guidelines:

 This assignment is an individual’s work. However, marks will be given on average

basis by considering each student’s marks in a group.
 Assignment should be typed and double-sided printed.
 Common title page of the assignment needs to be as per UBS format.
 After title page, this document having group details and rubrics page (enclosed
below) is required to be attached necessarily.
 Contents page for each student’s assignment will be different.
 Except title page, rubrics page and contents page, each page should be numbered
and named.
 Text should be formatted as: 16 font size (first-heading), 14 font size (second-
heading), 12 font size (regular), Times new roman, Justified and 1.5 line-spacing.
 Assignments are required to be submitted in the UBS office by a Class
Representative on due date between 10.00 AM to 11.00 A.M.
 No late submissions are allowed.
 References are required to be given in APA format.

Group Details:

(To be filled by students) (To be filled by a faculty)

Name of the Student Roll No. Marks Assigned Average Marks

Objective of the study: To perform the comparative risk and return analysis of
different investment opportunities available to an individual.

Required Content of the study and rubrics:

Assuming that you are 25 years old and being a salaried person (either working in
private sector or government sector), you are required to do the detailed financial
planning for next 5 years of your life and answer the following questions:

No. Contents M.M. Marks assigned

1 Brief overview about your personal and
investment Profile
It may include, but not limited to, introduction
about yourself at the assumed age- name,
location, occupation, per month or annual 2
salary, number of dependents in your family,
assets and investments you already own,
expected monthly expenses depending on your
lifestyle, your p.m. or annual savings.
2 Identifying expected life events and financial
It may include, but not limited to:
a. Detailed list of all the possible future events
coming up in next 5 years, the fulfilment of
which may require finances.
b. Expected amount of finance/ funds required
to perform those events
Hint: Expected events may include, but not
limited to, buying a car, buying a home, buying
a land, your marriage, buying any insurance
policy, etc.
3 Determining the category of investor or 1
Identifying your Risk profile
In this section, considering your assumed age
and your income, you are required to identify
the type of investor or category of investor in
which you fall in. Herein, mention:
a. Type of Investor you are.
b. The Source/ way from which you identified
about your investment nature.
Hint: You can identify the different categories of
investors from online sources and even many
online platforms are available which provide
free services to help you identify about your
investment nature.
4 Selecting single investment
In this section, depending on your personal and
investment profile, your future financial needs
and considering your risk profile, you are
required to:
a. Select and list out the single investment
asset or instrument for each financial need.
b. Determine the risk and return for previous 5
years for any one asset/ instrument required
for fulfilling one major financial need, and
c. Determine the expected risk and return for
next 5 years (or up to the time period when
those funds are required) for any one asset/
instrument required for fulfilling one major
financial need.
5 Selecting a Mutual Fund scheme/ Portfolio 2
Considering same particular financial need,
same monthly savings and assuming same risk
profile, choose any one mutual fund scheme/ or
develop your own portfolio to fulfil that selected
financial need. Herein, you are required to give:
a. Name of the MF scheme or a portfolio you
have selected/ or already have.
b. Features of selected MF scheme or a
c. List of the industries included in selected MF
scheme or a portfolio.
d. List of the companies in which such MF
scheme or a portfolio has invested the funds.
6 Risk and Return analysis of MF scheme/
In this section, you are required to do:
a. Risk and return analysis of previous five
years for the selected MF scheme or a
portfolio. 2
b. Determine the expected risk and return of
the selected mutual fund scheme or a
portfolio for next five years (or up to the
time period when the funds will be required
for fulfilling selected financial need)
7 Comparative analysis and conclusion
a. Perform the comparative analysis of
expected risk and return of selected single
asset/ instrument with the expected risk and
return of selected MF scheme or a portfolio.
b. Select your investment preference and
validate it with specific reasons. Also, offer a
conclusion on amount of monthly
investment to be made in such avenue and
then give a concluding remark on the same.
Adherence to submission guidelines 1

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